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word morphology stem PoS meaning etymology
abu- v.dt pass on (as an inheritance) Ìl. abu
afa ə n.i.IV anger, rage ʔahpa-
afu- be annoyed by, dislike ʔoxu- "smell" (influenced by afuri-)
afuisi i n.i.VI air Kp.L. afuwisi "wind-substance"
afùmai ai n.i.IV shelter, safety; harbor Kp.L. afumãi "out of the wind"
afùnêa ea n.i.IV yoghurt Kp.L. afunẽa < PL *apul-i-ganam "bad milk"
afuri- ə annoy, confront ʔahpadza-
ai cj because ʔeľ
aigisa n.i.IV glory, fame Ìl. aixisab "power, greatness"
alopu n.i.IV carrot Kp.L. alop
àrè e/a n.a.I wife ʔàzè-
ápe e n.i.VI fog Kp.L. ape
ápekì i be unknown, be peculiar Kp.L. apekĩ "obscure" < "foggy"
àta ə n.i.V feather ʔèta-
áteama n.a.I elder Kp.L. atẽam "old person"
atì- adj old, ancient Kp.L. atĩ
atùgàru n.i.III animal farm; breed (of horses) Iŋ. otabozɯ́ "farm"
àtsa ə n.a.I lover, spouse gatsa- (back-formed from the possessed stem)
àtsatá- a like very much, be in love with (àtsa- "lover, spouse" + dyn.3)
aufayaba n.a.I albatross Kp.L. aufayab < PL *ahupadab "the one above the wind"
augàri- ə steal [zedze-]ʔogùbèdza-
ausiti- ə take hostage Iŋ. éiusata "pull"
àyà- adj colorful, painted; splendid Kp.L. ãyã < PL *aniəm < Tm. ahńǫ "color, dye"
àyau- give (away from the 1st person) *ʔèdogu- < ʔèdoʔogu- "give away"
bága (len -gága-) n.i.VI snow Kp.L. bawa
bàgàri- len -gàgàrə- ə suggest, propose bèbèdza- < PW *bẽbẽdza- (cf. Gez. wabɜ̃zɔ- "understand")
bagasi- len -gagasə- ə split, divide bebesa-
bagasíkè (len -gagasíkè-) e n.a.I stubborn person, troublemaker Kp.L. bawasikeb "one who has no ears"
bagù len -gagù- u n.i.III pot gogùgù- "tool for cooking"
bagù prep behind, later than goguʔu "at the tail of"
baibai (len -gaibai-) ai n.i.IV disagreement, conflict, rivalry, feud Kp.L. baibai < PL *gbaigbai "confrontation"
bàká- len -gàká- a believe, assume gòkha- < PW *kʷãcʰa- (cf. Tm. kmąca "estimate")
bapo len -gapu- u n.a.I blood; strength goku- < PW *kʷacu
bàri- len -gàrə- ə have, possess bèdza-
bàridi- len -gàridə- ə acquire bèdzadza-
bàrìnáfoaya len -gàrìnáfoaya- n.a.I relative, kinsman (hon) bèdzànoʔxuwogaja-
basau len -gasau- n.a.I edge; cliff besògù- "sharp edge, blade"
bau- len -gau- cook gogu-
bàyu prep at, on gòdu "on top of"
beabayo (len -geabayo-) u n.a.I mason, carpenter, architect Kp.L. beab "one who builds" + aug
biusi- (len -giusi-) i build Kp.L. biusi
boa- len -goa- oa sleep guga-
boarè len -goarè- e/a n.i.V bed gugàzè- "sleeping-place"
bohá obl bofó-, len -uhá- a n.i.VI sweat guhkha < PW *kułtʰa (cf. Gez. kuːtʰɔ)
bufo len -ufu- u n.a.II wolf guxu-
bula- len -ula- gesture Ish. bula
bùnù- len -ùnù- v.dt connect, append, attach gùľnù- < PW *kilnũ- (cf. Gez. kirnɜ̃- "provide, supply")
bupoayu- len -upoayu- follow guku- "behind" + stat
buri- len -uri- i ask, pose a question gudzi- < PW *kukya (cf. Tm. koća)
búsaba (len -úsaba-) n.a.I lunatic, fool Kp.L. busab
bùsaiba- (len -ùsaiba-) be weird, be crazy Kp.L. busaiba < PL busaigba
bútu (len -útu-) n.i.IV mead Kp.L. butu "honey"
butsé- e adj holy, sacred, divine batshe "holiness"
da- a pron (proximate demonstrative) dze- "this (near me)" & da- "that (near you)"
len -ndə̀- ə n.i.V nose màdzà- (back-formed from the possessed stem)
dába (len -yába-) n.i.IV insult; blasphemy Ish. dába "insult, offend"
dadi- len -radi-, asp -tsadi- i say sth. (to so.) dzedzi-
dàfa len -làfə- ə n.a.II animal *głèphà- (cf. głèʔhà-)
dafêa (len -yafêa-) ea n.i.V paintbrush Kp.L. dafẽa "tuft" < PL *daəpiŋa "little tail"
dága obl dábə-, len -lágə- ə n.a.I tribe, ethnicity (of Westerners only) dłeʔga-
dàhèneo- (len -yàhèneo-, asp -tàhèneo-) ea govern (a city); command (a ship) Ìl. dàxè "give orders" + dur
dàhetsè- (len -yàhetsè-, asp -tàhetsè-) e warn Ìl. dàxecè
daida- len -raidə-, asp -tsaidə- ə see; become aware of dzeľda-
dàká obl dàpó-, len -ràká- a n.a.II finger dzèkha < PW *kẽkʰa (cf. Tm. kęka)
dàma (len -yàmə-) ə n.i.III there, that place [dze- "this (near me)" & da- "that (near you)"] + ma- "place"
dàra- len -yàrə-, asp -tàrə- ə shout dağadza-
dapú len -rapú- n.i.V sheet (of cloth), blanket dzokhu < PW *čekʰu "leaf" (cf. Emp. tsoʔ "tea leaf")
dàsi- len -ràsə-, asp -tsàsə- ə jump, leap dzèsa- "dance"
dausa (len -yausə-) ə n.i.VI purpose, diplomatic errand Šet. dawaz "want"
dausi- (len -yausi-, asp -tausi-) i swim Kp.L. dausi
dea- len -rea-, asp -tsea- ea sit dzega-
dêa len -lêa- ea n.i.IV land, area dłeʔa-
deari- len -rearə-, asp -tsearə- ə put, place dzegadza- "cause to sit"
