Proto-Dumic (reconstructed)
For the actual description of this language in the 2011-2014 Relay, see Proto-Dumic. |
Proto-Team-2, a.k.a. Proto-Dumic, is the most recent common ancestor of the Dumic language family, created for the Akana Reconstruction Relay 2011.
This page presents the reconstructive work done by the Team 1, compiled by Pole, the. It presents data inferred from the published material during the relay game and should not be updated.
See also: the lexicon.
The language was used around -2000 YP.
It developed into several languages used around 0 YP, namely:
- Wok. Wokatasuto by caedes
- Pot. Potɑnsʉti by brandrinn
- Kat. Kataputi by thedukeofnuke
- Trin. Trinesian by WeepingElf
- JS Jouki Stəy by Dunomapuka
- Sw. Swopsoch by Serafín
- Tty. Tetey by Basilius
- Ttl. Tetlo by Basilius
Dumic is known to be a highly regular agglutinative language.
Proto-T2, short for Proto-Team-2 is the name most frequently used for the language.
Dumic is another name fror the language family and their ancestor. It was used more commonly earlier through the game. It is derived from the Trinesian word dum people (plural of tid man, person).
Another name, limited mostly to the Team-2 members and less known one, seems to be Timtu, from *timtu person, people. The proto-word is obviously a pun for the English phrase Team Two.
Pole, the has suggested to call the reconstructed language Suntic, based on the root *sunti, meaning voice.
The native name of the language, tū-katohahi comes from Suntic *timu-katokasi our language.
Etymology of the exonyms Wohata and Wokatasuto is as yet unknown. One hypothesis connects it with PMA wawath shoreline. Another possibility would be PMA wan kta northern gulf or wath kta northern coast.
The name of Potânsuti comes from Suntic *putam-sunti voice of the hill.
The endonym Tento is a descendant of *timtu person.
The name of Kataputi comes from Suntic *kantam-sunti voice of the village.
The endonym Katapaki is descended from *kantam-raNki; *raNki meaning band of people, tribe.
Jouki Stəy
Etymology of Jouki is uncertain at the moment.
Stəy comes from Suntic *suntimu voices.
The phrase kəu stəy comes from *kumu-suntimu our voices.
The name comes from *sumpu-sunti island voice.
Tetey and Tetlo
The names of the Tetey and Tetlo languages can be derived from Suntic *tatarim, with its meaning unknown. It could be a borrowing of reduplicated PMA tarimp traveller.
Consonants | labial | dental | alv. | velar | |
nasal | m | n | |||
oral | voiceless | p | t | s | k |
voiced | b | d | r | g |
Vowels | front | back |
high | i | u |
low | a |
- The syllable structure is CV(m/n).
- /mm nm mn nn mp np mt nt ms ns mk nk/ appear only as intervocallic clusters; they are the only clusters permitted.
- The voicing contrast is neutralized after coda /m n/; underlying /b d g r/ are changed to /p t k s/.
- /b d g/ were probably realized more like fricatives [β ð ɣ].
Most probably, the penultimate syllable was under stress.
- Wok. m (unstressed), Ṽb (← *Vm, before a stressed vowel)
- Pot. m
- Kat. m; V:n (← *Vnm), V:m (← *Vmm)
- Trin. m
- JS m; – (intervocalic); mm (← *nm, *mm)
- Sw. m, w (?)
- Tty. m; v (intervocalic)
- Ttl. m (before *a), ju- (before *i), ṇu- (before *u)
- Wok. n (unstressed), Ṽd (← *Vn, before a stressed vowel)
- Pot. n
- Kat. n; V:n (← *Vnn), V:m (← *Vmn)
- Trin. n
- JS n; – (intervocalic); nn (← *nn, *mn)
- Sw. n (?)
- Tty. n; l (intervocalic)
- Ttl. n (before *a), j (before *i), nu- (before *u)
- Wok. f (stressed), p (unstressed)
- Pot. p
- Kat. h; V:n (← *Vnp), V:m (← *Vmp)
- Trin. p; b (← *np, *mp)
- JS p; f (intervocalic); pp (← *np, *mp)
- Sw. b, p, džw, tšw (?)
