Buruya Nzaysa/Lexicon
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Dictionary of Buruya Nzaysa
Ergative verbs, which require special inverse participant marking on the auxiliary, are classed as v.erg, and reflexive verbs, which require reflexive participant marking where regular verbs would use intransitive auxiliary forms, are classed as v.refl.
Unpredictable deverbal forms will be given in the morphology column, marked with the abbreviations vn (verbal noun) and ger (gerund).
See also:
- Ad. = Adāta
- Aff. = Affanonic
- F. = Fáralo
- Gez. = Gezoro
- Kib. = Kibülʌiṅ
- Me. = Meshi
- Mer. = Merneha
- Miw. = Old Eastern Miwan
- N.A. = Ndok Aisô
- Ndd. = Delta Naidda
- PPI = Proto-Peninsular
- PW = Proto-Western
- Thok. = Thokyunèhòta
- Tl. = Tlaliolz
- Vyl. = Vylessa
- Xš. = Xšali
- unmarked = Ndak Ta
1459 words.
word | morphology | type | definition | etymology |
ada | 1p adɛ, 2p ada’o | pp. +acc | to, towards (allative) | anda |
adavo | n. | crow, raven | adwabu "the dark one" | |
aduna | n. | attractive young woman | Ad. adūnā "girl" | |
afe | n. | fruit | apwi | |
aga | n. | craftsman | arbwa | |
agɛ | v.erg | be, exist | abwe "stable" | |
agono | n. | thunder | abwodnodn | |
ah | 1p axe, 2p adɔ | pp. +nom | of, belonging to (possessive) | âk |
ako | n. | origin, source | N.A. akô | |
ala | 1p ale, 2p aldɔ | pp. +nom | without, except for, unless | al |
aldo | n. | slice | alendu "that which has been divided" | |
ale | n. | fever | ali "fire, heat, warmth" | |
alə | vn aləñə | v.erg | split, separate, distinguish | alen |
algɔ | n. | sweet | algo | |
alme | adv. | surely, certainly, invariably, without exception, of course | al mi "without none" | |
alnɔ | n. | branch, twig | Ndd. alïnår | |
alɔra | n. | wall; separator | (alə + -ɔra: "split-thing") | |
alpu | v. | manufacture | alpau "create" | |
alpula | n. | man-made, artificial | (alpu + -la) | |
alsɔ | n. | wind | altò | |
alu | cj. | although, despite | al wau "without regard for" | |
ame | n. | fly | ammi | |
amedalsu | n. | bee | (ame + dalsu: "honey-fly") | |
amo | vn amɔ’a | v. | travel | abmod "walk" |
ani | n. | hungry | anai "empty" | |
aña | v. | fly | alnia | |
añi | n. | war | angài | |
arawa | n. | dinner | arâwa | |
arawi | n. | banquet | (arawa + -wi: "big dinner") | |
asa | n. | woman | asa | |
asaña | n. | aunt; female cousin | asa ngane "connected woman" | |
asi | n. | thick, obese | F. asin "heavy" | |
aski | n. | stallion; war horse | N.A. akseu | |
asna | vn asnana | v.erg | be dry | asnàn "dry" |
Aspɛ́bu | top. | Azbǽbu | F. Azbǽbu | |
Atale | top. | the Empire of Athalē | Ad. Athalē | |
atsa | adv. | still; as it stands; in the end | ande ta "stand-dynamic" | |
atsɔyo | n. | 2nd day of the week | [lu airti] anto "day of the old wise one" + -yo | |
atsɔlu | n. | the past | antolau "old-place" | |
avavo | n. | offender, culprit, criminal | abâbu | |
avɛ | n. | mud, dirt; bad weather | abâi "swamp" | |
avɛlu | n. | swamp, bog | abâilau | |
avɔ | v. | flourish, thrive, prosper | Ndd. avwa | |
axa | n. | air | âka | |
Aydók | n. | a person of Ndok ethnicity | (ay- + Nzok) | |
aymɛ | pron. | 1pl possessive | (possibly âk waim "of those near me") | |
ayo | v. | hope | Ndd. ayo | |
ayrəmo | n. | candle | akremo "wax" | |
ayru | pron. | 3.anim possessive | âk rud "of the man" | |
aysɔ́mɛ | n. | drink | (ay- + sɔmɛ "water") | |
badolu | n. | morning | bandoro "early meal" + -lau | |
bagɛbo | n. | cooking spoon, ladle (used mainly for stirring) | F. eboágebu "pusher" | |
bal | v.erg | lie (down) | bal | |
balbo | n. | sick person | balbu | |
bani | v. | pray | banai "worship" | |
banilu | n. | temple | banailau | |
bapsɛ | n. | onion | bâpu mpaim "cry-root" | |
barɛda | v. | get, acquire | bâre ta "have-dynamic" | |
baste | n. | cheap; decent | basti "gentle" | |
batsa | n. | stick, staff | batsn | |
batsale | n. | torch | batsn ali "fire-stick" | |
bawo | n. | root; anchor | bâpu | |
baulu | n. | harbor | bâpulau "anchor-place" | |
baxa | n. | captain (of a ship) | F. baogas | |
bɛgɔ | n. | puny, undesirable | bekwâu "insufficient" | |
bɛle | v. | burp, hiccup | bâil | |
bɛna | v. | beg | F. bæna | |
bɛru | n. | estate; land owned by a noble | F. bæru | |
begu | n. | respect | F. boéigur | |
besti | n. | orgy | F. boéisti | |
bexa | n. | cheek | bikng "jaw" | |
bəbɔ | v. | rub | bimbo | |
bədu | n. | tight; close-by; immediate | bendut | |
bəduga | adv. | almost | (bədu + -ga) | |
bəduspo | n. | bandage (med.) | bendutpu "that which is tight" | |
bəñi | n. | provisions, supplies, stored food | bengkai "amount, quantity" | |
bəsla | n. | beard | betsla | |
bəsto | n. | trunk (of a tree) | bistu | |
bibɛ | v. | perform | F. ebíəbe "sing" | |
bitsi | n. | leg | baitrai | |
bɔ | n. | ox | baus | |
bɔra | v. | feed | bora "nurse" (v.) | |
bɔro | n. | ceremonial meal | Ndd. båddo | |
bɔsalɔ | n. | ginger | bâpu sadlo "rich-tasting root" | |
bɔve | v. | fail | Ndd. båve | |
bɔvla | n. | mistake, blunder, error | (bɔve + -la) | |
bɔ’a | cj. | either/or | boda | |
bo | num. | four | bu | |
bogə | n. | heat | bubwits "warm" | |
boke | n. | disadvantage, problem | N.A. bok'eu "buttocks" (via "downside") | |
boma | n. | wheat | borma | |
boña | n. | back (of the body) | bongga | |
boñamad | n. | backache | bongga madn "violent back" | |
botso | v. | attack | bontu "stab" | |
botsoño | n. | square, rectangle | butsonggu "thing with four corners" | |
botu | n. | awl, auger | F. boutu-u "thing for piercing" | |
bu | adv. | again | bau | |
buda | adv. | yet again, even more | bau ta | |
buli | n. | soil, earth | baulai | |
buliyo | n. | 5th day of the week | [lu airti] baulai "day of the earth" + -yo | |
bulnanɔ | n. | plough | (buli + nanɔ: "soil-cutter") | |
buna | v. | hear, listen | budna | |
buña | n. | prize, trophy, bonus | bungia "reward" (v.) | |
bura | n. | notable, outstanding, unusual | baura "great" | |
Buruya | top. | Buruya | Me. buru "fortification, settlement" + -ya (honorific) | |
da | vn dasa | v. | fight | das |
daba | n. | clean | F. daba "white" | |
dal | cj. | but, however | dal | |
dalmə | vn dalmeda | v. | present; lift towards; suggest; show | dalmit |
dalsu | n. | honey | dalsur | |
darə | vn darəma | v. | warn | darem |
daspo | n. | warrior | daspu "fighter" | |
dava | v. | rot | Ndd. davwa "spoiled food" | |
dayta | v. | take revenge | N.A. daihiteu | |
da’ɛfɛ | vn da’ɛfɛda | v. | hesitate, waver, be unsure | N.A. daxêfêd "careful, cautious, prudent" |
da’ɔ | n. | male | dado | |
dɛlu | n. | the present | daid "this year" + -lau | |
dɛmi | v. | shave | depmai | |
dɛñə | n. | mountain, hill | (back-formed from Dɛñəməl) | |
Dɛñəməl | top. | the Rathedān | daing emwel "western mountains" | |
dedi | n. | option, possibility, chance | ditai "possible" | |
dediga | adv. | maybe, possibly, conceivably | (dedi "option" + -ga) | |
demit | n. | profit | F. deimit "receive; yield" | |
dəsmobo | n. | tracking dog | desmogbu "hunter" | |
dəsmoh | vn dəsmɔxa | v. | search for | desmog "hunt" |
desu | n. | normal, usual, typical, real | disau | |
desuda | v. | adjust; standardize | disau ta "normal-dynamic" | |
desuga | adv. | usually, typically, out of habit | (desu "normal" + -ga) | |
dexo | n. | item, unit, element | dikon "thing" | |
de’áxa | n. | king; ruler | diàka | |
de’axɛ́tɔ | n. | dynasty | N.A. dixêheuteu (influenced by de’áxa) | |
de’ɔva | v. | imagine | dioba | |
de’ɔvla | n. | guess, scenario, hypothesis | diobala "that which is imagined" | |
dəba | vn dəbaña | v. | store, keep, preserve | dimbang |
dəbalu | n. | repository, storage room, pantry | dimbanglau | |
dəbaño | n. | box, chest, case | dimbanggu "that which is used for storing" | |
dəbu | n. | fat, oil | dimbau | |
dənɛrɛ | adv. | namely, specifically, in fact | [âk lu] dene raing "with the reason that" | |
dənzi | vn dənzina | v. | prove, demonstrate, draw conclusions, argue for sth. | dene-sien "prove with reason" |
dənziya | n. | logic, reason | (dənzi + -ya) | |
dənzo | v. | grasp, handle, manipulate; ply | [nte lus] dengi su "do with the fingers" | |
dəña’o | adv. | please | dengie a dom [nin] "if it pleases you" | |
dəñɛ | v. | taste, enjoy | dengie "please" (v.) | |
dəñe | n. | finger | dengi | |
dəpse | n. | child | dempi | |
dəxa | n. | spirit, supernatural being | dêka "mystical" | |
dimu | v. | set free | F. edíəmu | |
dɔsa | n. | blanket | Gez. dâuzâ (K) | |
dɔwɔ | v. | ponder, consider in detail; meditate | dowo "grumble" | |
dɔxa | n. | ladder | dogâ | |
dɔ’ɛ | n. | wild boar | N.A. dôxeu | |
dɔ’ɔ | n. | weary, tired; physically weak person | dodo "be weary" | |
domah | n. | glass (substance) | F. doumah | |
domu | n. | sandals | domau "shoe" | |
dosa | vn dosama | v. | regret | dusam |
du | num. | five | dau | |
dubɔ | v.erg | smell | dumbo | |
dulbɛ | n. | broom, brush | dulbe | |
dume | v. | advertize, display | dungwi "praise" | |
dumeya | n. | the annual trade fair | (dume + -ya) | |
dutə | n. | sacred, holy | dautin | |
duwi | n. | white | dauwai | |
ɛbo | n. | peasant, farmer | aimbu | |
ɛde | n. | mast, pole, column | F. edéi | |
ɛdeta | n. | crossbar, joist | (ɛde + eta: "arm column") | |
ɛdə | v. | have, own; run a business | aitn "keep" | |
ɛflɛ | n. | necklace | eplain "ball, bead" | |
ɛgetse | n. | stairs | F. egéi čeiŋ "up-walk" | |
ɛgo | n. | dead-end effort | F. ægóu "awry, wrong, off" | |
ɛkuyo | n. | 3rd day of the week | (F. ekúi "blessing" + -yo) | |
ɛlu | n. | farm | ainlau | |
ɛlu | pron. | everywhere | elul or ewe lau | |
ɛma | n. | snake, serpent | aimwa | |
ɛna | n. | empty | F. æna | |
ɛnalu | n. | ground, floor, bottom | ainalau "downward place" | |
ɛne | n. | hair | aini | |
ɛnɔ | n. | bitter, alkaline, limy | eno | |
ɛnta | v. | descend, go downward | aina ta | |
ɛnzədɛ | n. | straight-haired person | aini sête "tidy hair" | |
ɛnzɔmɛ | n. | eel | aimwa saungwe "water-snake" | |
ɛñəmu | n. | curly-haired person | aini emau "loose hair" | |
ɛñɔdo | n. | money | ingkotu "wealth; possessions" | |
ɛñu | v.erg | feel dizzy; be irritated | ainggàu "crooked, askew" | |
ɛraga | v. | be ineffective, waste time | erabbwa "fail to bloom" | |