deasa obl deafə-, len -reasə- ə n.i.IV wish; goal; plan dzijeła "wish, desire"
débu (len -yébu-) n.i.VI ebb Kp.L. deb
débugau (len -yébugau-) au n.a.I winter solstice Kp.L. debuwau < PL *deab u uəl "low tide of the sun"
deorù len -reorù- n.i.VII stool, chair dzega- "sit" + instr
detsa len -retsə- ə n.a.I heart dzehdza-
detsau prep from out of dzehdzoʔu "at the heart of"
dì- (u dîu-) i pron (emphatic proximate demonstrative) dze- "this (near me)" + gi- (cataphoric)
obl diu-, len -rì- i n.a.II bee dzìʔì-
difé len -rifé- e n.i.VI water dziphe-
díga adv on and on; still dziʔga "continuously, repetitively"
dìhè- adj dangerous; forbidden Ìl. dìxè-
dìlau len -rìlau- n.i.VII spear, harpoon dzàlà "stab" + instr
díle (len -yéle-) e/a n.i.III here daʔle-
dìlì- len -yèlə̀-, asp -tìlə̀- ə fly dàlà-
dína len -rínə- ə n.a.II goat dziʔna < PW *kyuʔna (cf. Tm. ćoʔna)
dìnèfu- len -rìnèfə-, asp -tsìnèfə- ə wake up, rise dzìnèhpa- < PW *kyanẽ-łpa- (cf. Tm. ćanę "morning")
dìngea len -rìngea- ea n.i.VII fingertip dzìňa- "fingernail"
doa- adj good duğa-
doasá len -yoasá- n.a.I good spirit, guardian duğa-łàğa
cj so, thus, therefore, in this way duʔ
dù- adj long dłù-
dudìya len -rudìya- o/a n.a.I bird dzaldàjà-
dufoayo len -rufoayu- u n.a.I fisherman dzuphugoju-
dùha obl dùfə-, len -luhə- ə n.i.IV roasted meat bľùxa- "meat"
duká- adj short, small głukha-
duli len -ruli- i n.i.V breast (female body part) dzùʔli-
dùma len -lùmə- ə n.i.IV berries głàma-
dùmu- N adj red dzàma-
dúni- len -lúnə-, asp -tsúnə- ə wait for, expect, anticipate głuʔna- < PW *kłuʔna- (cf. Tm. ćoʔna)
dùnu- adj full dzùnu-
dùngafá len -rùngafá- a n.i.IV red beans dzàmawopha-
dùpígai len -rùpígai- ai n.a.I Lukpanic person early Ìl. *dzỳpɨ́ɡʷɑjɨ "fisherman"
dùpuka obl dùpupə-, len -lùpukə- ə n.i.III house, building (made of wood) dłũkuka "longhouse"
dure len -yure- e/a n.i.IV sky dudze-
duta len -luta- ə n.i.III pan głuta < PW *kławta (cf. Tm. ćotwa "pot")
dùtsù prep over, above dzùtsu-ʔu < PW *čĩcu (cf. Tm. ćęco "cloud")
êa- ea give [cannot be used with 1st person participants] ʔèda-
êagili i n.i.IV number, amount Kp.L. eawili "count"-vn-acc
eama- ə n.a.I honest person Kp.L. ẽam "straight person"
efàya- miss, lack ʔihmaʔaja- "be without"
efôa oa n.i.VII tip (of an arrow or spear) Kp.L. efõa < PL *eahoana < Emp. ʔéʔóná "its tooth"
ekâike e n.i.IV game; competition Kp.L. ekaike < PL *eakaikea < Emp. ékayé
êogôeya- bestow a name on; praise ʔìjoʔu ʔèda- "give a name"
êogùma ə n.a.I hero, protagonist ʔìjoʔu ʔàma "with a name"
êoso- o spoil, sabotage Kp.L. euso < PL *eavusoa < Emp. éwodzó "ruin a party"
eta ə n.a.I captain (of a ship) ʔehda < PW *ʔełda (cf. Gez. eːdɔ "lord")
étu n.i.VII brick Kp.L. etu
eyai ai n.i.IV death Kp.L. eyãi
cj also, and then, next, afterwards phà
fá- a qu all, every pha-
fáfáti- ə shoot, hurl (as a weapon) phaphaʔta-
fagi i n.i.III door, gate Kp.L. fawi
fagíba- be surprised Kp.L. fawiba
fâi ai n.i.III box, case, basket Kp.L. fãi < PL *peani < Tm. peńi "basket"
fainiba- recognize, be familiar with Kp.L. fãiniba < PL *pamiligba "see and know"
faingi- i sail, navigate to Kp.L. fãiki
fala ə n.i.VI cloud phèľa-
fáli- ə adj far, distant; unlikely phala-
fàmá n.i.VII nail Kp.L. fãmap
fári- ə collect, gather pha- "all, every" + caus
fásai ai n.i.VII coin Kp.L. fasai < PL *pasagai
fásautù n.i.IV money (fásai "coin" + abstr)
fátàyè i n.i.IV effort, attempt phaʔtèğì- "throw-vn"
fáti- ə throw phaʔta-
faukì- i adj loud Kp.L. faukĩ < PL *pau "cry out (of animals)" + *-kim (adjectivizer)
fêa ea n.i.VII laurel tree Kp.L. fẽa
fésafu n.i.VI language Kp.L. fesafu "tongue-speech"
obl fiu- i n.i.VII beginning, origin phiji- "seed"
fífutsu adv seemingly, superficially phiłutsu "like tree-bark"
fíga- breathe, blow; sigh phiwo-
figai- ai adj true, real, typical Kp.L. fiwai "correct"
figautù n.i.IV truth, reality (figai- "true" + abstr)
fíli- ə adj hidden, invisible phìʔla- < PW *pʰĩbła- (cf. Tm. pehńa "disappear")
fìmàyù n.i.IV fact, hint, good advice Kp.L. fimãyũ "that which is correct"
físi obl fífu- i n.i.VII tree bark phiłi-
fíti- ə adj weak; timid phita- "small"
fôa oa n.a.I military leader, general phuga- "chief"
foaká a n.a.I power, dominion, authority phugakha- "chief-thing"
fobu n.a.I concubine Ish. hobu
fôe n.i.IV spring Kp.L. fõi < PL *pumai "the growing"
Fólu n.a.I the sea goddess Fólu (Poalu) Kp.L. Folu
Fólùmù n.i.III the city of Poalugbum Kp.L. Folumũ
fósi n.i.V mouth Kp.L. fohi
