User talk:Cedh/Munnaaqiú

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Looks very interesting! And a fun idea :) Any chance you could post the current draft of the scs that generate the example vocab for me to peruse? --Tzirtzi 16:18, 25 May 2011 (UTC)

Sure. Here they are, in GSCA 0.5 format. They're not necessarily final though; a few rules (especially those dealing with vowel deletion) might have to be adjusted to fit with developments in morphosyntax, whatever these will be. --Cedh 22:46, 25 May 2011 (UTC)
I like these - they produce satisfyingly obscure cognates without resorting to the use of unlikely changes :) Just a couple of criticisms/queries - j/l/_i seems a bit of an unlikely dissimilation to me, as there are several scenarios that seem much more likely (j/Z/_i, i/e/j_, j//_i, ji/i:/_ etc.); and k_w/p/_# *and* p_w/k/_V together seem a bit unlikely. Presumably labialisation is actually labiovelarisation here, but in that case /k_w p_w/ are nearly featurally identical, and it seems that they'd be more likely to either merge or to dissimilate by losing their secondary PoAs than to dissimilate by losing their primary PoAs. Anyway, not important comments. On a slightly more macro topic, these changes suggest pretty significant time depth I'd think? In which case, might it be useful if there was some identified midway point that generated a realistic phonology and could be used later on as a proto from which to generate close sisters? :) --Tzirtzi 22:31, 29 May 2011 (UTC)
j/l/_i is actually meant to be [ji] > [ʝi] > [ʎi], with pre-existing /li/ sequences pronounced as [ʎi] anyway (so basically the same merger as yeísmo in Spanish, except that the result is [ʎ] instead of [ʝ]).
The kʷ~pʷ thing is actually a merger as well; as you say, with labiovelarisation the two sounds are featurally identical, and it's simply that word-finally the labial element is more prominent, while medially the velar element prevails.
As for time depth, I think it could be anything between 1000 and 2000 years. In SCA code the changes look a lot more complicated than they are actually; I'd say 2/3 of the code just prepares phonetically realistic environments for changes that aren't all too far-reaching. In any case, I think a good point for splitting off any close daughters would be between the main syncope block and the loss of *ʔ, with the main initial differences between the languages being (a) which vowels exactly are deleted (I'm currently struggling to adjust the syncope rules so I get a somewhat coherent pattern for the possession infixes...), (b) how the resulting clusters are resolved, and (c) syllabification. --Cedh 22:57, 29 May 2011 (UTC)
# Proto-Núalís-Takuña to Munnaaqiú

# Definitions of output dialects

# M = Munnaaqiú
dialects	=	M

# Definitions of sound classes

pcons	=	ptkʔmnŋsɾ
othercons	=	ʦʧbdʣʤʃɣlɬɲcʈqɟɖɡgɢɸfθɕʂçxχhβvðzʒʑʐʝʁɦɮʎɫɭʟrɳɴƛ

ufric	=	fθsʃçxχɬ
vfric	=	vðzʒʝɣʁɮ
fric	=	ufric vfric

ustop	=	ptckq
vstop	=	bdɟɡɢ
stop	=	ustop vstop

sib	=	szʃʒ

liq	=	lʎɫɭʟɾrʀ
nas	=	mnɲɳŋɴ

obs	=	stop fric
res	=	liq nas

cons	=	pcons othercons

C	=	cons

glide	=	jwɰ
iua	=	ɪʊɐ

cgl	=	cons glide

L	=	liq
N	=	nas

R	=	L N

J	=	glide R

vowel	=	ieɛaɑʌɤɯyøœɒɔouɨʉɪʊæəɐɜ

V	=	vowel

stress	=	ˈˌ
lab	=	ʷ
asp	=	ʰ
pal	=	ʲ
glot	=	ˀ
syll	=	̥
length	=	ːˑ
nsg	=	ⁿ

high	=	́
low	=	̀

tone	=	high low
artdia	=	lab asp pal nsg glot
dia	=	stress artdia syll length tone

phone	=	cgl V

all	=	phone dia

notv	=	cgl dia
notstr	=	phone artdia

# Preparations

### ASCII compatibility

*	ng	ŋ	_
*	g	ŋ	_
*	r	ɾ	_
*	7	ʔ	_
*	,a	á	_
*	,i	í	_
*	,u	ú	_

### standardize consonant transcription

*	ñ	ŋ	_

### stress

*	0	ˈ	_<+áíú>
*	<+áíú>	<+aiu>	_
*	0	ˈ	#C*_V<^stress>*C<^stress>*V<^stress>*#		! explicit initial stress in polysyllabic words