ɛrɔdɔ | v. | venture, strive for | eroto "work towards" | |
ɛru | pron. | everybody | ewe rud "every man" | |
ɛru | v. | prevent, inhibit, avoid | (back-formed from ɛrula, reanalysed as containing patientive -la) | |
ɛrula | n. | impotent | eraula "fail to love" | |
ɛsɛtsi | n. | type (of thing); species (of animal) | F. æsečə | |
ɛsmɛwɛ | n. | tradition, custom | etsn mebwe "method of the father" | |
ɛsola | n. | tax | esula "that which is taken" | |
ɛsul | vn ɛsuna | v. | take, catch, grab | esul |
ɛte | n. | day | airti | |
ɛtsɛ | n. | weak, fragile | ainte "feeble" | |
ɛtsəñu | v. | mimic | etsen ngu "behave like" | |
ɛtsu | pron. | always | etsau | |
ɛxɛ | pron. | everything | ege | |
ɛ’i- | aux. | opt.aux ("want") | âidai "need" | |
e | acc ə | pron. | 1sg | i |
ega | n. | straight | ikwa | |
emodo | pron. | how much, how many (interrogative pronoun) | iwa mondu "which amount?" | |
ena | v.erg | see, notice | ina | |
enamɛ | vn enamɛ | v. | check; compare | ina ngwâi "see-think" |
erɔ | v.erg | be open; get opened | iro | |
erɔvo | n. | sir; man of high prestige | idâu "nobleman" + -bu (influenced by Ndd. eddå) | |
es-/s- | aux. | emph.aux ("can indeed") | is- (hortative mood prefix) | |
eseda | v.erg | surprise | isi ta "sudden-dynamic" | |
esevo | n. | trap | isibu "that which acts suddenly" | |
esopo | v. | forget | Ad. ezopho "lose, misplace" | |
esugo | n. | evening | iswau ubwu "early night" | |
eta | n. | arm | itwam | |
ewə | acc ewa | det. | which one (selective interrogative) | iwa |
ewitsa | pron. | how, in what way | iwa etsn | |
exɛ | n. | the first one | (same source as Ndd. ïkë) | |
exu | n. | serene, placid; patient; tolerant | (back-formed from mexu) | |
e’u | n. | sour, acidic | idur | |
əbabe | v.erg | be lucky | erbambi "accidentally succeed" | |
əbe | n. | moon | imbi | |
əbe | num. | hundred | imbi | |
əbeyo | n. | 4th day of the week | [lu airti] imbi "day of the moon" + -yo | |
əbətsa | n. | amused, cheerful | imbenta | |
əbivo | n. | blind person | imbaibu | |
əbɔ- | aux. | cess.aux ("stop; interrupt") | erbo "rest" (v.) | |
əbu | vn əbuyə | v.refl | swim | embur |
ədu | n. | ocean | indùng | |
əftah | vn əftaxa | v. | shine, glow | eptàg |
əftapə́lɔ | n. | rainbow | (əftah + mpəlɔ: "rain-glowing") | |
əkə | v. | hobble, limp | erkeng "fail to walk" | |
əlayra | v. | convince; bargain | êlakra "urge" (v.) | |
əlgɛ | n. | innocent | elge "clean" | |
əlmɔ | n. | beautiful | ilmo | |
əlu | n. | bend in the road | emlau | |
əme | n. | liver | ingkwi | |
əmi | n. | name | imai | |
əmɔh | vn əmɔxa | v. | accept | ermâuk "fail to protest" |
əmɔyla | n. | compromise, middle ground | ermâukla "that which meets no protest" | |
əmo | n. | head (of a person); top (of a tree); rim (of a wall); peak (of a hill) | imu | |
əmona | v.erg | realize, awake to sth. | em on ina "turn and see" | |
əmu | v.erg | be out of control; be out of place | emau "loose" | |
əmuyso | n. | noon | imu âk tol "peak of the sun" | |
əno | vn ənona | v. | linger, remain, stay | ernon "fail to leave" |
əno | n. | disease, illness, plague | ernots "be seriously ill" (v.) | |
əña | n. | animal | engka | |
əñali | n. | young (of an animal) | engka lairi | |
əñamlu | n. | pet | (əña + mlu: "home animal") | |
əño | v. | kill | engku | |
əpse | n. | grass | empi | |
ərawa | v. | do sth. the wrong way; mess up | erwapa "fail to hit" | |
əsma | v. | sew | isma | |
əstədo | n. | widow(er), orphan | istendu "one who has lost sb." | |
əsu | n. | calendar date | iswau "night" | |
ətavo | n. | key, wrench | irtabu "that which opens sth." (from iro ta) | |
ətsa | v. | stick; be attached; be trapped; be compelled to | inta "be hanging" | |
əvle | n. | north | ibli | |
əvre | v. | strike down, crush, destroy | ebri "destroy" | |
əvrelɛ | v. | spoil | (əvre + -lɛ) | |
əxra | vn əxrana | v. | scratch, dig | egran |
əxrado | n. | shovel | egrandu | |
əye | n. | black | ilki | |
Falíni | top. | Affalinnei | Aff. Affalinnei | |
Fa’alɔ | n. | the Fáralo people | F. Fáralo | |
fiya | adv. | together | Miw. fwiljān "cooperation, teamwork" | |
fɔgau | n. | decoration; artwork | F. fogau "created item" | |
ga | cj. | or | F. boa | |
gadɛ | v. | spare, have mercy | bwande "let stand" | |
gal- | aux.pass | pot.pass.aux ("may get done to oneself") | bwa- (probabilitive/permissive mood prefix) + -l (passive) | |
gamu | n. | cumin | Ad. gamun < Xš. gamun | |
gas-/gaso- | aux. | perm.aux ("may") | bwa- (probabilitive/permissive mood prefix) + su (proverb) | |
gase’ə | vn gase’əna | v. | assume, suspect | bwasien "might prove" |
gasta | v. | sweat, perspire | bwats ta | |
gastu | n. | junk, rubbish, useless thing | Miw. gwāstu "dump" | |
gasu | n. | shy, timid, reticent, cautious | F. gašu "rabbit" | |
gatatsi | n. | ship, large boat | F. gatač "galley" | |
gatsɔmɛ | n. | sweat | bwats saungwe "sweat-water" | |
gaxɛtu | n. | veteran, pensioner | (ga- + xɛtu: "one who may retire") | |
gɛbo | n. | seashell | Ndd. *gëbon | |
gɛxu | n. | eagle | Gez. gwekud (K) | |
gɛyse | n. | religious feast | bwaikti | |
Gedáy | n. | the Dāiadak people | N.A. Gedaig | |
gemada | v. | navigate, orient towards | F. boéimate "astronomy, navigation" | |
Gəbi | top. | the Bwimbai river | Bwimbai | |
gəño | vn gəñɔra | v. | praise; celebrate a religious feast | bwenggor "honor" (v.) |
gəñobo | n. | singer (of religious songs), reciter (of epic poems), eulogist | bwenggorbu "one who sings praise" | |
gəñota | n. | adventure; heroic deed | bwenggor ta "honor-dynamic" | |
gəru | n. | son | bwed rud "son-man" | |
gəsta | n. | family, relatives, descendants | bwed ta "son-dynamic" | |
gi | n. | dot, point | bwai "star" | |
gilu | 1p gilau, 2p gildo | pp. +acc | over, above, on top of | ob nggailau "at the upper end" |
gisa | v. | compete with; annoy | F. gissa "cut" | |
gise | v. | hate, despise, disdain, scorn | N.A. gise "defecate" | |
giskɛməl | n. | the heavens | bwai iskaimel "astronomy" | |
gɔda | v. | originate in, derive from | F. goda | |
gɔgəh | n. | bay; bayou | bwogig | |
gɔla | 1p gɔlɛ, 2p gɔldo | pp. +acc | under, below | ob nggolang "at foot" |
gɔlna’a | n. | researcher; explorer | (ga- + olna’a: "one who may find") | |
gɔni | n. | member of the merchant guild | F. gonin "elder brother" | |
gɔrasa | n. | abacus | Gez. gworàːzâ (K) | |
gɔyada | v. | be furious about sth. | Ndd. gåyada "get mad" | |
gɔyto | n. | week (of the Ndok calendar) | N.A. goitol | |
goga | n. | broken, defunct | F. gouga "break" (v.) | |
gorɔy | v. | preach (mystical or magical things) | (back-formed from gorɔyvo) | |
gorɔyvo | n. | prophet, guru | Ndd. goddåivo "dreamer, mystical person" | |
gufay | vn gufayba | v. | grieve, mourn | N.A. agufaib |
guvɔ | v. | mark, tag, seal | Ndd. guvå | |
guvlu | n. | seal, badge, symbol, emblem | (guvɔ + -lu: "the place which is marked") | |
idə | v. | seem, be perceived as | F. idər | |
ifúma | n. | smoke, steam | luk pumâ (pl) | |
igɛ́’ə | adv. | perfectly | N.A. igêd | |
ilu | n. | flower | ailàu | |
iluso | v. | bloom | (ilu + -so) | |
imə | v. | fasten, stitch | F. imə "sew" | |
inzɔ | v. | swallow | Ndd. ina så "swallow down" | |
iñeru | n. | boy | Me. ini "child" + -ru | |
iñesi | n. | girl | Me. ini "child" + -si | |
iñomu | n. | sister | Me. ini "child" + omau "sister" | |
ira | n. | trash, junk, unusable thing | Ndd. idda | |
iralɛ | n. | nonsense | (ira + -lɛ: "small trash") | |
iravo | n. | outsider (derog.) | (ira + -vo: "trash-person") | |
irulɔ | n. | window | F. irulo "opening" | |
isa | qu. | most | ais | |
isaga | n. | previous, preceding | F. isəga | |
isavru | n. | husband | aisab rud "husband-man" | |
ise | v. | paint | aisi | |
istixu | n. | cotton | Miw. īstjēχu | |
itu | n. | blossom | Miw. ītur "petal" | |
itsiru | n. | hint, advice | F. ijiru "whispered thing" | |
itso | n. | contract, obligation | aitsu "promise" (v.) | |
itsokwɛ’a | v. | negotiate | (itso + kwɛ’a: "prepare a contract") | |
ivrɛ | n. | tale, story, report | (vn of ivri) | |
ivri | v. | tell, narrate, inform | Ndd. ïvri | |
iwe | v.erg | freeze | aipi | |
iyɔ | n. | important, relevant, crucial | aio | |
iyɔda | v. | lead | aio ta "important-dynamic" | |
Iwa | top. | the Eigə river | Aiwa | |
kalɛste | n. | active person; one who takes charge of things | Miw. kalestē "alive" | |
kalma | v. | lose one's way | Miw. kālmā "confusing" | |
kañɛ | n. | secret; hidden, invisible; taboo | kasnie "avoid" | |
kara | n. | fog, mist | luk arwa (pl) | |
karo | n. | helpful person | Ad. kārō "friend" | |
Kasaga | top. | Kasca | Kasadgad | |
kasela | n. | detail | kasila "that which is looked at" | |
kasəl | vn kasəna | v. | examine, inspect, look closely | kasil "look at" |
kasəna | n. | check, inspection | (vn of kasəl) | |
katsu | n. | power, strength | kâtsum "powerful" | |
kawa | n. | last year | kapm | |
kayma | n. | lip | kak mabm "edge of the mouth" | |
kaywemə | n. | fence, boundary | kak wimès "neighbor's border" | |
kɛ | num. | one | ke | |
kɛda | n. | ashes | luk ainda (pl) | |
kɛfol | n. | sad, unhappy | N.A. kêfol | |
kɛfolga | adv. | sadly | (kɛfol + -ga) | |
kɛlbo | n. | cloak, overcoat | kailbu "wear-thing" | |
kɛmɛ | v. | study, learn | kaime | |
kɛyfo | n. | spearman | kekpu "one who throws" | |
kɛ’u | qu. | one of (partitive) | ke um | |
kele | n. | barley | kil | |
kepə | n. | herb, spice | F. keip | |
kepəña | n. | spicy food | (kepə + -ña: "very spicy") | |
kera | vn kerana | v. | be responsible for | kiran "take care of" < Gez. kiranâ- "provide, supply" (K) |
kesta | v. | clear debts | N.A. ketsteu "shake off a burden" | |
kexə | n. | lightning | kikik | |
kə | v. | walk | keng | |
kəh | vn kɛxa | v. | throw | kek |
kəlna | n. | teacher | kenla | |
kəlu | n. | step, yard (measurement of distance) | kenglau "walking space" | |
kənɔñúmɛ | vn kənɔñúmɛ | v. | hold a grudge, resent; seek restitution | kenau ndong kumâi "demand a repair" |
kənu | v. | ask, inquire, demand | kenau | |
kəñɛma | v. | crawl | keng [ngu au] aimwa "walk like a snake" | |
kəñəla | n. | target | kengîla ~ "to where one walks" | |
kəño | n. | shoe | kenggu "walker" | |
kəpsal | vn kəpsana | v. | lament, whine, complain | kimpal |