fosíki- i safeguard, hide sth. Kp.L. fosiki "be silent" < PL *poahisiki "not having a mouth"
fufù n.i.V fur Kp.L. fufũ < PL *huəb u hum "hair of animals"
fulaha n.i.VII gift Kp.L. fulaha < PL *pulaha < Tm. polaha
fulugu n.a.I translator; polyglot (Kp.L. fu + -lugV-: "language person")
fùmbàma n.a.I stock breeder Kp.L. fũpãm "person facing towards animals"
fùmu n.a.I rebel, dissident Kp.L. fũmu "leader"
furá cj however, by contrast phà dzeʔ "then however"
fúru- adj great, important phuldzu- < PW *pʰuldzu (cf. Gez. pʰuːzu "famous, heroic")
fusau n.i.VI song Kp.L. fusãu
fusàyàma n.a.I singer Kp.L. fusãyãm "one who sings (regularly)"
ga cj but, yet ge
gàfo u n.a.I tool ğòxu-
gàfulugu n.a.I smith (gàfo + -lugV-: "toolmaker")
gagai- ai smell, emit scent Kp.L. wawai
gagù obl gau- n.a.I eagle ğogugu-
gaire i n.a.I neck; back (of the body) ğeľzi-
gáku n.i.III house, building (made of brick or stone) Kp.L. waku
gala len -yalə- ə n.a.I child geľa-
galàrì len -yalàrì- ə n.a.I girl geľèdzì-
gálo u n.a.II liver woʔlu-
galuyu len -yaluyu- n.i.IV mountain ğeľudu-
ganà ə n.i.IV year wèʔnà-
ganelilâu n.a.I the Wañelinlawag nation Šet. wañelinlau
ganelíni i n.i.IV the Wañelín lake Šet. wañelín
ganeofú n.a.I the Wañelinlawag emperor Šet. wañeu hú
garadi- asp -faradə- ə kill wodzedza-
gari- adj steep, sloped; difficult wedzi-
gataiba- asp -fataiba- v.dt answer sth. to so., reply weta- "turn" + loq
gatáyesi- asp -fatáyesə- ə meet, visit, spend time with weteʔihtsa-
gatunà adv in the future wetùʔnà "next year"
gatsu- asp -fatsu- eat (of herbivorous animals) wotsu-
gauga obl gaubə- ə n.i.VI spit ğolga-
gaugafáyesi- ə condemn, curse ğolgahpaʔihtsa- "spit on"
gauki- asp -faukə- ə hit wolka-
gaupu n.i.IV speed, quickness ğoguku-
gáyo u n.a.I councillor Ish. "elder, official" + aug
gea- ea pron (interrogative pronoun) ği (interrogative particle) + ja- (anaphoric pronoun)
géka n.i.IV duty, task Kp.L. weka < PL *veaka < Emp. wékhá "weight; burden"
gelai ai n.a.I the Wellawi nation; Wellawi people Kp.L. welai
gesù n.i.VI liquor Kp.L. wesũ < PL *vuveasum < Emp. wuwédzum "alcohol"
getsi- len -yetsi- i wash ğehdzi-
gi- i pron (relative pronoun; topic marker) gi- (cataphoric pronoun)
gifoa- adj easy, simple Kp.L. wifõa
giga- len -iga- o/a breathe, be alive; stir ğiwo-
giga- len -iga- e/a drink (water) ğibe- "drink"
gigàrù len -igàrù- u n.i.VII bowl, horn (used for drinking) ğibòdzù- "drink-tool"
gigoa- len -igoa- oa give birth to; beget ğiwoga-
gìma- ə pron where (interrogative/relative) ği ma- "which place" & gìma- "the place where"
gìnà adv actually, indeed gìnà < PW *kʷaynã (cf. Gez. kɛna "even, in fact")
gìra- adj big ğàdze-
gitá- adj correct; appropriate gatha-
gìta len -yètə- ə n.i.VI wind ğìta-
gítiu n.a.II whale Template:DL
gitù pron why, what for ği thuboʔu "with which root?"
gitsátûi- e/a change for the worse gatshathuja- "become like dirt"
goafúpu- fish (in the sea) (goe + púpu-: "hunt saltwater fish")
goe oa n.a.II saltwater fish Kp.L. woi
goleba n.i.III tattoo Kp.L. goleb < PL *gboaleab "that which is under the skin"
gònù be flawed Kp.L. gonũ < PL *guəlum "stain"
gópu n.a.II cow; cattle Kp.L. gop
gósí adv today, now, currently, recently Kp.L. go "day" + PCW sàʔ "during"
guga len -uga- ə n.a.I slave; serf PL *gbagba "people, tribe" (very early loanword)
gúlàrì- len -úlàrì- i share, distribute ğuʔlèdzì- < PW *γaw-kłakĩ- (cf. Tm. yoćkę "scatter, disperse")
gulù- adj young ğùʔlù- < PW *γudłũ- (cf. Gez. guːra)
gùmu len -ùmu- n.i.III city PL *gbum (very early loanword)
gùmù- asp -kùmə̀- ə fear gàmà-
gùmufôa len -ùmufôa- n.a.I the king of Pítau PL *gbum "city" + PCW phuga- "chief"
gúpa- e/a start, begin, initiate ğuʔpe- < PW *γuʔpe- (cf. Tm. yoʔpe)
gure len -uri- i n.a.II freshwater fish ğudzi- "fish"
gùsu- len -ùsu- pull ğùsu- < PW *γʷĩsu- (cf. Tm. męso "stretch")
hafìma hope Kp.L. hafĩma < PL *haəpinigba "hold on to a dream"
hagalù n.i.III market Ìl. xagalùl
hálau n.i.IV confusion, chaos, disorder Kp.L. halau < PL *haəlal "mass of small objects"
hàmo- o betray Kp.L. hãmo "stab"
haru- prepare Šet. har
hau n.i.IV beans Kp.L. hau
hèmbai ai n.i.IV west Kp.L. hãipãi < PL *haimikpani "facing towards the night"
hípu n.i.VII crab Ìl. xikpu
hoageye e/a n.a.I ally; partner Ìl. xuwageye "friend"
i cj if ʔi
ídi- i make, create ʔiʔdzi- < PW *ʔeʔdži- (cf. Gez. eːzi- "form, sculpt, knead")
ígiyai- ai float Kp.L. iwiyai
ìke e/a n.i.VII weapon Ìl. ìke
ílai ai n.a.II foot, leg Kp.L. ilai
