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Period c. 1600 YP
Spoken in Lasomo
Total speakers c. 4 million
Writing system adapted
Tjakori script
Classification Edastean
  Northern Dāiadak
Basic word order SVO
Morphology fusional
Alignment ABS-ERG
Created by gsandi

Yād is a language of the Edastean family, spoken across Lasomo and much of the middle Eigə valley around 1600 YP. It is a descendant of Æðadĕ.


Two daughter languages of Yād itself are Zhaj and Yēt.


  • Ēvin sheb Shenkan, dhyesk hīz, dhyesk ē les ē Kōd, mīht ē Zem un ē Tōl: Ilnu ye ēbin uv ūbach ē mīzē, iz dhyeskal rülz in hīgun il yen.
  • [ ˈeː.vin ʃeb ˈʃeŋ.kʰan | ðjesk xiːz | ðjesk eː les eː koːd | miːxt eː zem un eː tʰoːl ‖ ˈil.nu je ˈeː.bin uv ˈuː.baʧ eː ˈmiː.zeː | iz ˈðjes.kal ryːlz in ˈhiː.ɡun il jen ]
  • speak-PAST thus Shenkan, King great, King of Land of Kōd, brother of sun and of moon: before I-SUB sit-PAST on throne of father-my, all kingdom foreign be-PAST hostile to I-OBL.

(taken from the Tsinakan text)

See also