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What follows is not so much a lexicon of Proto-Xoronic but a list of its morphemes, some of which are grammaticalized (and thus nonlexical).

morpheme irreg. forms part of speech gloss
 :qə nominal suffix absolutive dual suffix (on pronouns, applied to sing./dual form)
a:h n. suffix many (used with collectives and count nouns)
a:ha oha:-, oha:- n. unmarried woman
a:ha oha:-, oha:- poss. n. daughter
a:hah final well, in a good way, with good results
a:hah n.p. good
a:hapə aha:hapə-, ma:hapə n. boy
a:hapə aha:hapə-, ma:hapə poss. n. son
a:hi mass snow
a:hi n. flurry
a:ho n.p. chief, head
a:hpe erg. v1 freeze
a:hsa preverb stop, cease
a:lle mass light
a:lle alle:ti, alle:- n. day, period of daylight
a:mu acc. v1 spit
a:na acc. v1 descend
a:ne mass hair
a:ne n. hair
a:nəta poss. n. body
a:nkoqqə n.p. askew, crooked, wrong
a:nqəta: erg. v2 need
a:nqəta: preverb need to
a:pohi mass fruit
a:ppo n. farmer
a:sonqu -, ma:sonqu n. flower
a:ttə acc. v2 take care of, tend to
a:ttə erg. v2 store, keep
a:ttu erg. v2 promise
a:ttu erg. v3 promise
a n. suffix third person human singular possessive ("his", "her")
a pron. third person human singular ("him" or "her"), 3rd p. human dual ("those two") (pl. form is ok)
ahənqa:h coll. sign, tracks
ahəpo erg. v1 cheer up
ahəpo n.p. happy
ahəttih mass water
ahəttih n. river
ahətto:nkə mass saltwater
ahətto:nkə n. sea
ahləni final unclearly, with circumlocutions
ahləni n.p. unclear, obscured
ahləni preverb in the dark, in unclear conditions
ahnaqqən acc. v1 dry out
ahnaqqən acc. v2 dry
ahnaqqən n.p. dry
aho:kon poss. n. father's father
aho:muh poss. n. father's mother
ahtə prep. to
ahtətə prep. towards
alatti mass sky
alatti n. weather condition
alpo erg. v1 rest
amma:soh n. snake
amma final clandestinely, sneakily
amma n. worm
ana:ne poss. n. head of hair
anəhtu erg. v2 learn, meet, know (personally)
anqa coll. air
anqə prep. by, by means of
apaqqə erg. v1 sin, commit a crime
appəhma final moderately
aqətinqəh n. captive
aqsu n.p. ugly
as prep. without, besides, except for
asəhtonqə v0 be windy
asi mass fire
asinə acc. v2 split, divide
asinə erg. v1 divide, split up (oneselves)
asinə erg. v2 share
asinə preverb to each other, reciprocally (decreases v by 1)
asne: acc. v1 fly, swim
asne: erg. v2 fly to, swim to
asp voice causative
aspah acc. v2 create, make
aspahpah erg. v1 was born (pres. tense only morphologically, past tense only semantically)
ata:hmə preverb northwards
atta prep. into
atti acc. v1 stand up
atti acc. v2 stand up, help up, prop up
atti erg. v1 stand
atti preverb perfect aspect
e:nka enko:ti, e:nko- n. thing
e:nkohi mass liver
e:nkohi poss. n. liver
e modal imperative (only 2nd person subj.)