### standardize vowel transcription

*	a	ɐ	_
*	ɐ	ː	ɐ_
*	j	ː	i_#
*	j	ː	i_ˈ*<^V>
*	w	ː	u_#
*	w	ː	u_ˈ*<^V>
*	ɐ	ɰ	<+iu>_			! non-syllabic transcription of [ə̯]

# Proto-Núalís-Takuña allophony

### consonant prenasalization

*	0	n	V<+jwɰːˀ>*_ɾ
*	0	n	V<+jwɰːˀ>*_<+ptk>.*Nɾ*ˈV	R
*	0	n	#_<+ptk>.*Nɾ*ˈV
*	n	m	_p
*	n	ŋ	_k

### vowel nasalization

*	0	ⁿ	V_<+jwɰː>*N		! Vⁿ stands for a nasalized V, not a prenasalized C (tilde is disallowed)

### vowel glottalization				! skipped... gets lost anyway
*	0	ˀ	V<+jwɰː>*_ʔ
*	0	ˀ	ˈV.*V<+jwɰː>*_#
*	0	ˀ	ˈV.*V<+jwɰː>*_C	B
*	ˀ	0	%_
*	ˀ	0	_ⁿ

### vowel lowering

*	<+iu>	<+eo>	ˈV.*_	B

# Proto-Núalís-Takuña to Munnaaqiú

### nasalization of initial *ɾ

*	ɾ	n	#_ˈ*Vⁿ

### stress shift

# if the syllable two syllables after the stressed vowel is heavy 
# (i.e. contains a diphthong and/or coda *ʔ) and the intervening syllable is light, 
# or if the syllable immediately after the stressed vowel is heavy 
# and the stressed syllable is light, the heavy syllable attracts stress 
# and gains a low pitch accent.

*	0	;	ˈVⁿ*<+jwɰ>*C*Vⁿ*C?_Vⁿ*<+jwɰ>C
*	0	;	ˈVⁿ*<+jwɰ>*C*Vⁿ*C?_Vⁿ*<+jwɰ>#
*	0	;	ˈVⁿ*<+jwɰ>*C*Vⁿ*C?_Vⁿ*<+jwɰ>*ʔC
*	0	;	ˈVⁿ*<+jwɰ>*C*Vⁿ*C?_Vⁿ*<+jwɰ>*ʔ#

*	0	;	ˈVⁿ*C?_Vⁿ*<+jwɰ>C
*	0	;	ˈVⁿ*C?_Vⁿ*<+jwɰ>#
*	0	;	ˈVⁿ*C?_Vⁿ*<+jwɰ>*ʔC
*	0	;	ˈVⁿ*C?_Vⁿ*<+jwɰ>*ʔ#

*	;	ˌ	_

### haplological syncope

*	0	;	V<+jwɰ>*pV_p<+ˈˌ>*V
*	0	;	V<+jwɰ>*tV_t<+ˈˌ>*V
*	0	;	V<+jwɰ>*kV_k<+ˈˌ>*V
*	0	;	V<+jwɰ>*sV_s<+ˈˌ>*V
*	0	;	Vⁿ<+jwɰ>*mV_ⁿm<+ˈˌ>*V
*	0	;	Vⁿ<+jwɰ>*nV_ⁿn<+ˈˌ>*V
*	0	;	Vⁿ<+jwɰ>*ŋV_ⁿŋ<+ˈˌ>*V
*	0	;	Vⁿ<+jwɰ>*nɾV_ⁿnɾ<+ˈˌ>*V
*	ⁿ	0	;_
*	<+ieuoɐ>	<+ʲʲʷʷˤ>	_;			! secondary articulation as a trace
*	<+ʲʷˤ>;	#2#1	_
*	<+ʲʷˤ>C	#2#1	;_
*	<+ʲʷˤ>ɾ	#2#1	;n_
*	nɾ;nɾ	ɾ;ɾ	_
*	;	0	_

### feature spreading

*	0	ʲ	Vⁿ*jC+_<+ˈˌ>*V		! prevocalic consonants
*	0	ʷ	Vⁿ*wC+_<+ˈˌ>*V
*	0	ˤ	Vⁿ*ɰC+_<+ˈˌ>*V