kəsa | n. | flesh and blood | luk sa "meat" (pl) + luk ntse "blood" (pl) | |
kəsusa | n. | calendar | luk iswaulsa "the dated time" (pl) | |
kətsɔ | n. | patron; sponsor; generous person | kinto "generous" | |
kətsɔda | v. | donate, bestow | kinto ta "generous-dynamic" | |
kəvi | v. | confirm a deal | kîbai "tie" (v.) | |
kəye | v. | threaten, confront, challenge, provoke, upset | kelki "dangerous" | |
kə’ɛ́ta | v. | seize, capture | F. kreota | |
kili | n. | wild, feral, fierce, dangerous | Ndd. kïlye | |
kisɛ | n. | snow | luk aise (pl) | |
kiya | n. | gold | kaitia < Early Gez. kʰɔeteɜ̃ | |
kɔda | v. | hide | kota "cover" (v.) | |
kɔdanta | n. | fraud | (kɔda + nta: "hide the end") | |
kɔla | n. | clumsy person | kola "funny" | |
kɔnze | v. | blame, accuse | kaumisi "reprimand" | |
kɔsara | v. | be polite, be humble | Gez. kosaraŋ "friendly" (K) | |
koke | n. | tin | Ad. khōkē | |
kolduma | n. | face | luk oldau on mabm "the eyes and mouth" | |
koma | n. | tongue | komwa | |
komɛ | vn komɛ | v. | compensate | kumâi "repair" |
konzo | v. | lick | (koma + -so: "do with the tongue") | |
kowa | n. | rudder | F. kouwə | |
koxi | v. | domesticate; keep (animals) | kukail "tame" (adj., reanalysed as a passive verb form) | |
kuba | v. | waste; (reflexive) decline | kumba | |
kume | v. | punch; test | Ndd. ku'me | |
kunə | n. | hard, solid, sturdy; (of people) muscular, tough | kun "stiff" | |
kuñe | v. | squeal, squeak | kwingi (imitative) | |
kupsiwa | v. | believe | kumpaiwa | |
kusavo | n. | wasp, hornet | ukausabu "bloodthirsty priest" | |
kusə’a | n. | olive | kusram < Gez. kusaram (K) | |
kutsa | v. | ward off, defend (successfully), protect | kun ta "sturdy-dynamic" | |
kwamɛdi | n. | tea, herbal infusion | Miw. qwāmeti | |
kwaslami | n. | bench | kwats larmai "long chair" | |
kwaxa | n. | beans | kwagan | |
kwayo | n. | skin disease | Miw. kwaχjur "measles" | |
kwɛbo | n. | ball, sphere | kwaimbu | |
kwɛlu | n. | plate, platter, serving tray | kwedalau "ready-place" | |
kwɛno | vn kwɛnona | v. | walk around, stroll | kwaim non "circle-go" |
kwɛña | n. | ring, circle | *kwɛñiya < kwaim kaitia "golden circle" | |
kwɛsta | n. | noise | kwaidn ta "loud-dynamic" | |
kwɛstaga | adv. | loudly | (kwɛsta + -ga) | |
kwɛtsa | v. | chew; (refl.) drudge, exert oneself, struggle (to do sth.) | kwain ta "bite-dynamic" | |
kwɛ’a | v. | prepare | kweda "ready" | |
kwe | n. | bit, piece, chip, splinter, flake | kwi "fingernail" | |
kweka | n. | game (hunted animals) | Tl. kʷēkā | |
kwela | n. | news, message | luk mbila "that which is said" (pl) | |
kwemi | v. | understand | Ndd. kwïrmï | |
kwexiya | n. | coin | kwi kaitia "piece of gold" | |
kwe’ə́ñe | n. | fingernail | kwi dengi | |
kwi | n. | easily audible; clearly spoken | Ndd. kwin "loud" | |
kwivo | n. | knot | *kəvivo < kîbaibu "that which ties" | |
kwə | 1p kwɛne, 2p kwədɔ | pp. +nom | with, having (comitative) | kwen |
kwəbe | n. | statement, utterance, sentence | kwi mbi "say-piece" | |
kwədamə | vn kwədanza | v. | have knowledge about sth. | kwindamis "understand" |
kwədaspo | n. | junior craftsman | kwindamispu "one who understands" | |
kwəma | v. | repeat | F. kuəma | |
kwəñánɛ | n. | button (of clothing) | kwi ngane "connect-piece" | |
kwəñápsi | n. | brooch, fibula | kwi ngane pai "big connect-piece" | |
kwərə | n. | goat | kwir | |
kwətso | n. | distance | kwentu "apart" | |
kwətu | v.erg | be bright, be illuminated | F. *kuətur (< kuntor "bright") | |
kwɔtsi | n. | danger, emergency | Tl. qʷotsfi "flee" (v.) | |
la | n. | land, region (domestic) | lats | |
lalpɔ | n. | medicine (cure-inducing treatment) | F. lalpo "heal, cure" | |
lamatɛ | n. | medicine (field of study) | F. ladmate | |
lami | n. | long (shape) | larmai | |
lamɔ | n. | spine | langkwo "bone" | |
lanɛvo | n. | index finger | lanebu "that which points at sth." | |
lanɔ | n. | rose | Ndd. lanå | |
lañalu | n. | a cozy place, a comfortable situation | langànglau "familiar place" | |
lase | v. | close | lasi | |
lasevo | n. | lock | lasibu "that which closes sth." | |
laste | n. | healthy | lasti | |
latsa | n. | hour | lartsartsa | |
latsi | n. | foreign country; abroad | lats sai | |
lawa | n. | mouth of a river | lâwa "delta" | |
Lawiwa | top. | the Eigə Delta | lâwa Aiwa | |
layáxa | n. | kingdom, state | las âk diàka "land of the king" | |
la’e | v. | lift, hold up (physically) | Ndd. laï'n | |
lɛ | n. | year | laid | |
lɛga | n. | language | F. lega | |
lɛldɛ | v. | touch, caress | lail nde "flow-touch" | |
lɛlta | n. | graceful, agile, nimble, flexible | lail ta "flow-dynamic" | |
lɛñanɛ | n. | goose | lai ngane "neck-bird" | |
lɛñɔ | acc lɛño | pron. | 2sg | laingko |
lɛtsi | n. | sword | F. leč | |
lɛwi | n. | word | lewai | |
lɛwida | v. | translate, interpret, explain | lewai ta "word-dynamic" | |
lɛwitsɛ | n. | epic poem, ballad | lewaitsâi "poetry" | |
lɛysa | v. | collect | lekta | |
leda | adv. | completely, thoroughly | lita "throughout" | |
lesəgɔ | v. | tremble | lisedgo "shake" | |
lespo’o | n. | ink | Ndd. lespoddo | |
letsədə | n. | opposite; counterpart | lita sîteng "completely different" | |
leyɔ | v. | form, shape, mold, knead | ligio | |
ləh | cj. | neither/nor | lik | |
ləmo | v. | smile | limu | |
lətsu | n. | cold | lêtsau | |
lidu | n. | duck | lai tau "lake-bird" | |
limaka | v. | reveal; give away a secret | Tl. liamaqa | |
limvə | n. | heron | lai mbits "heron bird" | |
lire | n. | young; fresh; naïve | lairi "young" | |
lirevo | n. | teenager, adolescent | lairibu "young person" | |
liru | n. | young man | lairi rud | |
lɔnzi | n. | quick, fast | Ndd. lånzi | |
lɔvu | n. | habit, trend, fashion | lobau "tracks, footprints" (via "sth. to follow") | |
lɔyse | n. | poultry | N.A. loi ses "farm-bird" | |
lo | acc lu | det. | the (definite article) | lu |
lolmu | v. | visit, attend | lolmau | |
lorə | n. | cloth, fabric | lurits | |
loru | acc luru | pron. | 3sg.anim | lu rud "the man" |
losə | vn loseda | v. | try | lusit |
lotsɛ | n. | correct, true; truth | lonte | |
loya | v. | answer, respond | lonsia | |
loyo | acc luño | pron. | 3sg.inan | (same source as Ndd. lojon) |
ludɛ | n. | riverbank | lunde | |
luki | n. | adaptive, versatile, tricky, clever | Tl. lūk’im "agile, competent" | |
luski | n. | sail (of a ship); flag | luskai | |
Luyɔsa | top. | Luyosha | Ndd. Luyosha | |
ma- | aux. | neg.aux ("don't") | m- (negative mood prefix) | |
mab | n. | mouth | mabm | |
mabo | n. | massage | ngwa bimbo "a few rubs" | |
magɛsta | n. | silence | (ma- + kwɛsta: "no noise") | |
mah | n. | today | mâg | |
maldɔ | n. | person; human being | maldo | |
malɛ | v. | suck | malwe | |
malu | pron. | nowhere | malul | |
maməlgɛ | n. | honest, straightforward | mabm elge "clean mouth" | |
manavo | n. | consultant, mentor; member of the city council | matnabu "wise man" | |
mañi | n. | rare, remarkable, special, extraordinary, odd-one-out | malngai "not common" | |
marob | n. | heavy; weight | mwarwobm | |
marolə | v. | return sth.; reject | F. maróulə "not care for" | |
maru | pron. | nobody | (by analogy) | |
masa | qu. | least | F. mas "few" | |
mastɔra | n. | flute | (masto + -ɔra: "whistle-thing") | |
masto | v. | whistle | mastu | |
matsu | pron. | never | matsau | |
mavli | n. | beak | mabm lai "bird-mouth" | |
maxayso | vn maxaysɔ’a | v. | shun, avoid one's company | makaktod "do not greet" |
maxɛ | pron. | nothing | mage | |
maylo | n. | decent, suitable | maklu "not ugly" | |
mayradɛ | n. | balcony, terrace, veranda | maki rande "sky-table" | |
mayrasa | n. | siege; conflict, confrontation | makrasâ "facing" | |
mɛda | v. | have an opinion about, assess, deem, review | ngwâi ta "think-dynamic" | |
mɛdə | v. | be poor | (ma- + ɛdə: "not have") | |
mɛgagɔy | n. | general, military commander | N.A. mêgagoi | |
mɛgɔ | n. | mighty, intimidating, powerful | N.A. mêgeu | |
mɛlɛdu | n. | member (of a group or category) | F. meledu "that which is included" | |
Mɛmɛdi | top. | Mæmedéi | F. Mæmedéi | |
mɛpsi | n. | grandfather | mebwe pai "big father" | |
mɛpsɔgo | n. | drunk, intoxicated | ngkwaimpaugng + -bu: "one who vomits" | |
mɛpsɔh | vn mɛpsuxa | v. | expel, eject | ngkwaimpaugng "vomit" |
mɛru | v. | enable; let sth. happen | (ma- + ɛru: "not prevent") | |
mɛsa | n. | cow, bull | mâisâ | |
mɛsɛ | v. | meet, come across, encounter | mese | |
mɛsɛlu | n. | tavern | meselau "meeting-place" | |
mɛslu | n. | meadow, pastureland | mâislau "cow-place" | |
mɛsɔtsə | n. | confluence | mese aunti "river meeting" | |
mɛspɔra | v. | breed, raise (animals) | mâisâ bora "nurse cows" | |
mɛsu | 1p mɛsawe, 2p mɛsu’ɔ | pp. +nom | near, next to (adessive) | wimès wau "neighbor to" |
mɛsuga | adv. | nearby, closely, tightly | (mɛsu + -ga) | |
mɛvə | n. | broke, bankrupt | mebis "lack" | |
mɛwɛ | n. | father | mebwe | |
mɛwɛnomɔ | n. | parents | mebwe on omo "father and mother" | |
mɛya | n. | brother | merkàt | |
me | qu. | no, none of | mi | |
meko | n. | lookalike; replacement | N.A. mekot "similar item" | |
melena | v. | set a limit to, confine, restrict | N.A. meled, melêna- "hold, contain" | |
mepso | v. | get to know, become friends with | ngwipopu "socialize" | |
mepsovo | n. | outgoing person | ngwipopubu "one who socializes a lot" | |
mesə | n. | insufficient | F. meis "lack" | |
mevəspe | v. | blame, accuse | ngwibespi "should punish" | |
mevrumɛ | vn mevrumɛ | v. | insist | (mevu + rumɛ: "request to know") |
mevu | vn mevuna | v. | request | (back-formed from mevuna) |
mevuna | n. | request; task; mission | ngwibudna "should listen" | |
mevunlɛ | n. | favor | (mevuna + -lɛ) | |
mewa | n. | stout, heavy, broad-shouldered | Ndd. mewa "big, strong" | |
mexa | n. | faith | miga "trust" (v.) | |
mexu | n. | nervous; impatient | ngwikuk "be running late" | |
meyani | v. | become pregnant | ngwitianai | |
meyasa | n. | stillbirth, miscarriage | Ndd. measa | |
meyu | v. | shock, terrorize, frighten | Miw. mēgju "noise-maker" | |
me’ɛxe | v. | feel wronged by sb. | ngwideki | |
me’oxu | n. | attempt | miukur "try" | |
me’ufla | n. | charge (jur.) | ngwiupla "owe an explanation" | |
