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Period c. -500 YP
Spoken in Wañelin
Total speakers to be determined
Writing system to be determined
Classification Western languages
 Lake languages
Basic word order SOV
Morphology agglutinating
Alignment ergative
Created by Curlyjimsam

Šetâmol was the name given natively to the language spoken by the Wañelinlawag people of western Peilaš, in around -500 YP. The Wañelinlawag were descendants of the speakers of the Çetázó language, and Šetâmol is regarded as a daughter language of Çetázó. Thus it belongs to the Lake subgroup of the Western language family.

The name Šetâmol itself is derived from Ç. Çetázó 'Çetázó' + moɬi 'tongue'. Wañelinlawag is derived from the name of the lake referred to natively as Wañelín (Ç. Γañeɬina 'big lake'). By -500 YP, the speakers of Šetâmol had expanded to govern a small empire that encompassed the entirety of the shores of the Wañelín.


  • Lai pid wereîmok syjmápad mufiuk syjlawósasagadak. Ajýn tagazudóm múfiúm sur sukasyjzaragák; lag šizudóm múfiúm latal sukasyjîsazagai; ul nátuzud múfi sukasyjwajizagad. Jawagúm hajómok mezazud múfi sukasyjhajópad.
  • [ la.í píd we.ɾe.iː.mók syj.maˑ.pád mu.fi.úk syj.la.woˑ.sa.sa.ɡaˌdak ‖ a.jýˑn ta.ɡa.zu.dóˑm muˑ.fi.úˑm súɾ su.ka.syj.za.ra.ɡáˑk | láɡ ʃi.zu.dóˑm muˑ.fi.úˑm la.tál su.ka.syj.iː.sa.za.ɡa.í | úl naˑ.tu.zúd muˑ.fí su.ka.syj.wa.ji.za.ɡád ‖ ja.wa.ɡúˑm ha.joˑ.mók me.za.zúd muˑ.fí su.ka.syj.ha.joˑ.pád ]
  • horse REL-NC2 hill-LOC PAST-be:located-NC2 sheep-PL:ABS PAST-see-3PS:ERG-NC2:ABS-PL. woman:OBL first-NC2-LOC sheep-LOC wool PROG-PAST-cut-3PS:ERG-NC4:ABS; child second-NC2-LOC sheep-LOC milk PROG-PAST-take-3PS:ERG-NC6:ABS; man third-NC2 sheep PROG-PAST-kill-3PS:ERG-NC2:ABS. 3P-NC1-LOC fire-INS fourth-NC2 sheep PROG-PAST-cook-NC2:ABS

(taken from The horse and the sheep)

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