This is a short lexicon of Omari.
Nouns are cited in the non-possessed singular or collective form, including the number/animacy prefix, which is separated from the stem by a mid dot ‹·›. Since the stem is not always predictable from the citation form, it is given in the second column for all nouns, with morphophonological information indicated with diacritics. Oblique case forms are listed in the third column wherever they are not formed by simply replacing a final vowel with /u/, or adding /u/ to consonant-final stems.
Verbs are cited with the word-final allomorph of the stem. The second column gives the standardized stem (with morphophonology diacritics where necessary); the third column indicates unpredictable extended stems which are used when the verb is followed by a vowel-initial suffix.
534 words.
entry | stem | special forms | POS | definition |
aha | -âhâ- | v | be short, be small | |
areppa | -âreppa- | v | expect, wait for | |
arin | -arįd- | v | weave, plait | |
arom | -ârǫb°- | v | chisel | |
ąxa | -ãxâ- | v | be morally inappropriate | |
ba | ~°bê- | v | be all, be every | |
berręgrin | -°berręgrįd- | v | forget | |
bettįę | ~°bettįę‘- | _V ~°bettęąxˤ- | v | modify, transform, change |
bįęk | -°bįęk- | v | threaten | |
boge | ~°boge- | v | have sex with | |
brą | -°brą- | v | point out y to x, remind x of y | |
bre | -°bre- | v | live, be alive | |
brehak | ~°brehakˤ- | v | be aggressive, attack | |
bręjų | -°bręjų‘- | _V -°bręjun- | v | remember |
breni | -°brenî- | v | admit, confess | |
brigi | ~°brigi- | v | tease | |
briši | -°briši- | v | form, bring into shape | |
bronį | -°bronį‘- | _V -°brǫgin- | v | close, lock (of doors etc.) |
bubi | -°bubi- | v | blush, make a fool of oneself | |
čągri | -čągri- | v | be intact, work as expected | |
čaha | -čahâ- | v | be wet, be damp | |
čayu | -čayu- | v | decide | |
čei | -čei.- | _V -čeij- | v | be cold |
čekeano | -čekeano- | v | be able to | |
čekkųį | -čekkųį‘- | _V -čekkǫęxˤ- | v | have natural authority |
čįgriek | -čįgriek.- | v | leave behind, abandon, sacrifice | |
dati | ~dati- | v | grind | |
desenį | ~desenį‘- | _V ~desęgin- | v | annoy |
dei | ~dei.- | _V ~diš- | v | be wrong, be false, be unreal |
diska | ~diskâ- | v | command, force, make so. do sth. | |
dumi | ~dumi- | v | exceed, surpass | |
dxǫą | -dxǫą- | _V -dxǫąv°- | v | be straight |
eat | -eat- | _V -ard- | v | stand, be upright |
ęąxą | -.ęąxą‘- | _V -.ęąxąxˤ- | v | hate |
ębbą | -ębbą‘- | _V -ębbąxˤ- | v | kick |
ębok | -ẽbokˤ- | v | love | |
ebri | -ebri- | v | dare, be courageous, be proud | |
ęda | -ẽda- | v | be ten | |
ek | -êk- | v | be another one | |
emęzi | -emęzî- | v | make a wise decision | |
emmu | -emmu- | v | be complete, be proper, be suitable | |
emmunį | -emmunį‘- | _V -emmųgin- | v | fit in with sth. |
enerrą | -ênerrą- | v | be hundred | |
eredo | -eredo- | v | dance | |
erikka | -êrikkâ- | v | injure, hurt (emotionally) | |
ęrru | -ẽrru- | v | dilute, mix with water | |
erut | -erut.- | v | lead, guide (so.) | |
esąxa | -esąxâ- | v | breathe | |
fe | -°fe- | v | be eight | |
fiera | -°fiera- | v | be similar to | |
fiu | -°fiu.- | _V -°fiuv°- | v | say something nice |
