Buruya Nzaysa/Lexicon

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Dictionary of Buruya Nzaysa

Ergative verbs, which require special inverse participant marking on the auxiliary, are classed as v.erg, and reflexive verbs, which require reflexive participant marking where regular verbs would use intransitive auxiliary forms, are classed as v.refl.

Unpredictable deverbal forms will be given in the morphology column, marked with the abbreviations vn (verbal noun) and ger (gerund).

See also:


1459 words.

word morphology type definition etymology
ada 1p adɛ, 2p ada’o pp. +acc to, towards (allative) anda
adavo n. crow, raven adwabu "the dark one"
aduna n. attractive young woman Ad. adūnā "girl"
afe n. fruit apwi
aga n. craftsman arbwa
agɛ v.erg be, exist abwe "stable"
agono n. thunder abwodnodn
ah 1p axe, 2p adɔ pp. +nom of, belonging to (possessive) âk
ako n. origin, source N.A. akô
ala 1p ale, 2p aldɔ pp. +nom without, except for, unless al
aldo n. slice alendu "that which has been divided"
ale n. fever ali "fire, heat, warmth"
alə vn aləñə v.erg split, separate, distinguish alen
algɔ n. sweet algo
alme adv. surely, certainly, invariably, without exception, of course al mi "without none"
alnɔ n. branch, twig Ndd. alïnår
alɔra n. wall; separator (alə + -ɔra: "split-thing")
alpu v. manufacture alpau "create"
alpula n. man-made, artificial (alpu + -la)
alsɔ n. wind altò
alu cj. although, despite al wau "without regard for"
ame n. fly ammi
amedalsu n. bee (ame + dalsu: "honey-fly")
amo vn amɔ’a v. travel abmod "walk"
ani n. hungry anai "empty"
aña v. fly alnia
añi n. war angài
arawa n. dinner arâwa
arawi n. banquet (arawa + -wi: "big dinner")
asa n. woman asa
asaña n. aunt; female cousin asa ngane "connected woman"
asi n. thick, obese F. asin "heavy"
aski n. stallion; war horse N.A. akseu
asna vn asnana v.erg be dry asnàn "dry"
Aspɛ́bu top. Azbǽbu F. Azbǽbu
Atale top. the Empire of Athalē Ad. Athalē
atsa adv. still; as it stands; in the end ande ta "stand-dynamic"
atsɔyo n. 2nd day of the week [lu airti] anto "day of the old wise one" + -yo
atsɔlu n. the past antolau "old-place"
avavo n. offender, culprit, criminal abâbu
avɛ n. mud, dirt; bad weather abâi "swamp"
avɛlu n. swamp, bog abâilau
avɔ v. flourish, thrive, prosper Ndd. avwa
axa n. air âka
Aydók n. a person of Ndok ethnicity (ay- + Nzok)
aymɛ pron. 1pl possessive (possibly âk waim "of those near me")
ayo v. hope Ndd. ayo
ayrəmo n. candle akremo "wax"
ayru pron. 3.anim possessive âk rud "of the man"
aysɔ́ n. drink (ay- + sɔmɛ "water")
badolu n. morning bandoro "early meal" + -lau
bagɛbo n. cooking spoon, ladle (used mainly for stirring) F. eboágebu "pusher"
bal v.erg lie (down) bal
balbo n. sick person balbu
bani v. pray banai "worship"
banilu n. temple banailau
bapsɛ n. onion bâpu mpaim "cry-root"
barɛda v. get, acquire bâre ta "have-dynamic"
baste n. cheap; decent basti "gentle"
batsa n. stick, staff batsn
batsale n. torch batsn ali "fire-stick"
bawo n. root; anchor bâpu
baulu n. harbor bâpulau "anchor-place"
baxa n. captain (of a ship) F. baogas
bɛgɔ n. puny, undesirable bekwâu "insufficient"
bɛle v. burp, hiccup bâil
bɛna v. beg F. bæna
bɛru n. estate; land owned by a noble F. bæru
begu n. respect F. boéigur
besti n. orgy F. boéisti
bexa n. cheek bikng "jaw"
bəbɔ v. rub bimbo
bədu n. tight; close-by; immediate bendut
bəduga adv. almost (bədu + -ga)
bəduspo n. bandage (med.) bendutpu "that which is tight"
bəñi n. provisions, supplies, stored food bengkai "amount, quantity"
bəsla n. beard betsla
bəsto n. trunk (of a tree) bistu
bibɛ v. perform F. ebíəbe "sing"
bitsi n. leg baitrai
n. ox baus
bɔra v. feed bora "nurse" (v.)
bɔro n. ceremonial meal Ndd. båddo
bɔsalɔ n. ginger bâpu sadlo "rich-tasting root"
bɔve v. fail Ndd. båve
bɔvla n. mistake, blunder, error (bɔve + -la)
bɔ’a cj. either/or boda
bo num. four bu
bogə n. heat bubwits "warm"
boke n. disadvantage, problem N.A. bok'eu "buttocks" (via "downside")
boma n. wheat borma
boña n. back (of the body) bongga
boñamad n. backache bongga madn "violent back"
botso v. attack bontu "stab"
botsoño n. square, rectangle butsonggu "thing with four corners"
botu n. awl, auger F. boutu-u "thing for piercing"
bu adv. again bau
buda adv. yet again, even more bau ta
buli n. soil, earth baulai
buliyo n. 5th day of the week [lu airti] baulai "day of the earth" + -yo
bulnanɔ n. plough (buli + nanɔ: "soil-cutter")
buna v. hear, listen budna
buña n. prize, trophy, bonus bungia "reward" (v.)
bura n. notable, outstanding, unusual baura "great"
Buruya top. Buruya Me. buru "fortification, settlement" + -ya (honorific)
da vn dasa v. fight das
daba n. clean F. daba "white"
dal cj. but, however dal
dalmə vn dalmeda v. present; lift towards; suggest; show dalmit
dalsu n. honey dalsur
darə vn darəma v. warn darem
daspo n. warrior daspu "fighter"
dava v. rot Ndd. davwa "spoiled food"
dayta v. take revenge N.A. daihiteu
da’ɛfɛ vn da’ɛfɛda v. hesitate, waver, be unsure N.A. daxêfêd "careful, cautious, prudent"
da’ɔ n. male dado
dɛlu n. the present daid "this year" + -lau
dɛmi v. shave depmai
dɛñə n. mountain, hill (back-formed from Dɛñəməl)
Dɛñəməl top. the Rathedān daing emwel "western mountains"
dedi n. option, possibility, chance ditai "possible"
dediga adv. maybe, possibly, conceivably (dedi "option" + -ga)
demit n. profit F. deimit "receive; yield"
dəsmobo n. tracking dog desmogbu "hunter"
dəsmoh vn dəsmɔxa v. search for desmog "hunt"
desu n. normal, usual, typical, real disau
desuda v. adjust; standardize disau ta "normal-dynamic"
desuga adv. usually, typically, out of habit (desu "normal" + -ga)
dexo n. item, unit, element dikon "thing"
de’áxa n. king; ruler diàka
de’axɛ́ n. dynasty N.A. dixêheuteu (influenced by de’áxa)
de’ɔva v. imagine dioba
de’ɔvla n. guess, scenario, hypothesis diobala "that which is imagined"
dəba vn dəbaña v. store, keep, preserve dimbang
dəbalu n. repository, storage room, pantry dimbanglau
dəbaño n. box, chest, case dimbanggu "that which is used for storing"
dəbu n. fat, oil dimbau
dənɛrɛ adv. namely, specifically, in fact [âk lu] dene raing "with the reason that"
dənzi vn dənzina v. prove, demonstrate, draw conclusions, argue for sth. dene-sien "prove with reason"
dənziya n. logic, reason (dənzi + -ya)
dənzo v. grasp, handle, manipulate; ply [nte lus] dengi su "do with the fingers"
dəña’o adv. please dengie a dom [nin] "if it pleases you"
dəñɛ v. taste, enjoy dengie "please" (v.)
dəñe n. finger dengi
dəpse n. child dempi
dəxa n. spirit, supernatural being dêka "mystical"
dimu v. set free F. edíəmu
dɔsa n. blanket Gez. dâuzâ (K)
dɔwɔ v. ponder, consider in detail; meditate dowo "grumble"
dɔxa n. ladder dogâ
dɔ’ɛ n. wild boar N.A. dôxeu
dɔ’ɔ n. weary, tired; physically weak person dodo "be weary"
domah n. glass (substance) F. doumah
domu n. sandals domau "shoe"
dosa vn dosama v. regret dusam
du num. five dau
dubɔ v.erg smell dumbo
dulbɛ n. broom, brush dulbe
dume v. advertize, display dungwi "praise"
dumeya n. the annual trade fair (dume + -ya)
dutə n. sacred, holy dautin
duwi n. white dauwai
ɛbo n. peasant, farmer aimbu
ɛde n. mast, pole, column F. edéi
ɛdeta n. crossbar, joist (ɛde + eta: "arm column")
ɛdə v. have, own; run a business aitn "keep"
ɛflɛ n. necklace eplain "ball, bead"
ɛgetse n. stairs F. egéi čeiŋ "up-walk"
ɛgo n. dead-end effort F. ægóu "awry, wrong, off"
ɛkuyo n. 3rd day of the week (F. ekúi "blessing" + -yo)
ɛlu n. farm ainlau
ɛlu pron. everywhere elul or ewe lau
ɛma n. snake, serpent aimwa
ɛna n. empty F. æna
ɛnalu n. ground, floor, bottom ainalau "downward place"
ɛne n. hair aini
ɛnɔ n. bitter, alkaline, limy eno
ɛnta v. descend, go downward aina ta
ɛnzədɛ n. straight-haired person aini sête "tidy hair"
ɛnzɔmɛ n. eel aimwa saungwe "water-snake"
ɛñəmu n. curly-haired person aini emau "loose hair"
ɛñɔdo n. money ingkotu "wealth; possessions"
ɛñu v.erg feel dizzy; be irritated ainggàu "crooked, askew"
ɛraga v. be ineffective, waste time erabbwa "fail to bloom"
ɛrɔdɔ v. venture, strive for eroto "work towards"
ɛru pron. everybody ewe rud "every man"
ɛru v. prevent, inhibit, avoid (back-formed from ɛrula, reanalysed as containing patientive -la)
ɛrula n. impotent eraula "fail to love"
ɛsɛtsi n. type (of thing); species (of animal) F. æsečə
ɛsmɛwɛ n. tradition, custom etsn mebwe "method of the father"
ɛsola n. tax esula "that which is taken"
ɛsul vn ɛsuna v. take, catch, grab esul
ɛte n. day airti
ɛtsɛ n. weak, fragile ainte "feeble"
ɛtsəñu v. mimic etsen ngu "behave like"
ɛtsu pron. always etsau
ɛxɛ pron. everything ege
ɛ’i- aux. opt.aux ("want") âidai "need"
e acc ə pron. 1sg i
ega n. straight ikwa
emodo pron. how much, how many (interrogative pronoun) iwa mondu "which amount?"
ena v.erg see, notice ina
enamɛ vn enamɛ v. check; compare ina ngwâi "see-think"
erɔ v.erg be open; get opened iro
erɔvo n. sir; man of high prestige idâu "nobleman" + -bu (influenced by Ndd. eddå)
es-/s- aux. emph.aux ("can indeed") is- (hortative mood prefix)
eseda v.erg surprise isi ta "sudden-dynamic"
esevo n. trap isibu "that which acts suddenly"
esopo v. forget Ad. ezopho "lose, misplace"
esugo n. evening iswau ubwu "early night"
eta n. arm itwam
ewə acc ewa det. which one (selective interrogative) iwa
ewitsa pron. how, in what way iwa etsn
exɛ n. the first one (same source as Ndd. ïkë)
exu n. serene, placid; patient; tolerant (back-formed from mexu)
e’u n. sour, acidic idur
əbabe v.erg be lucky erbambi "accidentally succeed"
əbe n. moon imbi
əbe num. hundred imbi
əbeyo n. 4th day of the week [lu airti] imbi "day of the moon" + -yo
əbətsa n. amused, cheerful imbenta
əbivo n. blind person imbaibu
əbɔ- aux. cess.aux ("stop; interrupt") erbo "rest" (v.)
