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453 words.

lexeme morphology type meaning etymology
abaje n friend; ally *hapa-rix 'clansman, relative'
adøpaš- past adøpašit- v realise; understand *am-triptas- 'wake up to'
agato- stat tired *āhara-txar-
ajub- past ajubin- v fall; (with agent) drop *axiup-
ajubaju n dance; ceremony *axiup-axiup
amajupaš- past amajupašit- v throw, hurl *am-axiup-xas-
ami- past amijod- v watch, observe *am-miçr- 'look at'
atimi n port, dock, harbor Thok. hathim
awano n person of Affanon ethnicity Aff. affanon
babami- past babamit- v call out *pa-pamir- 'cry' (tel)
bado n father (of humans) *pātan
baløša n water buffalo (*palaç-çusar)
bamijal- stat unhappy, sad *pamir-alu-
bamis- stat loud *pamir-isk-
bamo n father (of animals) *pama
bani n tusk, fang (*pani)
banišo n.mass wings (of a bird) *panais-ra 'feathers' (du)
baŋa n child *paŋa-xa
baŋame n daughter *paŋa-mia
baŋø n son *paŋa-ua
bašo qu many *plasa
beña n ivory (*pani-ra 'tusks' (du))
beŋa n pain *pŋixa 'be hurt'
bi n day *pihi
bigaj- stat be present (*pikr-xai-)
bigo- past bigøt- v enter; arrive (*pikr-)
bijo n time; period; duration *pihi-hr 'days' (coll)
biko- stat.num hundred *paikta
biku n person; human being *piktm
bikubiku n everybody *piktm-piktm
bynyme n first cousin of spouse (female) *pulnuç-mia
bynywø n first cousin of spouse (male) *pulnuç-ua
Dabykame top a town *tapml-kamaç 'solid walls'
dabyl- stat solid, sturdy *tapml- 'thick'
dadu n.mass war Thok. ṭatu 'attack, battle'
dalø n panda *(ŋu)tax-lu-ua 'man from the forest'
daluwo n egg *tlura
daly n bird *tliauf
dama n house, dwelling *tamas
damašy- past damašyt- v inhabit, occupy [back-formed from damašymi]
damašymi n settlement, village *tamas-mhai
damyme n sister-in-law (mother of child's spouse) *tamçu-mia
damywø n brother-in-law (father of child's spouse) *tamçu-ua
dani n journey *taxnp
danib- past danibis- v travel *taxnp-
danibina n wiseman *taxnp-içn-ar-xa 'one who has travelled'
dapušoša n poison *tapkus-xas-ar 'thing that causes to spit'
delames- stat important, crucial *talam-hŋ-sk- 'of the center'
demi n body; chest *tiamn
dewo n.mass blood *taifr
digi qu some, a few *tikit
digus- stat dark; black *tnku-sk-
dija n sun *tiçar
dilome n niece (daughter of one's own sibling) *tilxu-mia
dilowø n nephew (son of one's own sibling) *tilxu-ua
dogab- past dogabit- v get; (with agent) take *tankap- 'capture'
dogapa n captive, prisoner *tankap-xar-xa
doleko n.mass vegetation *taliak-hr (coll)
došy doš- stat.num five *trŋs
dowo n.mass leaves (of a tree) *tarun
dowone n page, sheet, scroll *tarun-rix '(a single) leaf'
dødøjumi- past dødøjumis- v listen *ta-taumnr-
døjumi- past døjumis- v hear *taumnr-
døjumita- past døjumitad- v notice, detect *taumnr-itxar- 'have heard'
døjuno n ear *taumnr
dølu par so, therefore *tari-lu
døni pp with, as (circumstantial) *tari-niç
duba n sail *tumpas 'wing'
duge n.mass meat, flesh *tmkiŋ
dugeje n a meal made of meat *tmkiŋ-rix
duny n tip, point *tunauf 'horn'
dunymi n peninsula *tunauf-mhai
duši stat restrained; subordinate Thok. ṭuci 'vassal'
dušo n eye; front side *tursuat
dušoda n face *tursuat-ar
dušoni pp in front of *tursuat-niç 'at the eyes'
ege n dog *xnkiŋ
eged- stat competent, skillful Aff. irkente 'trained'