fǫąga | -°fǫągâ- | v | drop, discard, throw away | |
fǫda | -°fǫda- | v | support, hold up (physically), carry | |
foeje | -°foeje- | v | agree | |
fųde | -°fųde- | v | be big, be large | |
fuma | -°fumê- | v | deny, refuse | |
fųǫ | -°fųǫ‘- | _V -°fųǫxˤ- | v | fall |
futu | -°futu- | v | be steep, be slanted, be angled | |
gagea | ~ˤgagea- | _V ~ˤgageah- | v | fly |
gena | -genâ- | v | be obvious, be well-known | |
ginu | ~ginu- | v | express one's opinion, insist, demand | |
gįųza | -gįųzê- | v | be empty | |
gįųzenį | -gįųzenį‘- | _V -gįųzęgin- | v | be none of |
gǫą | -°ˤgǫą- | _V -°ˤgoum°- | v | wear (clothes) |
goannį | ~ˤgoannį‘- | _V ~ˤgoannin- | v | rain (on), cause to get wet |
goru | ~ˤgoru- | v | be possible, be likely | |
gręgu | -gręgu- | v | be dead | |
gręji | -gręji- | v | smell, taste (sth.) | |
grįgas | -grįgas- | v | repeat | |
grųska | -ˤgrųskâ- | v | extinguish, put out (of a fire) | |
guene | -°ˤguene- | v | be related to, be linked with | |
guoni | -°guoni- | v | hide, conceal, cover (with) | |
hapǫxa | -hapǫxâ- | v | have bad luck; (+ipfv) be cursed | |
hęju | -hęju- | v | be white | |
henea | -ˤhenea- | v | be invisible, disappear | |
hionnį | -ˤhionnį‘- | _V -ˤhionnin- | v | work on sth. |
hiowa | -ˤhiowê- | v | carve, etch | |
hǫdio | -ˤhǫdio.- | _V -ˤhǫdiov°- | v | be soft |
hǫę | -ˤhǫę‘- | _V -ˤhoen- | v | sleep |
hǫjok | -hǫjokˤ- | v | waste, squander | |
hǫju | -hǫju- | v | be boring, be worthless | |
homo | -homo- | v | spill | |
hot | -ˤhot.- | v | go, walk | |
huo | -ˤhuo.- | _V -ˤhos- | v | kill |
įde | -įde- | v | thank, show gratitude to | |
ieča | -.iečê- | v | whistle | |
įęgga | -.įęggâ- | v | delay | |
iesi | -.iesî- | v | be winter | |
iešo | -.iešo- | v | shine, reflect light | |
įkak | -įkak.- | v | ignite, set on fire | |
iniu | -iniu.- | _V -iniuv°- | v | come, arrive |
iom | -.įǫb°- | v | be special, be unique | |
yore | -iore- | v | feel, experience | |
ioro | -.ioro- | v | be attached to; have as part of oneself | |
ireše | -ireše- | v | protect, safeguard, watch over | |
irgenea | -irgenea- | _V -irgeneahˤ- | v | encounter, come across |
irguo | -irguo- | _V -irgouv°- | v | dwell, live (somewhere) |
išši | -iššî- | v | fail, be unable to reach | |
ja | ~jê- | v | be good | |
jįji | ~jįji- | v | give | |
jokka | -:jokkâ- | v | spoil, sabotage, cause trouble for | |
kam | -ˤkąb°- | v | chop, cut off | |
kari | -.ˤkarî- | v | chew | |
kęąga | -kęągâ- | v | be fit, be healthy | |
kebu | -.ˤkebu- | v | face, confront, resist | |
kęju | -.ˤkęju- | v | be black | |
kep | -ˤkep°- | v | be four | |
ket | -.ˤket- | v | be an aunt or uncle of; have as a niece or nephew | |
keyei | -ˤkeyeš- | v | venture, go out | |
keyu | -.ˤkeyu- | v | be kind, be generous, be outgoing | |
kįę | -kįę- | _V -kien- | v | be that many, be a certain number or amount |
kien | -kįęgˤ- | v | be round, be curved | |
kiepa | -ˤkiepê- | v | give, donate | |
kierbu | -kierbu- | v | regret, be sorry about | |
kierę | -.kierę‘- | _V -.kieren- | v | be nervous, be excited |
kiezu | -kiezu- | v | be many, be a large number | |
kiok | -ˤkiok.- | v | stir | |