e n. suffix first person singular possessive ("my")
e pron. first person singular ("me"), 1st p. exclusive dual ("him/her/it and me") (pl. form is hik)
ehəpi erg. v1 experience
eho n. suffix all, every
eholah coll. darkness
eholah ehola:ti, ehola:h- n. night, period of darkness
ehpəhma:p acc. v1 lose weight, starve (usu. without implic. of death) (neg. connot., unlike mahlulu)
ehpəhma:p n.p. light
ekku acc. v2 kill
eklipuhi coll. twentyfour
eklo:hi coll. twentythree
eklo coll. twenty
ekloki coll. twentyone
eklokiki coll. twentytwo
ekloliski coll. twentynine
eklotaməmo:hi coll. twentyeight
eklotohi coll. twentyfive
eklottəki coll. twentysix
eklottəkiki coll. twentyseven
em acc. v2 turn
ema: n. symbol, sign
ema: poss. n. name
emem acc. v1 turn, spin, revolve
empəhma erg. v2 use
empəhma preverb so as to, for the purpose of (adds a subordinate clause as an argument)
emsana v0 flood
enaqətta erg. v2 know about, be familiar with (impersonal)
enka:nqi coll. war
enka:nqi n. war
epakək erg. v2 irritate
epə complementizer how, manner or instrumental complementizer
epəta:nqək v0 be bright, sunny
eppi:hi coll. one hundred three
eppi:hilo coll. one hundred thirty
eppi n. hundred
eppi n. the Moon
eppiki coll. one hundred one
eppikiki coll. one hundred two
eppiklo coll. one hundred twenty
eppiliski coll. one hundred nine
eppiliskilo coll. one hundred ninety
eppilo coll. one hundred ten
eppiloki coll. one hundred eleven
eppipuhi coll. one hundred four
eppipuhilo coll. one hundred forty
eppitaməmo:hi coll. one hundred eight
eppitaməmo:hilo coll. one hundred eighty
eppitohi coll. one hundred five
eppitohilo coll. one hundred fifty
eppittəki coll. one hundred six
eppittəkiki coll. one hundred seven
eppittəkikilo coll. one hundred seventy
eppittəkilo coll. one hundred sixty
esəka:mlə -, ma:səka:mlə n. story
etahənqə poss. n. elder
etlə modal atelic
ettə n.p. another, more
ettəki coll. six
ettəkiki coll. seven
ettəkikilo coll. seventy
ettəkilo coll. sixty
ə:h poss. n. female cousin
ə:kate:h final by horse
ə:kate:h n. horse
ə:məme n. fly
ə:muh poss. n. mother, aunt, mother's mother, or mother's sister
ə:n acc. v2 inhabit, farm, make use of (of land)
ə:pa:nqə n. swamp
əha: n.p. foreign
əha prep. out of, outside of
əhka:t n. door
əhmalmu n.p. heavy
əhmoppo erg. v2 remember
əhpa:spi coll. sand
əhpap n. shield
əhpitta acc. v2 spill
əhqə n. cow, steer, head of cattle
əhtam preverb away from the river
əhtanqa n. chief, headman
əkal n. knife
əkanqəka n.p. angry
əkaq pron. that
əkəh n. path
əkəkaq n. there
əkikko acc. v2 stiffen, make rigid, hold still
əkikko n.p. stiff, rigid
əkikkoko erg. v1 become thick, stiff (of a liquid)
əkka:l prep. until, as far as
əkkanko erg. v1 laugh
əkkaplo acc. v2 augment, strengthen
əkkaplo n.p. thick
əkkas n.p. suffix very
əkketti acc. v2 scrape
əkkə:s final by foot, by use of the feet, by walking
