A Faroese Song
"The water runs off of high mountains,
and along sharp rocks.
It's so bad to give love to him,
who doesn't give any back.
The day passes. The night comes.
It darkens the so beautiful Earth.
Tomorrow we saddle horses to ride for competition.
Turið sits in Norway's mountains.
She awakens sorrow and pain.
So weary, she sheds bloody tears
onto both of her arms."
Čwifj štåstïd š wejkþus velhibus,
tþa če moskkþå hakabû če.
Fiå je jistså jå dða
Envn sþåb hem.
Šeaðïhan jisïš. Majnin jistsš.
Enangaš ñejšðïhan Maš.
Hišåpudðï sïlenšentudðañenkt šenak.
Båkšeñ viåå dajakdðus velhis.
Enlhenïgaš fålčesþa tþa uš.
Šñamvå-hañ, enabgaš abak þuå
Šinosuč šnosï.
šinosuch šnosï - to the lakes of her palms
dajakdðus velhis- in the Daiadak Mountains
Šeaðïhan - the great star i.e the sun
Majnin - Lady Moon
The Horse and the Sheep/ Señ tþa Ñenkïk
In this version of the Horse and the Sheep, ð č š ñ þ, are used for the transcription of / D tS S J T/
Vejim señi sûsahispkakt ñenkïk
vej-im señ-i sû-sahisp-ga-kt ñenk-ïk
hill-LOC horse-ERG
A horse on a hill saw some sheep
Šeñi sûčkveskadð tabðuå ñenkuå þul
šeñ-i sû-čk-ves-ga-dð tabð-uå ñenk-uå þul
woman-ERG PAST-PROG-cut-3ERG-NC3 first-OBL sheep-OBL wool(ABS)
A woman was cutting the away the first sheep’s wool
Felh sûčkhlatkad šiðï ñenkï
felh sû-čk-hlat-ga-d šið ñenkï
child.ERG PAST-PROG-milk-3ERG-NC2 second(ABS) sheep(ABS)
A child was milking the second sheep
Lhi sûčkwejskad tuðï ñenkï
lhi sû-chk-wejs-ga-d tuðï ñenkï
man.ERG PAST-PROG-kill-3ERG-NC2 third(ABS) sheep(ABS)
A man was killing the third sheep
Jabû hašank sûčkfebïd ñedðï ñenkï
jabû haša-nk sû-chik-febï-d ñedðï ñenkï
3pl.OLB fire-INST PAST-PROG-cook-NC2 forth sheep.(ABS)
They were using their fire to cook the forth sheep
Señi sûdðeškaš če ñenkuå dða
señ-i sû-say-ga-š če ñenk-uå dða
horse-ERG PAST-say-3ERG-NC8 this.ABS sheep-OBL DAT
The horse said this to a sheep
Mašåksåv þaþkad ñenkïk jaši ïšaskan
mašåks-åv þaþ-ga-d ñenk-ïk jaši ïšas-ga-n
man-ERG use-3ERG-NC2 sheep-ABS.PL COMP cause.pain-3ERG-1ABS
It pains me that man uses sheep like this*
Tapč ñenku señiå dða če sûdðeškaš
tab-d-i ñenku señ-iå dða che sû-dðeš-ga-š
one-NC2-ERG sheep-ERG horse-OBL DAT this(ABS) PAST-say-3ERG-NC8
One sheep said this to the horse
Listen to me!
Fid vegï señ ftaječkad tþa jegïgd jaši ïšaskan
fi-d vegï señ ftaječ-ga-d tþa jegï-g-d jaši ïšas-ga-n
REL-NC2 quick horse(ABS) shoot-3ERG-NC2 and eat-3ERG-NC2 COMP cause.pain-3ERG-1ABS
It pains me that the swift horse is shot and eaten
Mašåksi je bengaš tå vegïdï
mašåks-i je ben-ga-š tå vegïdï
human-COLL-ERG not know-3ERG-NC9 2SG.OBL quickness
Man does not know your quickness
Dðan čwen ji sïlbengaš
dðan čwen ji sïl-ben-ga-š
but next.year 3.ERG FUT-know-3SG.ERG-NC9
But next year he will know
Fan tas ta mašåkså helbï sïlščistst
fan tas ta mašåks-å helbï sïl-ščists-d
then also 2SG human-COLL-OBL slave FUT-arrive-NC2
Then you shall be a slave of man
Señi sûhišt tþa sûhejd tkačåč
señ-i sû-hiš-d tþa sû-hej-d tkač-åč
horse-ERG PAST-hear-NC2 and PAST-run-NC2 plain-ALL
The horse listened and fled to the plain.