kiorru | -kiorru- | v | injure, hurt (physically) | |
kioška | -kioška- | v | be naked, be bare, be unprotected | |
kiuku | -kiuku- | v | seek, look for | |
kkšo | -ˤkkšo- | v | compare | |
kos | -ˤkos- | v | dig | |
ksik | -ksik- | v | watch, look at | |
ksǫ | -.ˤksǫ- | _V -.ˤksǫxˤ- | v | finish, halt, cease, end |
kuek | -kuek.- | v | be ready, be prepared | |
kueyu | -kueyu- | v | turn | |
kuohe | -kuohe- | v | take, remove | |
meahan | -°meahąd- | v | exchange, trade | |
meiju | -°meiju- | v | help, be polite towards | |
meizi | -°meizi- | v | be sour | |
mešįę | -°mešįę- | _V -°mešien- | v | be sick |
mįǫ | -°mįǫ‘- | _V ~°biom°- | v | crumble, break down |
mįǫga | -°mįǫgâ- | v | defeat, conquer | |
moate | -°moate- | v | praise | |
monio | -°monio.- | _V -°moniov°- | v | mix, add, contribute |
morit | -°morit- | v | be important, be famous | |
mou | -°mur‘- | v | be seven | |
mušuo | -°mušuo- | _V -°mušouv°- | v | rule, govern, be higher in rank |
nębrįų | -nębrįų‘- | _V -nębrium°- | v | be confused, act irrationally, become mad |
neri | -nerî- | v | be old (of people and animals) | |
nįbra | -nįbrâ- | v | destroy | |
nįdo | -nįdo- | v | tie | |
niego | -niego- | v | try, attempt | |
nįęgo | -nįęgo- | v | concentrate on doing sth.; do with precision | |
niek | -niek- | v | be two; (tr.) be different from | |
niokkį | -niokkį‘- | _V -niokkin- | v | instigate; establish; manufacture |
nirbu | -nirbu- | v | be noble, be cultured, be elegant | |
niudą | -niudẽ‘- | _V -niuden- | v | hasten, hurry |
no | -no- | v | be one | |
nogi | -nogî- | v | roll | |
nǫųgot | -nǫųgot.- | v | meet, congregate, gather | |
nugi | -nugi- | v | be silent, be calm | |
nuškų | -nuškų‘- | _V -nuškun- | v | be lucky, be fortunate |
ǫdi | -ǫdi- | v | be heavy | |
oeče | -.oeče- | v | be lost, be gone | |
oggǫą | -oggǫą- | _V -oggum°- | v | be a parent of, have as a child |
ǫgo | -ǫgo- | v | draw (picture, image) | |
oniosko | -oniosko- | v | argue, compete, rival | |
ora | -or‘- | v | be nine | |
oššok | -oššokˤ- | v | get, acquire | |
ošu | -ošu- | v | be salty, be spicy, be tasty | |
ouvu | -ouvu- | v | be ashamed, be embarrassed | |
ǫxat | -ǫxat.- | v | explain, teach | |
pąxa | -°pąxâ- | v | be normal, be conventional, do sth. habitually | |
peaka | -°peakâ- | v | be thin, be narrow | |
pega | -°pegê- | v | beat, strike, hit | |
pehą | -°pehã- | v | be dry | |
pienunį | -°pienunį‘- | _V -°pienųgin- | v | be a friend of |
pima | -.°pimâ- | v | ban, forbid | |
pini | -.°pinî- | v | disagree, protest | |
piomoč | -°piomoč- | v | burn, be on fire | |
poniu | -°poniu.- | _V -°poniuv°- | v | think, suppose, be of the opinion that |
pora | -.°porê- | v | allow, permit | |
poša | -.°pošê- | v | leave traces | |
ppeno | -ˤppeno- | v | attract, fascinate | |
psęgge | -°psęgge- | v | throw | |
psek | -°psek.- | v | overwhelm, take by surprise | |
pšę | -°pšę‘- | _V -°pšen- | v | cook |
pšędo | -°pšędo- | v | open (of doors etc.) | |
pšon | -°pšǫd- | v | create, arrange, prepare, put together, build | |
re | -‘re- | v | be five | |
rę | -‘rę‘- | _V -‘ręxˤ- | v | put, place, set, move |
reba | -‘reba- | v | be strong, be powerful | |
reo | -‘reo.- | v | drink | |