*	0	ʲ	Vⁿ*jʔ_#			! coda *ʔ
*	0	ʲ	Vⁿ*jʔ_C
*	0	ʷ	Vⁿ*wʔ_#
*	0	ʷ	Vⁿ*wʔ_C
*	0	ˤ	Vⁿ*ɰʔ_#
*	0	ˤ	Vⁿ*ɰʔ_C

*	0	ˤ	V.*<+ptkʔ><+ʲʷˤ>*_ɐ#

*	<+ʲʷˤ>	0	ʔ_<+mnŋsɾʔ>
*	i	ʲ;	C<+ʲʷˤ>*_<+ˈˌ>*Vⁿ*<+jwɰ>	! simplification of 3-vowel-sequences
*	u	ʷ;	C<+ʲʷˤ>*_<+ˈˌ>*Vⁿ*<+jwɰ>
*	ɐ	ˤ;	C<+ʲʷˤ>*_<+ˈˌ>*Vⁿ*<+jwɰ>
*	<+jwɰ>	<+iuɐ>	;<+ˈˌ>*Vⁿ*_
*	;	0	_

*	<+ʲʷˤ>	0	_<+ʲʷˤ>

*	ʲ	0	_<+ˈˌ>*<+ie>
*	ʷ	0	_<+ˈˌ>*<+uo>
*	ˤ	0	_<+ˈˌ>*ɐ

### monophthongization

*	<+jwɰ>	0	V_ʔ<+ʲʷˤ>*#
*	<+jwɰ>	0	V_ʔ<+ʲʷˤ>*C
*	<+jwɰ>	<+iuɐ>	_#
*	<+jwɰ>	<+iuɐ>	<+ˈˌ>V_
*	<+jwɰ>	0	_<+ˈˌ>*<^V>
*	<+jwɰ>	<+iuɐ>	_

*	0	ʲ	ɐⁿ*ʔ_ˌ*eⁿ*ɐ		! post-tonic diphthongs get low nucleus
*	0	ʷ	ɐⁿ*ʔ_ˌ*oⁿ*ɐ
*	0	ˤ	ɐⁿ*ʔ_ˌ*ɐⁿ*<+eo>
*	0	;	ɐⁿ*ʔˤˌ*ɐⁿ*_<+eo>
*	ʔˤ	0	_ˌ*ɐⁿ*;
*	;	ʔˤ	_
*	<+eo>	ɐ	_ⁿ*V

### loss of vowel nasalization

*	ⁿ	0	_
*	n	0	_ɾ

### diphthongization

*	V	ː	%_
*	oː	uə	_C
*	eː	iə	_C

### loss of allophonic vowel lowering

*	<+eo>	<+iu>	_
*	V	ː	%_

### apocope & final vowel shortening

*	0	;	V.*<+ptkʔ><+ʲʷˤ>*_V#
*	;	0	CC<+ʲʷˤ>*_
*	V	0	;_
*	;	0	_

*	0	ː	V_ʔVː#			! length transferred to previous syllable
*	ː	0	<cgl>V_#

### syncope

*	0	;	Vː*C<+ʲʷˤ>*V_C<+ʲʷˤ>*ˈ*V+ː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*ˌV		! with changed stress...
*	0	;	Vː*C<+ʲʷˤ>*V_C<+ʲʷˤ>*ˈ*V+ː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*V;
*	0	;	Vː*C<+ʲʷˤ>*V_C<+ʲʷˤ>*ˈ*V+ː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*ˈ*V+ː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*ˌV
*	0	,	ˌVː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*Vː*C<+ʲʷˤ>*V_C<+ʲʷˤ>*V
*	0	,	V,C<+ʲʷˤ>*Vː*C<+ʲʷˤ>*V_C<+ʲʷˤ>*V
*	0	,	ˌVː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*V+ː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*V+ː*C<+ʲʷˤ>*V_C<+ʲʷˤ>*V
*	0	ˑ	ˌV<+ptk><+ʲʷˤ>*V_<+ptk><+ʲʷˤ>*V
*	0	ˑ	ˌVN<+ʲʷˤ>*V_N<+ʲʷˤ>*V
*	0	ˑ	ˌVɾ<+ʲʷˤ>*V_ɾ<+ʲʷˤ>*V
*	ˑ	0	_.*,
*	ˑ	0	CC<+ʲʷˤ>*ˌVC<+ʲʷˤ>*V_
*	ˑ	,	_
*	,	;	_
*	;	0	ːʔ<+ʲʷˤ>*V_
*	V	0	_;
*	;	0	_