Mədo | top. | Miədu | [Mos] Mindu | |
məgi | v. | thank | midgai | |
məle | v. | read | mêli | |
məlela | n. | writing, text | (məle + -la: "that which is read") | |
məlu | v. | arrive, achieve, accomplish | mêlau "destination" | |
məmat | vn məmada | v. | recall, remember | ngwimatn "should know" |
məmova | n. | business partner | wimès muba "trade-neighbor" | |
məməgi | v. | rely on, depend on | ngwimidgai "owe gratitude to" | |
mənila | n. | lawsuit, trial | ngwinailinla "should be judged" | |
məropso | n. | one who cannot forgive | merwompobu "one who does not fail to remember" | |
məskwe | n. | guilty, unfair | miskwi "blame" (v.) | |
məsta | n. | late | mits ta | |
məvo | n. | traveller | mêbu | |
miyɔdɔ | n. | short-sighted; ignorant | F. miordo "blind" | |
ml-/mal- | aux.pass | neg.pass.aux ("don't get done to oneself") | m- (negative mood prefix) + -l (passive) | |
mlana | v. | flow; (reflexive) flood | imlana | |
mlaña | n. | guest, visitor, stranger | amlangàng "unfamiliar" | |
mlu | n. | home, house | (back-formed from mlusɔmɛ) | |
mlulɛ | n. | one's own room; retreat | (mlu + -lɛ: "little home") | |
mluñunɛ | n. | inn, hostel | (mlu + ñunɛ: "middle house") | |
mlusɔmɛ | n. | houseboat | wimlau saungwe "water-house" | |
mɔ | num. | seven | mam | |
mɔdɛ | n. | heart | maunde | |
mɔdɔnɛ | n. | mysterious person | maunde aurne "obscured heart" | |
mɔkə | n. | contradiction, inconsistency, flawed logic | mâukkin "protest against oneself" | |
mɔla | vn mɔlana | v. | take care, pay attention | molan "awake, alert" |
mɔlado | n. | guard, sentinel, custodian | molandu | |
mɔlɛ | n. | full | ngwolâi | |
mɔñi | n. | shell (of an egg or nut) | ngwau ngkai "egg-skin" | |
mɔra | v. | select | morar "prefer" | |
mɔrala | n. | favorite, first choice, preferred option | morarla | |
mɔrɛ | n. | dark, darkness, shadow | more | |
mɔromə | n. | night | more on mits "dark and late" | |
mɔtsa | n. | soul, mind, personality | maunde ta | |
mɔwa | v. | begin; originate in | mowâ "dawn" (v.) | |
mɔysa | v. | recede, retreat, go backward | ngwogng ta "backward-dynamic" | |
mo | n. | town, city | mos | |
mola | n. | ice | mulâ | |
moldu | 1p moldau, 2p moldu’o | pp. +acc | in front of | ob moldau |
modo | v. | count, reckon, measure | mondu | |
mogi | n. | worm | mombwai | |
monzi | n. | grain | Ndd. monzi "seed" | |
mopso | n. | ford | mompu "not deep" | |
mosa | v.erg | grow up, become an adult | mus "grow" | |
mova | n. | exchange, deal | muba | |
mu | n. | surface; semblance | ngwau "skin" | |
Mubasɛ | top. | Momuva'e | [Mos] Mumbasi | |
muda | v. | look, appear, resemble | ngwau ta "skin-dynamic" | |
mudaysa | n. | dream, hallucination, illusion | murdak ta "dream-dynamic" | |
munanɔ | n. | claw | (mu + nanɔ: "skin-cutter") | |
mura | v. | decide, conclude, determine | Ndd. mura | |
murítso | n. | lacuna, loophole (jur.) | (murɔ + itso: "gap in a contract") | |
murɔ | n. | narrow; gap, passageway | mauro | |
musmə | n. | fool | musmis "stupid" | |
musna | n. | leather | ngwau asnàn "dry skin" | |
muvi | n. | eager, zealous, enthusiastic | (back-formed from mvomúvi) | |
mpadɛ | v. | keep positioned (in a certain way) | mpe ande "sit-stand" | |
mpaskale | v. | announce, declare, claim | mpaskali | |
mpɛ | v.erg | sit | mpe | |
mpɛbo | n. | mourner, one who is in grief | mpaimbu "one who cries" | |
mpɛsa | n. | fish | mpaiswa | |
mpɛsavo | n. | fisherman | mpaiswabu | |
mpɛsɔmɛ | n. | teardrop | mpaim saungwe | |
mpedu | n. | private, personal; off-record | mpitau "private" | |
mpeso | n. | spider | mpisu | |
mpexəme | n. | tallgrass | empi gingwi | |
mpəlɔ | n. | rain | mpêlo | |
mpəlta | v. | spray, sprinkle, strew, scatter | mpêlo ta "rain-dynamic" | |
mpəwa | n. | nipple (of a woman) | mpepm "breast" | |
mpi | vn mpima | v.erg | cry, weep | mpaim (influenced by Ndd. pi) |
mpiña | n. | chicken | (same source as Ndd. piña) | |
mpitɔy | v. | intrigue, plot, conspire, sabotage | N.A. mpitoi "conspiracy" | |
mpɔyfɔ | v. | allow, permit | mpokpo "not refuse" | |
mpo | n. | plum | mpom | |
mpu | cj. | because | mpau | |
mpu | 1p mpawe, 2p mpu’ɔ | pp. +nom | because of, due to, in consideration of | mpau |
mpunə | n. | heathen | mpurnim | |
mvaro | n. | rind, peel | mbâro "bark" | |
mvaronowɛ | n. | beech tree | mbâro nuwe "smooth bark" | |
mvawɛ | ger ntəgáwɛ | v. | push, shove; urge | mbwawe |
mvayo | n. | group; collection; category; set | (contraction of omba dikon "many things") | |
mvɛsta | n. | ordered | mbesta | |
mve | ger ntəbé | v. | say, speak | mbi |
mvenanɔ | ger ntəbénanɔ | v. | hurt with words | (mve + nanɔ: "speak-cut") |
mvexo | n. | debt | mbigom "tax, tithe" | |
mvəbo | 1p mvəgə, 2p mvəbo’o | pp. +acc | between, among, along, through (interessive) | mbembu |
mvəgɛ | ger ntəbə́gɛ | v. | sing | mbîbwe |
mvəgɛtsɛ | n. | legend, myth | *mbîbwetsâi "song" (analogous to lewaitsâi "poetry") | |
mvəlu | n. | west | emwellau "west-place" | |
mvəma | ger ntəbə́ma | v. | bless | mbi mingwa "speak strength" |
mvəskɛ | n. | necessary | mbiski | |
mvintu | n. | shoulder | Miw. vīntū | |
mvɔ | n. | short, small | mbâur | |
mvɔnza | n. | folk wisdom | Ndd. womvånzo "tradition" (modified to rhyme with sɔnza "doctrine") | |
mvɔrɔl | ger ntəbɔ́rɔl, vn mvɔrɔna | v. | care for; respect | mboraul "be careful" |
mvɔrula | n. | cherished, respected, of good social standing | mboraula "one who is cared for" | |
mvɔwa | adv. | so much, to such an extent; sufficiently | mbopm "enough" | |
mvogɛsta | ger ntubógɛsta | v. | rumble, rattle; disturb | (mvo- + kwɛsta: "make noise") |
mvomérɔ | ger ntubomérɔ | v. | open sth. | umbom-iro "cause to be open" |
mvomə́ño | ger ntubomə́ño | v. | have sb. executed | umbom-engku "cause to kill" |
mvomu | 1p mvomawe, 2p mvomu’ɔ | pp. +nom | to the point of, resulting in, enough for, appropriate to | mbopm wau "enough for" |
mvomúvi | ger ntubomúvi | v. | motivate, encourage | umbom-aubai "make active" |
mvoñu | ger ntubóñu, vn mvoñuna | v. | build, construct, put up, establish | umbom-kun "make sturdy" |
mvoñuvo | n. | founder, initiator | (mvoñu + -vo: "one who establishes sth.") | |
mvopso | n. | musician | mbop + -bu | |
mvora | n. | new; newcomer | mbwura "unusual" | |
mvorɔwa | ger ntəbórɔwa | v. | play music | mbop rowa |
mvoso | ger ntubóso | v. | cause, bring about, result in | umbom-su "cause to do" |
mvosta | n. | color | mbod ta "color-dynamic" | |
mvotsɛsə | ger ntubótsɛsə, vn mvotsɛsera | v. | give birth | (mvo- + tsɛsə) |
mvotsi | ger ntubótsi | v.erg | grow | mbontai "seed" (reanalysed as containing causative mvo-) |
mvotsuya | ger ntubótsuya | v. | fake, copy | umbom-ntausia "make false" |
mvoyɔsko | ger ntubóyɔsko | v. | delight sb., please sb. | (mvo- + yɔsko: "make glad") |
mvuga | adv. | already, so far; (in negated clauses) not yet | mbubwa "recently" | |
mvunɛ | ger ntəbúnɛ | v. | have, hold, own | mbunwe "hold" |
mvusmo | n. | belly | mbusmu | |
n- | aux. | pfv.aux ("have done") | n (past perfective copula) | |
nabaña | n. | little, tiny, dwarf-sized | nambam ngal "very small" | |
nabɛ | pron. | something | nambe | |
nada | v.erg | feel (of emotions) | enànda | |
nadana | n | emotion, feeling | (nada + -(n)a) | |
naga | n. | cardamom | Ad. naga < Xš. naga | |
nakwi | n. | fur | Tl. naokʷi | |
nalo | n. | horse | nalaròr | |
nalu | pron. | somewhere | namlul or namê lau | |
namə | qu. | some | namê | |
nanɔ | v. | cut | narno | |
nanɔvo | n. | sharp | narnobu "thing that cuts" | |
nanɔxə | vn nanɔñə | v.refl | hurt oneself | narnokin |
naru | pron. | some person | namê rud "some man" | |
nata | n. | noble status | F. nata "nobility, aristocracy" | |
natavo | n. | person of noble descent | (nata + -vo) | |
natsu | pron. | sometime | (by analogy with witsu, tsetsu etc.) | |
nasa | n. | east | nasa | |
navɔ | n. | boring; ordinary; average | nabâu "predictable" | |
nawə | n. | red | napê | |
naysi | n. | field | (contraction of nâk wau mbontai "field for seeds") | |
nayu | n. | noodles | Thok. nayu | |
nɛnagɔ | n. | cabbage | Ndd. nënagwå | |
nɛña | n. | page, scroll | nenga "leaf" | |
nɛpsonə | n. | leaf | nenga ponî "plant leaf" | |
nɛski | adv. | anyway; no matter what; by the way | naisngai "pointlessly" | |
nɛsɔ | n. | disease | F. neos "sick, ill" | |
nɛsɔ’u | n. | not feeling well | (nɛsɔ + -’u: "a bit sick") | |
nɛtsɛga | v. | commit adultery | (nɛtsi + sɛga: "deceive the wife") | |
nɛtsi | n. | wife | netrai | |
nɛtso | n. | palm | nenga ton "leaf of the hand" | |
nɛwɛ | adv. | more, most | newe | |
nesə | v. | cancel; erase; tear down | nises "annul" | |
newa | n. | shield | nipm "shell; armor" | |
nexo | n. | god | N.A. neheu | |
nəbe | v. | think about, refer to, have in mind, mean, intend | nembi | |
nəl | num. | nine | nil | |
nəlga | vn nəlgana | v. | turn, twist, rotate, spin, stir | nelgan "twist" |
Nə’ola | top. | Nïddola | Ndd. Nïddola | |
ni | cj. | if/then | F. niən | |
ni | 1p nɛ, 2p ni’o | pp. +acc | in, into (illative/inessive) | nai |
nigiwo | n. | rice | Mer. *nirəgiwə < PPI *niha-kifm "water-grain" | |
nilə | vn niləna | v. | estimate; value | nailin "judge" |
nilədo | n. | judge | nailindu | |
nilu | n. | room (in a house) | nailau "inside-place" | |
nimə́luyə | vn nimə́luña | v. | approach, go towards somewhere other than "here"; aim at | (NT mêlau "destination" + ni-‖-yə: "go for a target") |
ninólɔyə | vn ninólɔña | v. | emigrate | (nolɔ "road" + ni-‖-yə: "go for the road") |
niñawe | v. | insert; integrate | (ni + ñawe: "put into") | |
nira | n. | silver | Ad. nīra < Gez. niːraː (W) | |
nivíyə | vn nivíña | v. | be ambitious | (vi "star" + ni-‖-yə: "go for the stars") |
nɔdɔ- | aux. | pfv=res.aux ("had done before; had become") | n (past perfective copula) + oto "come" | |
nɔlsi | n. | squirrel | Ndd. nålzi | |
no | vn nɔtsa | v.erg | die | nots |
nodɛ | v. | reach for, touch, get in physical contact with | non nde "go-touch" | |
nolɔ | n. | road, path, way | F. noulo | |
nomláse | intj. | goodbye (formal) | enon kwen lu dasi "go with the goddess" (contracted) | |
non- | aux. | int.aux ("going to") | non "go" | |
