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Word Pos Trans 2. PF 3. PF Meaning
a verb tr to catch, take, grasp, get hold of, grab
a adj new
aha noun steam
ahaňe'eṁe adj overt, plain
ahaňetʰ adj hidden
ahi noun smoke
aho noun mushroom
aja verb intr to swell, bulge, protrude
aja noun chieftain
aǰo interj hello
akʰ noun woman
akʰrar adj female, feminine
akʼa noun whiff, puff
akʼe noun daughter
akʼi noun niece
am noun arm
am pro everything, all, all of
aṁan num one hundred
aṁe noun rain
aṁen noun novelty
aṁentar adj lonely
ami noun squid
aṁiśe noun rainbow
amo noun food
ampe noun star
ampeho noun night
ampen noun growth
ampence noun advancement
ampiś noun fruit
ampiśe noun plant
amprar pro in every manner
ampwin verb tr to control, own
ampwince noun owned land
ampwinte noun territory
an verb intr to grow
an noun pet
ance noun sound
ante pro always
aŋkri verb intr to make noise
aŋkrimen noun cacophony
aŋkrit noun toy
apʰ noun father
apʰrat noun uncle
ar noun cold (noun)
ar num five
ara verb intr to cool down
arar adj cool
are verb intr to smoke
ari noun pit
ari noun Synsepalum dulcificum
arkʰorjotʰ noun month
aror num seven
arpʰen num six
arpʰiśa noun singer
arwin noun elder
aśen noun sea turtle
aśipʰ pro everywhere
atʼe noun husband
awa verb tr to sing
aẇa verb intr to cry
awamen noun song
aẇamen noun cry
awameŋe noun melody
awapʰrer adj melodic
aẇapʰrer adj shocked
cʰe postpos through
cʰec verb tr to beget
cʰemen noun legend, tale
cʰi verb intr i to speak
cʰi noun billhook
cʰijan verb tr to keep, preserve
cʰijante noun chest
cʰimprikʰri verb intr to gossip
cʰrit noun hat
cʰronco noun sentence
cʰror noun seed
cʰrorar noun farmer
cʰrorariśe noun farm
cʰrorkri verb tr to farm
cʰwin noun word
cʰwince noun utterance
ciǰowi noun juice
ciǰowikʼi noun sap
cimi noun curse
cipemi noun assistance
coto'otʰ noun lunch
cowin noun corpse
cẇa verb intr to rot
cwak verb intr to wade
cẇatʼoŋe noun carrion
cʼa'e adj careful
cʼa'eme adj careless
cʼa'emen noun care
cʼam verb tr ǰam to hear
cʼamen noun sense, senses
cʼamence noun feeling
cʼameŋkri verb tr ǰameŋkri to feel
cʼami noun breakfast, snack
cʼamprar adj vulnerable
cʼan verb intr ǰan to cover
cʼar noun center
cʼaratʰ noun feast
cʼi verb intr to fall
cʼi noun grass, reed
cʼim adj short
cʼimen noun fall
cʼimpen noun shortness
cʼimpre verb tr to shorten, cut
cʼir verb intr cʼir cʼis to sleep
cʼirmen noun dream
cʼirmeŋkri verb tr to dream
cʼirprar adj sleepy
cʼiśe noun reed
cʼit noun axe
cʼitrim verb intr to thunder
cʼitrimen noun thunder
cʼitrimwin noun lightning
cʼo pro he/she
cʼopʰ noun mistletoe
cʼopʰi noun flax
ha postpos with
ha'atʼan adj gross
haco pro this (animate)
hacʼe noun ball
hacʼi noun token
hacʼrar adj round
hacʼrarme adj crooked
hake verb intr to cough
haṁam adv superlative marker
hamprоnco noun property, possession
han conj than; standard marker
haňe noun thigh
hantahiś noun throat
hanti noun neck
haŋe noun buttocks
hapʰrar adj cold
hapʰrare verb tr to cool down
hapʰrarme adj lukewarm
hapʰrarmen noun cold
harin noun phlegm
Haron noun deity of the night
harori noun moon
harorkʰi noun halfmoon, crescent
hasokʰri verb intr to light a fire
hat pro this (inanimate)
he verb intr to be
hec verb intr c ś to stand, be at
hehiwa verb tr to burn; to ignite
heṁapʰrar adj flammable
heṁat noun tinder
heṁǰo verb tr to pour
heṁon verb tr to send smb.