əbu vn əbuyə v.refl swim embur
ədu n. ocean indùng
əftah vn əftaxa v. shine, glow eptàg
əftapə́ n. rainbow (əftah + mpəlɔ: "rain-glowing")
əkə v. hobble, limp erkeng "fail to walk"
əlayra v. convince; bargain êlakra "urge" (v.)
əlgɛ n. innocent elge "clean"
əlmɔ n. beautiful ilmo
əlu n. bend in the road emlau
əme n. liver ingkwi
əmi n. name imai
əmɔh vn əmɔxa v. accept ermâuk "fail to protest"
əmɔyla n. compromise, middle ground ermâukla "that which meets no protest"
əmo n. head (of a person); top (of a tree); rim (of a wall); peak (of a hill) imu
əmona v.erg realize, awake to sth. em on ina "turn and see"
əmu v.erg be out of control; be out of place emau "loose"
əmuyso n. noon imu âk tol "peak of the sun"
əno vn ənona v. linger, remain, stay ernon "fail to leave"
əno n. disease, illness, plague ernots "be seriously ill" (v.)
əña n. animal engka
əñali n. young (of an animal) engka lairi
əñamlu n. pet (əña + mlu: "home animal")
əño v. kill engku
əpse n. grass empi
ərawa v. do sth. the wrong way; mess up erwapa "fail to hit"
əsma v. sew isma
əstədo n. widow(er), orphan istendu "one who has lost sb."
əsu n. calendar date iswau "night"
ətavo n. key, wrench irtabu "that which opens sth." (from iro ta)
ətsa v. stick; be attached; be trapped; be compelled to inta "be hanging"
əvle n. north ibli
əvre v. strike down, crush, destroy ebri "destroy"
əvrelɛ v. spoil (əvre + -lɛ)
əxra vn əxrana v. scratch, dig egran
əxrado n. shovel egrandu
əye n. black ilki
Falíni top. Affalinnei Aff. Affalinnei
Fa’alɔ n. the Fáralo people F. Fáralo
fiya adv. together Miw. fwiljān "cooperation, teamwork"
fɔgau n. decoration; artwork F. fogau "created item"
ga cj. or F. boa
gadɛ v. spare, have mercy bwande "let stand"
gal- aux.pass pot.pass.aux ("may get done to oneself") bwa- (probabilitive/permissive mood prefix) + -l (passive)
gamu n. cumin Ad. gamun < Xš. gamun
gas-/gaso- aux. perm.aux ("may") bwa- (probabilitive/permissive mood prefix) + su (proverb)
gase’ə vn gase’əna v. assume, suspect bwasien "might prove"
gasta v. sweat, perspire bwats ta
gastu n. junk, rubbish, useless thing Miw. gwāstu "dump"
gasu n. shy, timid, reticent, cautious F. gašu "rabbit"
gatatsi n. ship, large boat F. gatač "galley"
gatsɔmɛ n. sweat bwats saungwe "sweat-water"
gaxɛtu n. veteran, pensioner (ga- + xɛtu: "one who may retire")
gɛbo n. seashell Ndd. *gëbon
gɛxu n. eagle Gez. gwekud (K)
gɛyse n. religious feast bwaikti
Gedáy n. the Dāiadak people N.A. Gedaig
gemada v. navigate, orient towards F. boéimate "astronomy, navigation"
Gəbi top. the Bwimbai river Bwimbai
gəño vn gəñɔra v. praise; celebrate a religious feast bwenggor "honor" (v.)
gəñobo n. singer (of religious songs), reciter (of epic poems), eulogist bwenggorbu "one who sings praise"
gəñota n. adventure; heroic deed bwenggor ta "honor-dynamic"
gəru n. son bwed rud "son-man"
gəsta n. family, relatives, descendants bwed ta "son-dynamic"
gi n. dot, point bwai "star"
gilu 1p gilau, 2p gildo pp. +acc over, above, on top of ob nggailau "at the upper end"
gisa v. compete with; annoy F. gissa "cut"
gise v. hate, despise, disdain, scorn N.A. gise "defecate"
giskɛməl n. the heavens bwai iskaimel "astronomy"
gɔda v. originate in, derive from F. goda
gɔgəh n. bay; bayou bwogig
gɔla 1p gɔlɛ, 2p gɔldo pp. +acc under, below ob nggolang "at foot"
gɔlna’a n. researcher; explorer (ga- + olna’a: "one who may find")
gɔni n. member of the merchant guild F. gonin "elder brother"
gɔrasa n. abacus Gez. gworàːzâ (K)
gɔyada v. be furious about sth. Ndd. gåyada "get mad"
gɔyto n. week (of the Ndok calendar) N.A. goitol
goga n. broken, defunct F. gouga "break" (v.)
gorɔy v. preach (mystical or magical things) (back-formed from gorɔyvo)
gorɔyvo n. prophet, guru Ndd. goddåivo "dreamer, mystical person"
gufay vn gufayba v. grieve, mourn N.A. agufaib
guvɔ v. mark, tag, seal Ndd. guvå
guvlu n. seal, badge, symbol, emblem (guvɔ + -lu: "the place which is marked")
idə v. seem, be perceived as F. idər
ifúma n. smoke, steam luk pumâ (pl)
igɛ́’ə adv. perfectly N.A. igêd
ilu n. flower ailàu
iluso v. bloom (ilu + -so)
imə v. fasten, stitch F. imə "sew"
inzɔ v. swallow Ndd. ina så "swallow down"
iñeru n. boy Me. ini "child" + -ru
iñesi n. girl Me. ini "child" + -si
iñomu n. sister Me. ini "child" + omau "sister"
ira n. trash, junk, unusable thing Ndd. idda
iralɛ n. nonsense (ira + -lɛ: "small trash")
iravo n. outsider (derog.) (ira + -vo: "trash-person")
irulɔ n. window F. irulo "opening"
isa qu. most ais
isaga n. previous, preceding F. isəga
isavru n. husband aisab rud "husband-man"
ise v. paint aisi
istixu n. cotton Miw. īstjēχu
itu n. blossom Miw. ītur "petal"
itsiru n. hint, advice F. ijiru "whispered thing"
itso n. contract, obligation aitsu "promise" (v.)
itsokwɛ’a v. negotiate (itso + kwɛ’a: "prepare a contract")
ivrɛ n. tale, story, report (vn of ivri)
ivri v. tell, narrate, inform Ndd. ïvri
iwe v.erg freeze aipi
iyɔ n. important, relevant, crucial aio
iyɔda v. lead aio ta "important-dynamic"
Iwa top. the Eigə river Aiwa
kalɛste n. active person; one who takes charge of things Miw. kalestē "alive"
kalma v. lose one's way Miw. kālmā "confusing"
kañɛ n. secret; hidden, invisible; taboo kasnie "avoid"
kara n. fog, mist luk arwa (pl)
karo n. helpful person Ad. kārō "friend"
Kasaga top. Kasca Kasadgad
kasela n. detail kasila "that which is looked at"
kasəl vn kasəna v. examine, inspect, look closely kasil "look at"
kasəna n. check, inspection (vn of kasəl)
katsu n. power, strength kâtsum "powerful"
kawa n. last year kapm
kayma n. lip kak mabm "edge of the mouth"
kaywemə n. fence, boundary kak wimès "neighbor's border"
num. one ke
kɛda n. ashes luk ainda (pl)
kɛfol n. sad, unhappy N.A. kêfol
kɛfolga adv. sadly (kɛfol + -ga)
kɛlbo n. cloak, overcoat kailbu "wear-thing"
kɛmɛ v. study, learn kaime
kɛyfo n. spearman kekpu "one who throws"
kɛ’u qu. one of (partitive) ke um
kele n. barley kil
kepə n. herb, spice F. keip
kepəña n. spicy food (kepə + -ña: "very spicy")
kera vn kerana v. be responsible for kiran "take care of" < Gez. kiranâ- "provide, supply" (K)
kesta v. clear debts N.A. ketsteu "shake off a burden"
kexə n. lightning kikik
v. walk keng
kəh vn kɛxa v. throw kek
kəlna n. teacher kenla
kəlu n. step, yard (measurement of distance) kenglau "walking space"
kənɔñúmɛ vn kənɔñúmɛ v. hold a grudge, resent; seek restitution kenau ndong kumâi "demand a repair"
kənu v. ask, inquire, demand kenau
kəñɛma v. crawl keng [ngu au] aimwa "walk like a snake"
kəñəla n. target kengîla ~ "to where one walks"
kəño n. shoe kenggu "walker"
kəpsal vn kəpsana v. lament, whine, complain kimpal
kəsa n. flesh and blood luk sa "meat" (pl) + luk ntse "blood" (pl)
kəsusa n. calendar luk iswaulsa "the dated time" (pl)
kətsɔ n. patron; sponsor; generous person kinto "generous"
kətsɔda v. donate, bestow kinto ta "generous-dynamic"
kəvi v. confirm a deal kîbai "tie" (v.)
kəye v. threaten, confront, challenge, provoke, upset kelki "dangerous"
kə’ɛ́ta v. seize, capture F. kreota
kili n. wild, feral, fierce, dangerous Ndd. kïlye
kisɛ n. snow luk aise (pl)
kiya n. gold kaitia < Early Gez. kʰɔeteɜ̃
kɔda v. hide kota "cover" (v.)