əkkə:s əkke:sti, - n. foot
əkkimpo acc. v2 sharpen
əkkimpo initial slender rigid object
əkkimpo n.p. sharp
əkkimpo əkkimpo:ti, əkkimpo: n. stick
əkkimpotekkonqə n. whetstone
əkko nominal adjectivalizing suffix -like, with the manner of
əkko prep. like, as, in the manner of
əkkoknə preverb backwards, back
əkkolo n.p. old (nonhuman)
əkoho acc. v2 sharpen
əkoho n.p. sharp
əkohtə acc. v2 dull, blunt
əkohtə n.p. dull, blunted
əkum n.p. high
əkwa:n acc. v2 chew
əkwa:n erg. v1 chew
əloqhipmə final incompetently
əm conj. and
əmə initial mushy matter
əmpehqi n.p. necessary
əmpi acc. v1 sit down
əmpi erg. v1 sit
ən vb. suffix perfective
ənkahta acc. v2 have sex with
ənkahta erg. v1 sleep
ənkahta erg. v2 sleep with, beside
ənkani n. neck, handle, narrow part
ənkippa final deeply, pervasively
ənkippa n. root
ənkippa poss. n. toe
ənko:h n. fur, hide
ənko:nqə erg. v2 believe, trust in
ənko:nqə erg. v3 trust ... about
ənko n. suffix a few (used with collectives and count nouns)
ənnəto:n acc. v2 clean away, expunge, drive out
ənnəto:n n.p. pure, clean
ənnəto:non acc. v1 boil water
əntəti mass blood
əpah opa:n, opa:- n. ox
əpakəkək erg. v1 be abrasive, be irritating
əpakəkək n.p. rough
əpana: erg. v2 worship
əpanqəpo mass rope
əpanqəpo n. rope
əpappul mass strength
əpaqqeli acc. v3 get ... from, be given ... by
əpaqqeli erg. v2 have
əpaqqəli acc. v2 get, acquire
əpas erg. v1 whisper
əpat n.p. knowledgeable, learned
əpəmpe acc. v2 lose at, be beaten at
əpəmpə acc. v3 lose ... to
əpippo acc. v2 rub, massage
əpispi erg. v2 reprimand
əpma -, epma:- n. star
əpmikkul acc. v2 buy
əpmikkul acc. v3 pay ... for
əpo:tə conj. either ... or
əpo preverb again
əponətu acc. v2 stab
əppa:ho əppa:hti, - n. fish
əppap coll. music
əppəta: poss. n. home, source
əppi prep. between, among
əppinqə v0 be raining
əppipo n.p. guilty
əppistə: acc. v2 organize
əppistə: final sequentially, systematically
əppistə: mass organization, order
əppistə: n. ordering, organizational scheme, methodology
əppistə: n.p. ordered, organized
əppol acc. v2 shorten, compress, abridge
əppol initial flat flexible object
əppol n.p. short
əppuhme: acc. v2 push
əppula n. stranger
əppula n.p. strange, novel
əppunəmo acc. v2 carry
əptətən n. penis
əpuhmit acc. v2 warm
əpuhmitət erg. v1 be warm
əpuhmitət n.p. warm
əpuhmitət poss. n. lover
əpuhtə n.p. to the (usu. addressee's) right
əqa:hlun coll. steppe
əqa:pla əqeple:n, əqeple:- n. sheep
əqa:to -, ma:qato n. rabbit
əqqokoh erg. v1 lie
əqqokoh erg. v2 deceive
əs preverb occasionally
əta:nkə n. hill, slope
əta:tə preverb this year
ətahə acc. v2 fight
ətas conj. but
ətehmo:ki acc. v1 search
ətehmo:ki acc. v2 search for
əteqqa final emotionally, out of emotion, in the heat of the moment
əteqqa n.p. emotional, of the emotions
əteto n. male, masculine
əteto ətetu:n, ətetu:- n. male (usu. animal)
ətət modal durative (applied to a usu. punctual vb.)