- Tty. p, p’; f (intervocalic)
- Ttl. p (before *a), cu- (before *i), ku- (before *u)
- Wok. s (stressed), sh (stressed, before *i), t (unstressed)
- Pot. t
- Kat. t; d (intervocalic)
- Trin. t; d (← *nt, *mt)
- JS t; tt (← *nt, *mt)
- Sw. d, t, dž, tš, l (?)
- Tty. t, tʾ
- Ttl. t (before *a), c (before *i), tu- (before *u)
- Wok. h (stressed), k (unstressed)
- Pot. k
- Kat. k; g (intervocalic)
- Trin. k; g (← *nk, *mk); s (before *i); z (← *nk, *mk, before *i)
- JS k; kk (← *nk, *mk)
- Sw. g, k, gw, kw (?)
- Tty. k, kʾ
- Ttl. (q) (before *a), k (before *i), qu- (before *u)
- Wok. sh (stressed), h (unstressed)
- Pot. s
- Kat. s; z (intervocalic); t (← *ns); p (← *ms)
- Trin. s; z (← *ns, *ms)
- JS s; ss (← *ns, *ms)
- Sw. z, s, ž, š (?)
- Tty. s, c, cʾ
- Ttl. s (before *a), (q) (before *i), su- (before *u)
- Wok. b (stressed), w (unstressed)
- Pot. β ‹b›
- Kat. w
- Trin. w; u (reduced *bV)
- JS j; – (intervocalic)
- Sw. m, y (?)
- Tty. –
- Ttl. b (before *a), zu- (before *i), gu- (before *u)
- Wok. d (stressed), – (unstressed)
- Pot. ɦ ‹h›
- Kat. z
- Trin. l; – (reduced *dV)
- JS đ; v, – (intervocalic)
- Sw. r, y (?)
- Tty. z
- Ttl. d (before *a), z (before *i), du- (before *u)
- Wok. g (stressed), – (unstressed), w (unstressed, probably intervocalic before *aN)
- Pot. ɰ ‹y›; j (after *i)
- Kat. h (initial), –
- Trin. –
- JS v (in proximity of *k), j (elsewhere), — (*a_a)
- Sw. w, y (?)
- Tty. h
- Ttl. ẏ (before *a), g (before *i), ẏu- (before *u)
- Wok. r
- Pot. ɾ ‹r›; Vl (← *V₁rV₁)
- Kat. r
- Trin. r
- JS r
- Sw. r (?)
- Tty. y
- Ttl. lu- (before *a), l (before *i), v (before *u)
- Wok. a, an; o (before velars); o, on (← *an, *am)
- Pot. a; ɑ ‹â› (← *an); ɑn ‹ân› (← *am)
- Kat. a
- Trin. a
- JS a; au (← *aCa); ei (← *aCi, *iCa; *aga); ou (← *aCu, *uCa; *aga / in proximity of *k); an (← *an#, *am#)
- Sw. a, o (?)
- Tty. e; a (← *am); o (← *an), yo (after *p); ya (← *aCa); ye (← *aCi, *iCa)
- Ttl. any vowel
- Wok. i, en; e, en (← *in, *im)
- Pot. i; ɛ ‹e› (← *in); ɛn ‹en› (← *im)
- Kat. i
- Trin. i
- JS i; əi (← *iCi); əy (← *iCu, *uCi); ein (← *in#); oun (← *im#)
- Sw. e, i (?)
- Tty. ŏ ~ – (← *i, *im); i (← *in, *iCi)
- Ttl. any vowel
- Wok. ə, an; u, on (before labials); o, on (← *un, *um)
- Pot. o; ʉ ‹u› (← *un); ʉn ‹un› (← *um)
- Kat. u
- Trin. u
- JS u; əu (← *uCu); əy (← *iCu, *uCi); ein (← *un#); oun (← *um#)
- Sw. o, u (?)