ejab- past ejabin- v cough; flinch, jerk *ixap-
ejabis- stat trembling, shaking *ixap-isk-
ejapaš- past ejapašit- v surprise, shock, scare *ixap-xas-
ejename n granddaughter *xi-xina-mia
ejenø n grandson *xi-xina-ua
elame n first cousin (female; daughter of parent's sibling) *xilar-mia
elawø n first cousin (male; son of parent's sibling) *xilar-ua
elelum- past elelumy- v arrive *al-alum 'have walked'
elum- past elumy- v go (by foot) *alum- 'walk'
elum- stat walking; moving about *alum-
elumutu n leg, foot *alum-futkus 'walk-limb'
elunø n brother-in-law (husband of sister) (*halun-ua)
elunume n sister-in-law (wife of brother) (*halun-mia)
ena- redup ejena- stat young *xina-
enabaŋa n grandchild *xina-paŋa-xa
enodilome n grand-niece (daughter of niece or nephew) *xina-tilxu-mia
enodilowø n grand-nephew (son of niece or nephew) *xina-tilxu-ua
enøš- past enøšit- v knock out; defeat *ça-çamnuç-xas- 'cause to be unconscious'
gaba n skin *kapax
gajes- stat big, large *kāra-isk-
gaju n shell (of nuts and seafood); bark (of a tree); sheath (of a blade) *kaxiul 'tree bark'
game n wife *kamçak
gamejo n fortification *kamaç-hr 'walls' (coll)
gami- past gamit- v grow *kāra-mri-
gamømi n walled town *kamaç-mhai
gapy n eagle (*kāra-pxuçu 'large falcon')
gasy n extended family *kalpsu-hr 'parents' siblings' (coll)
gasyme n aunt *kalpsu-mia
gasywø n uncle *kalpsu-ua
gaši n wind *kaxsn
Gašinowomi top a town ['wind temple']
gatowobe- past gatowobes- v hunt; search for *kaxtax-mpix-
Gatowomi top a town *kaxtax-mhai 'hunting grounds'
gatøt- past gatøtis- v catch, capture *kaxtax-itç-
gew- past gewin- v die *kiafr-
gewali n death *kiafr-rl-iç
gewami n grave *kiafr-mhai
gewaš- past gewašit- v kill *kiafr-xas-
goda- past godød- v speak, talk *katar-
godowej- stat confident, firm; stubborn *katar-mfiar- 'have spoken'
godø n language *katar-iç
godøta n message *katar-itxar
gogoda- past gogodød- v argue *ka-katar 'discuss'
goku n door *kaktm 'gate'
gowi n.mass wool *kaŋfi 'hair'
gowijaš- past gowijašit- v stretch, pull tight; spin (wool) *kaŋfi-rix-as 'make a thread'
gowije n thread (of wool); line (in a drawing) *kaŋfi-rix 'strand of hair'
gød- stat similar, related *kait 'sibling'
gødaje n sibling *kait-rix
gødø n brother *kait-ua
gøme n sister *kait-mia
gøtøtis- stat sibling (reciprocal) *kait-kait-isk-
gula n pig *kum-laha
gum- adv now *kuma
gyje n grain, seed, bud (of a plant) *kifm-rix '(a single) grain'
gyni n fennel *kuni
gypo n willow tree *kiuptux
Gypopele top a town *kiuptux-palais 'willow grove'
ide n joint; shoulder *aintal 'branch (of a tree)'
idel- past idely- v join, connect *aintal 'branch (of a tree)'
idibit- redup ijedibit- stat rich, wealthy *hitip-itç 'have crops; have offspring'
idogasyme n aunt of 2nd degree (daughter of grandparents' sibling) *ntaŋ-kalpsu-mia
idogasywø n uncle of 2nd degree (son of grandparents' sibling) *ntaŋ-kalpsu-ua
idome n second cousin (female; daughter of grandparents' niece or nephew) *ntaŋ-mia
idoŋ- stat eligible for marriage *ntaŋ 'second cousin'
idowø n second cousin (male; son of grandparents' niece or nephew) *ntaŋ-ua [ending regularized]
ijøj- redup ijejøj- stat dead; gone *hiçn-xai- 'have passed away'
iløkeŋ- past iløkeŋis- v carve, sculpt Aff. illøfken
imada n boat *çinmat-ar 'thing that swims'
Imadami top a town ['boat-place']