ətətti n. yonder
ətiho erg. v2 make normal, disguise, conceal
ətiho n.p. normal
əto n.p. full, complete
əto pron. second person singular ("you"), 2nd p. dual ("you two", "you and him/her/it") (pl. form is tuk)
ətoha: acc. v2 bleach
ətoha: erg. v1 be bright
ətoha: erg. v2 light up, reveal
ətoha: mass brightness
ətoha: n.p. white, bright
ətohi coll. five
ətohilo coll. fifty
ətohippi coll. five hundred
ətohten n.p. solemn, regal
ətta:lə n. lamp, lantern
əttampe acc. v2 give away
əttampe acc. v3 give
əttanqi acc. v1 soak
əttanqi acc. v2 soak
əttanqi initial soft round object
əttanqi n.p. soft
əttapme acc. v2 soil, get dirty
əttapme n.p. dirty
ətte:moh poss. mass love
ətte:n acc. v2 kiss
əttesa:nqa n. walking stick
ətti pron. yon
əttinom erg. v1 breathe
ətto modal should
əttokikippi coll. seven hundred
əttokippi coll. six hundred
əttu:le mass tomorrow
əttu:le n.p. tomorrow's
əttu:le preverb tomorrow
əttuha complementizer why, reason complementizer
ətuppo acc. v2 sniff
ətuppo erg. v2 smell
h nominal suffix plural absolutive suffix
ha: n.p. blue
ha:h n.p. female, feminine
ha:h he:ti, he:- n. female (usu. animal)
ha:honkə preverb southwards
ha:mu poss. n. father's sister
haqqəpapəm acc. v1 climb, rise
haqqəpapəm acc. v2 raise, lift
hattə erg. v2 know that (obj. arg. is clausal)
hattəqo erg. v2 know how to (obj. arg. is clausal)
he:m n. cloud
hekinqəta erg. v2 control, influence
heskun n.p. large body of people, nation
heskun n.p. populous, well-populated
mass meat
həka:tla mass wood
həka:tla n. log
həpə acc. v2 swallow
həpə erg. v2 drink
həpəpə erg. v1 drink
həttitto mass metal
həttitto n. metal implement
hi:m mass luck, serendipity
hi:m n. windfall, occurance of luck
hi:m n.p. lucky
hi n. fist
hi vb. suffix future tense
hik pron. first person exclusive plural ("them and me") (sing./dual form is e)
himoha: erg. v1 rot
himoha: n.p. rotten
himohe:nka coll. wood rot, termite colony
ho: modal iterative (applied to a usu. punctual vb.)
ho:se complementizer when, temporal complementizer
hohi: -, ma:hohi: n. mouse
honkim mass tea
hota: mass sweat
hota:muh n. mother
hotami:pohi n. father
hu:k n. fence
hu:mu acc. v1 make a mistake, err
hu:mu n.t. wrong
huhka:t n. gate
huhu:k n. wall
huqo erg. v2 blame
i:təha:m i:təha:pi, - poss. n. arm
ih modal hortative
ihəma acc. v2 sew
iho complementizer absolutive relative clause complementizer
ihos acc. v2 take
ihos acc. v3 take ... from
ihsa prep. before
ik n. suffix first person exclusive plural possessive ("my and their")
ikipmə final poorly, in a bad way, with bad effect
ikipmə n.p. bad
ikkuk n. suffix first person inclusive plural possessive ("my and you two's" or more, "my, your, and his/her/its", "my, your, and their")
ikkuk pron. first person inclusive plural ("me and you two" or more, "me, you, and him/her/it", "me, you, and them") (dual form is sa:kə)
iklanə acc. v2 scratch
iko acc. v2 build up, stablize
iko n.p. solid, stable
ikti n. suffix first person exclusive dual possessive ("my and his/her/its")
immesə preverb up
imo poss. n. head
in n.p. suffix comparative/superlative/equalitive
ina erg. v2 see
intəhattə erg. v2 be in favor of (obj. arg. is clausal)
ipəle acc. v2 beat, best
ippi: coll. grass
ippulə acc. v1 fish
ipsi preverb toward the river
ipu final nearly, almost
ipu n.p. nearly a
ipuhi coll. four
ipuhilipuhi coll. fortyfour
ipuhilo:hi coll. fortythree
ipuhilo coll. forty
ipuhiloki coll. fortyone
ipuhilokiki coll. fortytwo
ipuhiloliski coll. fortynine
ipuhilotaməmo:hi coll. fortyeight
ipuhilotohi coll. fortyfive
ipuhilottəki coll. fortysix
ipuhilottəkiki coll. fortyseven
ipuhippi coll. four hundred
isəke n.p. clean
iske erg. v1 be burnt
iske erg. v2 burn, char, singe
iske mass charcoal
iske n.p. black
ismu final with force, by force
ismu n.p. strong
itto:nkə mass salt
ittu erg. v1 fall
ittu erg. v2 fail at
k nominal suffix plural nominative suffix (applied to nouns only for plural, not mass)