ílaimá- a kick (ílai + -má-: "do with the foot")
íle e/a n.i.IV salt ğaʔle-
ìngea ea n.i.V leaf ğàňa-
ìrè e/a n.a.I woman, wife ʔàzè-
iri i n.i.VII arrow jidzi-
iriya o/a n.a.I enemy; menace; marauder ʔadidaja- "one who causes fear"
isa ə n.a.II hand ʔiľsa-
Isi i n.i.III the city of Isi Kp.L. Isi
itîu n.i.III canoe Kp.L. itĩu
itsá- a strive for ʔitsha- "fish"
ìye e/a n.i.IV name ʔìje-
íyesi- ə come, get to, arrive, achieve jiʔihtsa-
kà- adj dark khàʔa- "black"
kafifayaba n.i.III meat skewer Kp.L. kafiufayab "thing above the fire"
kafiutu n.i.III hearth, oven Kp.L. kafiutu
kágo- adj narrow khawo-
káka- drink (alcohol) Kp.L. kaka "drink"
kápa ə n.i.VII tree khapa-
kápágè- e mock, scorn Ìl. kákpágè "curse" (preserving an old meaning)
kápàpù n.i.IV forest khapòkù-
kápó- o laugh khakho-
karayùká a n.a.I raven, crow Iŋ. kaojauduká "black bird"
kárì- ə shake khadza- < PW *kʰadza- (cf. Tm. kahca)
kâu prep as, like, similar to khòbu < PW *kʰãbu- (cf. Tm. kahmo "almost")
kâugayu- resemble khòbuʔaju- "be like"
káya n.i.VI fire khaja-
káyafu- ə burn; pillage khajahpa-
káyufàpù n.i.IV ashes; ruins khajałòkù-
kea ea n.a.I man, husband Kp.L. kea
kêayà- dance Kp.L. kẽayã < PL *kimadam "turn repeatedly"
kénu n.i.IV face; front side, facade (of a building), bow (of a ship) Çet. kʷenu "head"
kéri i n.i.VII bush, shrub kheʔzi < PW *kʰaʔši (cf. Gez. kʰɔːs "tree")
késaba n.a.I knife, dagger (for everyday use) Kp.L. kesa "sharp" + agt.1
kífise e n.i.IV desert Kp.L. kifise < PL *kipisea < Tm. kipceʔ
kísí n.a.II side; cheek Kp.L. kisip "cheek"
kíta ə n.i.III vagina khita < PW *kʷʰeyta (cf. Tm. kwihca)
kôato o n.i.IV celebration (non-religious) Kp.L. kowato < PL *koabatoa < Emp. khampató "night"
kùfùmu n.i.III temple Kp.L. kũfũm
Kùnai n.a.I the wind god Kùnai Kp.L. Kunãi < PL *Kulami
la ə n.a.I man [archaic] ľa-
làfu n.i.IV side effect, corollary ľoxu- "backside"
lagasúnu n.i.IV empire Šet. tlagazún "throne"
lai ai n.a.I boy ľegi-
laka obl lapə- ə n.a.I ear ľahga-
larago o/a n.i.IV star zezewo-
lároa- oa invent, come up with, develop gloʔzuga- < PW *kleʔšu-dza- "cause to appear" (cf. Tm. ćeʔśo)
làya- be under, be covered by, be hidden ľaʔaja-
leari- ə stick in the ground zìgàdza-
lehi- ə adj beautiful, attractive glihka- < PW *kliγka- (cf. Tm. cek-)
lídea ea n.a.I thief Ish. lídea "crook, villain"
lifá- a wipe ľipha-
likémi i n.a.I small person; (fig.) child Ìl. kliké-nmi "short"-dim
likésai ai n.a.I statue, figurine, idol Ìl. kliké-saip "short god"
lìlìngea- ea bury ľàlàňa- "dig"
lìngea- ea wound; weaken ľàňa-
lìngeasa obl lìngeafə- ə n.i.VII crack; notch ľàňała-
lìpe e/a n.i.VII wood (the material) glìpe- < PW *klĩpe- (cf. Tm. ćępe)
lire e/a n.i.IV day zize-
liri i n.i.VI fat, grease ziľzi-
líta- ə milk (of animals) ğlaʔta-
lìtsa ə n.a.I egg ľàtsa-
lìtsi- ə qu many ľàtsa-
lìtsiya a n.a.I chick (young bird) ľatsajaʔa- "egg-child"
lìtsòfù n.i.III omelette ľàtsòhxù "made from eggs"
loagù prep towards, in the direction of gluwoʔu "at the leg of"
loatá- e/a run gluwo- "leg" + dyn.3
lósa- trade Kp.L. losa < PL *loasa < Tm. lǫća "exchange"
lugapu adv publicly, openly ľağoku "like smoke"
lugo o/a n.i.VI smoke ľağo-
lùha obl lùfə- ə n.a.II meat, flesh bľùxa- (back-formed from the possessed stem)
lùmau prep to the right of ľùmòʔu "east of"
lùmè e/a n.i.IV east ľùmè-
lùmu- N adj green; warm ğłùŋa- "green" & ľàma- "warm"
lùmu- ə grind, mill ľùma-
lùne- e/a carry ľùne- < PW *lawne- (cf. Gez. rɔune- "own, possess")
lùnga- e/a be valuable, be precious ğlùňe- < PW *γluñe- (cf. Tm. leńe "be rare")
lúpu- ə conquer ľaʔpa- "win, take by raiding"
lùrà- e/a lift, raise ğlùdzè- < PW *γludžẽ- (cf. Tm. leńę "seize")
lutsú- push ľutshu- < PW *lukʰiw- "urge, persuade" (cf. Gez. ruxu- "argue, negotiate")
màfu- adj wide, broad, large mòxu-
mai- adj bad, evil maje- "rotten"
maisá n.a.I evil spirit, demon maje-łàğa
maki- ə adj sharp mahga-
mále i n.a.II bear meʔli-
máluyo u n.a.I warrior meʔludu-
màmu n.i.III beach Kp.L. mãm "sand"
máru- sew moʔzu-
márupa n.i.III robe moʔzu- "sew" + fact
masi obl mafu- i n.i.VI shadow mełi < PW *małi (cf. Tm. mahi)
mâu n.a.II sheep mòğu-
mâukuma ə n.i.III meadow, pasture mòğùkhàma < PW *mẽγu-cʰama "sheep-land" (cf. Tm. męcahma)
mâulugu n.a.I shepherd (mâu + -lugV: "sheep-person")
máyaga ə n.a.I person dying from an illness Ìl. máye- "seriously ill" + classifier
mayai adv always, forever Kp.L. mayãi < PL *madami "over and over"
meanì- i be determined to do sth. Kp.L. mẽanĩ < PL *viŋaliŋi "gather insects" (hab)