imadis- redup iñimadis- stat swimming *çinmat-isk-
imatoš- past imatošit- v bathe *çinmat-xas- 'cause to swim'
imitø n lute, lyre, harp Thok. *imithya 'musical instrument'
inaje n verse *inar-rix '(a single) prayer'
ini par (quotative particle) *i-ni
inowomi n temple *inar-mhai
inutuma n.mass bronze Thok. inûthuma
iñyg- past iñykø- v be seriously sick *hiçn-içuk- 'be passing away'
iŋe n mast (of a ship); beam *riçŋs 'trunk, stem'
isi n head *issip
isini pp above, on top of *issip-niç 'at the head'
jonoŋ- stat elegant; magnificent; sublime Aff. jonon 'of noble origin'
joti n path Aff. joti 'way, route'
jupi n chestnut Aff. jupi
jus- redup jejus- stat dizzy; confusing, unclear *riru-sk-
jyt- past jytis- v negotiate with; meet for discussion Aff. fjuti 'call, invite'
kamadu n astrolabe, compass Thok. kamaṭu
kid- stat deep; sloped; high (*kçita-)
kidami n highlands (*kçita-mhai)
kidødu n high tide; flood (*kçita-himtu)
kigaw- stat exhausting, tedious Aff. kiraffi 'suck (continuously)'
kikinub- stat together (*kti-ktihnu-mpix-)
kila n tiger *ktiçi-laha
kin- past kinyd- v work, strive for (*ktihnu-)
kinuto n result, outcome (*ktihnu-txar)
kodo qu how many *kpata
Kodøwø top the Dagæm islands NT luk pon dawaim
kokamo n.mass courage; determination *khaktam-hr 'hearts' (coll)
koko n heart; middle, center *khaktam
kume n girl *kpuar-mia
kuwø n boy *kpuar-ua
kyba n an alcoholic drink made from rice (*kxuçi-pax)
kypuŋ- stat round Aff. kihupun
kyti- past kytis- v drink *kxuçi-tç-ips- 'quench one's thirst' (reanalysed as past tense)
lamy n incense (*lamiru)
lapame n sister-in-law (sister of spouse) *lapxa-mia
lapowø n brother-in-law (brother of spouse) *lapxa-ua
lelo- stat.num eight *lalux
liguligu n.mass ancestors *likm-likm
lili n baby *liçli
liligu n (core) family *li-likm
limabado n uncle-in-law (father of sibling's spouse) *limr-pātan
limamado n aunt-in-law (mother of sibling's spouse) *limr-mātan
limame n sibling's spouse's sister *limr-mia
limuwø n sibling's spouse's brother *limr-ua
lina n tongue *linrax
linalo- stat eloquent; convincing *linrax-la- 'able-tongued'
logu n river *luakm
logun- stat cold *lamkun-
loguny- past logunyt- v cool down, get colder *lamkun-mri-
logum- stat flowing *luakm-
Logutogoku top a town ['river gate']
lologuny- past lologunyt- v freeze *la-lamkun-mri-
loko n nut *lakpam
lona n finger (of a human); branch, twig (of a tree) *hlnr 'finger' & *lnar 'branch'
loŋe n clan *laŋaç
lošalu- past lošøly- v repeat *laŋs-alu-
lošybe- past lošybes- v remember, recall *laŋs-mpix-
lota- stat other, different *xltar-
lotalota- stat new, unusual, surprising *xltar-xltar-
Lotapaša top a town *xltar-pasar 'new market'
Lotoka top the Lotoka peninsula *xltar-ktaha 'new land'
lowodyle n.mass seaweed *larut-uliak 'sea-moss'
lowoto n ocean *larut-xa 'the Ocean' (hon)
løwø n part, portion, share Aff. løffø
luwø- stat.num four *luaxi
lylogum- past lylogumy- v leak, drip *lu-luakm-
maba- past mabad- v eat *mampr-
mabatelo n abundance; festive dinner *mampr-tç-la-t 'being able to eat one's fill'
mado n mother (of humans) *mātan
madu stat main, central, general Thok. matù 'big, wide'
magam- past magamin- v break, destroy *makam-
mami- stat.num six *mamir
mane n nation, ethnicity *marnaç 'the Peninsular peoples'