noñə | v. | leave, depart, go away | non keng "walk away" (lit. "go-walk") | |
noñuylu | n. | bankruptcy | (noñə + ñuylu: "leave the marketplace") | |
nora | v. | go outside, leave temporarily | Ndd. nodda "step out" | |
noráxo | vn noráxona | v. | shout (a round of drinks), treat sb. to sth. | (non- + raxo: "go-fill") |
nospo | n. | dying person | notspu | |
nowɛ | n. | flawless, top-quality | nuwe "smooth" | |
noxa | vn noxatsa | v. | trade | nugats |
noxala | n. | goods | (noxa + -la: "that which is traded") | |
nudɛ | n. | snail | nunde | |
numi | v. | exaggerate | Ndd. numye | |
numo | n. | spearhead, arrowhead | *nurmu < nurimu | |
nuve | n. | proud, self-assured | (back-formed from nuve’ə) | |
nuve’ə | n. | arrogant, rude | N.A. nubeheu "proud" | |
nta | n. | end | nta "stop" | |
ntada | v. | stop, finish | nta ta | |
ntalu | n. | death | ntalau | |
ntaskɔ | n. | dressed; respectable | (back-formed from ntaskɔda) | |
ntaskɔda | v. | wrap, cover; pack; surround, encircle; (reflexive) get dressed | ntatsn kota "cover all around" | |
ntɛ | 1p nte, 2p ntɛ’ɔ | pp. +nom | with, like, by (adverbial/instrumental) | nte |
ntɛga | adv. | then, next, subsequently | nte gua "followingly" | |
ntɛvɔ́ve | adv. | in vain; (in negated clauses) not at all | (ger of bɔve "fail") | |
ntɛxavu | adv. | also, furthermore | nte gâ bau "with that again" | |
nte’a | adv. | really, truly, indeed | ntia "true" | |
ntənánɔ | adv. | violently | (ger of nanɔ "cut") | |
ntəspo | n. | boat | ntetspu "floater" | |
ntətsa | v. | forge | ntindo ta "metal-dynamic" | |
ntəwa | n. | tail | ntêwâ | |
ntidə | adv. | apparently, seemingly | (ger of idə "be perceived as") | |
ntise | adv. | directly; immediately | nte isi "with suddenness" | |
ntɔh | n. | forest | ntâug | |
ntɔnadɛ | v. | stop for; have a closer look at | nta on ande "stop and stand" | |
ntɔvu | n. | turtle | ntobau | |
Ntɔysa | n. | the Miwan peoples | (ntɔh + -sa: "those from the forest") | |
ntɔ’e | n. | arrow | ntodi | |
ntomada | n. | complex, convoluted | ntomatn | |
ntowa | n. | peaceful, reliable | ntupa | |
ntuya | n. | fake; copy, imitation | ntausia "false" | |
ntsa | adv. | very | ntsand "greatly" | |
ntsago | n. | roof (of a house) | ntsadgot | |
ntsəbe | n. | menstruation | ntse imbi "moon blood" | |
ntsəlo | n. | belt | ntsîlu | |
ntsətə | vn ntsətəma | v. | discuss, debate | ntsertim |
ntsətəmla | n. | point of disagreement | ntsertimla "that which is debated" | |
nzaga | n. | unclean, tainted | ndabwa "dirty" | |
nzaləd | n. | energy, enthusiasm | ndalidn | |
nzata | n. | pig | Ad. zathan | |
nzawe | n. | smart, wise | ndapi | |
nzaysa | n. | (name of the language) | Ndak Ta | |
nzɛ | v. | do, tackle | nde "touch" | |
nzɛda | v. | tease, be playful, flirt | nde ta "touch-dynamic" | |
nzɛdaga | adv. | temptingly, provocatively | (nzɛda + -ga: "playfully") | |
nzɛtsa | v.erg | be typical, be predictable, follow a pattern, work out as expected | ansetra "prototypical" | |
nzɛwə | vn nzɛwɛsa | v. | receive, be given sth. | ndepes "gather" |
nzɛwəslu | n. | autumn | ndepeslau "harvest time" | |
nzɛwəspo | n. | recipient, addressee | ndepespu | |
nzeda | n. | wrist, forearm | nditn | |
nzesoño | v. | change one's mind | (nzesu + oño: "guess differently") | |
nzesu | n. | different | ndisau "not normal" | |
nzesu’ə | n. | incompatible | (nzesu + -’ə: "very different") | |
nzi | n. | tree | ndai | |
nzəmo | n. | mercy | ndimu | |
nzəna | vn nzənama | v.erg | breathe; be alive | ndenam |
nzəwo | n. | safety, shelter | ndêwu "safe" | |
nzəwoga | adv. | safely | (nzəwo + -ga) | |
nzəxrə | vn nzəxrɛda | v. | yell, shout | ndegret |
nzɔ | acc nzo | det. | as for (topic marker) | ndo |
nzɔnə | n. | good, pleasant, favorable | ndaun "pure" | |
nzɔnəga | adv. | fortunately | (nzɔnə + -ga) | |
nzɔñu | n. | virtue; righteous action; advantage | ndaun gau "the pure way" | |
Nzok | n. | the Ndok people | N.A. Ndok | |
nzolab | vn nzolava | v. | arrange, sort, classify | ndulabm |
nzolavlu | n. | counter (of a shop or market stand) | (nzolab + -lu: "place for arranging things") | |
nzolayə | vn nzolañə | v.refl | be busy | (nzolab + -yə) |
nzowə | acc nzowa | pron. | why (interrogative pronoun) | nduwa |
nzugi | vn nzugira | v. | devour, eat greedily; use up | Miw. zugīr "swallow" |
nzukatu | n. | tomato | Miw. zukatun "red fruit" | |
nzuma | n. | coffee | (unknown) | |
ñababa | n. | rumor, word of mouth | Ndd. ñababa "small talk" | |
ñabo | n. | one who does not pay attention | ngadbu "sleeping person" | |
ñada | v.erg | sleep | ngata | |
ñadalu | n. | bed | ngatalau | |
ñadə́nzo | n. | skill, dexterity, sleight of hand | (ña- + dənzo: "handling") | |
ñagísa | n. | competition | (ña- + gisa) | |
ñagɔsta | n. | (light) armor | N.A. ngagôstad "leather" | |
ñalə | n. | rage, frenzy | (back-formed from ñaləga) | |
ñaləga | adv. | frantically, excessively | (F. ŋalər "excessive" + -ga) | |
ñalisa | qu. | too many | (F. ŋalər "excessive" + isa "most") | |
ñalɔ́nzi | n. | speed, velocity, acceleration | (ña- + lɔnzi) | |
ñalta | adv. | indeed, actually | ngal ta "very-dynamic" | |
ñalvo | n. | berserk; one who is mad with rage | (ñalə + -vo) | |
ñamɛ́da | n. | opinion, conviction, credo | (ña- + mɛda) | |
ñamúra | n. | decision | (ña- + mura) | |
ñanɛ | n. | link, connection | ngane "neck" | |
ñanɛvo | n. | relative | nganebu "connect-person" | |
ñanzɔmɛ | n. | canal, waterway | ngane saungwe "water-neck" | |
ñañəvi | v. | connect | ngane kîbai "tie a connection" | |
ñañɔ | v. | laugh | ngango | |
ñarɛ́na | n. | greed, avarice | (ña- + rɛna) | |
ñatsi | n. | tool | N.A. ngatseu | |
ñauvo | n. | mug, bowl | nggawibu "thing for putting into" | |
ñavo | n. | adult | ngâbu "adult person" | |
ñavra | n. | broad, wide, large | ngabra "thick" | |
ñawe | v. | put, place; (reflexive) settle down | nggawi | |
ñaxɛ́mɛ | n. | research; education; knowledge | (ña- + kɛmɛ "study") | |
ñayɔ́sko | n. | happiness, satisfaction, well-being | (ña- + yɔsko "glad, fortunate") | |
ñayo | n. | hope, optimism | (ña- + ayo) | |
ñaysə | n. | slave; servant | ngaktìs | |
ña’éxu | n. | patience, tolerance | (ña- + exu) | |
ñɛdu | n. | infinity | (ña- + ədu "ocean") | |
ñɛlmɔ | n. | beauty, perfection | (ña- + əlmɔ "beautiful") | |
ñɛvre | n. | destruction, damage, loss | (ña- + əvre) | |
ñe | num. | two | ngi | |
ñeda | v. | share | ngi ta "two-dynamic" | |
ñedɛlu | v. | accompany | (ñeda + əlu: "share a bend in the road") | |
ñegatatsi | n. | bireme | F. ŋigatač | |
ñesova | n. | amber | Ndd. jezova < Miw. djēzuf | |
ñəba | n. | toe | ngemba | |
ñəbo | n. | knife, blade | ngimbu "sharp" | |
ñədɛ | v. | wipe | ngende | |
ñəmona | n. | conscience; responsibility | (ña- + əmona: "realization; turning and seeing") | |
ñiku | n. | crisp, well-roasted (of food) | F. jiəku "hard" | |
ñire | 1p ñiredə, 2p ñirədo | pp. +acc | as far as, until, before (terminative/anterior) | nggairit |
ñitsɔrə | n. | sweet potato | Forest Hitatc *ñičoṭə | |
ñɔlna | n. | state of affairs, setting, situation, circumstances | *nggaulna < nggawilna "that which has been put" | |
Ñɔlu | top. | Ñolo | Ngaurlau | |
ñɔri | v. | emphasize; become aware | F. jori "wake up" | |
ño | 1p ñe, 2p ño’ɔ | pp. +nom | as, like (essive) | ngu |
ñolu | v. | match, be comparable to | (back-formed from ñoluvo) | |
ñoluvo | n. | equivalent; rival | ngu lu bot "as the same" | |
ñova | v. | plan | Ndd. jova | |
ñovaña | v. | control; be pedantic | (ñova + -ña: "plan excessively") | |
ñovla | n. | project, proposal, plan | (ñova + -la) | |
ñoxubo | n. | adventurer | miukurbu "one who tries" | |
ñudɔ | n. | the future | [nga- + oto: "that which is coming"] | |
ñufɛ | n. | cat | N.A. ngufeu | |
ñugɛ | 1p ñugɛmə, 2p ñugɛdo | pp. +acc | around; about; concerning | ngu au kwaim "as a circle" |
ñunɛ | n. | middle, center | ngune "moderate" | |
ñunɛmo | n. | city center | (ñunɛ + mo) | |
ñurɔ | n. | old; ancient | ngauro | |
ñuylu | n. | marketplace | ngguklau | |
ñu’əmo | n. | headache | (ñu’o + əmo) | |
ñu’o | n. | pain | [nga- + udu: "that which is cruel"] | |
ŋkana | n. | the world | ngkana | |
ŋkayfɔy | n. | result, outcome | N.A. ngkaifoig "aftereffect" | |
Ŋkɛla’ad | top. | the city of Ngahêxôldod | Ngkeladadn | |
ŋkɛtsa | v. | wilt, wither, fade, decay, erode | ngket ta | |
ŋkə | n. | same, identical, -self; (indef) such, of that sort | ngkin (reflexive copula) | |
ŋkili | n. | egg | ngkai lai "bird's egg" | |
ŋkɔwa | n. | cart, wagon | ngkopa | |
ŋkunɛ | n. | cautious; conservative | F. ŋuəne | |
ŋkura | n. | cloves | F. ŋura | |
ŋkwaxa | n. | dirt | nukwàkâ "slime, mucus" | |
ŋkwayfo | n. | body | ingkwakpu "that which perceives" | |
ɔdɛ | v. | take, pull | oto nde "come-touch" | |
ɔdɔ- | aux. | res.aux ("have become") | oto "come" | |
ɔdɔl-/ɔdol- | aux.pass | res.pass.aux ("have had done to oneself") | oto- "come" + -l (passive) | |
ɔdɔvo | n. | event | otobu "come-thing" | |
ɔgi | n. | sculpture, statue | âukwai | |
ɔlatsa | v. | tire, exhaust oneself | olanta "do too much" | |
ɔlmɔ | v. | steal | aulmu | |
ɔlɔdɔ | vn ɔlɔdɔxə | v.refl | be rewarded; deserve | oloto "deserve a place" |
Ɔltu | top. | the Oltu river | F. Oltu | |
Ɔltsɛ́vɔ | top. | Lasomo | N.A. Axôltseubeu | |
ɔlu | n. | place, location, territory | olau | |
ɔnɛ | n. | unclear, hard to understand | aurne "muddy, murky" | |
ɔnzayo | n. | goal, purpose, function | Ndd. ånzayo | |
ɔpso | n. | deep | ompu | |
ɔpsoga | adv. | deeply, solidly | (ɔpso + -ga) | |
ɔra | qu. | all, each, every | or | |
ɔrɛ | v. | stand | Ndd. åddë | |
ɔro | n. | sign, notice, display | oru "visible" | |
ɔrovo | n. | mirror | orubu "that which makes visible" | |
ɔsínə | v.erg | choke | F. eosíən | |
ɔspah | n. | status symbol | ospàk "throne" | |
ɔspe | n. | green | auspi | |
Ɔstáte | top. | the Milīr river | aunti Itati "Hitatc river" | |
ɔtse | n. | river | aunti | |
ɔtso | n. | rich, wealthy | auntu | |
ɔvɔdɛ | n. | beetroot | Ndd. åvwëjë < NT apwi ntse "blood fruit" | |
ɔyal | vn ɔyana | v. | sell | obial "offer" |
ɔyalsi | n. | marketwoman | (ɔyal "sell" + -si "female") | |
ɔyalu | n. | market stand | obialau "offer-place" | |
ɔyalvo | n. | trader, merchant | obialbu "one who offers" | |