- Tty. u (← *u, *um); ŏ, – (after *uC); o (← *aCu, *uCa); yu (← *un, *uCi, *iCu)
- Ttl. any vowel
- ‹C› in Jouki Stəy correspondences marks any of *m *n *b *d.
- ‹C› in Tetey correspondences marks *b or any stop that later changed to /ʔ/ or glottalization.
- Speaking of Tetlo, any vowel can change to any other:
- *V → e; a (before a labialized coda consonant);
- *Vn → i; eu (before a labialized coda consonant);
- *Vm → o; ou (before a labialized coda consonant); y (between labialized consonants).
- Wok. ∅
- Pot. n; m (before labials)
- Kat. ∅; ːm (← *-mm-, *-mn-, *-mp-); p (← *-ms-)
- Trin. ∅; m ~ n (sometimes word-finally)
- JS ∅; aun (← *-am / in monosyllables); an (← *-am / _#, unstressed); oun (← *-im, *-um / _#, unstressed)
- Sw. ∅ (?)
- Tty. a (← *-am); ŏ ~ — (← *-im); u (← *-um)
- Ttl. o ~ ou ~ y (← *-Vm)
- Wok. ∅
- Pot. â (← *-an); e (← *-in); u (← *-un)
- Kat. ∅; ːn (← *-nm-, *-nn-, *-np-); t (← *-ns-)
- Trin. ∅; n (sometimes word-finally)
- JS ∅; an (← *-an / _#); ein (← *-in, *-un / _#, unstressed)
- Sw. ∅ (?)
- Tty. o (← *-an); i (← *-in); yu (← *-un)
- Ttl. i ~ eu (← *-Vn)
Sound changes
- Vowel shift
- iN → e
- uN aN → o
- u → ə / except adjacent to a labial
- a → o / before velars (not always applied?)
- Consonant lenition
- p t k → pʰ tʰ kʰ → f θ h / _V[+stress]
- s → h / _V[-stress]
- g → w / _{u o}[-stress]
- b d g → w ∅ ∅ / _[-stress]
- Nasalization
- {i e} {ə a} {u o} → ẽ ã õ / _NV[+stress]
- m n → b d / {ẽ ã õ}_
- Stress shift
- σ → σ[-stress]
- σ[-stress] → σ[+stress] / #_
- Later changes
- θ s → s ʃ
- s → ʃ / _i
- VV → Vː
- Vowel shift
- a an am → a ɑ ɑn
- i in im → i ɛ ɛn
- u un um → o ʉ ʉn
- Apocope
- V₁rV₁ → V₁l
- b d g r → p t k s / l_
- Consonant shift
- b → β
- d → ð → ɦ
- g → ɣ → ɰ
- r → ɾ
- Allophony
- ɰ → j / i_
- Initial changes
- g → ∅ / V_V
- b d g → w z h
- p → h
- Intervocalic voicing
- t k s → d g z / V_V
- Cluster simplification
- mm nm → mː
- mn nn → nː
- mh nh → mː nː
- mt nt → t
- mk nk → k
- ms ns → mp nt → p t
- Monophthongization
- aa ii uu → ā ī ū
- ai ia au ua → ē ē ō ō
- iu ui → ī ū / the first element is stressed
- iu ui → ō ē / the second element is stressed
- Apocope
- V → ∅ / p_{p s z r w}V[+stress]
- V → ∅ / {t d}_{t d s z r w}V[+stress]
- V → ∅ / {k g}_{k g s z r w}V[+stress]
