Proto-Macro-K!asic language/Prebases

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PMK gloss
*alu- repeat, mimic, copy, pretend
*ciway- use, employ, make use of
*gǁoʔ- instead of, in X's place
*hnal- like (to), enjoy, approve
*ik!u- lack of something, not having X anymore
*k!esa- first, first time, primary, prime
*kǁya- towards land, landward
*luñ- change of state (in)to
*mbete- irritated with, frustration
*meyñ- failure
*n!!i- second (of two)
*ṇḍanha- consuming (eat, drink, slurp, breathe in)
*ñgwayn- pain, sorrow
*nhag!!aʔ- motion purpose, going for, leaving to
*ńja- sound of
*nǁenǁi- intensive, with great enthusiasm, very, strongly
*o- cold, ice, snow
*pideñg- change of state from
*śal- pine tree
*sya- mere, common, mundane, run-of-the-mill
*ulṭu- before, prior
*utway(g)- enough
*xneyl- towards sea, seaward
*xnan- during, while, at the same time as, simultaneously
*yo- scale tree
*du- water
*ńonha- mountain(ous)
*k!iśo- bog, swamp, marsh
*inteñ- mouth
*nde- back (to), reciprocal
*aśi- in a circle, in a circular motion
*ḍẓ(o)- up and down
*age- side-to-side motion
*ṭoṭo- set path
*kʘen- slanted surface, incline
*ndalṭ(a)- (away) from water
*k!eym- toward water
*ñgṇo- suck down, drag down, pull down
*ṭṣey- hope, wish, want, desire
*iliʔ- prostrate oneself
*k!!e- insert, put in
*kǁeʔ- bad, badly
*aḍ- shell, armor, cover, protection
*leym- awesome, awe-inspiring, surprising, mirative
*nʘa- breath, wind, soul
*gn(a)- reverse, undo, ex-, former

ʘ ǁ ʔ ṋ ṱ ḓ ṋḓ ṱð ḓð ṋḓð kǀ gǀ nǀ ṇ ṭ ḍ ṇḍ ṭṣ ḍẓ ṇḍẓ. ń ńj ś