kɔdanta n. fraud (kɔda + nta: "hide the end")
kɔla n. clumsy person kola "funny"
kɔnze v. blame, accuse kaumisi "reprimand"
kɔsara v. be polite, be humble Gez. kosaraŋ "friendly" (K)
koke n. tin Ad. khōkē
kolduma n. face luk oldau on mabm "the eyes and mouth"
koma n. tongue komwa
komɛ vn komɛ v. compensate kumâi "repair"
konzo v. lick (koma + -so: "do with the tongue")
kowa n. rudder F. kouwə
koxi v. domesticate; keep (animals) kukail "tame" (adj., reanalysed as a passive verb form)
kuba v. waste; (reflexive) decline kumba
kume v. punch; test Ndd. ku'me
kunə n. hard, solid, sturdy; (of people) muscular, tough kun "stiff"
kuñe v. squeal, squeak kwingi (imitative)
kupsiwa v. believe kumpaiwa
kusavo n. wasp, hornet ukausabu "bloodthirsty priest"
kusə’a n. olive kusram < Gez. kusaram (K)
kutsa v. ward off, defend (successfully), protect kun ta "sturdy-dynamic"
kwamɛdi n. tea, herbal infusion Miw. qwāmeti
kwaslami n. bench kwats larmai "long chair"
kwaxa n. beans kwagan
kwayo n. skin disease Miw. kwaχjur "measles"
kwɛbo n. ball, sphere kwaimbu
kwɛlu n. plate, platter, serving tray kwedalau "ready-place"
kwɛno vn kwɛnona v. walk around, stroll kwaim non "circle-go"
kwɛña n. ring, circle *kwɛñiya < kwaim kaitia "golden circle"
kwɛsta n. noise kwaidn ta "loud-dynamic"
kwɛstaga adv. loudly (kwɛsta + -ga)
kwɛtsa v. chew; (refl.) drudge, exert oneself, struggle (to do sth.) kwain ta "bite-dynamic"
kwɛ’a v. prepare kweda "ready"
kwe n. bit, piece, chip, splinter, flake kwi "fingernail"
kweka n. game (hunted animals) Tl. kʷēkā
kwela n. news, message luk mbila "that which is said" (pl)
kwemi v. understand Ndd. kwïrmï
kwexiya n. coin kwi kaitia "piece of gold"
kwe’ə́ñe n. fingernail kwi dengi
kwi n. easily audible; clearly spoken Ndd. kwin "loud"
kwivo n. knot *kəvivo < kîbaibu "that which ties"
kwə 1p kwɛne, 2p kwədɔ pp. +nom with, having (comitative) kwen
kwəbe n. statement, utterance, sentence kwi mbi "say-piece"
kwədamə vn kwədanza v. have knowledge about sth. kwindamis "understand"
kwədaspo n. junior craftsman kwindamispu "one who understands"
kwəma v. repeat F. kuəma
kwəñánɛ n. button (of clothing) kwi ngane "connect-piece"
kwəñápsi n. brooch, fibula kwi ngane pai "big connect-piece"
kwərə n. goat kwir
kwətso n. distance kwentu "apart"
kwətu v.erg be bright, be illuminated F. *kuətur (< kuntor "bright")
kwɔtsi n. danger, emergency Tl. qʷotsfi "flee" (v.)
la n. land, region (domestic) lats
lalpɔ n. medicine (cure-inducing treatment) F. lalpo "heal, cure"
lamatɛ n. medicine (field of study) F. ladmate
lami n. long (shape) larmai
lamɔ n. spine langkwo "bone"
lanɛvo n. index finger lanebu "that which points at sth."
lanɔ n. rose Ndd. lanå
lañalu n. a cozy place, a comfortable situation langànglau "familiar place"
lase v. close lasi
lasevo n. lock lasibu "that which closes sth."
laste n. healthy lasti
latsa n. hour lartsartsa
latsi n. foreign country; abroad lats sai
lawa n. mouth of a river lâwa "delta"
Lawiwa top. the Eigə Delta lâwa Aiwa
layáxa n. kingdom, state las âk diàka "land of the king"
la’e v. lift, hold up (physically) Ndd. laï'n
n. year laid
lɛga n. language F. lega
lɛldɛ v. touch, caress lail nde "flow-touch"
lɛlta n. graceful, agile, nimble, flexible lail ta "flow-dynamic"
lɛñanɛ n. goose lai ngane "neck-bird"
lɛñɔ acc lɛño pron. 2sg laingko
lɛtsi n. sword F. leč
lɛwi n. word lewai
lɛwida v. translate, interpret, explain lewai ta "word-dynamic"
lɛwitsɛ n. epic poem, ballad lewaitsâi "poetry"
lɛysa v. collect lekta
leda adv. completely, thoroughly lita "throughout"
lesəgɔ v. tremble lisedgo "shake"
lespo’o n. ink Ndd. lespoddo
letsədə n. opposite; counterpart lita sîteng "completely different"
leyɔ v. form, shape, mold, knead ligio
ləh cj. neither/nor lik
ləmo v. smile limu
lətsu n. cold lêtsau
lidu n. duck lai tau "lake-bird"
limaka v. reveal; give away a secret Tl. liamaqa
limvə n. heron lai mbits "heron bird"
lire n. young; fresh; naïve lairi "young"
lirevo n. teenager, adolescent lairibu "young person"
liru n. young man lairi rud
lɔnzi n. quick, fast Ndd. lånzi
lɔvu n. habit, trend, fashion lobau "tracks, footprints" (via "sth. to follow")
lɔyse n. poultry N.A. loi ses "farm-bird"
lo acc lu det. the (definite article) lu
lolmu v. visit, attend lolmau
lorə n. cloth, fabric lurits
loru acc luru pron. 3sg.anim lu rud "the man"
losə vn loseda v. try lusit
lotsɛ n. correct, true; truth lonte
loya v. answer, respond lonsia
loyo acc luño pron. 3sg.inan (same source as Ndd. lojon)
ludɛ n. riverbank lunde
luki n. adaptive, versatile, tricky, clever Tl. lūk’im "agile, competent"
luski n. sail (of a ship); flag luskai
Luyɔsa top. Luyosha Ndd. Luyosha
ma- aux. neg.aux ("don't") m- (negative mood prefix)
mab n. mouth mabm
mabo n. massage ngwa bimbo "a few rubs"
magɛsta n. silence (ma- + kwɛsta: "no noise")
mah n. today mâg
maldɔ n. person; human being maldo
malɛ v. suck malwe
malu pron. nowhere malul
maməlgɛ n. honest, straightforward mabm elge "clean mouth"
manavo n. consultant, mentor; member of the city council matnabu "wise man"
mañi n. rare, remarkable, special, extraordinary, odd-one-out malngai "not common"
marob n. heavy; weight mwarwobm
marolə v. return sth.; reject F. maróulə "not care for"
maru pron. nobody (by analogy)
masa qu. least F. mas "few"
mastɔra n. flute (masto + -ɔra: "whistle-thing")
masto v. whistle mastu
matsu pron. never matsau
mavli n. beak mabm lai "bird-mouth"
maxayso vn maxaysɔ’a v. shun, avoid one's company makaktod "do not greet"
maxɛ pron. nothing mage
maylo n. decent, suitable maklu "not ugly"
mayradɛ n. balcony, terrace, veranda maki rande "sky-table"
mayrasa n. siege; conflict, confrontation makrasâ "facing"
mɛda v. have an opinion about, assess, deem, review ngwâi ta "think-dynamic"
mɛdə v. be poor (ma- + ɛdə: "not have")
mɛgagɔy n. general, military commander N.A. mêgagoi
mɛgɔ n. mighty, intimidating, powerful N.A. mêgeu
mɛlɛdu n. member (of a group or category) F. meledu "that which is included"
Mɛmɛdi top. Mæmedéi F. Mæmedéi
mɛpsi n. grandfather mebwe pai "big father"
mɛpsɔgo n. drunk, intoxicated ngkwaimpaugng + -bu: "one who vomits"
mɛpsɔh vn mɛpsuxa v. expel, eject ngkwaimpaugng "vomit"
mɛru v. enable; let sth. happen (ma- + ɛru: "not prevent")
mɛsa n. cow, bull mâisâ
mɛsɛ v. meet, come across, encounter mese
mɛsɛlu n. tavern meselau "meeting-place"
mɛslu n. meadow, pastureland mâislau "cow-place"
mɛsɔtsə n. confluence mese aunti "river meeting"
mɛspɔra v. breed, raise (animals) mâisâ bora "nurse cows"
mɛsu 1p mɛsawe, 2p mɛsu’ɔ pp. +nom near, next to (adessive) wimès wau "neighbor to"
mɛsuga adv. nearby, closely, tightly (mɛsu + -ga)
mɛvə n. broke, bankrupt mebis "lack"
mɛwɛ n. father mebwe
mɛwɛnomɔ n. parents mebwe on omo "father and mother"
mɛya n. brother merkàt
me qu. no, none of mi
meko n. lookalike; replacement N.A. mekot "similar item"
melena v. set a limit to, confine, restrict N.A. meled, melêna- "hold, contain"
mepso v. get to know, become friends with ngwipopu "socialize"
mepsovo n. outgoing person ngwipopubu "one who socializes a lot"
mesə n. insufficient F. meis "lack"
mevəspe v. blame, accuse ngwibespi "should punish"
mevrumɛ vn mevrumɛ v. insist (mevu + rumɛ: "request to know")
mevu vn mevuna v. request (back-formed from mevuna)
mevuna n. request; task; mission ngwibudna "should listen"
mevunlɛ n. favor (mevuna + -lɛ)
mewa n. stout, heavy, broad-shouldered Ndd. mewa "big, strong"
mexa n. faith miga "trust" (v.)
mexu n. nervous; impatient ngwikuk "be running late"
meyani v. become pregnant ngwitianai
meyasa n. stillbirth, miscarriage Ndd. measa
meyu v. shock, terrorize, frighten Miw. mēgju "noise-maker"
me’ɛxe v. feel wronged by sb. ngwideki
me’oxu n. attempt miukur "try"
me’ufla n. charge (jur.) ngwiupla "owe an explanation"
Mədo top. Miədu [Mos] Mindu
məgi v. thank midgai
məle v. read mêli
məlela n. writing, text (məle + -la: "that which is read")
məlu v. arrive, achieve, accomplish mêlau "destination"
məmat vn məmada v. recall, remember ngwimatn "should know"
məmova n. business partner wimès muba "trade-neighbor"
məməgi v. rely on, depend on ngwimidgai "owe gratitude to"
mənila n. lawsuit, trial ngwinailinla "should be judged"
məropso n. one who cannot forgive merwompobu "one who does not fail to remember"
məskwe n. guilty, unfair miskwi "blame" (v.)