hempampiśe noun builder
hempan verb tr to erect, build
hemparwin noun house
heṅa verb tr to hang sth.
heṅar noun clothesline
hencek verb tr to feed
hencema verb tr to sew
henceṁa noun thread, yarn
hencemowin noun sewing, something sown over
henceňe verb tr to explain
henceňeṁen noun lesson
hencer verb tr to put
hencerar adj savoury
henco verb tr to squeeze out of
hencowin noun extract
hencʼan verb tr to enclose
hencʼi verb tr to drop
hencʼir verb tr to make sb fall asleep
henkʼi verb tr to lay
hentren verb tr to cause
hentrenawa noun reason
hero noun nut
heśo noun wildfire, conflagration
hi verb tr j to say
hi adv quote particle
hiharce noun toad
hiharkwi adj happy
hiharkwimen noun happiness
hihimpen noun length
hihin adj long
hihire verb tr to lengthen
hima verb tr to stab, pierce
hiṁa noun tip
hiṁakʼa noun point
hiṁan verb tr to raise somebody
hiṁaṅa verb tr to annoy, irritate
hime noun nose
himen noun voice
hiṁin verb tr to follow
himiśe noun nostril
hiṁo noun sand
hiṁor noun forest
hiṁotʼe noun bench
himpʰar noun tribe
himpʰemeŋkri verb tr to kill
himprat noun bumblebee
himа noun handle
hincʼir noun grassland
hincʼirte noun crib
hintʰar noun pig herd
hintʰrote noun gore
hintre adv (verbal intensifier, precedes the verb)
hintre noun tongue
hintren verb tr ntren ntrin to become
hintʼematʼe noun mountain range
hintʼo verb intr ntʼo to exit
hintʼompakʰri verb tr to comb
hintʼompe noun comb
hintʼor noun exit, door
hipʰ noun lip
hipʰiśe noun edge
hire verb tr to command, rule
hire noun pelt
hire'iśe noun ruler, chief
hiripʰwin noun order, command
hiripʰwince noun instruction
hirpʰa / oha verb tr rpa / 'oňa to help (imperfective / perfective)
hirpʰaṁen noun help
hisen noun lizard
hiśir noun environment
hiśo verb tr to secrete
hiśor noun gland
hiśori noun poison
hiśowin noun secretion
hiwemat noun whale
homat noun dolphin
hoṁi noun octopus
hoṁikʼe noun cuttlefish
hon verb intr to come
i verb intr to turn around
i interj yes
icʼompe noun heart
ikʰe noun nuisance
iki noun lung
ikʼe noun rat
ikʼekʰe noun mouse
iňiśe noun meat, flesh
iŋa / ak verb tr iŋa / ẇak iŋa / ẇo to want (positive / negative)
iŋe noun eye
iŋi noun window
ipʰrat noun muskrat
ir noun leaf
iri noun coniferous needle
iśoňetʰ adj ruined
iẇi verb intr to shout, yell, howl
joce noun louse
jokʰe noun flea
kakwiśi noun dog
kaṅar adj moist
kankʰe noun pitcher, jug
kankʰekʰe noun cup, mug
kat noun moisture
kecʰe noun grave
keror num eight
kewan num nine
kʰa'e noun oar
kʰa'i noun blade
kʰan noun moss
kʰanca noun tea
kʰanki noun middle
kʰarampen noun experience
kʰaran noun travel
kʰarance noun jorney
kʰe noun liver
kʰen noun village, settlement
kʰence noun settlement
kʰere noun alien, somebody from another tribe
kʰeri noun ladybug
kʰerke noun beetle
kʰet noun walking cane
kʰi verb intr to play
kʰi noun shadow
kʰi / tʼan verb intr kʰi / ran to walk (imperfective / perfective)