maŋø n trait, characteristic property (*mraŋu)
map- stat shallow; flat; low (*maxpa-)
mapami n lowlands (*maxpa-mhai)
mapødu n low tide, ebb (*maxpa-himtu)
masa n.mass grass *masfat
mawo- stat.num three *maru
migiš- stat holding sth. *mnkis
migišutu n arm *mnkis-futkus 'carry-limb'
migišyg- past migišykø- v bring *mnkis-içuk-
migo n father-in-law *mikal
migodej- stat silent *mn-katar-xai-r- 'not speaking'
mijalu- past mijøly- v search *miçr-alu- 'be looking'
milu n legend *milm
milum- past milyd- v sing *milm-
miluma n poet *milm-ar-xa
mimi- past mimijod- v look, find *mi-miçr-
mimilum- past mimilyd- v enchant, summon *mi-milm-
mimun- stat bad, detrimental, unsuitable *mn-mhun- 'not good'
mimyt- stat oppose, resist Aff. mimyti 'discuss, argue'
misø n kind, type Aff. mintsoi
mišig- stat small *misik 'short'
mitis- past mitisin- v know from experience *miçr-itç-isk- 'have found'
miweŋ- past myŋin- v leave, go away (*mifŋ-)
mota n fleet of boats Thok. mòthá
møbes- stat lucky, fortunate *mixu-mpix-isk- 'have a nose'
møla n elephant *mixu-laha
møna n edge, border; peak Thok. mna
møwa n.mass millet (*maçmf-ar)
møwi n apple tree *mauhi
møwišyni n apple *mauhi-sumnip
mume n aunt-in-law (sister of spouse's parents) *muru-mia
muwø n uncle-in-law (brother of spouse's parents) *muru-ua
mydoni- past mydonis- v incite; tease, annoy Thok. mwitàni 'persuasion'
mygy n crowd Aff. mjurkwi 'herd, flock'
mymy n person (non-specific); member of a group Thok. myumyu 'head, face'
Myšowo top the Mrisaŋfa peninsula *mrisaŋfa
nade nadeŋ- stat.num seven *nartŋ
nepa- stat dwell, reside, be located at Thok. nèpaha 'house, home'
negy stat belonging to Thok. nèkwi 'one's own'
nibis- stat fragile, weak; starving *nipiç-isk- 'thin'
nøgo n chicken (*nixuka)
nudø n hand *nutrŋs-
nujyg- past nujen- v pour; serve (of drinks or soup) *nuhr-içuk-
nuwa n.mass rain *nuhr-at
nuwanu- past nuwanys- v fall (of precipitation) *nuhr-nuhr-
nydaly n songbird *nuī-tliauf
nyni- past nynit- v result from *nruni 'descendant'
nyña n descendant, offspring *nruni-hr (coll reanalysed as sg)
ñagy n rice (*niha-kifm 'water-grains')
ñeja n courting couple *nriax-ra 'lovers' (du)
Ñejegewami top a town ['lovers' grave']
ñema n curtain Thok. nihèma
ñeme n girlfriend, bride *nriax-mia
ñeñø n lullaby *nia-nia 'birdsong'
ñewø n boyfriend, groom *nriax-ua
ñøñyg- past ñøñykø- v be in love with *ŋi-çruŋhih-içuk- 'be dreaming about'
ñudag- past ñudagis- v celebrate Aff. njuntari 'eat'
ñuma- past ñumas- v host, invite *ŋi-umra- 'cook for'
ñuñuma- past ñuñumas- v be friends with [hab of ñuma- 'host, invite']
ŋalu n.mass noodles (*ŋalu)
ŋawi adv maybe (*ŋafi)
ŋebabami- past ŋebabamit- v call so. *ŋi-pa-pamir- 'cry for'
ŋego n berry *ŋikam(t)
ŋemilum- past ŋemilyd- v praise *ŋi-milm- 'sing about'
ŋeŋe n.mass teeth *ŋi-ŋit
ŋeŋedaje n tooth *ŋi-ŋit-rix
ŋewijot- past ŋewijotis- v make space for *ŋi-fiçra-nts-
ŋødida n woodland *ŋut-ŋtax 'large forest'
ŋødumi- past ŋødumit- v expect, hope *ŋi-fuŋtu-mri- 'wait for'
ŋøgi n mother-in-law *ŋukim
ŋøjas- stat warm, hot *ŋura-
ŋøjat- past ŋøjatis- v heat up *ŋura-nts-
ŋøjumi n birthplace *ŋuçrix-mhai
ŋømame n cow *ŋumah-mia
ŋømawø n bull *ŋumah-ua
ŋømi- stat pregnant *ŋuçrix-mri-
ŋøŋøjat- past ŋøŋøjatis- v boil *ŋu-ŋura-nts-
ŋyla n bamboo (*ŋulxa)
odole n rope *atlain