məsta n. late mits ta
məvo n. traveller mêbu
miyɔdɔ n. short-sighted; ignorant F. miordo "blind"
ml-/mal- aux.pass neg.pass.aux ("don't get done to oneself") m- (negative mood prefix) + -l (passive)
mlana v. flow; (reflexive) flood imlana
mlaña n. guest, visitor, stranger amlangàng "unfamiliar"
mlu n. home, house (back-formed from mlusɔmɛ)
mlulɛ n. one's own room; retreat (mlu + -lɛ: "little home")
mluñunɛ n. inn, hostel (mlu + ñunɛ: "middle house")
mlusɔmɛ n. houseboat wimlau saungwe "water-house"
num. seven mam
mɔdɛ n. heart maunde
mɔdɔnɛ n. mysterious person maunde aurne "obscured heart"
mɔkə n. contradiction, inconsistency, flawed logic mâukkin "protest against oneself"
mɔla vn mɔlana v. take care, pay attention molan "awake, alert"
mɔlado n. guard, sentinel, custodian molandu
mɔlɛ n. full ngwolâi
mɔñi n. shell (of an egg or nut) ngwau ngkai "egg-skin"
mɔra v. select morar "prefer"
mɔrala n. favorite, first choice, preferred option morarla
mɔrɛ n. dark, darkness, shadow more
mɔromə n. night more on mits "dark and late"
mɔtsa n. soul, mind, personality maunde ta
mɔwa v. begin; originate in mowâ "dawn" (v.)
mɔysa v. recede, retreat, go backward ngwogng ta "backward-dynamic"
mo n. town, city mos
mola n. ice mulâ
moldu 1p moldau, 2p moldu’o pp. +acc in front of ob moldau
modo v. count, reckon, measure mondu
mogi n. worm mombwai
monzi n. grain Ndd. monzi "seed"
mopso n. ford mompu "not deep"
mosa v.erg grow up, become an adult mus "grow"
mova n. exchange, deal muba
mu n. surface; semblance ngwau "skin"
Mubasɛ top. Momuva'e [Mos] Mumbasi
muda v. look, appear, resemble ngwau ta "skin-dynamic"
mudaysa n. dream, hallucination, illusion murdak ta "dream-dynamic"
munanɔ n. claw (mu + nanɔ: "skin-cutter")
mura v. decide, conclude, determine Ndd. mura
murítso n. lacuna, loophole (jur.) (murɔ + itso: "gap in a contract")
murɔ n. narrow; gap, passageway mauro
musmə n. fool musmis "stupid"
musna n. leather ngwau asnàn "dry skin"
muvi n. eager, zealous, enthusiastic (back-formed from mvomúvi)
mpadɛ v. keep positioned (in a certain way) mpe ande "sit-stand"
mpaskale v. announce, declare, claim mpaskali
mpɛ v.erg sit mpe
mpɛbo n. mourner, one who is in grief mpaimbu "one who cries"
mpɛsa n. fish mpaiswa
mpɛsavo n. fisherman mpaiswabu
mpɛsɔmɛ n. teardrop mpaim saungwe
mpedu n. private, personal; off-record mpitau "private"
mpeso n. spider mpisu
mpexəme n. tallgrass empi gingwi
mpəlɔ n. rain mpêlo
mpəlta v. spray, sprinkle, strew, scatter mpêlo ta "rain-dynamic"
mpəwa n. nipple (of a woman) mpepm "breast"
mpi vn mpima v.erg cry, weep mpaim (influenced by Ndd. pi)
mpiña n. chicken (same source as Ndd. piña)
mpitɔy v. intrigue, plot, conspire, sabotage N.A. mpitoi "conspiracy"
mpɔyfɔ v. allow, permit mpokpo "not refuse"
mpo n. plum mpom
mpu cj. because mpau
mpu 1p mpawe, 2p mpu’ɔ pp. +nom because of, due to, in consideration of mpau
mpunə n. heathen mpurnim
mvaro n. rind, peel mbâro "bark"
mvaronowɛ n. beech tree mbâro nuwe "smooth bark"
mvawɛ ger ntəgáwɛ v. push, shove; urge mbwawe
mvayo n. group; collection; category; set (contraction of omba dikon "many things")
mvɛsta n. ordered mbesta
mve ger ntəbé v. say, speak mbi
mvenanɔ ger ntəbénanɔ v. hurt with words (mve + nanɔ: "speak-cut")
mvexo n. debt mbigom "tax, tithe"
mvəbo 1p mvəgə, 2p mvəbo’o pp. +acc between, among, along, through (interessive) mbembu
mvəgɛ ger ntəbə́ v. sing mbîbwe
mvəgɛtsɛ n. legend, myth *mbîbwetsâi "song" (analogous to lewaitsâi "poetry")
mvəlu n. west emwellau "west-place"
mvəma ger ntəbə́ma v. bless mbi mingwa "speak strength"
mvəskɛ n. necessary mbiski
mvintu n. shoulder Miw. vīntū
mvɔ n. short, small mbâur
mvɔnza n. folk wisdom Ndd. womvånzo "tradition" (modified to rhyme with sɔnza "doctrine")
mvɔrɔl ger ntəbɔ́rɔl, vn mvɔrɔna v. care for; respect mboraul "be careful"
mvɔrula n. cherished, respected, of good social standing mboraula "one who is cared for"
mvɔwa adv. so much, to such an extent; sufficiently mbopm "enough"
mvogɛsta ger ntubógɛsta v. rumble, rattle; disturb (mvo- + kwɛsta: "make noise")
mvomérɔ ger ntubomérɔ v. open sth. umbom-iro "cause to be open"
mvomə́ño ger ntubomə́ño v. have sb. executed umbom-engku "cause to kill"
mvomu 1p mvomawe, 2p mvomu’ɔ pp. +nom to the point of, resulting in, enough for, appropriate to mbopm wau "enough for"
mvomúvi ger ntubomúvi v. motivate, encourage umbom-aubai "make active"
mvoñu ger ntubóñu, vn mvoñuna v. build, construct, put up, establish umbom-kun "make sturdy"
mvoñuvo n. founder, initiator (mvoñu + -vo: "one who establishes sth.")
mvopso n. musician mbop + -bu
mvora n. new; newcomer mbwura "unusual"
mvorɔwa ger ntəbórɔwa v. play music mbop rowa
mvoso ger ntubóso v. cause, bring about, result in umbom-su "cause to do"
mvosta n. color mbod ta "color-dynamic"
mvotsɛsə ger ntubótsɛsə, vn mvotsɛsera v. give birth (mvo- + tsɛsə)
mvotsi ger ntubótsi v.erg grow mbontai "seed" (reanalysed as containing causative mvo-)
mvotsuya ger ntubótsuya v. fake, copy umbom-ntausia "make false"
mvoyɔsko ger ntubóyɔsko v. delight sb., please sb. (mvo- + yɔsko: "make glad")
mvuga adv. already, so far; (in negated clauses) not yet mbubwa "recently"
mvunɛ ger ntəbúnɛ v. have, hold, own mbunwe "hold"
mvusmo n. belly mbusmu
n- aux. pfv.aux ("have done") n (past perfective copula)
nabaña n. little, tiny, dwarf-sized nambam ngal "very small"
nabɛ pron. something nambe
nada v.erg feel (of emotions) enànda
nadana n emotion, feeling (nada + -(n)a)
naga n. cardamom Ad. naga < Xš. naga
nakwi n. fur Tl. naokʷi
nalo n. horse nalaròr
nalu pron. somewhere namlul or namê lau
namə qu. some namê
nanɔ v. cut narno
nanɔvo n. sharp narnobu "thing that cuts"
nanɔxə vn nanɔñə v.refl hurt oneself narnokin
naru pron. some person namê rud "some man"
nata n. noble status F. nata "nobility, aristocracy"
natavo n. person of noble descent (nata + -vo)
natsu pron. sometime (by analogy with witsu, tsetsu etc.)
