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A map of Tuysáfa and surrounding lands.






Ttiruku Arc

Tuysáfa is a continent in the world of Akana. It is located in the Northern Hemisphere, north of Zeluzhia and east of Northern Peilaš.

Tuysáfa is a Fáralo word borrowed from Affanonic. In Affanonic Tysaffai was the name of the legendary original homeland of the Affanons. The Affanonic word reflects a Proto-Isles phrase dúy hápayi, lit. 'East ( = eastern side) of the sea'.

According to the Theory of Three Waves, the first inhabitants migrated to Tuysáfa around -15000 YP from Ttiruku. Later migrations remained unidirectional, Ttiruku to Tuysáfa, for many millennia, until ca. -1500 YP an invasion forced a coastal nation of SW Tuysáfa, the speakers of the Proto-Isles language, to flee to Ttiruku; this eventually lead to the spread of Isles-speaking peoples over most of the islands between Northern Peilaš and Tuysáfa as well as to some coastal areas of Zeluzhia and northeastern Peilaš.

The autochthonous languages of Tuysáfa are provisionally classified into three uneven groupings: Primundic, Mediundic and Ultimundic, corresponding to the three major consecutive waves of migration from NE Peilaš via Ttiruku; according to this classification, Proto-Isles was an Ultimundic language.

Major language families

Western Tuysáfa

Central Tuysáfa

Eastern Tuysáfa


Language Name Pronunciation Source
Affanonic Tysaffai [tyˈsaf.faj] PIsl. dúy hápayi "east of the sea"
Fáralo Tuysáfa [tujˈsa.fa] Aff. Tysaffai'' (borrowed)
Ndok Aisô Toisafa [tɔjˈsaː.fa] F. Tuysáfa (borrowed)
Buruya Nzaysa Tuysafa [ˈtʰuj.sa.fa] F. Tuysáfa (borrowed)
Naidda Twisava [ˈtwi.sə.vɐ] F. Tuysáfa (borrowed)
Adāta Tisāpha [ˈti.saː.pʰa] F. Tuysáfa (borrowed)
Mavakhalan Ťsofa [ˈtɕsɔ.ɸa] Ad. Tisāpha
Aθáta Tsafa [ˈtsa.va] Ad. Tisāpha
Æðadĕ Djesap [ˈdjɛ.sapʰ] Ad. Tisāpha
Ayāsthi Tèızāpfı [ˈte.zɑː.pfɨ̆] Ad. Tisāpha
Namɨdu Tɨsoffa [tɨˈsʌf.fɐ] F. Tuysáfa
Woltu Falla Tüsafa [ˈtyː.sa.fɐ] F. Tuysáfa
Cəssın Tusah [ˈt̪u.zɑx] F. Tuysáfa
Zele Tsashigimi [tsaˈʃi.ɡi.mi] PIsl. ta síkimi "great north"
Imperial Ōmishiman Chiffo [tʃif.ˈfo] PAnat. Čüfro "wide lands"
Asséta Affǫníḍe [a.fːõ.ˈni.ɖe] NEB. Afkomnirdi "center country"
Black River Aséta Afkomnírde [af.kom.ˈniɾ.de] NEB. Afkomnirdi