meanìté e n.a.I strong-willed person; leader (meanì- + -té: "one who is highly determined")
mèfì i n.a.II hip mèhpì < PW *maγpĩ (cf. Tm. mapę)
mìga- adj wet; unlucky mìgo-
Milànea n.a.I the fire goddess Milànea (Milalena) Kp.L. Milanẽa
mìmaitaba n.i.VI embers Kp.L. mĩmãitab < PL *mimivaŋi tab "the hot red one"
mìna ə n.a.I mother mìna-
mìnda ə n.i.VII ceremony Kp.L. mĩta
mírì- i check, test miʔzi- < PW meʔši- (cf. Tm. meʔse "taste", Gez. meːsi- "try")
mise obl mifu- i n.a.I tongue miłi-
misitá- a speak, talk miłi- "tongue" + dyn.3
mìsù n.i.VI herbal tea Kp.L. mĩsũ "hot leaves"
mítàmau n.i.IV the world Kp.L. mitãmau
mítànì- i move, go (of people and animals); flow (of rivers) Kp.L. mitanĩ "run, flow" (hab)
mópa ə n.i.VII tower Kp.L. mopa < PL *moakpa < Tm. mǫʔpa "summit, peak"
mùgofu- ə be worried about màgohpa- < PW *mãkʷa-łpa (cf. Tm. mąkwa "sorrow")
mûi n.i.VI high tide Kp.L. mũi
muimàmau persist, press on Kp.L. mũimãmau < PL *buimigbaŋmau "intend to continue"
mulàrè e/a n.i.IV moon mazèzè-
mulu n.i.IV buckwheat Kp.L. mulu
mùndui ui n.i.III surroundings, vicinity Kp.L. mũtui "surroundings (of a city)"
mùnduyù prep all around, throughout (mù
mùrà ə n.a.II hunting dog, hound màdzà- "nose"
murayu n.i.IV sea, ocean madze- + aug
muri- ə shine maze-
mùrùmá- a smell; sense intuitively màdzà- "nose" + dyn.2
mutìnge e n.a.I the king of Naəgbum Ìl. mutìnge
mútu n.a.VII head Kp.L. mutu
mùyàmau n.i.IV countryside Kp.L. mũyãmau "land outside of the city"
mùyugau au n.a.I summer solstice Kp.L. mũyuwau < PL *buimi u uəl "high tide of the sun"
mùyùsi- i return, continue Kp.L. mũyũsi
na ə pron (1sg pronoun) na
erg nasi, obl nafu pron (1pl pronoun) nah
náfau n.a.I baby, toddler Kp.L. nafau
náfìnù n.i.V knot Kp.L. nafinũ "that which is tied"
nàgù prep under; right beside, next to nòğuʔu "at the foot of"
nâi n.i.V leather Kp.L. nãe < PL *laŋea < Emp. tlaŋe "animal skin"
nâibi i n.i.III roof, terrace, platform Kp.L. naib
nàmâu n.i.IV knowledge, wisdom, experience Kp.L. namãu < PL *navoanu < Emp. nawonu "intelligence"
Namù n.i.III the city of Naəgbum Kp.L. Namũ
nàsè e n.i.IV concern; obstacle Kp.L. nãsẽ < PL *lanaseam < Emp. lánádzém "my worries"
natá a n.i.III mast, pole, pillar Ish. nata "beam"
natâi ai n.i.VII chest (male body part) Kp.L. natãe "all the ribs"
natáyetsi- i bathe oneself (natâi + getsi-: "wash the body")
nâu- asp -fâu- think, consider nòbu-
naufù n.i.V tail Kp.L. nãufũ < PL *daəŋa u hum "tail of animal"
naunà n.a.I army, phalanx Kp.L. nãunã "many spears"
naunàtélì i n.i.IV battle, combat (naunà "army" + dyn.3 + vn)
nàyu n.i.III field; arable land Kp.L. nãyu < PL *lamil "earth, soil"
nàyùrè e/a n.i.III farm for grain or vegetables; rural estate nodùzè "village" < PW *nedu-γẽ (influenced by nàyu)
nayúsi- i be courageous Kp.L. nayusi "strong, sturdy"
nêa ea n.i.III boat, ship Kp.L. nẽa
nèfi- asp -fèfi- i explain, justify, apologize for nìhmi- < PW *nẽγmi- (cf. Gez. naːmi- "say")}}
néhi obl néfə- i n.i.VII belt Kp.L. nehi < PL *neahi < Tm. nęhi
neomo o n.i.IV dune Ish. nyòamo
nésànù n.i.IV thought, idea, notion, opinion Kp.L. nesanũ < PL *neasalum
nì- adj sour; sad Kp.L.
nifá a n.i.VI fog, mist nipha-
nifuiba- concentrate, focus on Kp.L. nifuiba < PL *nipuigba "chew (mentally)"
nìgi i n.i.VII necklace nìwi < PW *nẽwi (cf. Gez. nɜ̃u "brooch, fibula")
nìmi i n.i.III wall Kp.L. nĩmi
nípaba n.a.I coward Kp.L. nipab "one who fears"
nira- adj tame (of animals); cautious (of people); reliable nadze- "tame"
niraita ə n.a.II domestic animal nadze- "tame" + nom.II
nire adv rarely, unexpectedly, surprisingly nadze "rarely"
niunù prep to the left of *nàdùnuʔu < Çet. nadun "left, west"
nóbu n.i.III letter, glyph Kp.L. nob
nóbulugu n.a.I scholar (nóbu + -lugV-: "letter-person")
nófùyà n.i.VII anchor Kp.L. nofũyã < PL *nuəp u neama "root of the boat"
nogea- (asp -fogea-) ea read Kp.L. noweab
nôe oa n.i.III sail (of a ship), wing (of a bird) Kp.L. nũe
notsi- asp -fotsi- i turn around, flip over nuhdzi- < PW *nuγki- (cf. Tm. noki)
nûi ui n.i.III island Kp.L. nũi < PL *lumi
nûibi- i be visible; be obvious Kp.L. nuibi "touching the eyes"
nùmè e/a n.a.I honor nùmè < PW *numẽ (cf. Tm. nomę "face")
nùtsé e/a n.i.VI sunset nùtshe < PW *nũčʰe (cf. Tm. nǫće "evening")
nùyèmi i n.a.I guest, visitor Kp.L. nũyẽm < PL *duiŋeab "one who comes"
ngafúyú n.i.IV pistachio Kp.L. ŋafuyub < PL *ŋap u iub "shell-seed"
ngaima adv (quotative particle) Kp.L. ŋãima "[someone] is saying that..."