kʰihar verb tr to trick somebody
kʰiharpiśe noun trickster
kʰihi noun lichen
kʰike noun spear
kʰimen noun game
kʰipʰ noun traveller
kʰir noun path
kʰire verb tr to overshadow
kʰiś noun gist, crux
kʰiwa verb intr to vomit
kʰiwarin noun vomit
kʰo noun forest deer
kʰoho noun quarrel
kʰokrar adj needy, greedy
kʰompen noun bush
kʰoris noun back (of an animal)
kʰorja noun grape
kʰoron noun adult
kʰra verb intr to hang, droop from
kʰrat noun foreigner
kʰre verb tr ṅe ṅo to be able to
kʰrekoso noun savant
kʰremen noun ability
kʰrementar adj wise
kʰrementarmen noun wisdom
kʰror noun fly
kʰrorar noun swallow
kʰrośe noun mosquito
ki noun side
kicija adj smug
kicijaṁa adj modest
kihic verb tr kʼic to peel
kikʼi noun cockroach
kiś noun otter
kiśi noun essence
ko verb intr to bark
kori noun berry
Korjar noun deity of monsoons and storms
kra verb intr to bend
krapʰ noun elbow
krapʰrar adj bent, curved
krapʰrarme adj straight
krar noun turn, corner
kromi noun twig
krorar noun log
kʼa noun skin
kʼa'e noun day
kʼa'emen noun light
kʼakʼe noun parrot chick
kʼam pro some, something
kʼaňa verb tr to cover, shelter
kʼanar pro in some way
kʼante pro some times
kʼantʼan pro some, several
kʼaŋe pro somewhere
kʼapʰ noun parrot
kʼapʰiśe noun cockatiel
kʼar verb intr to hunt, to go hunting
kʼar noun mouth
kʼarce noun frog
kʼarcehar noun viper, adder
kʼarci noun tree frog
kʼare verb tr to light up
kʼarke noun claw
kʼarki noun nail
kʼarmirar adj full
kʼarmirare verb tr to fill up
kʼarmirarme adj empty
kʼarmirarmpen noun emptiness
kʼaśe noun hole
kʼawi noun boa, constrictor snake
kʼe noun water
kʼekʼar noun mud
kʼekʼarce noun sleet
kʼekʼi noun puddle, pond
kʼekʼin noun river
Kʼerar noun deity of water and rain
kʼi verb intr 'i to lie (on something)
kʼi postpos on
kʼi pro there
kʼic verb tr to tear off
kʼice noun bed
kʼihaňire noun canoe
kʼiǰa noun sturgeon
kʼin verb intr to go up
kʼince noun sterlet
kʼiňit noun ladder
kʼinte noun roof, ceiling
kʼiŋkret noun paddle
kʼiŋkri verb tr to sail in a river
kʼiŋkrir noun boat
kʼiri noun spring
kʼiwa verb intr to smolder
kʼiwar noun fireplace
kʼjo noun parrotfish
kʼo noun sister
kʼo'o noun crow
kʼo'okʰe noun crow chick
kʼohis noun dew
kʼomen noun sickness, illness, disease
kʼon noun type, kind
kʼoňar adj water, watery
kʼonte noun ditch, trench
kʼorat noun fruit stone
kʼoratʰ noun council, gathering
kʼore verb tr to change
kʼori noun variant
kʼos adj sick
kʼośi verb intr to lie, tell untruths
ma interj no
ṁa pro it
ṁacʰe noun down feather
ṁacʼa verb tr to press down
ṁacʼe noun sheathe
ṁacʼemirar adj flat, pressed down
ṁacʼemirarme adj erect, upright
ṁahic verb tr to doff
makʰ pro where
ṁakʰ noun storm
ṁakʰrar adj overcast
ṁakiwi noun celebration, party
ṁakʼar noun bird
ṁakʼaro noun hummingbird
ṁaṁa verb intr to get
mamar noun mother
maṁe pro nowhere