nasa n. east nasa
navɔ n. boring; ordinary; average nabâu "predictable"
nawə n. red napê
naysi n. field (contraction of nâk wau mbontai "field for seeds")
nayu n. noodles Thok. nayu
nɛnagɔ n. cabbage Ndd. nënagwå
nɛña n. page, scroll nenga "leaf"
nɛpsonə n. leaf nenga ponî "plant leaf"
nɛski adv. anyway; no matter what; by the way naisngai "pointlessly"
nɛsɔ n. disease F. neos "sick, ill"
nɛsɔ’u n. not feeling well (nɛsɔ + -’u: "a bit sick")
nɛtsɛga v. commit adultery (nɛtsi + sɛga: "deceive the wife")
nɛtsi n. wife netrai
nɛtso n. palm nenga ton "leaf of the hand"
nɛwɛ adv. more, most newe
nesə v. cancel; erase; tear down nises "annul"
newa n. shield nipm "shell; armor"
nexo n. god N.A. neheu
nəbe v. think about, refer to, have in mind, mean, intend nembi
nəl num. nine nil
nəlga vn nəlgana v. turn, twist, rotate, spin, stir nelgan "twist"
Nə’ola top. Nïddola Ndd. Nïddola
ni cj. if/then F. niən
ni 1p nɛ, 2p ni’o pp. +acc in, into (illative/inessive) nai
nigiwo n. rice Mer. *nirəgiwə < PPI *niha-kifm "water-grain"
nilə vn niləna v. estimate; value nailin "judge"
nilədo n. judge nailindu
nilu n. room (in a house) nailau "inside-place"
nimə́luyə vn nimə́luña v. approach, go towards somewhere other than "here"; aim at (NT mêlau "destination" + ni-‖-yə: "go for a target")
ninólɔyə vn ninólɔña v. emigrate (nolɔ "road" + ni-‖-yə: "go for the road")
niñawe v. insert; integrate (ni + ñawe: "put into")
nira n. silver Ad. nīra < Gez. niːraː (W)
nivíyə vn nivíña v. be ambitious (vi "star" + ni-‖-yə: "go for the stars")
nɔdɔ- aux. pfv=res.aux ("had done before; had become") n (past perfective copula) + oto "come"
nɔlsi n. squirrel Ndd. nålzi
no vn nɔtsa v.erg die nots
nodɛ v. reach for, touch, get in physical contact with non nde "go-touch"
nolɔ n. road, path, way F. noulo
nomláse intj. goodbye (formal) enon kwen lu dasi "go with the goddess" (contracted)
non- aux. int.aux ("going to") non "go"
noñə v. leave, depart, go away non keng "walk away" (lit. "go-walk")
noñuylu n. bankruptcy (noñə + ñuylu: "leave the marketplace")
nora v. go outside, leave temporarily Ndd. nodda "step out"
noráxo vn noráxona v. shout (a round of drinks), treat sb. to sth. (non- + raxo: "go-fill")
nospo n. dying person notspu
nowɛ n. flawless, top-quality nuwe "smooth"
noxa vn noxatsa v. trade nugats
noxala n. goods (noxa + -la: "that which is traded")
nudɛ n. snail nunde
numi v. exaggerate Ndd. numye
numo n. spearhead, arrowhead *nurmu < nurimu
nuve n. proud, self-assured (back-formed from nuve’ə)
nuve’ə n. arrogant, rude N.A. nubeheu "proud"
nta n. end nta "stop"
ntada v. stop, finish nta ta
ntalu n. death ntalau
ntaskɔ n. dressed; respectable (back-formed from ntaskɔda)
ntaskɔda v. wrap, cover; pack; surround, encircle; (reflexive) get dressed ntatsn kota "cover all around"
ntɛ 1p nte, 2p ntɛ’ɔ pp. +nom with, like, by (adverbial/instrumental) nte
ntɛga adv. then, next, subsequently nte gua "followingly"
ntɛvɔ́ve adv. in vain; (in negated clauses) not at all (ger of bɔve "fail")
ntɛxavu adv. also, furthermore nte gâ bau "with that again"
nte’a adv. really, truly, indeed ntia "true"
ntənánɔ adv. violently (ger of nanɔ "cut")
ntəspo n. boat ntetspu "floater"
ntətsa v. forge ntindo ta "metal-dynamic"
ntəwa n. tail ntêwâ
ntidə adv. apparently, seemingly (ger of idə "be perceived as")
ntise adv. directly; immediately nte isi "with suddenness"
ntɔh n. forest ntâug
ntɔnadɛ v. stop for; have a closer look at nta on ande "stop and stand"
ntɔvu n. turtle ntobau
Ntɔysa n. the Miwan peoples (ntɔh + -sa: "those from the forest")
ntɔ’e n. arrow ntodi
ntomada n. complex, convoluted ntomatn
ntowa n. peaceful, reliable ntupa
ntuya n. fake; copy, imitation ntausia "false"
ntsa adv. very ntsand "greatly"
ntsago n. roof (of a house) ntsadgot
ntsəbe n. menstruation ntse imbi "moon blood"
ntsəlo n. belt ntsîlu
ntsətə vn ntsətəma v. discuss, debate ntsertim
ntsətəmla n. point of disagreement ntsertimla "that which is debated"
nzaga n. unclean, tainted ndabwa "dirty"
nzaləd n. energy, enthusiasm ndalidn
nzata n. pig Ad. zathan
nzawe n. smart, wise ndapi
nzaysa n. (name of the language) Ndak Ta
nzɛ v. do, tackle nde "touch"
nzɛda v. tease, be playful, flirt nde ta "touch-dynamic"
nzɛdaga adv. temptingly, provocatively (nzɛda + -ga: "playfully")
nzɛtsa v.erg be typical, be predictable, follow a pattern, work out as expected ansetra "prototypical"
nzɛwə vn nzɛwɛsa v. receive, be given sth. ndepes "gather"
nzɛwəslu n. autumn ndepeslau "harvest time"
nzɛwəspo n. recipient, addressee ndepespu
nzeda n. wrist, forearm nditn
nzesoño v. change one's mind (nzesu + oño: "guess differently")
nzesu n. different ndisau "not normal"
nzesu’ə n. incompatible (nzesu + -’ə: "very different")
nzi n. tree ndai
nzəmo n. mercy ndimu
nzəna vn nzənama v.erg breathe; be alive ndenam
nzəwo n. safety, shelter ndêwu "safe"
nzəwoga adv. safely (nzəwo + -ga)
nzəxrə vn nzəxrɛda v. yell, shout ndegret
nzɔ acc nzo det. as for (topic marker) ndo
nzɔnə n. good, pleasant, favorable ndaun "pure"
nzɔnəga adv. fortunately (nzɔnə + -ga)
nzɔñu n. virtue; righteous action; advantage ndaun gau "the pure way"
Nzok n. the Ndok people N.A. Ndok
nzolab vn nzolava v. arrange, sort, classify ndulabm
nzolavlu n. counter (of a shop or market stand) (nzolab + -lu: "place for arranging things")
nzolayə vn nzolañə v.refl be busy (nzolab + -yə)
nzowə acc nzowa pron. why (interrogative pronoun) nduwa
nzugi vn nzugira v. devour, eat greedily; use up Miw. zugīr "swallow"
nzukatu n. tomato Miw. zukatun "red fruit"
nzuma n. coffee (unknown)
ñababa n. rumor, word of mouth Ndd. ñababa "small talk"
ñabo n. one who does not pay attention ngadbu "sleeping person"
ñada v.erg sleep ngata
ñadalu n. bed ngatalau
ñadə́nzo n. skill, dexterity, sleight of hand (ña- + dənzo: "handling")
ñagísa n. competition (ña- + gisa)
ñagɔsta n. (light) armor N.A. ngagôstad "leather"
ñalə n. rage, frenzy (back-formed from ñaləga)
ñaləga adv. frantically, excessively (F. ŋalər "excessive" + -ga)
ñalisa qu. too many (F. ŋalər "excessive" + isa "most")
ñalɔ́nzi n. speed, velocity, acceleration (ña- + lɔnzi)
ñalta adv. indeed, actually ngal ta "very-dynamic"
ñalvo n. berserk; one who is mad with rage (ñalə + -vo)
ñamɛ́da n. opinion, conviction, credo (ña- + mɛda)
ñamúra n. decision (ña- + mura)
ñanɛ n. link, connection ngane "neck"
ñanɛvo n. relative nganebu "connect-person"
ñanzɔmɛ n. canal, waterway ngane saungwe "water-neck"
ñañəvi v. connect ngane kîbai "tie a connection"
ñañɔ v. laugh ngango
ñarɛ́na n. greed, avarice (ña- + rɛna)
ñatsi n. tool N.A. ngatseu
ñauvo n. mug, bowl nggawibu "thing for putting into"
ñavo n. adult ngâbu "adult person"
ñavra n. broad, wide, large ngabra "thick"
ñawe v. put, place; (reflexive) settle down nggawi
ñaxɛ́ n. research; education; knowledge (ña- + kɛmɛ "study")
ñayɔ́sko n. happiness, satisfaction, well-being (ña- + yɔsko "glad, fortunate")
ñayo n. hope, optimism (ña- + ayo)
ñaysə n. slave; servant ngaktìs
ña’éxu n. patience, tolerance (ña- + exu)
ñɛdu n. infinity (ña- + ədu "ocean")
ñɛlmɔ n. beauty, perfection (ña- + əlmɔ "beautiful")
ñɛvre n. destruction, damage, loss (ña- + əvre)
ñe num. two ngi
ñeda v. share ngi ta "two-dynamic"
ñedɛlu v. accompany (ñeda + əlu: "share a bend in the road")
ñegatatsi n. bireme F. ŋigatač
ñesova n. amber Ndd. jezova < Miw. djēzuf
ñəba n. toe ngemba
ñəbo n. knife, blade ngimbu "sharp"
ñədɛ v. wipe ngende
ñəmona n. conscience; responsibility (ña- + əmona: "realization; turning and seeing")
ñiku n. crisp, well-roasted (of food) F. jiəku "hard"
ñire 1p ñiredə, 2p ñirədo pp. +acc as far as, until, before (terminative/anterior) nggairit
ñitsɔrə n. sweet potato Forest Hitatc *ñičoṭə
ñɔlna n. state of affairs, setting, situation, circumstances *nggaulna < nggawilna "that which has been put"
Ñɔlu top. Ñolo Ngaurlau
ñɔri v. emphasize; become aware F. jori "wake up"
ño 1p ñe, 2p ño’ɔ pp. +nom as, like (essive) ngu
ñolu v. match, be comparable to (back-formed from ñoluvo)
ñoluvo n. equivalent; rival ngu lu bot "as the same"
ñova v. plan Ndd. jova
ñovaña v. control; be pedantic (ñova + -ña: "plan excessively")
ñovla n. project, proposal, plan (ñova + -la)
ñoxubo n. adventurer miukurbu "one who tries"
ñudɔ n. the future [nga- + oto: "that which is coming"]
ñufɛ n. cat N.A. ngufeu
ñugɛ 1p ñugɛmə, 2p ñugɛdo pp. +acc around; about; concerning ngu au kwaim "as a circle"
ñunɛ n. middle, center ngune "moderate"
ñunɛmo n. city center (ñunɛ + mo)
ñurɔ n. old; ancient ngauro
ñuylu n. marketplace ngguklau
ñu’əmo n. headache (ñu’o + əmo)
ñu’o n. pain [nga- + udu: "that which is cruel"]
ŋkana n. the world ngkana
ŋkayfɔy n. result, outcome N.A. ngkaifoig "aftereffect"
Ŋkɛla’ad top. the city of Ngahêxôldod Ngkeladadn
ŋkɛtsa v. wilt, wither, fade, decay, erode ngket ta
ŋkə n. same, identical, -self; (indef) such, of that sort ngkin (reflexive copula)
ŋkili n. egg ngkai lai "bird's egg"
ŋkɔwa n. cart, wagon ngkopa
ŋkunɛ n. cautious; conservative F. ŋuəne
ŋkura n. cloves F. ŋura
ŋkwaxa n. dirt nukwàkâ "slime, mucus"
ŋkwayfo n. body ingkwakpu "that which perceives"
ɔdɛ v. take, pull oto nde "come-touch"
ɔdɔ- aux. res.aux ("have become") oto "come"
ɔdɔl-/ɔdol- aux.pass res.pass.aux ("have had done to oneself") oto- "come" + -l (passive)
ɔdɔvo n. event otobu "come-thing"
ɔgi n. sculpture, statue âukwai
ɔlatsa v. tire, exhaust oneself olanta "do too much"
ɔlmɔ v. steal aulmu
ɔlɔdɔ vn ɔlɔdɔxə v.refl be rewarded; deserve oloto "deserve a place"
Ɔltu top. the Oltu river F. Oltu
Ɔltsɛ́ top. Lasomo N.A. Axôltseubeu
ɔlu n. place, location, territory olau
ɔnɛ n. unclear, hard to understand aurne "muddy, murky"
ɔnzayo n. goal, purpose, function Ndd. ånzayo
ɔpso n. deep ompu
ɔpsoga adv. deeply, solidly (ɔpso + -ga)
ɔra qu. all, each, every or
ɔrɛ v. stand Ndd. åddë
ɔro n. sign, notice, display oru "visible"