*	ˈ	0	_.*ˌ

*	0	;	Vː*C<+ʲʷˤ>*V_C<+ʲʷˤ>*V+ː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*ˈV		! with original stress...
*	0	;	Vː*C<+ʲʷˤ>*V_C<+ʲʷˤ>*V+ː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*V;
*	0	;	Vː*C<+ʲʷˤ>*V_C<+ʲʷˤ>*ˈV
*	0	;	Vː*C<+ʲʷˤ>*V_C<+ʲʷˤ>*ˈ*V+ː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*ˈ*V+ː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*ˌV
*	0	,	ˈVː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*Vː*C<+ʲʷˤ>*V_C<+ʲʷˤ>*V
*	0	,	V,C<+ʲʷˤ>*Vː*C<+ʲʷˤ>*V_C<+ʲʷˤ>*V
*	0	,	ˈVː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*V+ː*C*<+ʲʷˤ>*V+ː*C<+ʲʷˤ>*V_C<+ʲʷˤ>*V
*	0	ˑ	ˈV<+ptk><+ʲʷˤ>*V_<+ptk><+ʲʷˤ>*V
*	0	ˑ	ˈVN<+ʲʷˤ>*V_N<+ʲʷˤ>*V
*	0	ˑ	ˈVɾ<+ʲʷˤ>*V_ɾ<+ʲʷˤ>*V
*	ˑ	0	_.*,
*	ˑ	0	CC<+ʲʷˤ>*ˌVC<+ʲʷˤ>*V_
*	ˑ	,	_
*	,	;	_
*	;	0	ːʔ<+ʲʷˤ>*V_
*	V	0	_;
*	;	0	_

*	ə	0	_C<+ʲʷˤ>*C		! *uə *iə shortened before clusters

### low vowel allophony (used to prevent uvularization for some *k)

*	ə	æ	_

*	ɐ	æ	_ː*C+ʲ
*	ɐ	æ	_ː*<+tsnɾ>
*	ɐ	æ	_ː*<+ˈˌ>*i
*	ɐ	æ	<+ʲi>ː*<+ˈˌ>*_
*	ɐ	æ	<+tsnɾ><+ˈˌ>*_
*	ɐ	æ	æ_
*	ɐ	æ	_æ

*	æ	ɐ	ˤ<+ˈˌ>*_
*	æ	ɐ	_ː*C+ˤ
*	æ	ɐ	ɐ_
*	æ	ɐ	_ɐ

### uvularization

*	k	q	_ʔ*ˤ			! near pharyngealization
*	k	q	ˤ_

*	0	;	#k_<+ˈˌ>*ɐ		! near non-fronted *ɐ
*	0	;	ɐː*k_#
*	0	;	<+uɐ>ː*k_<+ˈˌ>*<+uɐ>
*	;	0	uː*k_<+ˈˌ>*u
*	k;	q	_

*	ŋ	ɴ	_q|ˤ

### loss of *ʔ

*	ʔ	;	V_<+ʲʷˤ>*ʔ		! geminate *ʔʔ: length transferred to vowel
*	<+ʲʷˤ>	0	;_
*	;	ː	_

*	ʔʲ	j	Vː*_<+ˈˌ>*V		! intervocalic *ʔ: lenition
*	ʔʷ	w	Vː*_<+ˈˌ>*V
*	ʔˤ	ʁ	Vː*_<+ˈˌ>*V

*	<+ʲʷˤ>	<+kpq>	Vː*ʔ_#			! final *ʔ: fortification
*	ʔ	t	_#
*	ʔ	0	_<+ptkq>#

*	<+ʲʷˤ>	0	ʔ_C

*	<+mnŋɴ>	<+bdɡʁ>	ʔ<+ʲʷˤ>*_		! denasalization after *ʔ
*	ʔ	0	_<+bdɡ>

*	ʔ	>	_C			! obstruents plus *ʔ become geminates
*	ʔ	<	C_

*	ʔ	0	Vː*_<+ˈˌ>*V	B	! remaining *ʔ deleted
*	ʔ	0	#_

### lenition of nasals with coarticulation

*	mʷ|ŋʷ	w	_
*	nʲ|ŋʲ	j	_
*	ŋˤ	ʁ	_

### accent movement in vowel sequences

*	ˌ<+ɐæ>	#2#1	<+ɐæ>_<+iu>		! rightward movement of low tone before vowels
*	ˌi	#2#1	i_<+ɐæu>
*	ˌu	#2#1	u_<+ɐæi>