ṁaṁen noun ancestry, heritage
ṁaṁon verb intr to come home
ṁampe noun constellation
ṁampehar noun astrologist
ṁampekʰri verb intr to divine
ṁampekʰrir noun oltar
ṁampemen noun astrology
ṁamper noun starry sky
ṁampro verb intr to dive
man pro how
ṁanakʼe adv by oneself
ṁancʼam verb tr to understand
manme pro in no way
ṁantrin verb intr to enter
ṁanwa verb intr to be consistent
ṁapʰ noun ancestor
ṁapʰiśe noun weaver
mar noun name
ṁar noun hand
ṁara verb intr to be born
marat noun aunt
ṁare verb tr to stalk
ṁare'iśe noun artist
ṁaret noun flipper
ṁaripʰwin noun art
ṁarire verb intr to dare
Marne noun deity of the Earth and the world
marňiśe noun ground, earth, dirt
maro noun world
masko noun bracelet
maskʼo noun trinket
maso noun decoration
ṁaso noun beauty
ṁasonar adj beautiful
mat noun dagger
ṁat noun loom
ṁatʰ noun feather
ṁawawa noun nonsense
ṁen verb intr to live
mera noun reputation
mi pro what, which
ṁi pro that (inanimate)
ṁihar noun swift
mihoran noun beard
mime noun snout
miṁe pro nothing
mimprar pro how much, how many
mimprarme pro no (amount of)
ṁin noun bee
ṁin adv probably
miňi noun baby
ṁinte noun bracket fungus
ṁipʰre noun infestation
ṁir verb tr to dig, unearth
ṁir noun gossip
miri verb intr to murmour
ṁirjo pro that (animate)
ṁirmen noun rumour
ṁirorperśi adv yesterday
ṁirpiśe noun spade
ṁirpiśkʰe noun mole
ṁiẇa noun anger
mjo pro who
ṁǰo verb intr to flow
ṁǰo conj if
ṁǰo adj small
ṁǰo pro somebody
mjome pro nobody
ṁǰopʰ noun stream
ṁǰopʰi noun brook
ṁǰopʰrar adj liquid
ṁǰora verb intr to heat up
ṁǰorar adj hot
ṁǰorarmen noun heat
ṁo conj and (NPs only)
ṁo'a noun scale
ṁo'aṁe noun monsoon
ṁo'awa noun destiny, fate
ṁo'ime noun trunk
ṁohar noun quicksands
ṁoharki noun hoof
ṁohi noun marsh
ṁohonte noun canal, channel
ṁokecʰer noun graveyard
ṁokʰekʼe noun pounder (the tool)
ṁokʰekʼi verb tr to pound
ṁokʰet noun staff, club
ṁokʰir noun road
ṁokiśre noun pod of otters
ṁokromir noun branch
ṁokʼer noun morning
ṁokʼerar adj early
ṁokʼran adv earlier today
momat noun orca
ṁoṁatʰ noun display feather, decorative feather
momatʼe noun pod of orcas
moṁe pro never
ṁoṁe noun soul
ṁoṁiś noun human, person
ṁoṁokʰir noun crossroad
ṁoṁor noun rainforest, jungle
ṁon pro they
ṁoňiṁen noun alliance
ṁopʰ noun giant
ṁopʰa noun beast, monster
mopʰaca noun state
ṁopʰace noun situation
ṁopʰe noun beaver
ṁopʰrat noun pan
ṁopʰror noun antler, paired horn
ṁopʰrote noun nest
ṁoran noun whiskers
Ṁorater noun deity of the wind and air
more verb tr to draw
ṁori'iśkʼir noun anthill
ṁorir noun meadow, pasture
ṁoro noun beach
ṁorompe noun tusk
ṁorompiśe noun elephant
ṁoroŋer noun herd
ṁośi noun belly
Ṁośo noun deity of fire
ṁotʰ noun son
ṁotʰ pro when
ṁotʰaṅemente noun religion
Motʰortor noun deity of the sky
ṁotʰre noun weather
ṁotrohiśre noun hunting party
Ṁowan noun the archipelago off the coast of Peilaš
ṁoẇante noun school of fish