ɔrovo n. mirror orubu "that which makes visible"
ɔsínə v.erg choke F. eosíən
ɔspah n. status symbol ospàk "throne"
ɔspe n. green auspi
Ɔstáte top. the Milīr river aunti Itati "Hitatc river"
ɔtse n. river aunti
ɔtso n. rich, wealthy auntu
ɔvɔdɛ n. beetroot Ndd. åvwëjë < NT apwi ntse "blood fruit"
ɔyal vn ɔyana v. sell obial "offer"
ɔyalsi n. marketwoman (ɔyal "sell" + -si "female")
ɔyalu n. market stand obialau "offer-place"
ɔyalvo n. trader, merchant obialbu "one who offers"
ɔyənɔ vn ɔyənɔna v. be unfair olkenaun "trespass"
ɔyrol vn ɔyrona v. stand out; behave conspicuously Ndd. oirwïl "seek attention"
ɔyrolvo n. entertainer, performer (ɔyrol + -vo: "one who draws attention")
ɔyvinza n. insect Ndd. oivïnza
ɔ’a n. right side odam
ɔ’i n. salt odai
o cj. and on
o 1p ɔvə, 2p odo pp. +acc at, on (locative) ob
oba qu. many omba
obada v. be numerous omba ta "many-dynamic"
Obáse n. the Mother Goddess (name) Ombàsi
ogab vn ogava v. suffer, feel pain odgabm
ogava n. misery, suffering, agony (vn of ogab)
ogavla n. trouble, hardship, sorrow odgabmla "that which is suffered"
ogo n. early ubwu "soon"
ogó’ə n. history N.A. o-got "the eras"
ogu 1p ogau, 2p ogu’o pp. +acc in order to, for the purpose of, in preparation of ob gau "on road"
oke n. luxury N.A. ok'eu "wealth, splendor"
ol- aux. obl.aux ("must") ol- (obligative mood prefix)
ola v. rise, swell ula
olda vn oldasa v. be armed, be equipped with oldas "should fight"
oldɛbi n. one who lacks foresight oldau imbai "blind eye"
olduwa v. hit the target oldau wapa "hit the eye"
olmat vn olmada v. be familiar with; be accustomed to olmatn "be expected to know"
olna’a v. find, discover olina "be blind to" + -da (past perfect)
olnon- aux. obl=int.aux ("should") (ol- "must" + non- "want")
oltəña v. be delighted, be blissful, be fascinated [nte au] oldau tingiâ "with a shining eye"
olto n. thin, slender, skinny oltu "be starving"
oma adv. also, additionally ongwâ "and" (object-gapping)
omla v. talk, chat, gossip omula
omɔ n. mother omo
omɔl vn omɔna v. weave (back-formed from omɔlvo)
omɔlvo n. weaver Ndd. womwålvo "weave" (reanalysed as containing agentive -vo)
omɔyo n. 6th day of the week [lu airti] omo "day of the mother goddess" + -yo
Omɔ́yxɔy n. the Mother Goddess (epithet) omɔ + N.A. oigoi "divine light"
omva n. corpse, dead body Ndd. omva "dead"
onopsa n. papyrus *wənopsa < wedn ompa "flat herb"
oñe v. embrace, hug orngi "squeeze"
oñelu n. mill orngilau "squeeze-place"
oñevo n. crayfish, crustacean orngibu "squeezer"
oño v. guess, suppose, think ongiu
opsa n. flat; lowlands, plains ompa
opsi n. grandmother omo pai "big mother"
orani n. diet; abstinence; modesty (oro + ani: "hunger-cure")
ore’e n. master craftsman Ndd. odde'e
oro v. heal, cure uru
orono n. medicine (potion, medical drug) (oro + əno: "cure for a disease")
orovo n. doctor urubu
oskə v. come, approach, move towards "here" oto keng "come-walk"
osu v. promise F. oušu
otɛ v. run orte
otsevo n. experienced, knowledgeable ondisibu "expert"
ovla v. explain, elaborate, describe Ndd. ovla
owa 1p owɛ, 2p owa’o pp. +acc from, after, since (ablative/posterior) uwa
oxitso v. plead ukaitsu "want to promise"
oxɔtɔ v. anticipate ukoto
oxola vn oxolaxə v.refl enroll in the priesthood ukula
oxumɛ vn oxumɛ v. ask for a second chance; plead ukumâi "want to repair"
palda n. valley palda
Palɛ top. Påwe Palwe
palmayo n. 1st day of the week [lu airti] palmambi "day of the secret one" + -yo
palɔh n. boot Gez. palàuk "shoe" (K)
pasi n. socket, niche F. paš
pato n. nasty, evil, vicious, terrible N.A. pat "foul, undesirable, bad"
paudába n. amnesty, pardon (pawu + daba: "declare sb. clean")
pauvo n. acrobat; person with skillful movement popubu "dancer"
pawaymó n. city walls pap âk mos
pawu v. name, assign, label papau
payu v. worry, be concerned about N.A. paihoi "fear, be afraid"
pɛga adv. finally pekwa "last"
pɛgavo n. the last one pekwabu
pɛlbɛ n. sand; beach pailbe
pɛlɔ n. chair, seat; (fig.) throne F. epélo
pɛmo v.erg fear paingkwu
pɛnə v. bite F. pæn
pɛnɔra n. jaw, chin (pɛnə + -ɔra: "bite-thing")
pɛpɔy v. dance N.A. peupoi
pɛpɔyga adv. lively (pɛpɔy + -ga: "dancingly")
pɛsa v. defecate pesa
pɛsala n. feces, excrements (pɛsa + -la)
pɛsi v. lose, misplace F. peše "drop, let go of"
pelvo n. hourglass F. peilbu
perɛ vn perɛna v. manage, organize pirain "plan"
perɛdo n. leader, executive piraindu "one who makes plans"
petse n. gray pitsi "become pale"
petu n. separation F. peitu "apart"
petuvo n. refugee, exiled person (petu + -vo)
petsɔda v. knit pitsâu ta "wool-dynamic"
pewada v. use (for a purpose) pipm ta "useful-dynamic"
pewəlu n. beginning; earlier place of residence piwellau "early-place"
vn pema v.erg fall pim "low"
pə’águ n. pack horse F. pragu "tamed"
pida v. stretch, reach out, expand, enlarge, increase pai ta "big-dynamic"
piga adv. initially, at first F. pigəl (reanalysed as containing adverbial -ga)
pili v. send pilai
pilila n. letter (pili + -la: "that which is sent")
pimə v. sacrifice, cede, abandon F. piəm
pinzi v. give in, acknowledge defeat F. piəmči "submit oneself"
pisoño n. crab Ndd. piswogïño
pɔ- aux. cond.aux ("might, would") pâu- (conditional mood prefix)
pɔl- aux.pass cond.pass.aux ("would get done to oneself") pâu- (conditional mood prefix) + -l (passive)
polu n. island ponlau "island-place"
ponaba n. small island pon nambam
ponə n. vegetation; plants ponî
posmu vn posmuna v. escape posmun "flee"
Po’ásə top. the Poráš river F. Poráš
puh 1p poxe, 2p podɔ pp. +nom for (benefactive) puk
puma n. nose pungwa
punzalu n. chimney pumâsalau "smoke outlet"
putsi n. nail, peg Aff. puttsi
puysa- aux. cont.aux ("continue") puk ta "to.each-dynamic"
rabɛ 1p rabə, 2p rabɛ’o pp. +acc at the time of, while, during (temporal) rambe
rabəga adv. at the same time, simultaneously (rabɛ + -ga)
radɛna vn radɛnama v. cough; gasp erandenam "fail to breathe"
radə n. jar rander
rafa n. valuable, expensive, precious N.A. rafeu "rich, luxurious"
ramɛ vn ramɛ v. confuse, mix up erangwâi "fail to think"
ramobo n. nomad rabmodbu "one who walks regularly"
rañavo n. insane, crazy, lunatic eralniabu "one who fails to fly"
rapsə 1p rapsənə, 2p rapsədo pp. +acc instead of, rather than rampen
Rasɛda top. the Rathedān F. Rasedán
ratsɔ v. work for hire; obey ranto "hear"
rauru n. old person; senior râwa rud "mature man"
raxo vn raxona v.erg fill ragol
raxolbo n. cask, barrel ragolbu "that which is filled"
rɛbɛ n. fertile; fruitful; appropriate; compatible Ndd. rëbë
rɛlga n. warm, hot F. relga
rɛməl n. quay (of a port), deck (of a ship) F. rewŋəl
rɛna v. be greedy (back-formed from rɛnavo)
rɛnavo n. miser, scrooge raitnabu "one who is accustomed to keeping things"
rɛtsə n. nature (of a thing/person), characteristic attribute retsen
rɛtsisa v. bleed F. rečiəs "bleeding, menstruation"
rɛvle v. resist rebli "oppose"
rɛvlevo n. opponent, antagonist reblibu
rɛyrɔ n. winter rikraun
resti v. choose, make up one's mind; vote Ndd. resti
retsad n. loom ritsadn
revɔ v. lose control of sth. Ndd. rïvwa
reyo n. fox Ad. rēo
re’abo n. student; apprentice riambu "one who learns"
re’atsa v. teach riam ta "learn-dynamic"
rəbu vn rəbora v. drown rembur
rəga v. fit in, be suitable rimbwa "be used regularly"
rələh vn rəlɛxa v. ride rêlek < Gez. rêːleko- (K)
rəlse n. hot weather relsi "be hot"
rəpsɛ n. relic, remnant, ruin rimpe "tree stump"
rəstə n. scar risten "have bad luck"
ri cj. that (complementizer) rai
rifə n. ugly; scary F. rifəs
rima n. a type of meal consisting of stir-fried meat and vegetables Me. rima
rimavo n. pan, wok (rima + -vo: "rima-thing")
rol- num. ten ro
rɔgə v. show off F. rogə "act, perform"
rɔma pron. which, that (relative pronoun) roma
rɔnzo n. sound Ndd. rånzo
rɔnzobe n. voice (rɔnzo + mve: "that which speaks sounds")
rɔva n. feather robm
rɔyla v. adore, be impressed by N.A. roileu
rɔ’o n. peninsula rorop
rol-/rul- aux.pass hab.pass.aux ("regularly get done to oneself") ru- (habitual mood prefix) + -l (passive)
romoldu n. peacock robm oldau "eye-feather"
roni v. dwell, live (at a place) ruwim nai "regularly live in"
rosa’o n. citizen (person with full civic rights) Ad. rozarō
rovani n. devout, faithful (ro- habitual + bani "pray")
rowastɔ n. angry, furious rupasto "be aggressive"
ru n. man; person rud
rube v. keep on talking (without making a point) rumbi
rudi n. giant; very tall person rud ndai "a man like a tree"
rudɔ n. model, prototype, example rud ndaun "a pure man"
rugɛ v. be misguided; get tricked into sth. N.A. rugeu "be naïve"
rulɛwi n. writer, poet rud lewai "man of words"
rulsi n. prostitute raulasai "love-woman"
rumɛ vn rumɛ v. know, be sure of rungwâi "be intelligent"
rumimɔra v. recommend (rumiya + mɔra: "trust-select")
rumiya v. trust F. rumia "have confidence in"
runah n. priest runnak
ruña n. uncle; male cousin rud ngane "connected man"
ruñasta v. make it through, succeed rungkasta
ruñɔxɔ n. liar, hypocrite, double-dealer rungguko "deceive habitually"
ruyfɔ n. peculiar, weird rukpokpo "be stubborn"
ruyɔ v. invent, solve a problem (back-formed from ruyɔvo)
ruyɔvo n. inventor, creative person rudiobabu "one who regularly imagines"
s-/so- aux. null.aux ("do") su (proverb)
sade 1p saderə, 2p sadedo pp. +acc outside of, behind, beyond sa tiri "outdoors"
salaspo v. dispose of, put away salatpu
saldɛnɔ n. parade, procession N.A. saldêneu "public, official"
salɔ v.erg have a rich taste, be delicious (of food) sadlo
salɔvo n. delicacy, tidbit sadlobu
salu n. hole, outlet, exit salau "out-place"
same v. bring down, hunt down, slay, prey upon (usually said of animals) sapmi "force"
sanu n. village Me. sanu
sanzáta n. pork (*sa + nzata: "pig meat")
sañawe v. take out, retrieve, extract sa nggawi "put out of"
sasalgɔ n. sugar cane sarsâ algo "sweet tube"
sasama n. baron, lord sasamas "crown" (v.)