- V → ∅ / {s z}_{p t d k g s z r w}V[+stress]
- hV → ː / V_CV[+stress]
- Vh → ∅ / _V[+stress]
- Voicing assimilation
- C[+voiced] → C[-voiced] / C[-voiced]_
- C[-voiced] → C[+voiced] / C[+voiced]_
- Geminate omission
- C₁C₁ → C₁ː
- VCː → VːC
- Allophony
- r → w / {s z}_
- Palatalization
- k → s / _i
- Voicing shift
- b → w
- d → l
- g → ∅
- Np → b
- Nt → d
- Nk → g
- Ns → z
- Monophthongization
- aa ia ua ii uu → aː eː oː iː uː
- Apocope
- V → ∅ / _CV[+stress], V[+stress]C_
- Assimilation
- C[-voiced] → C[+voiced] / _C[+voiced]
- C₁C₁ → C₁
- m → ∅ / #_C, except _l
- n r l → ∅ / #_C
- w → u / #_C
Jouki Stəy
- Post-nasal lengthening
- Nm Nn → mː nː
- Np Nt Nk Ns → pː tː kː sː
- Voiced consonants elision
- b m n → ∅ / V_V
- b → j / #_a, #_i
- b → w / #_u
- d → ∅ / V_a
- d → j / V_i
- d → w / V_u
- g → w / in proximity of [k]
- g → j / elsewhere
- Apocope
- a i u → w j w / _VV
- V → ∅ / _CV[+stress]
- Cː → C / _C, C_
- Vowel coalescence
- aa → aː
- ai ia → eː
- ii → iː
- au ua → oː
- uu → uː
- iu ui → ɨː
- awa → oː
- aja → eː
- Nasal merger
- am → aːn / _[-stress]#
- im um → oːn / _[-stress]#
- in un → eːn / _[-stress]#
- m → n / _#
Only Western Jouki
- SC → CS / S is the consonant of higher sonority
- aː eː oː → aʊ ɛɪ ɔʊ
- iː uː ɨː → əi əu əɨ
- j → ∅ / C_i
Only Eastern Jouki
- n → ∅ / _#
- eː oː → e o
- aː iː uː ɨː → aʊ əi əu əɨ
- p → f / V_V
- pp tt ss kk → pf ts ts ks / #_
- w j → v ʝ / #_, V_
- s → z / V_V
Too little information provided.
- Vowel shift
- u → i / uC_, except _N
- a → e / except _N
- a → o / {p f}_
- Consonant changes
- b d g → β ð ɣ → ∅ θ x
- r → j
- m n → β l / V_V
- p → f / V_V
- Lengthening
- Vm Vn → V Vː (?)
- aː → o
- aa ii → aː iː
- ai ia → eː
- ui iu → uː
- Diphthongization
- aː eː oː uː → ja je jo ju
- i iː → ə i
- Syncope
- ə → ∅ / when applicable
- ə → o / elsewhere
- Glottalization
- kt → tsʼ
- T + {p t k} → pʼ tʼ kʼ
- T + s → ts
- p t k → ʔ / _$
- Consonant dissimilation
- p pʼ f → k kʼ x / _{m β}
- Ablaut source
- σ → σ[-stress]
- σ[-stress] → σ[+stress] / #_
- σ[-stress] → σ[+stress] / σ[+stress]σ[-stress]_
- Gamma elision
- g → ∅ / V_[iu]$
- Palatalization
- p b m → pʲ bʲ mʲ → cʷ ɟʷ ɲʷ / _i
- t d n → tʲ dʲ nʲ → c ɟ ɲ / _i
- s r → sʲ rʲ → ç l / _i
- Labialization
- p b m → pʷ bʷ mʷ → kʷ ɡʷ ŋʷ / _u