ngâupu- bark, bellow, roar Kp.L. ŋaup
ngeali- ə adj bright ňeğla- "white"
ngealìlùma ə n.i.IV mushrooms ňeğlàgłàma-
ngeobu- adj dull, blunt ňolgu-
ngéseka n.i.VII gem, jewel Kp.L. ŋeseka < PL *ŋeaseaka < Emp. ŋésékhá
ngìmbi i n.i.IV autumn Kp.L. ŋĩp < PL *ginip "the harvest"
ngìmi i n.i.III village Kp.L. ŋĩm
ngìpà ə n.i.III hole ňìpà < PW *ñipã (cf. Gez. ñipa "door")
ngiri- adj fine, soft; luxurious ňizi- "smooth"
ngiriutsú n.i.V fine cloth ňizi- "smooth" + nom.V
ngulu n.i.IV onion Kp.L. ŋulu
ôago u n.a.I rich person ğùgogu-
oagupu- ə be sick ʔuwolpa- "vomit"
oayu- be outside of ğuʔaju-
oayuri- ə ban, exile ğuʔaju- "be outside of" + caus
òmokaba n.a.I killer, assassin Ish. òamokaba
pádòtsù u n.i.III catapult Ish. pádòzù
pàlau n.a.I giant; fat or large person pèľogu-
pàra- e/a v.dt say towards, tell, notify pèze- < PW *pẽγe- (cf. Tm. peńe)
pautu- adj busy, lively, chaotic Kp.L. pautu "beehive"
pàyù- be modest, be polite, be generous, be mild pòdù- < PW *padũ- (cf. Tm. pnǫ- "a little, somewhat")
pêa- adj new pľàga-
peama ə n.i.V flower pľàma-
pehi- u pefə- ə exist, be present, remain, survive pihka- < PW *piłka- (cf. Tm. pihka)
peosìní i n.a.II foal Iŋ. pydosànhí
pèyogú n.a.I lord, duke Ish. pèdogú
pígagè- e be necessary Ìl. píwagè "become more important"
pígagìba- emphasize Ìl. píwagè "become more important" + loq)
Pítau n.i.III the city of Kpitamoa Kp.L. Pitão
pólu- tie, fasten kholu-
púga obl púbə- ə n.i.III raft; primitive rowboat khulga- "boat"
pùgi i n.i.IV word, statement, utterance pùği < PW *pũγʷi (cf. Tm. pomi)
púlu n.i.V anus khulu-
pùlùtseo- ea scout Iŋ. palucéudo
pùneayè- e be late, be delayed pùnìʔèjì- < PW *pawnĩ-ʔayĩ- (cf. Tm. pomę- "late")
púpau n.i.VII trace; leftover; consequence khulpogu- "that which is useful for tracking"
púpu- ə hunt; track down khulpa-
pùtau n.i.III road pàtògù-
pùti- ə find one's way to sth. pàta-
pùtité e n.a.I scout, guide pàta- + agt.2
rada- adj quick zedze- "run"
radeogu- run away, escape zedzeʔogu-
ràmu- N adj bad; unwanted; unfortunate zèma-
ràpàfu- ə inherit zèpàhpa- < PW *šepã-łpa- (cf. Tm. śepą "son, heir")
rátáyesi- ə flow (of rivers) zeʔteʔihtsa- "flow towards"
rátàri- ə fade, decline zeʔtaʔadza- "flow away"
ràti- ə sing zèta-
rau adv only, merely zògù < PW *šekʷũ (cf. Tm. śekmǫ)
rêa ea n.i.III palm (of the hand) zìda- "webbing between the fingers"
rea- ea hear zija-
reaya- e/a be on the way towards zeʔaje-
rêayesi- ə listen zijaʔihtsa- "hear towards"
rìgàya- stand zìgà- + stat
rìgo o/a n.i.VII pine zìwo-
ripu- ə qu an average number of zipa- "some"
rìyafu- ə calculate zìdahpa- "count"
rìyau prep among, between, within zìdoʔu "at the finger-webbing of"
prep into zuwo "through; into the middle of"
roa- oa float, drift zuga-
rùsutá- a finish zùsutha- < PW *γĩsu-tʰa- (cf. Gez. gɜ̃s "finally")
sa ə pron (1pl distributive pronoun) sa
a n.i.V eye łağa-
erg sìgə-, obl sùgə- irr. n.a.I soul; spirit łàğa-
sai ai n.i.IV night seji-
sâipi i n.a.I god Kp.L. saip "spirit, god"
sáki i n.i.V lavender Kp.L. saki
sápa- bring Kp.L. sapa < PL *saəkpa < Tm. calkwa "pile, heap" (n.)