sasanzi n. baroness (sasama + -si "female")
sasɔmɛ n. reed sarsâ saungwe "water tube"
satsi n. arrogant, haughty, snobbish F. sačin "rich, wealthy"
satsu n. crime santau "illegal"
sauke n. blood N.A. sauk'e
savla v. drink sab + -l (antipassive)
savrɛdi n. feud; serious rivalry Ndd. savreadi "grudge; vendetta"
sawabo n. spoon, scoop (used mainly for lifting things) *sâpambu < sâpabmbu "one who lifts"
sawamə n. nepotism, corruption sâpabm wimès "lift up the neighbors"
saxə n. garlic Gez. sakits (K)
sɛbo n. gift Ndd. sëbo
sɛga v. lie, deceive, play tricks on sb. sebbwa
sɛgaxə vn sɛgañə v.refl indulge in illusions, fool oneself (sɛga + -xə: "lie to oneself")
sɛpsɔ n. unique saimpo "alone"
sɛpsɔya n. significant other (sɛpsɔ + -ya)
sɛtsasa n. good luck, good fortune F. sečas
sɛtsa’ɔk n. emperor F. serčaok
sɛvɛsɛtɔy n. monk, hermit, ascetic N.A. sêbêsêt'oi
sɛvɔ n. drum sebaur
sɛwə vn sɛwəna v. whisper sepen "murmur, mumble"
sera n. copper Ad. zēra < Gez. zɛmraː (W)
sewe n. tall, high Ndd. zewe
sexad n. storm sikadn "hurricane"
sexaspi n. hurricane (sexad + -wi: "big storm")
se’ə vn se’ɛsa v. jump; insist on sides (influenced by sien "prove")
se’əspo n. frog sidespu "jumper"
sədə n. another sîteng "different"
sədəlsa n. clothing [lus] wirdelsa "those which are worn" (obj.pl)
səlu n. sky simlau
səma v. wait sema
səmaga adv. next (səma + -ga: "waiting")
səmə vn səməna v. deny semen
səmədo n. headstrong, stubborn, tenacious, obstinate semendu "one who denies"
səmi n. mildew simwai "rotten"
səmvo n. next in line; successor (səma + -vo: "one who is waiting")
səŋkəye v. counter-attack (səma + kəye: "wait and challenge")
sətsa v. concentrate, focus on, specialize in sête ta "tidy-dynamic"
səyo vn səyona v. be hostile selkon
si num. six Ndd. ïshï
sili v. pierce, stab (back-formed from silvo)
silvo n. dagger Miw. sīlvo "cut"
simvo n. one who prefers to be alone Ndd. simvo "alone"
sisu n. left side saisung
sivɔy n. cloud N.A. usiboi
sivo n. female saibu "female person"
sixɛdɔ v. curse, condemn N.A. sihêdeu
skɛ n. equal iske
skɛga adv. likewise, in the same way (skɛ + -ga: "equally")
skɛsul n. scales (skɛ + ɛsul: "that which takes equal parts")
smada adv. recently osma ta
smalu n. last week; last month osmalau "recent-place"
smɛnɔ n. gall saungwe eno "bitter water"
sɔda n. flatbread, tortilla Ndd. saodwa < Miw. saχudwa
sɔdɔ v. stick out, protrude sa oto "come out of"
sɔga n. ears [lus] okwa (obj.du)
sɔmɛ n. water saungwe
sɔmɛlu n. well, fountain saungwelau "water-place"
sɔmpɛ v.erg float (sɔmɛ + mpɛ: "sit on the water")
sɔnolah n. vision, idea, concept sonulak "imaginary"
Sɔntale top. the Tali river saungwe tali "Tali water"
sɔntu n. carrot Gez. zomatùb (K)
sɔnza n. doctrine, theory; explanation Ndd. sånza
sɔño n. juice (of fruit) saungwe gor "juice-water"
sɔŋkele n. beer saungwe kil "barley-water"
sɔpi v. force N.A. sopeu
sɔsa n. slut, whore F. sossa "nubile girl"
soldu n. eyes [lus] oldau (obj.du)
solə acc sola pron. when (interrogative pronoun) sola
solvo v. bring, carry Ndd. solvon
sopsə v. conquer, defeat, surpass sompìs
sose n. mouse, rat susi
soslu n. annals, chronicles susilau "archive"
sp-/spɛ- aux.pass pass.aux ("get done to oneself") ispe "feel, experience"
spɛ v.erg experience (of physical sensations) ispe
spɛ’ayla n. nation, ethnicity [lus] bwed âk [lu] lats "sons of the land" (obj.pl)
spɛspo n. hero; strategist sompìspu "conqueror"
spexətsa n. spring (season) [lu] auspikintsa "the greening"
stasavo n. changed person; convert estasabu
stɛla v. burn estela
stɛlavo n. flame estelabu "burner"
ste- aux. prog.aux ("be doing") sti (imperfective copula)
stonza n. needle, spike, thorn Ndd. stonza "needle"
su n. shore, coast (of a lake or ocean) sau
sud num. eight sudn
sudusa n. meat (as food) sa wetulsa "to-be-eaten meat"
sumɔ n. wrong, false; counterfactual statement sumo
suni n. apple (ultimately < PPI *sumnip)
suña vn suñara v. support, help, assist sungiar
suñabo n. ally; one who cooperates sungiarbu
susu v. notify F. susu "whistle" (v.)
susuvo n. messenger (susu + -vo: "one who notifies")
suwɛda n. soup; broth Ndd. suwëda "liquid"
ta- aux. inch.aux ("start") ta (dynamic particle)
tagɔvo n. rebel; traitor targobu
tali n. hawk, falcon Miw. utalju
tamlu n. south tamlau "south-place"
tara n. daughter tarang
taro n. steady, determined, diligent taròt "hard-working" < Gez. taròːt "courage, energy" (K)
tasku’u n. waterfall, rapids Miw. twāksuru
taspa vn taspama v. hint at, point out tasbam "imply"
tavlɛ n. far away; outside the Edák sphere N.A. tableu "foreign"
tɛde n. wing taindi
tɛdol n. canopy, marquee, canvas roof taindi tol "sun-wing"
tɛfta v. join, combine with taibm ta "together-dynamic"
tɛka n. threat; enemy F. teka "army"
tɛnɔ v. delay, postpone F. twæno "avoid"
tɛxáli n. brick N.A. têhagleu
tere n. door, gate, entrance tiri
teseñu n. beehive Miw. tēsenju
tewalu n. furrow, trench, groove, notch, indentation (Ndd. tewa "tiller" + -lu)
te’ani v. marry tianai
te’i n. willow tree Miw. twēʔi
te’o n. milk tidu
təña n. light, brightness tingia "flash, shine" (v.)