- t d n → tʷ dʷ nʷ / _u
- s r → sʷ rʷ / _u
- Uvularization
- k g → q ɢ → ʔ ʕ / _a
- k g → qʷ ɢʷ → ʔʷ ʕʷ / _u
- Further changes
- rʷ r → w rʷ → v lʷ
- ç → h → ʔ
- c ɟ ɲ → ts dz ʝ
- Vowel coalescence
- Vi Vn → i
- Vu Vm → o
- V → e / otherwise
- e → ∅ / _[-stress]
- Umlaut
- i e o → ɞ a u / _Cʷ$
- u → ʉ / Cʷ_
- Allophony
- Cʷ → Cw / _V
- Cʷ → C / _$
- ʔ ʕ → ∅ / _$
Personal pronouns
*ti — 1st person exclusive
- Wok. shishi; Pot. ti; Kat. ti; Trin. ti; JS ti; Sw. dže; Tty. toha; Ttl. cal
*ku — 1st person inclusive
- Wok. həhə; Pot. kota; Kat. kuda; Trin. ku; JS kuta; Tty. kuha; Ttl. qual
- *ta appearing in many translations is a dual marker
*ma — 2nd person
- Wok. mama; Pot. ma; Kat. ma; Trin. ma; JS ma; Sw. wà; Tty. meha; Ttl. mal
*kan — 3rd person masculine
- Wok. hoho; Pot. kâ; Kat. ka; Trin. kan; JS kan; Sw. gwà; Tty. koka; Ttl. is
*tum — 3rd person feminine
- Wok. soso; Pot. tun; Kat. tu; Trin. tum; JS tun; Sw. dò; Tty. tuka; Ttl. tuos
*din — genitive
- Wok. -Ṽdī (← *V-ni-din); Pot. -he; Kat. zi; Trin. -lin; Sw. yì; Tty. zi; Ttl. zi
*ra — dative
- Wok. -Ṽdira (← *V-ni-ra); Pot. -ra; Kat. ra; Trin. -ra; JS ra; Tty. ye; Ttl. -lue
*kim — instrumental
- Wok. -Ṽdike (← *V-ni-kim); Pot. -ken; Kat. ki; Trin. -sin; JS kin; Tty. -ló/-nó (← *-ni-kim); Ttl. ko
*pin — comitative
- Kat. hi; JS pin; Tty. fi; Ttl. cui
*kimpin — abessive
- Pot. kepe; Kat. kīmi; JS kippein; Tty. pʾi; Ttl. kocui
*ta — “at”
- Pot. -ta; Kat. ta; Trin. -ta; JS ta; Tty. te; Ttl. -te
*mi — “in”
- Kat. mi; Trin. -mi; JS mi; Tty. vo; Ttl. -jue
*ru — “on”
- Kat. ru; Trin. -ru; JS ru; Tty. yu; Ttl. -ve
*kin — “under”
- Trin. -sin; Tty. ki; Ttl. ki
*ga — “near”
- Trin. -a; Tty. he
*dum — ”next to”
- Trin. -lun; Tty. zu; Ttl. duo
Venitive orientation
*-ma is added to specific spatial postpositions.
*tama — “to”
- Pot. batama; Kat. tama; Trin. -tan; JS tau; Tty. teve; Ttl. -tem
*mima — “into”
- Pot. homima; Kat. mima; Trin. -min; Tty. vove; Ttl. -juem
*ruma — “onto”
- Kat. ruma; Trin. -run; Tty. yuve; Ttl. -vem
*kinma — “(to) under”
- Kat. kīma; Trin. -sin; Tty. kime
*gama — “(to) near”
- Kat. hama; Trin. -an; Tty. heve; Ttl. -em
*dumma — ”(to) next to”
- Kat. zūma; Trin. -lun; Tty. zume
Andative orientation
*-ri is added to specific spatial postpositions.