ka n. there
kalli modal must
kanqətətu:m erg. v1 be powerful
katat n. arrow
ken voice reflexive
kenkə acc. v1 walk
kenkə erg. v2 walk to
keq acc. v2 throw
keq acc. v3 throw ... to
kes n. seed
nominal suffix nominative dual suffix (on pronouns, applied to sing./dual form)
kəhmin prep. with
kəlhu poss. mass guts
ki n. finger
ki n. one
kiki n. two, couple
kikippi coll. two hundred
kippə: n. word
kiqqəpa: acc. v2 tie
kiske erg. v2 endanger
kiske n.p. dangerous
kiskike erg. v1 be in danger
ko:mu n. house
kohim acc. v1 change
kohim erg. v1 be round
kohim initial hard round object
kohim n.p. round
kohu initial obviative inhuman
kokkimpo kokkimpo:ti, kokkimpo:- n. blade
komma:h final by speech
komma:h poss. n. tongue
konəhtu preverb apart, into pieces
kota acc. v2 pack, prepare (of a thing)
kota erg. v2 prepare (of a person), train
kota n.p. ready, prepared, capable
kotata erg. v1 ready oneself, train
koto:ki n. turtle
kuma:qqə acc. v2 heal, repair
kuma:qqə erg. v1 heal, convalesce
la: prep. in, on
la:hsa erg. v1 love
la:səkka: final needlessly, unnecessarily
laha preverb down
lahənkə n. plain
lamiq preverb somewhere
lamiq pron. some, a few
lamiqepə preverb somehow
lamiqepə pron. some way
lamiqəttuha preverb for some (usu. unknown) reason
lamiqəttuha pron. some reason
lamiqiq pron. somewhere
lamiqqi pron. somebody, something
lapenqə acc. v2 paint
lapenqə erg. v2 be forward towards
lapenqə n.p. red
lapenqəqə erg. v1 blush, redden
lappi prep. along, via, during
lappin modal instead of (adds clausal arg. for substituted action or condition)
le:htu mass milk
lehtəla: n. married woman
lehtəla: poss. n. wife
lə:qa n. god
lə:tah final known by sight
lə:tah ləta:hti, ləta:h- poss. n. eye
ləlo n. instance of fog
ləppa n. craftsman
li:nka n. layer, level
lilamiq preverb sometime
lilamiq pron. sometime
lilo coll. all the time
lilo preverb always
lima mass no time
lima preverb never
limik mass reeds
lin conj. so, thus, therefore
lipuhi coll. fourteen
lis acc. v2 stock, store
lis coll. surplus
lis erg. v1 stay, remain
lis n.t. remaining, to go
lis preverb still, yet
lisis acc. v1 be saved, be in storage
liski coll. nine
liskilo coll. ninety
liskippi coll. nine hundred
lo:hi coll. thirteen
lo coll. ten
lo n.p. every (is applied to sing. n., forms a coll. n.)
lo preverb everywhere
loki coll. eleven
loki coll. everyone, everything
lokiki coll. twelve
loliski coll. nineteen
lolo coll. everywhere
lopə coll. every way
loppi n. thousand
losu preverb forwards, forth
lotaməmo:hi coll. eighteen
lotə lute:ti, lute:- n. man
lotə lute:ti, lute:- poss. n. husband
lotohi coll. fifteen
lottəki coll. sixteen
lottəkiki coll. seventeen
lu:pəmə n. feather
lu modal habitual
luhəh acc. v1 masturbate
luhəh acc. v2 stroke
luhmi acc. v2 smooth
luhmi erg. v1 be smooth
luhmi n.p. smooth
lukin n. chair, seat
lutte preverb quickly, in a hurry
luttenqəs erg. v1 hurry
ma:həh mass food
ma:nqə mass today
ma:nqə n.p. today's
ma:nqə preverb today
ma:nqəhqə mass cattle
ma:nquk erg. v2 complain about
ma:ta acc. v2 launch, fire, throw
ma:ta acc. v2 shoot, shoot at, attack
ma preverb nowhere
ma pron. none, no
mahlu erg. v1 narrow, get narrower (not used of actual movement)
mahlu initial slender flexible object
mahlu n.p. narrow
mahlulu acc. v1 lose weight, get thinner (pos. connot., unlike ehpəhma:p)
mahtən acc. v2 realize
mahtən erg. v2 understand
maki mass nobody, nothing
mama mass nowhere
mastu mestu:ti, mestu:- n. person
mattuha mass no reason
mattuha preverb for no reason
menqəh poss. n. male cousin
mepə mass no way
mepə preverb there is no way that, it is impossible that
məhpa:m erg. v1 cry
məhpo modal because (adds a clausal argument for the result)
məhpok n.p. far
məhpok preverb far
məlkonqət poss. n. brother
məpa: n.p. to the (usu. addressee's) left
məpaqlə n. leaf
məpemmə mass milk
məpi erg. v2 say
məpi erg. v3 tell
məpi preverb tell to (decreases v by 1, has teller as subj., told as obj.)
