Mountain Western

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Written by Radius.
Mountain Western
Period c. -1800 YP
Spoken in Western mountains
Total speakers unknown
Writing system unknown
Classification Western languages
 Mountain Western
Basic word order unknown
Morphology unknown
Alignment unknown
Created by Radius

Mountain Western was an unattested Western language believed to have been spoken around perhaps -1800 YP, although this date could easilly be off by two or three centuries in either direction. We know of it almost solely through the powerful Western interference undergone by Dimana Lokud in the second millennium BP, and the borrowings it left behind in that language.

Mountain Western represents a phonologically unique branch of the Western language family, but at this time it is unclear to what extent it differed from the usual Western grammatical patterns of that era, nor to what extent the following reconstructed words remained segmentable into multiple morphemes.

The following table lists some Mountain Western nouns as they have been reconstructed at this time. It is important to note that the glosses provided here represent interpolations between Proto-Western etymology and the word definitions first recorded around 200 YP - a span of more than 3500 years - and thus the actual meanings and wordforms may have been significantly different from what follows.

Long vowels are written doubled, and the language apparently gained several new sounds, such as /h/ and /o/. All other sounds are spelled in this document as they would be in Proto-Western.

Verbs borrowed from Mountain Western are much harder to reconstruct, and do not appear in the following list.