odowo n elder *fuŋtu-xa
odu- redup owodu stat old *fuŋtu
oduba n grandfather *fuŋtu-pā
odugasyme n grand-aunt (sister of grandparent) *fuŋtu-kalpsu-mia
odugasywø n grand-uncle (brother of grandparent) *fuŋtu-kalpsu-ua
oduma n grandmother *fuŋtu-mā
odumi- past odumit- v grow old *fuŋtu-mri-
odumume n grandmother-in-law *fuŋtu-muru-mia
odumuwø n grandfather-in-law *fuŋtu-muru-ua
ogy adv also, additionally (*xuŋkuç)
olaš- past olašit- v urinate *halxas-
olis- past olisin- v stay, remain (*aŋli-sk-)
ologa n.mass feet *xanlak-ra (du)
oloni pp under; next to *xanlak-niç 'at the foot'
ony- redup ameny- stat asleep *çamnuç-
onymi n bed *çamnuç-mhai
oŋa n flower *haŋah
oŋaje n blossom; petal *haŋah-rix
oŋed- past oŋedid- v bite *h-ŋit-
oŋeŋed- past oŋeŋedid- v chew *h-ŋi-ŋit-
oŋetøja n jaw *h-ŋit-xai-ar 'chewer'
ošyto- stat weak, dying *hasfur-itxar- 'have bled'
ošuwaš- past ošuwašit- v empty out *hasfur-xas- 'make bleed'
otaly- past otalywin- v fly *h-tliuf-
øñij- redup øjøñij- stat mentally absent; unfocused *çruŋhih- 'dream'
øse n niece-in-law (daughter of spouse's sibling) *açus-mia
øšø n nephew-in-law (son of spouse's sibling) *açus-ua
pado- stat.num one *ptata
pagata n commander; captain Thok. pakatha 'captain'
pagø n back (of the body); area behind sth. *pçakri
papu- stat.num two *ptaptu
pati- past patis- v defecate *pçarti-
patimi n latrine, toilet *pçarti-mhai
pej- adv only, exclusively, specifically (*phaçi- 'specific')
pelu n island *ptalu
pelupelu n archipelago *ptalu-ptalu
pidene n garden, orchard Aff. pintene
pijapa n storehouse, repository Thok. pihapaha 'storage space'
pilew- stat aromatic, fragrant Aff. pilewe
potigaba n sword Thok. puhàthìkapa
potuma n.mass copper Thok. pàthúma
puguda n courtyard, atrium Thok. pukuṭa 'circle, enclosure, yard'
pušo n lotus, water lily (*ptusa)
pymy n falcon (*ptuçu-mhuçi)
pyso n fruit (with inedible skin) *pxiusta
sages- past sagesin- v fight Aff. tsarkes 'engage in combat'
sañuŋ- past sañuŋis- v increase, add to, combine Aff. tsanjun 'grow'
Sijakumana top a town *ksirak-fmana-xa 'citadel bay'
somiŋ- past somiŋis- v take away, remove, steal Aff. tsomin 'take'
søwøge n damage, destruction, loss Aff. søffølre
supo n harvest Aff. supor
sym- adv soon Aff. tsjuma 'imminent(ly)'
šiku stat strong Thok. cìkwû 'healthy, in good shape'
šoŋø n.mass sky *sraŋa
šødo- stat.num ten *sriata
šøŋ- stat certain, sure (*saiŋr-)
Šøŋømi top a town *suŋai-mhai 'riverbank'
šuwøka- stat sick *sualk-xar-
šyden- past šydenis- v succeed (*suta-çn- 'have had an impact on')
šydo- past šydos- v affect, impart a quality on (*suta-)
šydøg- past šydøkø- v advise; persuade (*suta-çuk-)
šyky n spice, herb (*sikçu)
šylo n.mass silk (*sila)
šylume n sister-in-law (wife of spouse's brother) *silu-mia
šylupo- stat.num nine *srilupta
šyluwø n brother-in-law (husband of spouse's sister) *silu-ua
šyme qu all, every; whole *sumaç
šymi n oak tree *siumn
Šymitiwø top a town ['oak hall']
šyna n coast *sunax 'beach'
šyni n fruit (with edible skin) *sumnip
šyŋø n zebu (*siŋa)
šys- past šyšyd- v sink *sism-
šysita- past šysitad- v drown *sism-itxar-
ta- adv much; more; strongly *tha (comparative)
tasi n root; base; origin *traskis
tasø n mistake, blunder Aff. tastøf 'failure'
tedama n pearl Thok. teṭama
teja n.mass sesame Thok. theyam