*tari — “from”
- Pot. batari; Kat. tari; Trin. -tar; Tty. tey; Ttl. -tel
*miri — “out”
- Pot. homil; Kat. miri; Trin. -mir; Tty. vyo; Ttl. -juel
*ruri — “off”
- Kat. ruri; Trin. -rur; Tty. yuy; Ttl. -vel
*kinsi — “from under”
- Kat. kiti; Trin. -siz; Tty. kiso
*gari — “from near”
- Kat. hari; Trin. -ar; Tty. hey; Ttl. -el
*dumsi — ”from next to”
- Kat. zupi; Trin. -luz; Tty. zuso
*kada — 1
- Pot. kaha; Kat. kaza; Trin. kal; JS kau; Sw. gwara; Tty. keze; Ttl. ed
*miki — 2
- Pot. miki; Kat. migi; Trin. mis; JS miki; Sw. wòtš; Tty. mó; Ttl. juek
*pira — 3
- Pot. pira; Kat. hira; Trin. pir; JS pira; Sw. boyra; Tty. pye; Ttl. cual
*data — 4
- Pot. hata; Kat. zada; Trin. lat; JS đata; Sw. lada; Tty. zete; Ttl. det
*pigi — 5
- Pot. piji; Kat. hī; Trin. pî; JS piji; Sw. boy; Tty. poho; Ttl. cui
*sima — 6
- Pot. sima; Kat. sima; Trin. sim; JS sei; Sw. že; Tty. sve; Ttl. em
*tatu — 7
- Pot. tato; Kat. tadu; Trin. tat; JS tatu; Sw. dol; Tty. tetu; Ttl. tat
*kupun — 8
- Pot. kopu; Kat. kuhu; Trin. kup; JS kufu; Sw. fowk; Tty. kufyu; Ttl. quekui
*numti — 9
- Pot. nunti; Kat. nuti; JS nutti; Sw. nótš; Tty. nyú; Ttl. nuoc
*kagan — 10
- Pot. kayâ; Kat. kā; Trin. kân; JS koun; Sw. gwawà; Tty. keho; Ttl. eẏi
*tiki — 100
- Pot. tiki; Kat. tigi; Trin. tis; JS tiki; Tty. kezyekˀo (← *kada-tiki); Ttl. cek
Nominal morphology
-1 | 0 | +1 | +2 | +3 |
possessive | root | number | case | postposition |
The possessive prefixes are the same as appropriate personal pronouns.
Some nouns are inherently possessed and thus the prefix is obligatory. For others, it is optional.
Nouns can be inflected for number: singular, dual, trial and plural.
(—) — singular
*-ta — dual
- Wok. pronouns: shita, mata
- Pot. -ta (plural of some nouns, dual of pronouns)
- Kat. pronoun: kuda
- JS pronoun: kuta
- Sw. -da (plural of some nouns)
- Tty. -te, -tʾe
- Ttl. -t(e)
*-ri — trial
- Wok. pronouns: shiri, həri, mari
- Kat. -ri, -pi, -ti (paucal)
- Sw. -(V)r (plural)
- Tty. -yŏ, -sŏ
- Ttl. -l(e), -Q(e)
*-mu — plural
- Wok. pronouns: shimu, humu, mamu, homu, somu
- Pot. -mo
- Kat. -mu, -nu
- Trin. -m
- JS pronouns: təy, kəu, mou, kammu, tummu
- Sw. -m (uncountable)
- Tty. -vu, -mu
- Ttl. -ṅue, -ʷṅ
The language has an ergative-absolutive alignment.
There are three cases: absolutive, ergative and postpositional (oblique).
(—) — absolutive
*-kan — ergative
- Wok. -ko
- Kat. -ga, -ka
- Trin. -k, -g
- JS pronouns, e.g. ti, tun → tikan, tukkan
- Tty. -ko, -kʾo
- Ttl. -Qi
*-ni — postpositional / oblique
- Wok. -ni, -Ṽdi-
- Kat. -ni, -mi
- Trin. -n-
- JS pronouns, e.g. ti, tun → təi, tunni
- Tty. -lŏ, -nŏ
- Ttl. -j(e)-
Postpositions are added to the nouns in the postpositional case.
Verbal morphology
-1 | 0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 |
applicative | root | aspect | mood | voice | deverbal |
Applicatives are made by adding a prefix *tim- and then appending the appropriate postposition.