Mountain Western probable etymology interpolated gloss
calzolyoo tʰa-dzalã-dzũ-dayũ sword maker smith
cuhγʷee cupʰu-γʷĩ irritation annoyance, problem
čeγʷee čeka-γʷĩ sitting instance, iteration, time
čikyaa čika-ya yellow thing gold
γatłwaa duγa-tłuwa good blood honor, reputation
γeeqʷii γãdže-ya-kʷi little big thing oaf, cretin
γewsłuu γĩwa-słu thing made of pine post, pole
γlaqluu neγla-kʷadu white tail white-tailed deer
γlaʔtłaa γlaʔta-ła result of milking milk
γoʔqee γũka-kĩ pig (female) sow
γuluu mẽγu-lawu sheep man shepherd
γuyaa γʷuye-ya heavy thing burden, load
γuu mẽγu sheep
γuuγʷee γʷiwa-γʷĩ living survival
γʷałkaa γʷałka spit gift
γʷaʔcoo γʷãsu-cũ collection of bones skeleton
γʷekyaa γʷeku-ya quick thing thought, idea
γʷepłuu γʷełbu slave
heetuu pʰeyi-tu seed-ness potential
hulcoo pʰuda-cũ collection of chiefs council, meeting
ičilwii yeči-lawi arrow man fletcher
iγee ʔuya-γẽ site of pain wound
ilaapłuu yada-γʷełbu old slave useless burden
itʰalyaa yatʰa-daya gardener farmer
izalyaa ʔuyadza-daya pain causer wasp
iʔiłskʷee yeʔiłca-γʷĩ coming arrival
kastuu kaca-tu friend-ness likeness, similarity
katyaa katʰa-ya correct thing fact, truth
kłaa kʰułda boat
kłehaa kłepʰã wild animal, game
kłehcoo kłephã-cũ collection of game herd
kłunšeek γłuna-γiše-k green days springtime
ksałpłaa kʰesałpa-ła result of defecating turd; offensive person
kułcoo kʷułu-cũ collection of wolves pack of wolves
kyalwaa kʰeya-lawa soil man one who plows or digs
kʰalzoo kʰalu-dzũ what you tie with twine
kʰałaa kʰalu-ła result of tying knot
kʰelnsłuu kʰelna-słu thing made of horn knife hilt
kʰiincooʔk kʰiña-tʰawdzũ-k knees together chastity, virginity
kʰiisłoo kʰeyasłũ earthen wall perimeter
kʰinapłii kʰiñã-pʰełi thin bark loincloth
kʰinapłkee kʰiñã-pʰełi-kĩ thin bark (female) female undergarment
kʰinatłaa kʰiñatʰa-ła result of building building, dwelling
kʰinaʔtłwaa kʰiñãtłuwa thin blood having less manliness, due to youth
kʷeγʷee kʷekʷu-γʷĩ cooking work, labor (women's)
kʷʰasłaa kʰakʷʰadza-ła result of mocking laughingstock, butt of joke
lanγuu duγa-nãγu good foot basis, foundation
luutłuuqee duγa-tłuwa-kĩ good blood (female) good standing as a wife
lyaγʷee ʔadya-γʷĩ fearing terror, fright, fear
łaa łãγa spirit
łaškee łãši-kĩ horse (female) mare
łaʔpʷee laʔpa-γʷĩ stealing theft
łeentʰuzoo lalaña-tʰuba-dzũ root digger shovel
łkaa kʰełka stone
łkasłuu kʰełka-słu stone hearth
łmaqtaa lãma-kʷʰeyta warm womb good heart, kindness
łtuu la-tu man-ness status
łʔčii łãši horse
paʔtłaa pãta-ła result of finding one's way success
plaa pʰuda chief elder
płamłaa błama-ła result of farting odor, persistence
płaqtaa kʰibła-kʷʰeyta dry womb bitch, unpleasant woman
qʰee bakʰe holiness importance, priority
saqsoo bebesa-kʰapa-dzũ wood splitter axe
seelyaa sabaya-daya fighter warrior
slalʔaa sũla-blũła round belly pregnancy
słaa bebesa-ła result of splitting split, crack
słuu pʰełi-słu thing made of tree bark basket
snaa tʰunã father chief, headman
solyaa sũla-ya round thing circle
spłamłaa pʰita-błama-ła little fart moment, brief period of time
spłehsoo dzupʰu-kłephã-dzũ animal catcher trap
sqaa taka grass thatch
sqee medza-kĩ dog (female) female dog
sʔkʷii tʰẽʔpi-kʷi little daughter slave girl
sʔuplaa mãsu-pʰẽla wide cloud overcast, gray sky
sʔutyaa medza-ʔu-tʰaya dog's milk poor substitute; fake thing
šcaa kaca friend
šiksaʔkee šikãdza-ʔaʔ-γẽ place of putting stuff in the ground dump, midden
šilžee ñeši-dudže smooth sky fair weather
šiʔlsaa ñeši-ʔilsa smooth hand steadiness, reliability
škazγʷee šikãdza-γʷĩ putting in the ground burial, funeral
škee čʰekʰã-γẽ earth place the ground
šnuktaa činu-kʷʰeyta full womb compassion, motherly love
štłaa čʰiłta-ła result of teaching skill
šwaa šuwa guts future
šʔaašee kʰãʔa-γiše black day eclipse
šʔiiʔuktaa mašeγẽ-ʔu-kʷʰeyta moon womb touchiness, sensitivity, suspicion
šʔilwii łãši-lawi horse man rider, warrior
šʔoo meʔšu-dzũ what you sew with needle
taqtłee takadłe grassland steppe, plain
tlaašeek tʰãda-γiše-k cold days winter
tlaplaa tʰãda-pʰẽla cold cloud fog
tłeʔkaa dłeʔka tribe village, settlement
tłoošeek dłũ-γiše-k long days summer
tłwacoo tłuwa-tu-cũ blood-nesses feelings, emotions
tʰawγee tʰawa-γẽ bending place kink, bend; elbow
tʰulsłuu tʰula-słu thing made of wool tunic
tʷee tʰa-γʷĩ doing, making work, labor (men's)
uhaa wapʰa beans
utuu naʔu-tu up-ness uprightness, vertical orientation
wašyaa wači-ya steep thing cliff, bank
wažγʷee wadže-γʷĩ dying death
wesoo wecu-dzũ what you eat vegetables with flatbread
yaškʷee yaši-γʷĩ holding, marrying marriage, matrimony
yaspaa yatʰapa garden field
zaa medza dog
zalyeeʔii dzaldayã-yaʔi bird offspring chick
zalzoo dzalã-dzũ stabber sword
zmałkaa dzama-łaγa red eye copper
zmaʔłpaa dzama-ʔałpa red rage rage, violent anger
zleeγee dzaldayã-γẽ bird place bird nest
zoo ʔičʰa-dzũ fish catcher hook
zupłaa dzupʰu-ła result of gathering goods, produce, food
ʔcoo pʰapʰaʔta-dzũ what you shoot with bow
ʔčeeʔkaa nače-γũka tame pig domesticated pig
ʔčekcoo nače-kʷi-cũ little tame things litter, brood
ʔčetłwaa načetłuwa tame blood wisdom, fairness
ʔkamłii małka-mełi sharp tongue harsh words, cutting remark
ʔlaγʷee ʔẽda-γʷĩ giving generosity
ʔlee γaʔle salt
ʔtacoo ʔũta-cũ collection of teeth necklace
ʔtłiiʔii madłi-yaʔi bear offspring bear cub; bad omen