sàre i n.a.II horse łèzi-
sasageo n.a.I orphan Kp.L. sasawiob "person with no father"
sautu u n.i.IV darkness sejutu- "night-thing"
sea ea n.a.II snake łija-
seafu- ə heal łijahpa-
seahá a n.a.I guard Ish. shaha
seaká a n.i.VI venom, poison łijakha- "snake-thing"
sèfì i n.a.II shoulder łìhpì < PW *łiγpĩ (cf. Tm. hipę)
seonu n.i.IV legend; rumour Kp.L. sẽanu < PL *seanalu < Emp. senállú "song"
seonulugu n.a.I gossipmonger (seonu + -lugV-: "person associated with legends and rumours")
sìgetsè- e announce, declare, insist Ìl. shìgecè
sìgìba- consider, keep in mind, pay attention to Ìl. sìgè + loq
sìlugo o/a n.a.I priest łàğlawo-
silùmù n.a.I city-dweller Kp.L. hilumũ "child of the city"
Sìmésita ə n.i.III the city of Siŋmeasita Kp.L. Sĩmesita
sìna ə n.i.IV lake łìna-
sìnatsoama n.a.I a serene and sober-minded person Ish. sìnyàzu "thoughtfully" + person; influenced by sìna "lake"
sìnupo- o ride Iŋ. sánhupo
sìrì- i gulp, swallow sìzì < PW *sayšĩ (cf. Tm. siśę "drink")
síta a n.i.III shore, coastline, riverbank Kp.L. sita "beach"
sitàmólu n.i.IV the Šetâmol language Šet. šetâmol
sôa oa n.i.IV possessions Kp.L. sũo < PL *sumoa < Tm. comǫ "content (of a bag)"
sòmau prep near, close, adjacent to łagòmoʔu "in the vicinity of"
su cj or su
suga- adj near łago-
sùgapu adv wisely; heroically łàğa- "soul" + adv
sùgaugadi i n.a.I high priest łàğoʔu gèʔdzi "facing towards the spirits"
suguya- fight sabaja-
súha obl súfə- ə n.i.IV tomorrow suʔxa-
sùli- ə adj round sùla-
sùlìtsa ə n.i.VII ball, sphere (sùli- + -ìtsa-: "round thing")
sùpù- ə cut sùpà- < PW *supã- (cf. Gez. supɜ̃-)
súsà- be interested in; investigate Kp.L. susã < PL *susam < Tm. ćosą "be curious about"
ta ə pron (2sg pronoun) ta
erg tasi, obl tafu pron (2pl pronoun) tah
obl tugə- a n.i.V grass taga-
tá- a pron (distal demonstrative) tha- "that (not visible)"
tá- asp -sá- a do tha-
táfai ai n.i.IV difference; distance; politeness, etiquette Kp.L. tafai "otherness"
tága- asp -sága- o/a change thawo- "bend"
tágoagu- asp -ságoagu- u dodge, sidestep thawoʔogu- "bend away"
tai- ai pron (emphatic distal demonstrative) tha- "that (not visible)" + gi- (cataphoric)
taingì- adj poisonous, harmful Kp.L. tãikĩ "bitter"
tàla ə n.i.V clothes tagala "cloth"
tále e/a n.i.IV steppe, grassland tagaʔle-
taleagiri n.i.IV equinox tèʔli-ʔayi-zi "they are the same"
Tálitau n.a.I the earth god Tálitau (Teletel) Kp.L. Talitau
tátá- asp -sátá- a use thatha-
tau n.i.III hill Kp.L. tau "mountain, hill"
tâu- (asp -fâu-) fall; die thòbu-
tâugau n.i.VII axe thòbuga- "fell, chop down" + instr
tâugi- asp -fâugə- ə tear down (of buildings or trees); kill (of humans) thòbuga- "fell, chop down"
tauhì i n.i.VII beak Kp.L. tãuhĩ < PL *toaŋuhim "bird's horn"
táya n.i.VI milk thaja-
têa- ea must, should tàja- < PW *tãya- (cf. Tm. tańa)
têala- asp -sêala- e/a rub *tľeʔle- (cf. tľetľe-)
telu n.i.VI an alcoholic drink made from milk Kp.L. telu < PL *tealu < Emp. théllú
tèmeama n.a.I farmer, peasant Kp.L. temẽam "one who sows (regularly)"
tégi- (asp -ségi-) i sow Kp.L. tewi
erg tì, obl pron (2pl distributive pronoun) taʔ
tíbi- (asp -síbi-) i be healthy, be okay, work as expected Kp.L. tibi "live"
tíbiu n.a.I nobody Kp.L. tibiu
tìniti i n.i.VII bronze Ìl. tiniti "metal"
típe i n.a.I daughter thìʔpi-
tira ə n.i.V hair tiza-
tísi- (asp -sísi-) i write Kp.L. tisi
tíseaba n.a.I scribe (tísi- "write" + agt.1)
titeagi i n.a.I crowd, gathering Kp.L. titeawi < PL *titiəgagi "between the people"
títoa- asp -sítoa- oa bleach thituga- < PW *tʰuytudza- (cf. Tm. twihto "grow pale")
tiye- adj cold thàda-
tôa oa n.i.VII root; seed thuba- "root"
tófuká- asp -fófuká- a be glad, be relieved thoxukha- < PW *tʰału-tʰa- (cf. Tm. taho "joy, fun, happiness")
tòpè e/a n.i.VII spike, thorn tùhbè < PW *tułbẽ (cf. Tm. tohmę "cactus")
n.i.IV porridge Kp.L.
tugeaya- e/a be at tabeʔaje-
tuilu- smile, smirk, grin Kp.L. tuilu
tuka obl tupə- ə n.i.III home; room (in a house) tuka- "house"
túku n.i.VII stone, rock Kp.L. tuku
túlòfù u n.i.V knitwear thulòhxù- "made from wool"
túlugasa- (asp -fúlugasə-) ə shear (of animals) thulabesa- "cut wool"
tumà ə n.a.I father thùŋà
tumeagà ə n.a.I noble thùňàʔà "uncle; eldest son of the head of the family"
tumeagìla ə n.a.I family, clan thùňàʔà + coll
tùmì i n.i.IV grape Kp.L. tumĩ
tùmùtsoa oa n.i.VI wine Kp.L. tumĩ + PCW tłuwo: "blood of grape"
tupi- i qu some, a few tupi- "few"
tupíba- (asp -fupíba-) perform (a ceremony) Kp.L. tupiba
turù n.i.VII knee; bend, corner, loop thùdzù- "knee"
tsa cj and, with tsa
tsàbò adv again, once more, over and over Ish. chàbòa "repeatedly"
tsagi cj also tsah "also" + emph
tsaigo o/a n.i.III storehouse, granary tsaľgo < PW *calkʷa (cf. Tm. calkwa "pile, heap")
tsaka obl tsapə- ə n.i.VII earth, ground tshèkhà-
tsàlè- e try Ìl. càlè "stab"
tsauru n.i.III saddle Iŋ. cegujú "saddle blanket"
tsàyù- act in a morally appropriate way tłòjù- < PW *tleyũ- (cf. Tm. cńǫ- "virtuous")
tsé- e pron (medial demonstrative) tshe- "that (visible over there)"
tsea ea n.i.IV garden; backyard tsheja- "soil"
tséka obl tsépə- ə n.i.IV sand tshehga-