ṁowin noun wound
ṁoẇinte noun beehive
ṁowir noun weed
mrar noun rock
mrar noun sparrow
mrare noun cobblestone
mrasan noun grandmother
mre verb intr to talk, chat
mreprar adj sociable
mreprarme adj shy
mriti noun village center
mro verb intr to swim
mroce noun gabfest, talkfest
mrokʼi verb tr to acquire
mroṁen noun mood
mroṅeprar adj furtive, covert, stealthy
mrop verb intr to feel like (to be in some mood)
mrośin noun conversation
mrot noun fin
mwiṅe noun crystal
mwiṅekʰe noun necklace
na noun tuber
nahar noun tuber famer
ṅakʰ noun leg
ṅakʰi noun limb
ṅakʰimpre verb tr to dismember
ṅakʰiśe noun prop root
ṅampe noun knee
ṅampi noun generation
nan postpos along
ṅapʰ pro now
napʰwiś noun sandstone
ṅar noun stone
ṅari noun pebble
narjakekoso noun crocodile
ṅarňekʼar noun clam
ṅarňeṁe adj soft
ṅarňetʰ adj hard
nawimpen noun damage
nawin noun slit, cut
ňe verb tr ňe ňikʰ to see
ňeṁen noun sight
ňen verb intr ren rin to go
ňencʼi verb tr rencʼi to drop, let go of
ňeňe verb intr reňe reňikʰ to know
ňeňemen noun knowledge
ňeňeṁen noun comprehension
ňik verb tr rik rjo to bind
ňikeňe adj whetted, sharpened
ňiṁa verb tr to weave, lattice
ňiṁen noun union
ňiṁence noun bundle
ňiṁere verb tr to unify
ňiňe verb tr to show
ňirke adv obligation marker
ṅo verb tr to throw
ṅo pro I
ṅocarar noun statuette
ṅohi noun bucket
ṅompe adj black
ňon noun back (anatomy)
ňonaron postpos behind
ṅope adj dark
noron noun unit of distance, equal to about 8 meters
ṅorpe noun evening
ṅorprar adj late
ṅowin adv far
o verb intr to shout, cry, shriek
o adj big
o pro so, like this, thus
oc verb intr to sit
ocʰe noun time
ohar noun ibis
okʼerśi adv tomorrow
oṁe adv many, much
omen noun wish
omi noun consequence, aftermath
omiho adj effective
ompen noun result
omre verb tr to copy, duplicate
oṅa noun ash
onar adj white
oṅe noun charcoal
onkʼa noun dust
opʰiśa noun crybaby
or pro other, another
or noun tree
or num two
orar adj noisy
orarmen noun noise
orcim pro somewhere else
ore verb tr to enlargen
orke conj else
orkʰe noun sapling
orme conj or
ormjo pro somebody else
ornar pro in some other way
orpe noun crest
orpi noun headdress
otʰ noun year
otʰjo noun moment
otʼa noun air, wind
otʼakʰ noun cloud
otʼakʰrar adj cloudy
otʼe noun chair
owin noun catch
owit noun fish-hook
paho adv together
pan noun brother
paŋe pro we (inclusive)
perke noun foot
pʰa'i verb intr to rock back and forth
pʰa'ipʰrar adj unstable
pʰa'it noun rocking chair
pʰahi noun dormouse
pʰak verb tr pʰak pʰo to wash
pʰakʰ noun animal
pʰakʰa noun creature
pʰakʰe noun fawn
pʰakʼe noun object, thing
pʰampe noun hut
pʰan verb intr to rise
pʰan verb tr to raise
pʰaňar adj sharp
pʰaňare verb tr to sharpen
pʰaňare'it noun sharpening tool, whetstone
pʰaňarme adj dull
pʰaňarmen noun sharpness
pʰance noun herb
pʰar num four
pʰasan noun grandfather
Pʰawe noun Pʰawe (personal name)