- Kat. tipaza ("to serve"; ← *tim-ra-dan "to work for")
- Tty. tʾi+ (*tim-din-), ce- (*tim-ra-), kʾo+ (*tim-kim-), pʾi+ (*tim-pin-), kʾopi+ (*tim-kimpin-)
- Ttl. coci+ (*tim-din-), cos- (*tim-ra-), coko+ (*tim-kim-), cocui+ (*tim-pin-), cokocui+ (*tim-kimpin-)
- Wok. terə- (*tim-ru-)
- Tty. tʾe- (*tim-ta-), tom- (*tim-mi-), cu- (*tim-ru-), kʾi+ (*tim-kin-), kʾe- (*tim-ga-), tʾu+ (*tim-dum-)
- Ttl. cot- (*tim-ta-), couj- (*tim-mi-), cous- (*tim-ru-), coki+ (*tim-kin-), coQ- (*tim-ga-), cotuo+ (*tim-dum-)
(—) — imperfective aspect
*-ba — perfective aspect
- Wok. -wa
- Pot. -ba
- Kat. -wa, -ːna, -ːma
- Trin. -w, -b
- Sw. -mò (past tense)
- Tty. ~ye, -pe
- Ttl. -b(e), -p(e)
(—) — indicative
*-kim — imperative
- Pot. -ken
- Kat. -gi, -ki
- Trin. -s, -z
- JS ~koun, ~kkoun
- Sw. -tš
- Tty. -/ʔ/, -kʾo
- Ttl. -ko
*-san — subjunctive
- Kat. -za, -ta, -pa
- Trin. -was, -bas (← *-ba-san; perfective subjunctive)
- JS ~san, ~ssan
- Sw. -za (past subjunctive)
- Tty. -so, -co
*-di — optative
- Kat. -zi, -ti
- JS -ji, -tti
*-si — potential
- JS ~si, ~ssi
- Sw. -š (non-past subjunctive)
*-mu — inferred evidentiality
- Kat. -mu, -ːnu, ːmu (conditional)
- Trin. -m, -n
- JS ~u, ~mmu (conditional)
- Tty. -vu, -mu
*-ka — hearsay evidentiality
- Trin. -k, -g
- Tty. -ke, -kʾe
Unknown formants
- Pot. -ri (irrealis) ← *-ri (?)
- Trin. -t (subjunctive) ← *-tV (?)
(—) — active voice
*-danta — antipassive voice
- Pot. -hâta
- Kat. -zda, -tata
- Trin. -lad
- JS ~vatta, ~tatta
- Sw. -á (?)
- Tty. -zote, -tote
- Ttl. -dit
*-kin — gerund
- Tty. -ki, -kʾi
- Ttl. -ki
*-ki — attributive / subordinator
- Wok. -ki
- Pot. -ki
- Kat. -gi, -ki
- Trin. -lis (← *di-ki?)
- Tty. -/ʔ/, -kʾo
- Ttl. -k(e)
*-tini — imperfective participle
- Kat. -dini, -tini
- JS ~təi
*-kaga — perfective participle
- Kat. -gā, -kā
- JS ~kou
Verb to verb
*-taka — causative
- Pot. hitaka "make" (← *di- "be")
- Trin. -tak
- JS prattaka "combine" (← *rapam "meet"); mistaka "tire, bore" (← *minsin- "be tired")
- Tty. -teke, -tekya (← *-taka-ba)
*-ku — antipassive causative
- Kat. muzaku "support" (← muza "stay"); ragagu "close" (← raga "be shut")
- JS rəyku "release" (← *rinu- "be free")
- Tty. -ku, -ko (← *-ku-ba)
*-sun — anticausative
- Kat. nawizu "be heavy" (← nawi "hold up") [?]
- JS rissein "open" intr. (← *radim "open" tr.)