mi:pohi poss. n. father
mi conj. or
mi n. suffix no, none
minqəmpi erg. v1 sing
mipu:səm mipuse:pi, - poss. n. hip
miqqə erg. v2 travel to
miqqəsi erg. v1 look
mitət erg. v2 raise, teach, develop
mitətə erg. v1 mature
mitətə n.p. old (of a human), elderly
mitkon poss. n. uncle, mother's father, or mother's brother
mo initial proximate inhuman
mohəmi n.p. stupid
mohu final emotionally, by the emotions
mohutti poss. n. heart
molate:h n. deer
mono modal seem to
mosaqqə n.p. full
mosəhmi acc. v2 suck
mu post-modal verbal prefix negation
muhə erg. v1 grow
muhə final with a scattering motion (used of a group of discrete items or people)
muhə initial group of discrete items or people
muhə n. cluster, group
muppəma: n. eel
musan final skillfully
musan n.p. savvy, skilled
musanqə n. winter
muttu: erg. v2 measure, count
nam erg. v1 become sick
nam erg. v2 sicken
nam n. suffix some, a little (used with masses)
nam n.p. sick, ill
namo acc. v1 hunt, hunt for
namo acc. v2 hunt, hunt for
nampepəm acc. v1 swell
napənki poss. coll. property, estate
nappam acc. v1 shrink, dessicate
nappam acc. v2 shrink, dessicate
nappam n.p. small
nemo:hi n.p. brown, tan, orange
initial suffix plural
nəhta preverb stop, desist
nəhtettən erg. v1 float
nəhtəhottə n.t. prefix greatly
nəhtəhottə preverb greatly
nəhti prep. for, for the purpose of, so as to do, with respect to, about
nəqa: n. egg
nətat prep. all around, about, throughout
nətəq n. tree
nətəqquk coll. forest
nəti acc. v2 touch
nəti final by hand
nuhta modal possibly
nun acc. v2 lose, misplace
nunnun erg. v1 wander, get lost
nuttə acc. v1 die
nuttə erg. v1 be dead (only pres. tense)
o: n.p. half of a
o:h prep. for, for the sake of
o:hi n. three, trio
o:hilipuhi coll. thirtyfour
o:hilo:hi coll. thirtythree
o:hilo coll. thirty
o:hiloki coll. thirtyone
o:hilokiki coll. thirtytwo
o:hiloliski coll. thirtynine
o:hilotaməmo:hi coll. thirtyeight
o:hilotohi coll. thirtyfive
o:hilottəki coll. thirtysix
o:hilottəkiki coll. thirtyseven
o:hippi coll. three hundred
o:ho mass yesterday
o:ho n.p. yesterday's
o:ho preverb yesterday
o:hpa acc. v2 hit
o:hpapa acc. v1 be hit, get hurt
o:k erg. v1 calm down
o:k erg. v2 calm down
o:k final calmly
o:k n.p. calm
o:nəma acc. v2 play, play with
o:nəma erg. v1 play
o:soh n. tail
o:ttə n. vegetable
o acc. v2 do, make, complete, perform
o proverb proverb
oh pron. suffix some of, part of (applied to plural pronouns)
oha: preverb now
oha: pron. this
ohattə erg. v1 be uncertain whether (arg. is obj. clause, no subj.)