ɔyənɔ | vn ɔyənɔna | v. | be unfair | olkenaun "trespass" |
ɔyrol | vn ɔyrona | v. | stand out; behave conspicuously | Ndd. oirwïl "seek attention" |
ɔyrolvo | n. | entertainer, performer | (ɔyrol + -vo: "one who draws attention") | |
ɔyvinza | n. | insect | Ndd. oivïnza | |
ɔ’a | n. | right side | odam | |
ɔ’i | n. | salt | odai | |
o | cj. | and | on | |
o | 1p ɔvə, 2p odo | pp. +acc | at, on (locative) | ob |
oba | qu. | many | omba | |
obada | v. | be numerous | omba ta "many-dynamic" | |
Obáse | n. | the Mother Goddess (name) | Ombàsi | |
ogab | vn ogava | v. | suffer, feel pain | odgabm |
ogava | n. | misery, suffering, agony | (vn of ogab) | |
ogavla | n. | trouble, hardship, sorrow | odgabmla "that which is suffered" | |
ogo | n. | early | ubwu "soon" | |
ogó’ə | n. | history | N.A. o-got "the eras" | |
ogu | 1p ogau, 2p ogu’o | pp. +acc | in order to, for the purpose of, in preparation of | ob gau "on road" |
oke | n. | luxury | N.A. ok'eu "wealth, splendor" | |
ol- | aux. | obl.aux ("must") | ol- (obligative mood prefix) | |
ola | v. | rise, swell | ula | |
olda | vn oldasa | v. | be armed, be equipped with | oldas "should fight" |
oldɛbi | n. | one who lacks foresight | oldau imbai "blind eye" | |
olduwa | v. | hit the target | oldau wapa "hit the eye" | |
olmat | vn olmada | v. | be familiar with; be accustomed to | olmatn "be expected to know" |
olna’a | v. | find, discover | olina "be blind to" + -da (past perfect) | |
olnon- | aux. | obl=int.aux ("should") | (ol- "must" + non- "want") | |
oltəña | v. | be delighted, be blissful, be fascinated | [nte au] oldau tingiâ "with a shining eye" | |
olto | n. | thin, slender, skinny | oltu "be starving" | |
oma | adv. | also, additionally | ongwâ "and" (object-gapping) | |
omla | v. | talk, chat, gossip | omula | |
omɔ | n. | mother | omo | |
omɔl | vn omɔna | v. | weave | (back-formed from omɔlvo) |
omɔlvo | n. | weaver | Ndd. womwålvo "weave" (reanalysed as containing agentive -vo) | |
omɔyo | n. | 6th day of the week | [lu airti] omo "day of the mother goddess" + -yo | |
Omɔ́yxɔy | n. | the Mother Goddess (epithet) | omɔ + N.A. oigoi "divine light" | |
omva | n. | corpse, dead body | Ndd. omva "dead" | |
onopsa | n. | papyrus | *wənopsa < wedn ompa "flat herb" | |
oñe | v. | embrace, hug | orngi "squeeze" | |
oñelu | n. | mill | orngilau "squeeze-place" | |
oñevo | n. | crayfish, crustacean | orngibu "squeezer" | |
oño | v. | guess, suppose, think | ongiu | |
opsa | n. | flat; lowlands, plains | ompa | |
opsi | n. | grandmother | omo pai "big mother" | |
orani | n. | diet; abstinence; modesty | (oro + ani: "hunger-cure") | |
ore’e | n. | master craftsman | Ndd. odde'e | |
oro | v. | heal, cure | uru | |
orono | n. | medicine (potion, medical drug) | (oro + əno: "cure for a disease") | |
orovo | n. | doctor | urubu | |
oskə | v. | come, approach, move towards "here" | oto keng "come-walk" | |
osu | v. | promise | F. oušu | |
otɛ | v. | run | orte | |
otsevo | n. | experienced, knowledgeable | ondisibu "expert" | |
ovla | v. | explain, elaborate, describe | Ndd. ovla | |
owa | 1p owɛ, 2p owa’o | pp. +acc | from, after, since (ablative/posterior) | uwa |
oxitso | v. | plead | ukaitsu "want to promise" | |
oxɔtɔ | v. | anticipate | ukoto | |
oxola | vn oxolaxə | v.refl | enroll in the priesthood | ukula |
oxumɛ | vn oxumɛ | v. | ask for a second chance; plead | ukumâi "want to repair" |
palda | n. | valley | palda | |
Palɛ | top. | Påwe | Palwe | |
palmayo | n. | 1st day of the week | [lu airti] palmambi "day of the secret one" + -yo | |
palɔh | n. | boot | Gez. palàuk "shoe" (K) | |
pasi | n. | socket, niche | F. paš | |
pato | n. | nasty, evil, vicious, terrible | N.A. pat "foul, undesirable, bad" | |
paudába | n. | amnesty, pardon | (pawu + daba: "declare sb. clean") | |
pauvo | n. | acrobat; person with skillful movement | popubu "dancer" | |
pawaymó | n. | city walls | pap âk mos | |
pawu | v. | name, assign, label | papau | |
payu | v. | worry, be concerned about | N.A. paihoi "fear, be afraid" | |
pɛga | adv. | finally | pekwa "last" | |
pɛgavo | n. | the last one | pekwabu | |
pɛlbɛ | n. | sand; beach | pailbe | |
pɛlɔ | n. | chair, seat; (fig.) throne | F. epélo | |
pɛmo | v.erg | fear | paingkwu | |
pɛnə | v. | bite | F. pæn | |
pɛnɔra | n. | jaw, chin | (pɛnə + -ɔra: "bite-thing") | |
pɛpɔy | v. | dance | N.A. peupoi | |
pɛpɔyga | adv. | lively | (pɛpɔy + -ga: "dancingly") | |
pɛsa | v. | defecate | pesa | |
pɛsala | n. | feces, excrements | (pɛsa + -la) | |
pɛsi | v. | lose, misplace | F. peše "drop, let go of" | |
pelvo | n. | hourglass | F. peilbu | |
perɛ | vn perɛna | v. | manage, organize | pirain "plan" |
perɛdo | n. | leader, executive | piraindu "one who makes plans" | |
petse | n. | gray | pitsi "become pale" | |
petu | n. | separation | F. peitu "apart" | |
petuvo | n. | refugee, exiled person | (petu + -vo) | |
petsɔda | v. | knit | pitsâu ta "wool-dynamic" | |
pewada | v. | use (for a purpose) | pipm ta "useful-dynamic" | |
pewəlu | n. | beginning; earlier place of residence | piwellau "early-place" | |
pə | vn pema | v.erg | fall | pim "low" |
pə’águ | n. | pack horse | F. pragu "tamed" | |
pida | v. | stretch, reach out, expand, enlarge, increase | pai ta "big-dynamic" | |
piga | adv. | initially, at first | F. pigəl (reanalysed as containing adverbial -ga) | |
pili | v. | send | pilai | |
pilila | n. | letter | (pili + -la: "that which is sent") | |
pimə | v. | sacrifice, cede, abandon | F. piəm | |
pinzi | v. | give in, acknowledge defeat | F. piəmči "submit oneself" | |
pisoño | n. | crab | Ndd. piswogïño | |
pɔ- | aux. | cond.aux ("might, would") | pâu- (conditional mood prefix) | |
pɔl- | aux.pass | cond.pass.aux ("would get done to oneself") | pâu- (conditional mood prefix) + -l (passive) | |
polu | n. | island | ponlau "island-place" | |
ponaba | n. | small island | pon nambam | |
ponə | n. | vegetation; plants | ponî | |
posmu | vn posmuna | v. | escape | posmun "flee" |
Po’ásə | top. | the Poráš river | F. Poráš | |
puh | 1p poxe, 2p podɔ | pp. +nom | for (benefactive) | puk |
puma | n. | nose | pungwa | |
punzalu | n. | chimney | pumâsalau "smoke outlet" | |
putsi | n. | nail, peg | Aff. puttsi | |
puysa- | aux. | cont.aux ("continue") | puk ta "to.each-dynamic" | |
rabɛ | 1p rabə, 2p rabɛ’o | pp. +acc | at the time of, while, during (temporal) | rambe |
rabəga | adv. | at the same time, simultaneously | (rabɛ + -ga) | |
radɛna | vn radɛnama | v. | cough; gasp | erandenam "fail to breathe" |
radə | n. | jar | rander | |
rafa | n. | valuable, expensive, precious | N.A. rafeu "rich, luxurious" | |
ramɛ | vn ramɛ | v. | confuse, mix up | erangwâi "fail to think" |
ramobo | n. | nomad | rabmodbu "one who walks regularly" | |
rañavo | n. | insane, crazy, lunatic | eralniabu "one who fails to fly" | |
rapsə | 1p rapsənə, 2p rapsədo | pp. +acc | instead of, rather than | rampen |
Rasɛda | top. | the Rathedān | F. Rasedán | |
ratsɔ | v. | work for hire; obey | ranto "hear" | |
rauru | n. | old person; senior | râwa rud "mature man" | |
raxo | vn raxona | v.erg | fill | ragol |
raxolbo | n. | cask, barrel | ragolbu "that which is filled" | |
rɛbɛ | n. | fertile; fruitful; appropriate; compatible | Ndd. rëbë | |
rɛlga | n. | warm, hot | F. relga | |
rɛməl | n. | quay (of a port), deck (of a ship) | F. rewŋəl | |
rɛna | v. | be greedy | (back-formed from rɛnavo) | |
rɛnavo | n. | miser, scrooge | raitnabu "one who is accustomed to keeping things" | |
rɛtsə | n. | nature (of a thing/person), characteristic attribute | retsen | |
rɛtsisa | v. | bleed | F. rečiəs "bleeding, menstruation" | |
rɛvle | v. | resist | rebli "oppose" | |
rɛvlevo | n. | opponent, antagonist | reblibu | |
rɛyrɔ | n. | winter | rikraun | |
resti | v. | choose, make up one's mind; vote | Ndd. resti | |
retsad | n. | loom | ritsadn | |
revɔ | v. | lose control of sth. | Ndd. rïvwa | |
reyo | n. | fox | Ad. rēo | |
re’abo | n. | student; apprentice | riambu "one who learns" | |
re’atsa | v. | teach | riam ta "learn-dynamic" | |
rəbu | vn rəbora | v. | drown | rembur |
rəga | v. | fit in, be suitable | rimbwa "be used regularly" | |
rələh | vn rəlɛxa | v. | ride | rêlek < Gez. rêːleko- (K) |
rəlse | n. | hot weather | relsi "be hot" | |
rəpsɛ | n. | relic, remnant, ruin | rimpe "tree stump" | |
rəstə | n. | scar | risten "have bad luck" | |
ri | cj. | that (complementizer) | rai | |
rifə | n. | ugly; scary | F. rifəs | |
rima | n. | a type of meal consisting of stir-fried meat and vegetables | Me. rima | |
rimavo | n. | pan, wok | (rima + -vo: "rima-thing") | |
rɔ | rol- | num. | ten | ro |
rɔgə | v. | show off | F. rogə "act, perform" | |
rɔma | pron. | which, that (relative pronoun) | roma | |
rɔnzo | n. | sound | Ndd. rånzo | |
rɔnzobe | n. | voice | (rɔnzo + mve: "that which speaks sounds") | |
rɔva | n. | feather | robm | |
rɔyla | v. | adore, be impressed by | N.A. roileu | |
rɔ’o | n. | peninsula | rorop | |
rol-/rul- | aux.pass | hab.pass.aux ("regularly get done to oneself") | ru- (habitual mood prefix) + -l (passive) | |
romoldu | n. | peacock | robm oldau "eye-feather" | |
roni | v. | dwell, live (at a place) | ruwim nai "regularly live in" | |
rosa’o | n. | citizen (person with full civic rights) | Ad. rozarō | |
rovani | n. | devout, faithful | (ro- habitual + bani "pray") | |
rowastɔ | n. | angry, furious | rupasto "be aggressive" | |
ru | n. | man; person | rud | |
rube | v. | keep on talking (without making a point) | rumbi | |
rudi | n. | giant; very tall person | rud ndai "a man like a tree" | |
rudɔ | n. | model, prototype, example | rud ndaun "a pure man" | |
rugɛ | v. | be misguided; get tricked into sth. | N.A. rugeu "be naïve" | |
rulɛwi | n. | writer, poet | rud lewai "man of words" | |
rulsi | n. | prostitute | raulasai "love-woman" | |
rumɛ | vn rumɛ | v. | know, be sure of | rungwâi "be intelligent" |
rumimɔra | v. | recommend | (rumiya + mɔra: "trust-select") | |
rumiya | v. | trust | F. rumia "have confidence in" | |
runah | n. | priest | runnak | |
ruña | n. | uncle; male cousin | rud ngane "connected man" | |