- Tty. -syu+, -syupe (← *-sun-ba)
*-riri — habitual, continuative
- JS ksiri frequentative auxiliary (← *kin- "come")
- Tty. -yoy
- Ttl. -lel
*-timi — inchoative
- Pot. -timi
- Kat. nazdimi "freeze" (← naza "be fixed in place")
- Trin. -tim
- JS tuttəí "die" (← *tum- "be dead")
- Tty. -ʔvye~-tʾvye (← *-timi-ba)
*-mumpi — cessative
- Pot. -mumpi
- Kat. minūmi "release" (**min-mūmi ← mini "hold")
- Trin. -mub
- JS kməuppi "throw away" (← *kimmu- "keep")
- Tty. -vupye~-mupye (← *-mumpi-ba)
*-rini — resumptive
- Kat. satini "hide" (**sad-tini ← sadu "cover") [?]
- Trin. -rin
- JS katrəí "talk", "converse" (← *kata- "talk")
- Tty. -y(o)lye~-slye (← *-rini-ba)
Unknown formants
- Pot. -sa (intensive, habitual) ← *-sa (?)
- Pot. -ha (various uses) ← *-da (?)
- Pot. -ru (resultative) ← *-run (?)
Noun to verb
*-kanti — "to make X" (?)
- Pot. -kâti
- Kat. hagati "wound" (**hag-kati ← *pakan- "pain")
- Trin. -kad
- Sw. -'gótš non-past tense [?]
*-miri — "to be X", "to resemble X"
- Pot. -miri
- Kat. wēmiri "be sweet" (← wē "honey"); kuhāmiri "be tall" (← kuha "tree")
- JS rapmiri "connect" (← rappan "bridge")
- Trin. -mir
*-dudi — "to have X" (?)
- Pot. -hu
- Trin. -lul
- JS jausvuji "to be prestigious" (*ganasu-dudi)
Verb to noun
*-da — patient noun
- Pot. -ha
- Kat. nūnaza "food" (← nūna "eat")
- Trin. -l
*-dira — agent noun
- Pot. -hira
- Kat. hīzira "cauldron" (← hihi "boil")
*-kim — instrument
- Pot. -ken
- Kat. tigzigi "sword" (← tigizi "be sharp")
- Trin. -s
- JS pnakoun "cauldron" (← *nupa- "cook")
- Tty. -kʾo ~ -/ʔ/
*-pa — location
- Pot. -pa
- Kat. kīmuha "store-room" (← kīmu "keep")
- Trin. -p
- JS pnafa "hearth" (← *nupa- "cook")
*-ninta — result
- Pot. -neta
- Trin. -nid
- JS nakteitta "destruction" (← *nakata- "damage")
*-kasi — action noun
- Wok. katohahi "language" (← *kata- "talk")
- Kat. nākazi "pleasure" (← nā "be good"); kadagazi "speech" (← *kata- "talk")
- Trin. -kas
- JS nipkasi "sneeze" (← nifa "sneeze" v)
Unknown formants
- Pot. -noyo (goal) ← *-nugu (?)
Noun to noun
*-kin — diminutive
- Kat. -ki
- Trin. -s
- JS tsukein "stem" (← tutu "trunk"); roukein "node" (← rou "bundle")
*-tam — diminutive, endearment marker
- Kat. -ta
- JS tpatan "nut" (← *tumpa- "nut")
*-taku — augmentative
- Kat. -tagu
- Trin. -tak
*-bu — augmentative, respect marker
- Pot. -bo
- Kat. tutawu "ancestor" (← *tum-da- "dead person")
- JS pmuppu "owl" (← **mupum- "owl")
*-niri — "a kind of", "a rank of"
- Kat. -niri
- Trin. -nir
- JS jausəyri "gold" (← jausu "metal"); mjəyri "breath" (← *mibu- "wind")
*-pini — "a thing related to"
- Pot. -pini
- Kat. hugīni "loom" (**hugi-hini ← hugi "cloth")
- Trin. -pin
*-tuNka — mass noun, collective noun
- Kat. wāmuduka "village" (← wāmu "house"); sutiduka "language" (← suti "voice")
- Trin. -tug
*-kiki — singulative
- Trin. -sis
- JS natkiki "tooth" (← *nata- "tooth", "teeth")
- Tty. kehokʾo "grain of sand" (← keho "sand")