tsèkòlu n.i.III pottery Ish. cèkòlu "pot; ceramic"
tsésa ə n.i.V dung tshesa-
tsese e n.a.I solstice and equinox festivities (with human sacrifice) Ìl. chese "dance"
tsési- ə v.dt teach tshihta-
tséyai ai n.i.IV garbage, rubbish tshejegi- "worthless items"
tséye- (u tseo-) pron (emphatic medial demonstrative) tshe- "that (visible over there)" + gi- (cataphoric)
tséyòfoayu- u resist, obstruct tshejòhxùʔòjù- "be like a wall"
tséyòfù u n.i.III fortress tshejòhxù- "wall, rampart"
tsí adv earlier tshi "yesterday"
tsígo o/a n.i.VI rain tshiğo < PW *kʰiγʷa (cf. Gez. kʰig "water")
tsìké- adj sweet Ìl. chiìké-
tsíla ə n.i.VI sunrise tsaʔla < PW *cadła (cf. Gez. tsɔːras "dawn")
tsíli- ə adj dry; barren; useless tshiʔla-
tsína ə n.i.VII horn tsheľna-
tsingeatá- a assemble, collect; merge tshìňatha- "build, put together"
tsingì- N adj small; slender tshìňà- "thin"
tsíri cj instead tshidzi
tsìtíba- discuss, negotiate S.L. dzittibba < PL *diəkuigba "trade, barter"
tsitsa cj because tsatsa
tsìtsì- adj straight Ìl. chìchì-
tsiu n.i.V worm tshibu-
tsiye- e want Ìl. chiye
tsoa oa n.i.IV peach, apricot tsuba- "fruit"
tsófú n.a.II deer tshophu-
tsótoa- oa offer; sacrifice tshotuga- "put, place"
tsótu- lie down, rest, settle, stay tshotu-
tsufá- a find out; understand tłuphe- "find, discover"
tsufú- irritate, disturb tsuphu- "itch"
tsuga- o/a go, walk pławo-
tsugofu- ə hurt, injure; defeat tłuwohpa- < PW *tłuwa-łpa- "draw blood"
tsúpe i n.i.III bottle Iŋ. cɯ́pœː "flasks of water"
tsúpo u n.a.II arm; branch (of a tree); flank (of an army) tshulpu- "arm"
tsùrè e/a n.i.IV bay, cove tłùzè < PW *tłuγẽ (cf. Tm. cońę)
tsusì (u tsufù-) i win, be successful tshùłì- < PW *čʰewłĩ- (cf. Tm. ćohmę "be more than expected")
ùbù- adj intelligent, clever Ìl. wùgbù-
ufa- e/a adj former, ex- ʔuphe- < PW *ʔupʰe- (cf. Tm. ohe-)
úgeba n.a.I butcher Kp.L. uweb "one who cuts"
ùgobatsá- a supply Ish. ùgoabazá "feed"
ugùnà n.a.I crew (of a ship); group of people working together Kp.L. ugunã "many hands"
ùka obl ùpə- ə n.i.VII tooth ʔùka-
ùkafu- ə bite ʔùka- "tooth" + dyn.1
ùkupu- ə eat vegetables (of humans and non-herbivorous animals) ʔùkalpa-
ùmàya- accompany; help ʔàmaʔaja- "be with"
ùmuyo u n.a.I the king of Isi Ish. ùmu + aug
uri i n.i.IV millet ğulzi-
úsai ai n.i.IV fig Kp.L. usai
ùsì- i hurry ʔùłì- < PW *ʔewłĩ- (cf. Tm. ohmę)
utékìtse e/a n.i.IV diplomacy; foreign relations Ìl. wetékìce "visit"
uya- adj severe, painful, distressing ğuje- "heavy" (influenced by uyàya-)
uyàya- be in pain, suffer ʔujaʔaja-
uyerisa obl uyerifə- ə n.i.VII wound, injury ʔujadzała-
yáfà n.i.IV shortcut; tricky way of achieving sth. Kp.L. yafã < PL *iəpam < Tm. yepę "pass (in mountains)"
yaga cj but not jege
yàgène- e make friends with; seduce Ìl. yàwène "make an entrance to"
yàgi- i rest, relax; be sleepy; cuddle yèbi- < PW *yãbi- (cf. Tm. yomi)
yagù u n.a.I knife, dagger (used for ritual sacrifice) jogùgù- < PW *yeku-dzũ "tool for eating meat"
yàgupu- ə suck jòbulpa-
yâi adv in the end, eventually, as a result Kp.L. yai < PL *eai (gerund of "stop")
yairi adv maybe, possibly ʔiʔayizi "if it is that..."
yaisi- ə give (towards the 1st person) (*àyáyesə- < ʔèdeʔihtsa- "give towards")
yakáyá n.i.VI stupid action; joke Kp.L. yakayap "nonsense"
Yáku n.i.III the city of Iəvaku Kp.L. Yaku
yaloayu- be different from jolu- "other" + stat
yalu- qu other jolu-
yàmu- ə row jèma-
yana- e/a stretch, spread out, expand jèʔne- < PW *yẽʔne- (cf. Tm. yęʔne "spread")
yànele e/a n.i.IV weak spot Ìl. yànele "crack, scratch"
yápe- e take (forcefully) Ìl. yápe "win, take by raiding"
yápiba- convince, win over Ìl. yápe "win, take by raiding" + loq
yari- i pron (subordinating pronoun) jezi- (anaphoric pronoun class X: intangible or abstract nominals)
yari- ə attack, challenge jedza- "push"
yàri i n.i.VI river jèdzi-
yasu cj nor jesu
yatáfai ai n.i.III bridge Kp.L. [fu] yatafai < PL *[puvu] iətapadi "[road] above the river"
yau- drink (blood or other ceremonial beverages) jogu- "perform rituals" < PW *yeku- "eat meat"
yaupu n.i.IV ritual, tradition, custom joguku- "that which is done ritually"
yauté e n.a.I master of ceremony jogu- "perform rituals" + agt.2
yegatsa- e/a store, keep jiʔeğahdze- < PW *yiʔe-γałke (cf. Tm. yeʔyahke)
yeogu- leave, depart jeʔogu-
yeràya- be worthy of reverence, be adorable jadaʔaja- "be old"
yeri- ə adj wise, venerable jada- "old"
yèsa ə n.i.IV food, meal jàsa-
yèsafu- ə eat meat jàsahpa-
yesiri- ə take, receive *jihtsadza < jiʔihtsadza- "get"
yesirité e n.a.I host, landlord, innkeeper (yesiri- + -té-: "one who receives")
yetá- a support, care for jatha- "tend, garden"
yetáfu- ə grow vegetables jathahpa- "make the garden grow"
yetau n.i.VII shovel jatha- "tend, garden" + instr
yétsèle e/a n.i.IV mistake, blunder Ìl. íyétsèle
yùbù n.a.I messenger Ìl. yùbù
yùfu- adj previous Ìl. yùxu-
yùgeagí i n.a.II bug, beetle jàwèdàjìgi < PW *yawẽ-dayẽ-kʷi (cf. Tm. yonayękwi)
yùma ə n.i.IV sun jàma-
yùmufata ə n.i.IV solstice (in general) jàmah-weta "sun-turning"
yùmuyá a n.a.I person; human being jàmajaʔa-
yútu n.i.IV period of time between two solstices Kp.L. yutu

674 words.