ruñasta | v. | make it through, succeed | rungkasta | |
ruñɔxɔ | n. | liar, hypocrite, double-dealer | rungguko "deceive habitually" | |
ruyfɔ | n. | peculiar, weird | rukpokpo "be stubborn" | |
ruyɔ | v. | invent, solve a problem | (back-formed from ruyɔvo) | |
ruyɔvo | n. | inventor, creative person | rudiobabu "one who regularly imagines" | |
s-/so- | aux. | null.aux ("do") | su (proverb) | |
sade | 1p saderə, 2p sadedo | pp. +acc | outside of, behind, beyond | sa tiri "outdoors" |
salaspo | v. | dispose of, put away | salatpu | |
saldɛnɔ | n. | parade, procession | N.A. saldêneu "public, official" | |
salɔ | v.erg | have a rich taste, be delicious (of food) | sadlo | |
salɔvo | n. | delicacy, tidbit | sadlobu | |
salu | n. | hole, outlet, exit | salau "out-place" | |
same | v. | bring down, hunt down, slay, prey upon (usually said of animals) | sapmi "force" | |
sanu | n. | village | Me. sanu | |
sanzáta | n. | pork | (*sa + nzata: "pig meat") | |
sañawe | v. | take out, retrieve, extract | sa nggawi "put out of" | |
sasalgɔ | n. | sugar cane | sarsâ algo "sweet tube" | |
sasama | n. | baron, lord | sasamas "crown" (v.) | |
sasanzi | n. | baroness | (sasama + -si "female") | |
sasɔmɛ | n. | reed | sarsâ saungwe "water tube" | |
satsi | n. | arrogant, haughty, snobbish | F. sačin "rich, wealthy" | |
satsu | n. | crime | santau "illegal" | |
sauke | n. | blood | N.A. sauk'e | |
savla | v. | drink | sab + -l (antipassive) | |
savrɛdi | n. | feud; serious rivalry | Ndd. savreadi "grudge; vendetta" | |
sawabo | n. | spoon, scoop (used mainly for lifting things) | *sâpambu < sâpabmbu "one who lifts" | |
sawamə | n. | nepotism, corruption | sâpabm wimès "lift up the neighbors" | |
saxə | n. | garlic | Gez. sakits (K) | |
sɛbo | n. | gift | Ndd. sëbo | |
sɛga | v. | lie, deceive, play tricks on sb. | sebbwa | |
sɛgaxə | vn sɛgañə | v.refl | indulge in illusions, fool oneself | (sɛga + -xə: "lie to oneself") |
sɛpsɔ | n. | unique | saimpo "alone" | |
sɛpsɔya | n. | significant other | (sɛpsɔ + -ya) | |
sɛtsasa | n. | good luck, good fortune | F. sečas | |
sɛtsa’ɔk | n. | emperor | F. serčaok | |
sɛvɛsɛtɔy | n. | monk, hermit, ascetic | N.A. sêbêsêt'oi | |
sɛvɔ | n. | drum | sebaur | |
sɛwə | vn sɛwəna | v. | whisper | sepen "murmur, mumble" |
sera | n. | copper | Ad. zēra < Gez. zɛmraː (W) | |
sewe | n. | tall, high | Ndd. zewe | |
sexad | n. | storm | sikadn "hurricane" | |
sexaspi | n. | hurricane | (sexad + -wi: "big storm") | |
se’ə | vn se’ɛsa | v. | jump; insist on | sides (influenced by sien "prove") |
se’əspo | n. | frog | sidespu "jumper" | |
sədə | n. | another | sîteng "different" | |
sədəlsa | n. | clothing | [lus] wirdelsa "those which are worn" (obj.pl) | |
səlu | n. | sky | simlau | |
səma | v. | wait | sema | |
səmaga | adv. | next | (səma + -ga: "waiting") | |
səmə | vn səməna | v. | deny | semen |
səmədo | n. | headstrong, stubborn, tenacious, obstinate | semendu "one who denies" | |
səmi | n. | mildew | simwai "rotten" | |
səmvo | n. | next in line; successor | (səma + -vo: "one who is waiting") | |
səŋkəye | v. | counter-attack | (səma + kəye: "wait and challenge") | |
sətsa | v. | concentrate, focus on, specialize in | sête ta "tidy-dynamic" | |
səyo | vn səyona | v. | be hostile | selkon |
si | num. | six | Ndd. ïshï | |
sili | v. | pierce, stab | (back-formed from silvo) | |
silvo | n. | dagger | Miw. sīlvo "cut" | |
simvo | n. | one who prefers to be alone | Ndd. simvo "alone" | |
sisu | n. | left side | saisung | |
sivɔy | n. | cloud | N.A. usiboi | |
sivo | n. | female | saibu "female person" | |
sixɛdɔ | v. | curse, condemn | N.A. sihêdeu | |
skɛ | n. | equal | iske | |
skɛga | adv. | likewise, in the same way | (skɛ + -ga: "equally") | |
skɛsul | n. | scales | (skɛ + ɛsul: "that which takes equal parts") | |
smada | adv. | recently | osma ta | |
smalu | n. | last week; last month | osmalau "recent-place" | |
smɛnɔ | n. | gall | saungwe eno "bitter water" | |
sɔda | n. | flatbread, tortilla | Ndd. saodwa < Miw. saχudwa | |
sɔdɔ | v. | stick out, protrude | sa oto "come out of" | |
sɔga | n. | ears | [lus] okwa (obj.du) | |
sɔmɛ | n. | water | saungwe | |
sɔmɛlu | n. | well, fountain | saungwelau "water-place" | |
sɔmpɛ | v.erg | float | (sɔmɛ + mpɛ: "sit on the water") | |
sɔnolah | n. | vision, idea, concept | sonulak "imaginary" | |
Sɔntale | top. | the Tali river | saungwe tali "Tali water" | |
sɔntu | n. | carrot | Gez. zomatùb (K) | |
sɔnza | n. | doctrine, theory; explanation | Ndd. sånza | |
sɔño | n. | juice (of fruit) | saungwe gor "juice-water" | |
sɔŋkele | n. | beer | saungwe kil "barley-water" | |
sɔpi | v. | force | N.A. sopeu | |
sɔsa | n. | slut, whore | F. sossa "nubile girl" | |
soldu | n. | eyes | [lus] oldau (obj.du) | |
solə | acc sola | pron. | when (interrogative pronoun) | sola |
solvo | v. | bring, carry | Ndd. solvon | |
sopsə | v. | conquer, defeat, surpass | sompìs | |
sose | n. | mouse, rat | susi | |
soslu | n. | annals, chronicles | susilau "archive" | |
sp-/spɛ- | aux.pass | pass.aux ("get done to oneself") | ispe "feel, experience" | |
spɛ | v.erg | experience (of physical sensations) | ispe | |
spɛ’ayla | n. | nation, ethnicity | [lus] bwed âk [lu] lats "sons of the land" (obj.pl) | |
spɛspo | n. | hero; strategist | sompìspu "conqueror" | |
spexətsa | n. | spring (season) | [lu] auspikintsa "the greening" | |
stasavo | n. | changed person; convert | estasabu | |
stɛla | v. | burn | estela | |
stɛlavo | n. | flame | estelabu "burner" | |
ste- | aux. | prog.aux ("be doing") | sti (imperfective copula) | |
stonza | n. | needle, spike, thorn | Ndd. stonza "needle" | |
su | n. | shore, coast (of a lake or ocean) | sau | |
sud | num. | eight | sudn | |
sudusa | n. | meat (as food) | sa wetulsa "to-be-eaten meat" | |
sumɔ | n. | wrong, false; counterfactual statement | sumo | |
suni | n. | apple | (ultimately < PPI *sumnip) | |
suña | vn suñara | v. | support, help, assist | sungiar |
suñabo | n. | ally; one who cooperates | sungiarbu | |
susu | v. | notify | F. susu "whistle" (v.) | |
susuvo | n. | messenger | (susu + -vo: "one who notifies") | |
suwɛda | n. | soup; broth | Ndd. suwëda "liquid" | |
ta- | aux. | inch.aux ("start") | ta (dynamic particle) | |
tagɔvo | n. | rebel; traitor | targobu | |
tali | n. | hawk, falcon | Miw. utalju | |
tamlu | n. | south | tamlau "south-place" | |
tara | n. | daughter | tarang | |
taro | n. | steady, determined, diligent | taròt "hard-working" < Gez. taròːt "courage, energy" (K) | |
tasku’u | n. | waterfall, rapids | Miw. twāksuru | |
taspa | vn taspama | v. | hint at, point out | tasbam "imply" |
tavlɛ | n. | far away; outside the Edák sphere | N.A. tableu "foreign" | |
tɛde | n. | wing | taindi | |
tɛdol | n. | canopy, marquee, canvas roof | taindi tol "sun-wing" | |
tɛfta | v. | join, combine with | taibm ta "together-dynamic" | |
tɛka | n. | threat; enemy | F. teka "army" | |
tɛnɔ | v. | delay, postpone | F. twæno "avoid" | |
tɛxáli | n. | brick | N.A. têhagleu | |
tere | n. | door, gate, entrance | tiri | |
teseñu | n. | beehive | Miw. tēsenju | |
tewalu | n. | furrow, trench, groove, notch, indentation | (Ndd. tewa "tiller" + -lu) | |
te’ani | v. | marry | tianai | |
te’i | n. | willow tree | Miw. twēʔi | |
te’o | n. | milk | tidu | |
təña | n. | light, brightness | tingia "flash, shine" (v.) | |
təñu | n. | stone | tingkàu | |
təpsa | n. | shelf | tempa | |
təska | n. | flax | tiska | |
tətsɔ | n. | big, fat | tento "wide" | |
tikasa | n. | llama | Ad. tīkas | |
tilɛ | n. | tiger | (ultimately < PPI *ktiçi-laha) | |
tilka | n. | worthless; low-quality | N.A. tilkeu "disgusting, rejectable" | |
tivo | n. | friend, companion | taibm "together" + -bu | |
ti’aga | n. | net (especially for fishing) | Ndd. ti'aga | |
tɔdɔle | v. | act involuntarily | totoli "be clumsy" | |
tɔdɔlga | adv. | accidentally, inadvertently | (tɔdɔle + -ga) | |
tɔfu | n. | owl | (ultimately < PPI *txahu-pxuçu "night-falcon") | |
tɔwi | n. | horn | topai | |
to | n. | hand | ton | |
tokə’anti | n. | gemstone | Tl. tuq’antis | |
tol | n. | sun | tol | |
tola | n. | meal, food | tula "that which is eaten" | |
tolbɔ | n. | evening; dusk | tol erbo "rest of the sun" | |
tolma | n. | morning; dawn | tol mowâ "dawn of the sun" | |
tolnaba | n. | lamp, lantern | tol nambam "little sun" | |
tolta | n. | sunburn | tol ta "sun-dynamic" | |
tolu | n. | table | tulau | |
toma | n. | fist | ton mab "blunt hand" | |
toñɔ | n. | strict, authoritative | ton gingko "hard hand" | |
toro | n. | apron | Gez. tuːru "shirt, tunic (work clothing)" (K) | |
totsɛ | n. | washbowl | (to + tsɛ: "that which washes hands") | |
tovo | n. | assistant | (to + -vo: "hand-person") | |
toxasa | n. | large quantity, myriad, multitude | Miw. tuχas "no number" | |
toyo | n. | 7th day of the week | [lu airti] tol "day of the sun" + -yo | |
to’anu | v. | impede, obstruct, block | tuanau "avoid" | |
tu | n. | lake | tau | |
tul | vn tuna | v. | eat | tu + -l (antipassive) |
tulsu | n. | cinnamon | Ad. thulus < Xš. t'uluš | |
tuse | intj. | well, I guess, you know | Ndd. tuze < Miw. tūzi (hearsay particle) | |
tutsi | vn tutsixə | v.refl | commit suicide | F. utúči |
tuyasa | n. | good weather | Ndd. twïasa | |
Tuysafa | top. | Tuysáfa | F. Tuysáfa | |
tu’o | adv. | somewhat, slightly, to a small extent | taudu | |
tsa | cj. | yes | Ndd. ca | |
tsada | v. | become engaged | Ndd. canida "marry on a trial basis" | |
tsaftɛ | n. | fire | Miw. traften "bonfire" | |
tsapse | v. | give, provide, supply | tsampi | |
tsatsa | v. | sneeze | tsatsa | |
tsɛ | vn tsɛñə | v.refl | wash | tsaing |
tsɛga | adv. | only | F. čega | |
tsɛla | n. | laundry, freshly washed clothes | (tsɛ + -la: "those which are washed") | |
tsɛlo | n. | spear | tselô | |
tsɛñɛru | n. | mutual agreement; win-win situation | intaing ewe rud "in favor of everyone" | |
tsɛsə | vn tsɛsera | v. | be born | tsesir |
tsɛsəbo | n. | baby, infant | tsesirbu | |
tsɛvo | vn tsɛvɔra | v. | pour | tsebor |
tsɛvobo | n. | innkeeper | tseborbu "one who pours" | |
tsɛxənə | n. | chain | Gez. tseginig (K) | |
tse | acc tsə | det. | that (demonstrative) | tsi |