*	<+ɐæ><+ˈˌ>	#2#1	_<+ɐæ>		! leftward movement of accent otherwise
*	i<+ˈˌ>	#2#1	_i
*	u<+ˈˌ>	#2#1	_u

*	0	;	<+ɐæ>_<+ɐæ>ː
*	0	;	i_iː
*	0	;	u_uː
*	<+ɐæ>	<	<+ɐæ>_
*	V	ː	%_
*	;	0	_

### glide epenthesis

*	0	ɰ	Vː_<+ˈˌ>*V
*	0	ɰ	V_<+ˈˌ>*Vː
*	0	ɰ	VV_<+ˈˌ>V
*	0	ɰ	V_<+ˈˌ>VV
*	ɰ	j	iː*_
*	ɰ	w	uː*_

### resyllabification

*	u	ː	<+ɐæi>_w
*	i	ː	<+ɐæu>_j
*	<+ɐæ>	ː	<+ui>_ɰ

*	u	w	#ˈ*_<+ˈˌ>*<+ɐæi>
*	i	j	#ˈ*_<+ˈˌ>*<+ɐæu>
*	ˈ<+jw>	#2#1	#_V

### lateralisation

*	ɾ	n	_N			! this is a remnant of prenasalisation
*	ɾ	l	_
*	j	l	_<+ˈˌ>*i

### loss of secondary articulations

*	<+ʲʷˤ>	0	C_C
*	ʲ	0	_<+ˈˌ>i
*	ʷ	0	_<+ˈˌ>u
*	ˤ	0	_<+ˈˌ><+ɐæ>

*	k	p	_ʷ#			! fronting of final *kʷ
*	p	k	_ʷ<+ˈˌ>*V		! backing of prevocalic *pʷ

*	<+ʲʷˤ>	0	CC_
*	<+ʲʷˤ>	0	C_<+ˈˌ>*Vː
*	<+ʲʷˤ>	0	C_<+ˈˌ>*VV
*	<+ʲʷˤ>	<+iuɐ>	_

### cluster simplification

*	ʔ	<	C_

*	k	q	_q|ɴ			! dorsal POA
*	k	q	q_

*	<+ptk>	>	_<+ptkqmnŋɴ>		! regressive assimilation
*	q	k	_k
*	q	ʁ	_<+ptmnŋɴ>
*	N	>	_<+mnŋɴls>
*	N	m	_p
*	N	n	_t
*	N	ŋ	_k
*	N	ɴ	_q

*	<+mnŋ>	<+ptk>	s_			! devoicing

### post-tonic apocope & shortening

*	0	;	V+ː*<+ptkqbdɡɰʁ>V_#
*	<+kɡ>	<+pb>	_u;			! recapitulate velar shifts
*	<+kɡɰ>	<+qʁʁ>	_ɐ;
*	V	0	_;
*	<+bdɡɰʁ>	<+ptkkq>	_;			! devoicing
*	;	0	_

*	ː	0	<+ˈˌ>Vː<cgl><+ʲʷˤ>*<cgl>*<+ʲʷˤ>*V_
*	ː	0	<cgl>V_#

### consonant mergers

*	w|b	v	_
*	d	l	_
*	ɰ|ɡ	ʁ	_
*	ɴ	ŋ	_
*	ŋ	ɴ	_q

### Munnaaqiú allophony

*	<+æiu>	<+ɐɪʊ>	<+ɴqʁ><+ˈˌ>*_
*	<+æiu>	<+ɐɪʊ>	_ː*<+ɴqʁ>
*	ɐ	ɑ	_
*	ll	ɬɬ	_

# Orthography

*	ʔ	0	#_
*	<+ɑæɪʊ>	<+aaiu>	_
*	ː	<	V_
*	<+ˈˌ>V	#2#1	_VC*#
*	<+aiu>	<+áíú>	ˈ_
*	<+aiu>	<+àìù>	ˌ_
*	<+ˈˌ>	0	_
*	<+ʁjɬ>	<+ryl>	_
*	ɴ	n	_q