ohoha: n. here
ohsanqə erg. v1 forget
ohtu erg. v2 go to
ohtutu erg. v1 arrive
ok modal volitive (1st person), optative (2nd, 3rd persons)
ok n. suffix third person human plural possessive ("its/their" (of a mass), "those three's" or more)
ok pron. third person human plural ("it/them" (of a mass), "those three" or more) (sing./dual form is a)
okoh final known by a first-person account
okoh okti, ok- poss. n. ear
okti n. suffix third person human dual possessive ("those two's")
olattu acc. v2 listen to
olattu erg. v1 be hearing
olattu erg. v2 hear
olti acc. v2 run through, run (of a distance)
olti erg. v2 run to
oltiti acc. v1 run
ona: n.p. empty, hungry
onəhtunqə erg. v1 diminish, weaken
onəhtunqə n.p. thin
ontəti erg. v1 blow
opolmə:h coll. grain
oq modal punctual (applied to a usu. durative vb.)
os modal be supposed to (future reputative)
osa acc. v2 wake
osa erg. v1 be awake
osasa acc. v1 wake
osəhto n.p. new
osmo acc. v2 steal
ospi acc. v2 till, plow
ospi n.p. green
ottə erg. v2 dig for, dig up
ottətə acc. v1 dig
pa: n.p. big
pa:kkəmu erg. v2 fear
pa:pa erg. v2 raise, grow
pah erg. v2 call, summon
pasmappi erg. v2 make secret
pasmappi final secretly
pasmappi n.p. secret
pe:lah final related in some way to the spiritual world
pe:lah n.p. ghostly, ephemeral
pe:mə acc. v2 cut down, insult, humble
pe:mə n.p. low, shallow (of waters), flat
pe:məmə acc. v1 bow
pekəhma n.p. ultimate, farthest
peq complementizer verbal clause-nominalizer and nominative relative clause complementizer
pə:nka poss. n. back
pisa: erg. v3 send
pisa: preverb by proxy, through an intermediary
po:mənqə final silently
po:mənqə mass smoke
po:sa n. field
po modal may (permissive)
pokənkə erg. v1 vomit
pon n. island
ponenqə -, ma:ponenqə n. plant
ponko poss. n. nose
ponqə modal if ... then (applied to vb. giving result, adds clausal argument for condition)
postu erg. v1 be aggressive
puhattə erg. v1 be possible that (arg. is obj. clause, no subj.)
puk prep. for each, per
pus final early
pus n.p. early
q nominal suffix singular absolutive suffix
qa:mi erg. v2 watch
qa:t modal probably
qahpəm preverb last year
qammi n. bed, sofa, mat
qatat qata:ti, qata:- n. steer
qə:kə n. edge
qinah erg. v3 ask (one obj. arg. may be nominal, meaning "ask about", or clausal, meaning "ask whether")
qinsa n. storyteller, teacher
qo initial solid square object
quhi n. stone
qukka: erg. v1 be broken (only pres. tense)
qukka: erg. v2 break
qukka:ka erg. v1 break
qusa n.p. enjoyable, likeable
s n.p. suffix used when prefixed to a singular human noun
s voice passive
sa: n. bird
sa:həti n.t. healthy
sa:kə pron. first person inclusive dual ("you and me") (pl. form is ikkuk)
sa:kti n. suffix first person inclusive dual possessive ("your and my")
sa:s acc. v1 flow, continue
sa:tə n. year
sahənqi sahenqi:n, sahenqi:- poss. n. cuspid, fang
sakho n. cliff
sakkakk erg. v2 get used to, become familiar with
sakkakk n.p. familiar
salma: acc. v2 lengthen, stretch
salma: n.p. long
salma:ma acc. v1 stretch, limber up
satən n.t. prefix a little, somewhat, partially
satən preverb a little, somewhat, partially
sə:tət səte:ti, - n. riverbank
səhtoh acc. v1 cool off by swimming