pʰawi noun stag
pʰe verb intr to thrive
pʰe'e noun semen
pʰeṁa verb tr to sling
pʰeṁa adj alone
pʰeṁaṁen noun loneliness
pʰeṁat noun slingshot
pʰemen noun life
Pʰemespʰiśi noun benevolent deity; patron deity of humans
pʰen num one
pʰerar adj vigorous
Pʰeśin noun (the autonym)
pʰewa'iśe noun moondreamer
pʰewak verb tr to desire, long after
pʰi verb intr to pretend
pʰi pro here
pʰi noun thing
pʰikʰe noun chisel
pʰim noun finger
pʰimen noun condition, (physiological) shape
pʰimi noun toe
pʰjo conj and (clauses)
pʰjor conj but
pʰo noun eyelid
pʰokrar noun hermit
pʰra verb tr to cook
pʰrahar noun man
pʰrar noun head
pʰrat noun jackal
pʰrat noun pot
pʰro noun egg
pʰron noun flower petal
pʰroŋe noun worm
pʰror noun horn
pʰrowin noun meal
pʰwin noun matter
pʰwince noun stuffing, content
pʰwincempre verb tr to destroy
pʰwinci noun piece, part
pihi noun root
piho interj hi
pimi noun opening
piṁi adv altogether
piṁǰo pro everybody
piṅemi'i noun custom, tradition
pir noun breast
piśimat noun surprise
pǰan verb intr to sneeze
pǰarwin noun booger
Pokʰon noun Pokʰon river (the local river)
popʰa noun leopard
pro verb intr ro to dance
proṅe verb intr to keep a secret
propʰiśe noun dancer
ra verb tr to give birth to
Ra noun deity of the day
ra'iśe noun parent
rahoso noun lion
rak verb tr to slice, slit open
rakʼe noun ray
rakʼenar noun bright
raṁor num twelve
ran pro back then
ran noun hair
ran num ten
rance noun strand of hair
rar noun fur
rar adv very
rarkʰimre verb tr to skin
rarkʰimre'iśe noun taxidermist
rarkʰiś noun hide, animal skin
ratʼorce noun sun
ratʼorcenar adj sunny
re verb tr re rip to do, make
rec verb tr to place, set
rekʼi verb tr to send sth.
reṅe verb tr to teach
reṅepiśe noun teacher, mentor, tutor
reni verb tr to inform
rerkʰo noun kola nut
ri'iśkʼi noun ant
rihi verb tr to bite, chew
rikron noun knot
ro verb intr to roar
sakʰwi noun flame
san noun grandparent
sare verb intr to burn
ścʼan verb intr to seek shelter, take cover
ścʼir verb intr to oversleep
se noun raw
śek verb tr śek śo to eat
sekʰrar noun flamingo
seṅar adj red
seṅara noun kidney
seṅaro noun amanita
ser verb intr ser sir to be (used with locations)
śerar adj hungry
serňit adv definitely
si verb intr to descend
śi noun bone
śi postpos in
śihar noun leader, chief
śihi adv inside
śimre verb tr to remove the bones from a carcass or fish
śir noun place
śirar adj local
siriśe noun leech
sirpe verb tr to suck
siś verb intr to hiss
śiś noun timber
śiśe noun wood
śiśek verb intr to stuff oneself
śiśeṁehar noun glutton
śiśeṁen noun gluttony
śiśemre verb tr to carve
śiśemrewin noun totem
śiśkʼar noun lumberjack
siśpiśe noun snake
sito'i noun okapi
skʰi verb tr kʼi kʼe to give
skʰisi noun spider
skʰjowin noun gift
skʰjowiŋkri verb tr to gift
skir verb intr to screech
skʼin verb intr to pass, transit
skʼore verb intr to change
śo noun fire