təñu n. stone tingkàu
təpsa n. shelf tempa
təska n. flax tiska
tətsɔ n. big, fat tento "wide"
tikasa n. llama Ad. tīkas
tilɛ n. tiger (ultimately < PPI *ktiçi-laha)
tilka n. worthless; low-quality N.A. tilkeu "disgusting, rejectable"
tivo n. friend, companion taibm "together" + -bu
ti’aga n. net (especially for fishing) Ndd. ti'aga
tɔdɔle v. act involuntarily totoli "be clumsy"
tɔdɔlga adv. accidentally, inadvertently (tɔdɔle + -ga)
tɔfu n. owl (ultimately < PPI *txahu-pxuçu "night-falcon")
tɔwi n. horn topai
to n. hand ton
tokə’anti n. gemstone Tl. tuq’antis
tol n. sun tol
tola n. meal, food tula "that which is eaten"
tolbɔ n. evening; dusk tol erbo "rest of the sun"
tolma n. morning; dawn tol mowâ "dawn of the sun"
tolnaba n. lamp, lantern tol nambam "little sun"
tolta n. sunburn tol ta "sun-dynamic"
tolu n. table tulau
toma n. fist ton mab "blunt hand"
toñɔ n. strict, authoritative ton gingko "hard hand"
toro n. apron Gez. tuːru "shirt, tunic (work clothing)" (K)
totsɛ n. washbowl (to + tsɛ: "that which washes hands")
tovo n. assistant (to + -vo: "hand-person")
toxasa n. large quantity, myriad, multitude Miw. tuχas "no number"
toyo n. 7th day of the week [lu airti] tol "day of the sun" + -yo
to’anu v. impede, obstruct, block tuanau "avoid"
tu n. lake tau
tul vn tuna v. eat tu + -l (antipassive)
tulsu n. cinnamon Ad. thulus < Xš. t'uluš
tuse intj. well, I guess, you know Ndd. tuze < Miw. tūzi (hearsay particle)
tutsi vn tutsixə v.refl commit suicide F. utúči
tuyasa n. good weather Ndd. twïasa
Tuysafa top. Tuysáfa F. Tuysáfa
tu’o adv. somewhat, slightly, to a small extent taudu
tsa cj. yes Ndd. ca
tsada v. become engaged Ndd. canida "marry on a trial basis"
tsaftɛ n. fire Miw. traften "bonfire"
tsapse v. give, provide, supply tsampi
tsatsa v. sneeze tsatsa
tsɛ vn tsɛñə v.refl wash tsaing
tsɛga adv. only F. čega
tsɛla n. laundry, freshly washed clothes (tsɛ + -la: "those which are washed")
tsɛlo n. spear tselô
tsɛñɛru n. mutual agreement; win-win situation intaing ewe rud "in favor of everyone"
tsɛsə vn tsɛsera v. be born tsesir
tsɛsəbo n. baby, infant tsesirbu
tsɛvo vn tsɛvɔra v. pour tsebor
tsɛvobo n. innkeeper tseborbu "one who pours"
tsɛxənə n. chain Gez. tseginig (K)
tse acc tsə det. that (demonstrative) tsi
tselɔ n. tooth tsilâu
tselu pron. there tsilul or tsi lau
tsena v. be in love with Ndd. cïn
tsenɛ́ña n. scholar (tsena + nɛña: "one who loves the scrolls")
tseru pron. that person tsi rud "that man"
tsetsu pron. then tsitsau
tsexɛ pron. that thing tsige
tsə n. dog tsis
tsədo adv. for that reason tsindu
Tsənaxa n. the emperor Tsinakan Tsinakan
tsəñe n. unlikely, far-fetched; having a non-obvious connection tsingki "separate"
tsətse n. louse tsêtsi
tsə’ə adv. that way Ndd. cï'n
tsi n. seed (back-formed from mvotsi)
tsiba v. attach, fix, put together F. čiəba "tie"
tsilɔ n. basket F. čilo
tsisi v.erg develop; (intr.) appear tsaisai "arise"
tsiso v. sow (tsi + -so: "do with seeds")
tsɔbo n. shepherd tsobibu "one who watches"
tsɔdəñɛ n. surprise; amazing, stunning, compelling tso- (hyberprobabilitive) + tingke "compel, coerce"
tsɔmɔla n. cunning; intelligent tso- (hyperprobabilitive) + molan "awake, alert"
tsɔmva v. drop, let go of, set free, untie Ndd. cåmva "set free"
tsɔska n. queen F. čaoksa
tsɔve v. watch, observe, lurk, look out for tsobi "control"
tsɔvlu n. tower tsobilau "watch-place"
tsɔvruyɔ v. improve, optimize (tsɔve + ruyɔ: "observe and solve")
tsɔxe n. wilted, limp, flaccid tsâuki "soft"
tsɔxevo n. fungus, mushroom (in general) tsâukibu "one who is soft"
tsɔyɔspe n. moss tsâuki auspi "soft and green"
tso n. knee; corner tsong
tsodɔ n. dust, dirt tsondo
tson- aux. hab.aux ("be always") tso- (hyperprobabilitive) + -n (perfective)
tsoñeta n. elbow tsong itwam "arm-knee"
tsoñəba v. kick tsong on ngemba "knee and toe"
tsore n. tomorrow tsuri
tsu n. vicinity, surroundings tsuts
tsugə v. press, squeeze, pinch tsurgî "pressure"
tsugɔra n. clamp (tsugə + -ɔra: "squeeze-thing")
tsula v. be curious; investigate tsulwa "be determined to taste"
tsuto vn tsutɔra v. insult; spit tsurtor "insult" + F. čutu "spit"
tsuyo n. 8th day of the week [lu airti] lêtsau "day of the cold one" + -yo
u acc ɔ det. a (indefinite article) au
u 1p ome, 2p obɔ pp. +nom of, from, relating to (genitive) um
ubarɛ v. lack, be absent ugbâre
uflava v. fry Miw. uplāf
ulbo vn ulbɔra v. crouch, kneel ulbor
ulmi n. yellow ulmài
ulpi n. size ula pai "rise big"
ulɔ n. rope ulwo
uma v. play, have fun; pretend unma "play (a game)"
umɔra n. toy Ndd. omår "play-thing" (reanalysed as derived from uma)
unzə vn unzəma v. bet, wager, gamble unma sim "play luckily"
uño n. lame, crippled unggu
usa intj. hello (casual) (same source as Ndd. usa)
usɔ n. yesterday auso
utse v. blow untsi
uvi v.erg happen, occur, come to pass aubai "active"
uviga adv. sometimes, occasionally (uvi + -ga)
uvɔ n. courage, confidence aubo "easy, happy"
uvo adv. soon Ndd. uvwo
uyayso vn uyaysɔ’a v. invite; bring along ukkaktod "want to greet"
uylospo n. inexperienced; amateur uklusitpu "one who is eager"
uyɔl vn uyɔna v. doubt Ndd. uvyål
uyɔlvo n. philosopher (uyɔl + -vo: "one who doubts")
uysa vn uysava v. wish, want, desire uksab "look forward to"
uysapse v. owe uktsampi "want to give"
uysavla n. wish, prospect uksabla "that which is looked forward to"
uyse’abo n. bride, fiancée uktianaibu "one who is engaged to be married"
Uysɔ top. Ussor Uksaur
uysɔlɛ v. wonder ukotole "anticipate" + dim
uysɔbo n. jealous person uktsobibu "one who covets"
uysutsi vn uysutsixə v.refl be depressed (uy- + tutsi "commit suicide")
ve n. son Ndd.
vi n. star Ndd. vi
vono n. aggressive person Ndd. vwornon "thunder" (v.)
wa 1p wɛ, 2p wado pp. +acc against, to the detriment of wapa "hit"
wa qu. a few ngwa
wano vn wanona v. follow uwa non "go after"
wapsu n. pot, kettle wampum "hollow"
waslu n. grave, tomb watslau "hole (in the ground)"
waubo n. hammer wapabu "that which hits"
way vn wayxa v.erg relax; be confident wawaik "calm"
wayfo n. confident, even-tempered, prudent wawaikpu "one who is calm"
wayo acc waño pron. 3pl.inan (same source as Ndd. wajon)
wɛmodo n. iteration; instance wai mondu "this numbering"
wɛna n. vegetable wedn "herb"
wɛñɔ acc wɛño pron. 2pl (by analogy with lɛñɔ)
wɛtə n. topic, subject (of a story) F. wætə "about, concerning"
wɛtuldɔ adv. even wetutul do "you will be amazed"
wemə n. neighbor wimès
wesi v. scream wisai "yell, cry out"
we’ɔ v. expect awio "hope"
we’ɔvo n. optimist; ambitious person awiobu "one who hopes"
wə- aux. fut.aux ("will") we- (futurative mood prefix)
wədəl vn wədəna v. wear wirdel
wəlu n. garden, orchard wenlau
wəñə v.erg be wet wing "wet"
wəru acc waru pron. 3pl.anim ngwa rud "a few men"
wəsku n. turmeric, curcuma Mer. *wərəziku < PPI *huarn-sikçu "red spice"
wi acc pron. 1pl wai "(these) near me"
wilu pron. here wailul or wai lau
wimvɔ v. vomit Ndd. wimvång
witsu pron. now waitsau
wo num. three wos
womva n. pattern, mosaic Ndd. womwa
woskatatsi n. trireme F. wozgatač
woxlu n. courtroom wukulau "blame-place"
xabe n. law ukàmbi "announce" (v.)
xadalu n. woodland gatnlau "wood-place"
xaga v. distribute gabbwa "share"
xagala n. portion, fraction, part, piece gabbwala "that which is shared"
xalu n. black pepper F. hadlu "spicy"
xamɛ n. sickle gan kwaim "round blade"
xananɔ v. carve gatn narno "cut wood"
xañɔ v. move gangio
xañɔvo n. muscle gangiobu "mover"
xapɛ v. order, command F. hape "force, coerce"
xapsɛ n. axe gan mepwaip "heavy blade"
xara n. the Isthmus peoples F. haran "Faraghin"
xaru pron. this person gâ rud "this man"
xat n. wood (the material) gatn
xawaxa n. bridge gau âka "air road"
xawə́be n. month gau imbi "road of the moon"
xaxɛ pron. this thing gâge
xɛpu n. alone, on one's own, solitary F. hewpu
xɛrɔ n. a type of mushroom Kib. hero'
xɛsɔ n. season; period of time N.A. hêseu
xɛtɔy n. property N.A. êheutoi
xɛtu v. retire F. hætud "veteran"
xɛvra n. sheep gaibra
xɛvrine n. wool gaibra aini "sheep-hair"
xɛwə acc xɛwa det. who, what (open interrogative) gewa
acc xa det. this (demonstrative)
xəlna n. slow gilna
xəme v. stand up straight gingwi "tall"
xəpsa v. cheat; get the better end of a bargain gempa "injure"
xəsta v. provide favorable conditions, promote, foster gets ta "likely-dynamic"
xə’ə adv. this way, so, thus Ndd. gï'n
xida ger ntəñída v. climb, go upward nggai ta "upward-dynamic"
xiso n. coriander Vyl. *hísso < PPI *sikçu "spice, herb"
xi’ɔ n. rabbit gaido
xɔmátsi v. guide gau matautsi "unbend the road"
xɔpsah n. trade route gau mpag "far road"
xɔsɔ n. difficulty; obstacle; challenge; riddle goso "difficult"
xoba n. crowd (of people) gomba
xobɔra n. visible, overt, obvious, public (xoba + -ɔra: "crowd-thing")
xodah vn xodaxa v. rest, relax gondag "dream"
xol n. foot nggol
xolnálo n. hoof (xol + nalo: "horse-foot")
xolu n. slope gomlau "high place"
xoñi v. break, tear apart gonggai
Xopɔváwɛ top. Oigop'oibauxeu N.A. Oigop'oibauxeu
xorɔ n. guts guro
xowa v. write; sign gubab "mark"
xo’a v. hunt, chase gua "follow"
xo’avo n. hunter guabu "one who follows"
xuñe n. crossroads gau ngi "two roads"
xutsɔ cj. so, therefore gunto
xuvəda n. culture, lifestyle gubm ta "life-dynamic"
Xuyfá’ah top. Huyfárah F. Huyfárah
xu’ɛ n. book N.A. huxeu
yaba n. bad, faulty Ad. iaba
yabataspa v. improve; correct (yaba + taspa: "point out mistakes")
yalma n. blue Miw. jalma "light blue"
yana v. cling to, hold fast, retain Tl. yan
yanavo n. grip, handle, knob, loop, lug, hook (any holding device) (yana + -vo: "that which is held on to")
yarəska n. linen (cloth) Ndd. yaddïska
yastɛ n. pumpkin, gourd Ndd. vyastë < Miw. vijaste
ya’iga v. tie, bind Miw. jārik "twine, string"
ya’ɔwa n. summer iadopm
yɛni n. wine Gez. jain (K)
yɛski n. bird (excluding poultry) Miw. jeskju "whistler; songbird"
yəlu acc yalu pron. where (interrogative pronoun) (by analogy with yəru)
yəma n. symbol, sign, mark, character (of a script) F. iəma
yəru acc yaru pron. who (interrogative pronoun) (same source as Ndd. yaro; includes rud "man")
yɔrápɔ n. vinegar F. ior apo "sour fruit"
yɔsa n. lady; woman of high prestige F. ioza
yɔsko n. glad, happy, joyous; fortunate Ndd. vyåsko "be joyous"
yɔti n. week (of the Fáralo calendar) (back-formed from yɔti xara < F. eioti haran "the Faraghin way of naming days")
yɔ’ɔ́pso n. essential, indispensable (iyɔ + ɔpso: "deeply important")
yovla n. superstition; unfounded reasoning Ndd. yovla "explanation"
yubuso n. oppossum Ndd. yubuswo
yuləh n. cheese Gez. jubleg (K)
yumu n. neat, pretty, cute F. iwmu "beautiful"
yuska n. a legendary creature that eats people Miw. bjūzga