səhtoh acc. v2 cool by immersion
səhtoh n.p. clammy
səma: coll. speech
səma: n. sentence
si:q conj. neither ... nor
si numeral n. adjectivalizing prefix forms an ordinal noun prefix from a cardinal number
sihta prep. through
sikkata:t n. bow
sikkoho poss. n. bone
simo: erg. v2 like, enjoy
sosmo:h acc. v2 greet
sosmo:h erg. v2 know (personally)
su initial fluid
su n. suffix third person inhuman singular possessive ("its")
su pron. third person inhuman ("it", "them")
suk n. suffix third person inhuman plural possessive ("its/their" (of a mass), "those three's" or more)
sukti n. suffix third person inhuman dual possessive ("those two's")
sumu sumi:-, sumi:- n. cow
sunəte acc. v2 straighten, correct
sunəte n.p. straight, correct
sus complementizer where, locative complementizer
ta:hətti final safely
ta:hətti mass safety
ta:hətti n. shelter
ta:pəm preverb together
tahqa:no mass home, homeland
talih tuli:-, ma:talih n. dryad
tam tatam-, - poss. n. hand
taməmo:hi coll. eight
taməmo:hilo coll. eighty
taməmo:hippi coll. eight hundred
tas modal volitive (2nd or 3rd person subj. only)
te:nqəti -, ma:tenqəti poss. n. louse
tekki: poss. n. finger
tekko acc. v2 pull
tekko erg. v1 be capable, strong
tekko preverb be able to
tekkonqə mass stone
tekkonqə tekkonqe:ti, tekkonqe:- n. stone, rock
təha:nkə erg. v2 wash, scrub
təmpah mass grease, fat
tətanto mass illness
təte:h n. dog
tətunkə tətunke:ti, - poss. n. knee
ti initial suffix dual
ti titi, ma:ti poss. n. flea
tihattə erg. v2 believe that (obj. arg. is clausal)
timmi timmi:-, timmi:- poss. n. child
tinəhto n.t. wide
tiqohattə erg. v2 suspect that (obj. arg. is clausal)
to: acc. v2 eat
to: vb. suffix past tense
to:pe erg. v2 hold, support, hug
to:to acc. v1 eat
to n. suffix second person singular possessive ("your")
toh -, ma:toh n. lake
tomo initial obviative human
totu erg. v1 be possible
totu n.p. possible
tuhpa: mass horn
tuhpa: n. horn, antler
tuk n. suffix second person plural possessive ("you three's" or more, "your and their", "you two's and his/her/its")
tuk pron. second person plural ("you three" or more, "you and them", "you two and him/her/it") (sing./dual form is əto)
tukti n. suffix second person dual possessive ("you two's", "your and his/her/its")
tupe:hti acc. v1 attack
tupe:hti acc. v2 attack
tus n. the Sun
tutət acc. v2 close in on, approach, get nearer to
tutətət acc. v1 get better, move closer (to one's goal)
tutətət n.p. near, close
u:hma mass dirt, soil
u:kkə acc. v2 moisten
u:kkə n.p. wet
u:menqəh poss. n. friend
u:pəhmu preverb recently
u modal future (precedes other modals)
u prep. after, following
uhenə final well
uhmu preverb soon
ul n. suffix each (used with count nouns)
ullok acc. v2 move against, work against, oppose
um acc. v1 live
um erg. v1 be alive (only pres. tense)
um prep. from, made of, made by
umahattə erg. v1 be unlikely that (arg. is obj. clause, no subj.)
umə:h poss. n. sister
uməhpu n.p. deep, high
uməki acc. v1 hug (dual or pl. subj.)
uməki acc. v2 squeeze
umpa n. suffix much (used with masses)
up prep. at
usma:q acc. v2 dye
usma:q n.t. yellow
usoh acc. v2 taste
utta: acc. v2 tickle
utu n.p. cruel