teju n.mass obsidian Thok. theyu
teŋødani n the legendary voyage of the Lotoka people *triaŋu-taxnp 'long journey'
teŋøs- stat tall; long; far away *triaŋu-sk-
tidadu n battle-axe Thok. thìṭátu
tipi n arrow Thok. thipí
tisal- stat successful Aff. tissal 'make one's way'
titul- stat familiar, well-known Aff. tituli
tiwø n hall; tavern Aff. tifføf 'house for gatherings'
togamis- stat overwhelming; challenging *tha-kāra-mri-sk- 'become large with regard to'
togyna n person of Thokyunam ethnicity Thok. thokyunam
tonama n king Thok. tonám
toŋø n insect *truŋu
towo n night (*txahu)
towopy n owl (*txahu-pxuçu 'night-falcon')
tøpaš- past tøpašit- v wake up *triptas-
tøpid- stat awake, alert, watchful *tript-nt- [*triptas- reanalysed as caus]
tubada n pact, treaty Thok. *thùpata
tuja n fisherman *thuri-ar-xa
tumagu n armor Thok. thumáku 'shield'
tumame n.mass snow Aff. tummjame
tušym- past tušymin- v accept *tpusm- 'swallow'
tybe- past tybes- v be fishing *thuri-mpix-
ubad- redup ubabad- stat heavy; obese; complex *mprat-
uby n.mass grease, fat *mpuir
udokyti- past udokytis- v enjoy, benefit from *mta-kxuçi-tç- 'quench one's thirst with'
udøs- redup udødøs- stat bright; white *mtr-isk-
ugo n forest *fukak 'trees'
ugokaje n tree *fukak-rix '(a single) tree'
ugyd- past ugutø- v give *mkut-
uma- past uman- v cook *umra-
umo n mother (of animals) *huma
umun- stat good, favorable *mhun-
umuny- past umunyt- v heal, get better *mhun-mri-
Umyñygumi top a town *mhun-çuilk-mhai 'good harvest place'
une n bone *funaiŋ
uneŋyne n skeleton; framework, structure *funaiŋ-funaiŋ
unuma- past unuman- v burn (food); mess up *mn-umra- 'fail to cook'
unyn- adv no; no way *mn-mn
usan- past usanis- v weave *uspan-
usanita n cloth *uspan-itxar
ušoso n.mass hair *rursas-hr (coll)
ušy n husband *urnsu
wag- stat in-law *fmar-xa-
waga n relative-in-law *fmar-xa
wagabaŋame n daughter-in-law (wife of son) *fmar-xa-paŋa-mia
wagabaŋø n son-in-law (husband of daughter) *fmar-xa-paŋa-ua
wagadilome n niece-in-law (wife of nephew) *fmar-xa-tilxu-mia
wagadilowø n nephew-in-law (husband of niece) *fmar-xa-tilxu-ua
wajename n niece-in-law (sister of child's spouse) *fmar-xina-mia
wajenø n nephew-in-law (brother of child's spouse) *fmar-xina-ua
wamy- stat smooth, soft Thok. ùhamyu
wanaš- past wanašit- v complete, finish *farna-xas- 'be made to revisit'
wanalu- past wanøly- v change one's mind *farna-alu- 'be returning'
wano- past wanøs- v return, go back *farna-
wanodo- adv again *farna-tari-
Wanødelo top Fmana-hŋ-Talam *fmana-hŋ-talam 'middle of the bay'
wašy n mushroom *fasut
weja n animal *mfi-ar-xa
wijos- stat open; flat *fiçra-sk- 'broad, wide'
wijot- past wijotis- v spread; lay out *fiçra-nts- 'broaden'
wimi n room *mfiar-mhai
win- stat imitate (*fimnu-)
wiso n fish *fiksa
won- stat warm-colored (red, orange, brown) *huarn-
wøjugo n deciduous forest *huarn-fukak
wøjugokaje n deciduous tree *huarn-fukak-rix
wølu n tail; rudder (of a ship); penis *fuailu
wyšo- stat narrow; crowded *fisar
yjodi n the past *mfiar-nt-iç 'that which has existed'
ykøs- stat away, missing *içuk-xai-sk- 'have gone'
yleg- past ylegin- v wear (clothes) *uliak- 'cover'
ylegit- past ylegitis- v hide; bury *uliak-ints-
yleko n.mass clothes *uliak-hr (coll)
ylu n worm *ulmhs
ypa n.mass water (*çuçpa-hr)