ręǫga | -‘ręǫgâ- | v | hollow out | |
rife | -‘rife- | v | be a sister of | |
roska | -‘roska- | v | be thousand | |
rųbie | -‘rųbie- | v | celebrate, rejoice | |
ruko | -‘ruko- | v | be good-looking, be attractive | |
ruozak | -‘ruozakˤ.- | v | split, cut into pieces | |
rušu | -‘rušu- | v | pull | |
saha | -sahâ- | v | caress, console | |
sa | -sê- | v | be three | |
seak | -seag‘- | _V -sarg- | v | hold; own |
seagru | -seagru- | v | want, desire | |
sebre | -sebre- | v | say, speak, declare | |
sęgri | -sęgrî- | v | know | |
sekka | -sekkâ- | v | warn, notify | |
seniu | -seniu.- | _V -seniuv°- | v | suffice, be enough; be sated |
siem | -sįęb°- | v | collect | |
sieš | -sieš- | _V -siešk- | v | sing, recite |
sigo | -sigo- | v | be sweet | |
sisu | -sisu- | v | be autumn | |
skarį | -skarĩ‘- | _V -skarin- | v | pinch, squeeze |
skemoč | -skemoč- | v | be flooded | |
sko | -sko- | v | run, be quick | |
ssout | -ssout.- | v | be afraid | |
sųba | -sųbê- | v | destroy, damage, shatter | |
sųę | -sųę‘- | _V -suen- | v | be morning |
suokko | -suokko- | v | be blue | |
suot | -suot.- | v | be hard, be solid | |
šęąk | -šęąkˤ- | v | be visible | |
šebi | -šebi- | v | be insufficient; be hungry | |
šego | -šego- | v | be happy | |
šehe | -šehe- | v | catch, capture | |
šemut | -šemut- | v | be wide, be broad, be thick | |
šeru | -šeru- | v | be light (i.e. not heavy) | |
šęxo | -šęxo- | v | be long, be tall | |
šierru | -šierru- | v | swim | |
šįų | -šįų- | _V -šium°- | v | see, notice, witness |
škęąxa | -škęąxâ- | v | be evening | |
šogo | -šogo- | v | spread out, distribute, strew | |
ššadi | -ššadî- | v | bleed | |
ššęk | -ˤššęk- | v | be angry | |
ššǫų | -°ššǫų‘- | _V -°ššom°- | v | hear, listen |
štemo | -štemo- | v | ask, plead | |
šuoka | -šuokâ- | v | name, call, single out | |
tąron | -.tąrǫd- | v | plant, sow | |
tęje | -tęje- | v | cut, slit open | |
tere | -tere- | v | happen, occur | |
terenį | -terenį‘- | _V -teręgin- | v | cause |
teru | -.teru- | v | be summer | |
tįbu | -tįbu- | v | fight | |
tioge | -tioge- | v | be spring (season) | |
toakka | -toakkâ- | v | forbid; be strict towards | |
tok | -tokˤ.- | v | be six | |
tomeč | -.tomeč- | v | be new, be current | |
tsespi | -tsespi- | v | be sharp | |
tsiši | -tsiši- | v | be flat | |
tsumuk | -tsumuk- | v | be smooth, be soft, be pleasant | |
ttis | -°tteik.- | v | win, be victorious | |
tufo | -.tufo- | v | tell, narrate | |
tumu | -tumu- | v | eat | |
tuogo | -tuogo- | v | be sacred, be taboo | |
ųbo | -ųbo- | v | whisper, murmur, mumble | |
ųbxa | -ųbxâ- | v | put through, sift, strain | |
ukį | -ukį‘- | _V -ukin- | v | smile |
ukió | -ukió- | v | be young | |
ųko | -ųko- | v | climb | |
umosi | -umosî- | v | be ugly, be repulsive, be disgusting | |
uodǫ | -.uodǫ‘- | _V -°wodon- | v | follow up, do at a later time, continue |
ųǫggį | -.ųǫggį‘- | _V -ųǫggin- | v | pass, cross, transcend |
uora | -.uora- | v | be a child of, have as a parent | |
uorrą | -.uorrẽ- | v | be a type of | |
ura | -urê- | v | shout, yell | |
ųruši | -ųruši- | v | stack, pile up, keep | |
uték | -uték- | v | replace, substitute, stand in for | |
