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Ránj’a is a walled port city in Northwestern Tuysáfa. By 0 YP it was in a late neolithic stage, occupied by a Ronquian group called the Duəmeuk. While the name is Ronquian in origin, meaning something like "Great Dwelling" but the city likely had other names in the past.

During the period, the bulk of buildings were rectangular in shape built of plaster-covered mud-brick, set up as large numbers of buildings clustered together. The dwellings were clustered in a honeycomb-like maze. Most were accessed by holes in the ceiling, with doors reached by ladders and stairs. The rooftops were effectively streets or plazas. The clusters of dwellings were separated into several distinct units by a Y-shaped major road and several extremely narrow maze-like minor roads. At the intersection of the main road there was a triangular plaza, dominated by the Ránb’oat, a citadel that among other things housed the city's leaders. The main road then continued on from the square to the heavily fortified city gate which was a late addition to the city. The royal plaza at the center was used for public services held during the sweltering heat of summer. All winter activity was held on the rooftops as the roads commonly filled up with snow. Large communal hearths were on top of some of the buildings.

The houses each had a large central room with an oven and hearth, used for cooking, crafting, and communal activities, and several ancillary rooms for storage and sleeping, accessed through crawl-doors near the floor. Over time, houses would be renewed by partial demolition and rebuilding on top of the rubble.

The city subsisted on fishing and trade and became a major, dominant trade port towards the end of the neolithic period.

Following an invasion of bronze-wielding enemies from the south in the 400s, the city went into a decades long decline. Eventually, the Duəmeuk majority survived, being forced into tense coexistence with the invaders who overthrew the royals. The city once again rose to prominence a few centuries later.