śomre verb tr to put down fire
spʰan verb intr 'an to get up
spʰiśi noun liar
sro verb tr to break, crush
srowin noun crumble
stʼe noun rhino
stʼekʰe noun rhino calf
stʼopʰre verb intr to improve intr
stʼorare verb intr to dry
stʼorce noun small chair, stool
ta pro you (singular)
taṁowintre verb tr to don
taṅakʰ pro then (in the future, after now)
taŋe noun wife
taŋe pro you (plural)
tar noun sea
taran noun island
tarar noun sailor
tari noun bay
tʰa noun pig
tʰac verb intr tʰac tʰas to stand up
tʰacʼi noun sow
tʰacʼikʰ noun piglet
tʰahomre verb intr to multiply
tʰahore verb intr to enlarge, grow
tʰak verb tr tʰak tʰo to cut, chop
tʰakʼi verb intr to surrender
tʰaṁohire verb intr to become bogged
tʰaṅe verb tr to believe
tʰaṅemen noun belief, faith
tʰaṅepiśe noun believer
tʰaṅeprar adj faithful
tʰapʰraretʼe noun place for food storage
tʰar num three
tʰari verb intr to get down
tʰarwa verb tr to keep oneself to
tʰasro verb intr to break
tʰasropʰrar adj fragile
Tʰawe noun Tʰawe (personal name)
tʰawi verb tr to satiate
tʰeho noun hatchet
tʰetʰak verb tr to cut
tʰi verb tr to be named, to be called
tʰi noun ear
tʰiprar adj famous
tʰro verb intr to jump
tʰro noun blood
tʰromre verb tr to drain the blood
tʰwi verb tr to drink
tʰwipʰrar adj thirsty
tocʰer adv later today
tok verb tr to hit, strike
toma noun thistle
toṁen noun hit, strike
Totroŋar noun malevolent deity
traňar adj salty
traňarmen noun saltiness
tres verb tr to move
tri noun salt
tri'iśe noun landslide
trik verb intr to roll, slide downhill
trin verb tr rin to enter
trinte noun door
trire verb tr to spice up
trohiś noun speartip, arrowtip
tẇa verb intr to recover
twap verb tr to fit into
tʼahar noun vulture
tʼaǰa noun whale shark
tʼaṁe noun eagle
tʼaṁi noun hawk
tʼan pro this much, this many
tʼance noun shark
tʼar verb intr to fly
tʼar noun peak, top
tʼaran noun migration
tʼarke noun intestines
tʼarkʰe noun summit
tʼarmen noun flight
tʼarpiśe noun bat
tʼarte noun sky
tʼawikʼri verb intr to flap, wag
tʼawit noun wing
tʼe verb tr re ro to hunt
tʼema noun mountain
tʼemari noun cave
tʼepiśe noun hunter
tʼo noun body
tʼoce noun hunting grounds
tʼohikʼar noun archer, hunter
tʼohiś noun arrow
tʼohit noun bow
tʼoṁe adj mediocre
tʼoṁen noun mediocricity
tʼompe noun tooth
tʼon postpos at, by
tʼoŋe noun tail
tʼopʰ adj good
tʼopʰre verb intr to improve
tʼorar adj dry
tʼorare verb tr to dry
tʼorośe noun javelin
tʼośin noun catch, take, prey
ẇa verb intr to stink
ẇahar noun fisherman
wakʼe noun resin
waṁa verb intr to stick, be sticky
ẇan noun fish
ẇan pro we (exclusive)
ẇantar adj fishy, slimy
ẇaŋkri verb tr to fish
wapʰrar adj consistent
ẇariś noun roe
wat noun glue
wi verb intr to think
wicʼe noun knife
wikʼan noun cutlery
wiňe noun glass
wiṅe noun quartz
wir noun duck
wirkʰe noun chick
wiśe noun forehead
wiśeron postpos in front of
wit noun fork