tselɔ | n. | tooth | tsilâu | |
tselu | pron. | there | tsilul or tsi lau | |
tsena | v. | be in love with | Ndd. cïn | |
tsenɛ́ña | n. | scholar | (tsena + nɛña: "one who loves the scrolls") | |
tseru | pron. | that person | tsi rud "that man" | |
tsetsu | pron. | then | tsitsau | |
tsexɛ | pron. | that thing | tsige | |
tsə | n. | dog | tsis | |
tsədo | adv. | for that reason | tsindu | |
Tsənaxa | n. | the emperor Tsinakan | Tsinakan | |
tsəñe | n. | unlikely, far-fetched; having a non-obvious connection | tsingki "separate" | |
tsətse | n. | louse | tsêtsi | |
tsə’ə | adv. | that way | Ndd. cï'n | |
tsi | n. | seed | (back-formed from mvotsi) | |
tsiba | v. | attach, fix, put together | F. čiəba "tie" | |
tsilɔ | n. | basket | F. čilo | |
tsisi | v.erg | develop; (intr.) appear | tsaisai "arise" | |
tsiso | v. | sow | (tsi + -so: "do with seeds") | |
tsɔbo | n. | shepherd | tsobibu "one who watches" | |
tsɔdəñɛ | n. | surprise; amazing, stunning, compelling | tso- (hyberprobabilitive) + tingke "compel, coerce" | |
tsɔmɔla | n. | cunning; intelligent | tso- (hyperprobabilitive) + molan "awake, alert" | |
tsɔmva | v. | drop, let go of, set free, untie | Ndd. cåmva "set free" | |
tsɔska | n. | queen | F. čaoksa | |
tsɔve | v. | watch, observe, lurk, look out for | tsobi "control" | |
tsɔvlu | n. | tower | tsobilau "watch-place" | |
tsɔvruyɔ | v. | improve, optimize | (tsɔve + ruyɔ: "observe and solve") | |
tsɔxe | n. | wilted, limp, flaccid | tsâuki "soft" | |
tsɔxevo | n. | fungus, mushroom (in general) | tsâukibu "one who is soft" | |
tsɔyɔspe | n. | moss | tsâuki auspi "soft and green" | |
tso | n. | knee; corner | tsong | |
tsodɔ | n. | dust, dirt | tsondo | |
tson- | aux. | hab.aux ("be always") | tso- (hyperprobabilitive) + -n (perfective) | |
tsoñeta | n. | elbow | tsong itwam "arm-knee" | |
tsoñəba | v. | kick | tsong on ngemba "knee and toe" | |
tsore | n. | tomorrow | tsuri | |
tsu | n. | vicinity, surroundings | tsuts | |
tsugə | v. | press, squeeze, pinch | tsurgî "pressure" | |
tsugɔra | n. | clamp | (tsugə + -ɔra: "squeeze-thing") | |
tsula | v. | be curious; investigate | tsulwa "be determined to taste" | |
tsuto | vn tsutɔra | v. | insult; spit | tsurtor "insult" + F. čutu "spit" |
tsuyo | n. | 8th day of the week | [lu airti] lêtsau "day of the cold one" + -yo | |
u | acc ɔ | det. | a (indefinite article) | au |
u | 1p ome, 2p obɔ | pp. +nom | of, from, relating to (genitive) | um |
ubarɛ | v. | lack, be absent | ugbâre | |
uflava | v. | fry | Miw. uplāf | |
ulbo | vn ulbɔra | v. | crouch, kneel | ulbor |
ulmi | n. | yellow | ulmài | |
ulpi | n. | size | ula pai "rise big" | |
ulɔ | n. | rope | ulwo | |
uma | v. | play, have fun; pretend | unma "play (a game)" | |
umɔra | n. | toy | Ndd. omår "play-thing" (reanalysed as derived from uma) | |
unzə | vn unzəma | v. | bet, wager, gamble | unma sim "play luckily" |
uño | n. | lame, crippled | unggu | |
usa | intj. | hello (casual) | (same source as Ndd. usa) | |
usɔ | n. | yesterday | auso | |
utse | v. | blow | untsi | |
uvi | v.erg | happen, occur, come to pass | aubai "active" | |
uviga | adv. | sometimes, occasionally | (uvi + -ga) | |
uvɔ | n. | courage, confidence | aubo "easy, happy" | |
uvo | adv. | soon | Ndd. uvwo | |
uyayso | vn uyaysɔ’a | v. | invite; bring along | ukkaktod "want to greet" |
uylospo | n. | inexperienced; amateur | uklusitpu "one who is eager" | |
uyɔl | vn uyɔna | v. | doubt | Ndd. uvyål |
uyɔlvo | n. | philosopher | (uyɔl + -vo: "one who doubts") | |
uysa | vn uysava | v. | wish, want, desire | uksab "look forward to" |
uysapse | v. | owe | uktsampi "want to give" | |
uysavla | n. | wish, prospect | uksabla "that which is looked forward to" | |
uyse’abo | n. | bride, fiancée | uktianaibu "one who is engaged to be married" | |
Uysɔ | top. | Ussor | Uksaur | |
uysɔlɛ | v. | wonder | ukotole "anticipate" + dim | |
uysɔbo | n. | jealous person | uktsobibu "one who covets" | |
uysutsi | vn uysutsixə | v.refl | be depressed | (uy- + tutsi "commit suicide") |
ve | n. | son | Ndd. vï | |
vi | n. | star | Ndd. vi | |
vono | n. | aggressive person | Ndd. vwornon "thunder" (v.) | |
wa | 1p wɛ, 2p wado | pp. +acc | against, to the detriment of | wapa "hit" |
wa | qu. | a few | ngwa | |
wano | vn wanona | v. | follow | uwa non "go after" |
wapsu | n. | pot, kettle | wampum "hollow" | |
waslu | n. | grave, tomb | watslau "hole (in the ground)" | |
waubo | n. | hammer | wapabu "that which hits" | |
way | vn wayxa | v.erg | relax; be confident | wawaik "calm" |
wayfo | n. | confident, even-tempered, prudent | wawaikpu "one who is calm" | |
wayo | acc waño | pron. | 3pl.inan | (same source as Ndd. wajon) |
wɛmodo | n. | iteration; instance | wai mondu "this numbering" | |
wɛna | n. | vegetable | wedn "herb" | |
wɛñɔ | acc wɛño | pron. | 2pl | (by analogy with lɛñɔ) |
wɛtə | n. | topic, subject (of a story) | F. wætə "about, concerning" | |
wɛtuldɔ | adv. | even | wetutul do "you will be amazed" | |
wemə | n. | neighbor | wimès | |
wesi | v. | scream | wisai "yell, cry out" | |
we’ɔ | v. | expect | awio "hope" | |
we’ɔvo | n. | optimist; ambitious person | awiobu "one who hopes" | |
wə- | aux. | fut.aux ("will") | we- (futurative mood prefix) | |
wədəl | vn wədəna | v. | wear | wirdel |
wəlu | n. | garden, orchard | wenlau | |
wəñə | v.erg | be wet | wing "wet" | |
wəru | acc waru | pron. | 3pl.anim | ngwa rud "a few men" |
wəsku | n. | turmeric, curcuma | Mer. *wərəziku < PPI *huarn-sikçu "red spice" | |
wi | acc wɛ | pron. | 1pl | wai "(these) near me" |
wilu | pron. | here | wailul or wai lau | |
wimvɔ | v. | vomit | Ndd. wimvång | |
witsu | pron. | now | waitsau | |
wo | num. | three | wos | |
womva | n. | pattern, mosaic | Ndd. womwa | |
woskatatsi | n. | trireme | F. wozgatač | |
woxlu | n. | courtroom | wukulau "blame-place" | |
xabe | n. | law | ukàmbi "announce" (v.) | |
xadalu | n. | woodland | gatnlau "wood-place" | |
xaga | v. | distribute | gabbwa "share" | |
xagala | n. | portion, fraction, part, piece | gabbwala "that which is shared" | |
xalu | n. | black pepper | F. hadlu "spicy" | |
xamɛ | n. | sickle | gan kwaim "round blade" | |
xananɔ | v. | carve | gatn narno "cut wood" | |
xañɔ | v. | move | gangio | |
xañɔvo | n. | muscle | gangiobu "mover" | |
xapɛ | v. | order, command | F. hape "force, coerce" | |
xapsɛ | n. | axe | gan mepwaip "heavy blade" | |
xara | n. | the Isthmus peoples | F. haran "Faraghin" | |
xaru | pron. | this person | gâ rud "this man" | |
xat | n. | wood (the material) | gatn | |
xawaxa | n. | bridge | gau âka "air road" | |
xawə́be | n. | month | gau imbi "road of the moon" | |
xaxɛ | pron. | this thing | gâge | |
xɛpu | n. | alone, on one's own, solitary | F. hewpu | |
xɛrɔ | n. | a type of mushroom | Kib. hero' | |
xɛsɔ | n. | season; period of time | N.A. hêseu | |
xɛtɔy | n. | property | N.A. êheutoi | |
xɛtu | v. | retire | F. hætud "veteran" | |
xɛvra | n. | sheep | gaibra | |
xɛvrine | n. | wool | gaibra aini "sheep-hair" | |
xɛwə | acc xɛwa | det. | who, what (open interrogative) | gewa |
xə | acc xa | det. | this (demonstrative) | gâ |
xəlna | n. | slow | gilna | |
xəme | v. | stand up straight | gingwi "tall" | |
xəpsa | v. | cheat; get the better end of a bargain | gempa "injure" | |
xəsta | v. | provide favorable conditions, promote, foster | gets ta "likely-dynamic" | |
xə’ə | adv. | this way, so, thus | Ndd. gï'n | |
xida | ger ntəñída | v. | climb, go upward | nggai ta "upward-dynamic" |
xiso | n. | coriander | Vyl. *hísso < PPI *sikçu "spice, herb" | |
xi’ɔ | n. | rabbit | gaido | |
xɔmátsi | v. | guide | gau matautsi "unbend the road" | |
xɔpsah | n. | trade route | gau mpag "far road" | |
xɔsɔ | n. | difficulty; obstacle; challenge; riddle | goso "difficult" | |
xoba | n. | crowd (of people) | gomba | |
xobɔra | n. | visible, overt, obvious, public | (xoba + -ɔra: "crowd-thing") | |
xodah | vn xodaxa | v. | rest, relax | gondag "dream" |
xol | n. | foot | nggol | |
xolnálo | n. | hoof | (xol + nalo: "horse-foot") | |
xolu | n. | slope | gomlau "high place" | |
xoñi | v. | break, tear apart | gonggai | |
Xopɔváwɛ | top. | Oigop'oibauxeu | N.A. Oigop'oibauxeu | |
xorɔ | n. | guts | guro | |
xowa | v. | write; sign | gubab "mark" | |
xo’a | v. | hunt, chase | gua "follow" | |
xo’avo | n. | hunter | guabu "one who follows" | |
xuñe | n. | crossroads | gau ngi "two roads" | |
xutsɔ | cj. | so, therefore | gunto | |
xuvəda | n. | culture, lifestyle | gubm ta "life-dynamic" | |
Xuyfá’ah | top. | Huyfárah | F. Huyfárah | |
xu’ɛ | n. | book | N.A. huxeu | |
yaba | n. | bad, faulty | Ad. iaba | |
yabataspa | v. | improve; correct | (yaba + taspa: "point out mistakes") | |
yalma | n. | blue | Miw. jalma "light blue" | |
yana | v. | cling to, hold fast, retain | Tl. yan | |
yanavo | n. | grip, handle, knob, loop, lug, hook (any holding device) | (yana + -vo: "that which is held on to") | |
yarəska | n. | linen (cloth) | Ndd. yaddïska | |
yastɛ | n. | pumpkin, gourd | Ndd. vyastë < Miw. vijaste | |
ya’iga | v. | tie, bind | Miw. jārik "twine, string" | |
ya’ɔwa | n. | summer | iadopm | |
yɛni | n. | wine | Gez. jain (K) | |
yɛski | n. | bird (excluding poultry) | Miw. jeskju "whistler; songbird" | |
yəlu | acc yalu | pron. | where (interrogative pronoun) | (by analogy with yəru) |
yəma | n. | symbol, sign, mark, character (of a script) | F. iəma | |
yəru | acc yaru | pron. | who (interrogative pronoun) | (same source as Ndd. yaro; includes rud "man") |
yɔrápɔ | n. | vinegar | F. ior apo "sour fruit" | |
yɔsa | n. | lady; woman of high prestige | F. ioza | |
yɔsko | n. | glad, happy, joyous; fortunate | Ndd. vyåsko "be joyous" | |
yɔti | n. | week (of the Fáralo calendar) | (back-formed from yɔti xara < F. eioti haran "the Faraghin way of naming days") | |
yɔ’ɔ́pso | n. | essential, indispensable | (iyɔ + ɔpso: "deeply important") | |
yovla | n. | superstition; unfounded reasoning | Ndd. yovla "explanation" | |
yubuso | n. | oppossum | Ndd. yubuswo | |
yuləh | n. | cheese | Gez. jubleg (K) | |
yumu | n. | neat, pretty, cute | F. iwmu "beautiful" | |
yuska | n. | a legendary creature that eats people | Miw. bjūzga |