voma | ~°voma- | v | be reluctant, hesitate | |
vomonį | ~°vomonį‘- | _V ~°vomǫgin- | v | avoid |
xedi | ~ˤxedî- | v | lend, borrow | |
xoago | ~ˤxoago- | v | be unfocused, be distracted | |
xori | ~ˤxori- | v | expel, waste | |
zoum | ~zǫųb°- | v | match, be equal to | |
toe | tou | pron a | (1sg informal) | |
niu | nįęzu | pron a | (1sg polite physical) | |
nįdu | nįtsu | pron a | (1sg polite mental) | |
si | su | pron a | (1pl informal) | |
dįų | dįųzu | pron a | (1pl polite physical) | |
tędu | tętsu | pron a | (1pl polite mental) | |
ri | ru | pron a | (2sg informal) | |
sįų | sįųzu | pron a | (2sg polite physical) | |
sįdu | sįtsu | pron a | (2sg polite mental) | |
gi | gu | pron a | (2pl informal) | |
gįų | gįųzu | pron a | (2pl polite physical) | |
kįdu | kįtsu | pron a | (2pl polite mental) | |
katti | pl gatti, obl katsu | pron a | (proximal demonstrative: male adult human) | |
kasko | pl gasko, obl kato | pron a | (medial demonstrative: male adult human) | |
kotoe | pl gotoe, obl kotu | pron a | (distal demonstrative: male adult human) | |
rįdi | pl dįdi, obl rįzu | pron a | (proximal demonstrative: female adult human) | |
rąko | pl dęąko, obl rąxo | pron a | (medial demonstrative: female adult human) | |
rųve | pl dįųve, obl rinu | pron a | (distal demonstrative: female adult human) | |
šǫdi | pl yǫdi, obl šǫzu | pron a | (proximal demonstrative: child) | |
šǫko | pl yǫko, obl šǫxo | pron a | (medial demonstrative: child) | |
šǫve | pl yǫve, obl šomu | pron a | (distal demonstrative: child) | |
fųǫrri | pl numorri, obl fųǫzu, pl.obl numouzu | pron a | (proximal demonstrative: large animal) | |
fǫąko | pl numoako, obl fǫąho | pron a | (medial demonstrative: large animal) | |
fǫųve | pl numouve, obl fuonu, pl.obl numouru | pron a | (distal demonstrative: large animal) | |
bradi | pl nuradi, obl brasu | pron a | (proximal demonstrative: small animal) | |
brako | pl nurako, obl braho | pron a | (medial demonstrative: small animal) | |
brofe | pl nurofe, obl brou | pron a | (distal demonstrative: small animal) | |
šinį | pl nerinį, obl šįzu | pron i | (proximal demonstrative: large or bulky object) | |
šękǫ | pl nerąkǫ, obl šęxǫ | pron i | (medial demonstrative: large or bulky object) | |
šųvę | pl nerųvę, obl šinu | pron i | (distal demonstrative: large or bulky object) | |
skuedį | pl neskuedį, obl skuezu | pron i | (proximal demonstrative: small object) | |
skoakǫ | pl neskoakǫ, obl skoaho | pron i | (medial demonstrative: small object) | |
skuevę | pl neskuevę, obl skuevu | pron i | (distal demonstrative: small object) | |
psidį | pl niotidį, obl psisu | pron i | (proximal demonstrative: long object) | |
psekǫ | pl niotekǫ, obl pseho | pron i | (medial demonstrative: long object) | |
psifę | pl niotifę, obl psiu | pron i | (distal demonstrative: long object) | |
wenį | pl nuonį, obl węzu, pl.obl nųǫzu | pron i | (proximal demonstrative: flat object) | |
wąkǫ | pl nǫąkǫ, obl wąxo | pron i | (medial demonstrative: flat object) | |
wąvę | pl nǫųvę, obl wenu, pl.obl nuonu | pron i | (distal demonstrative: flat object) | |
hiotį | pl niotį, obl hessu | pron i | (proximal demonstrative: soft object) | |
hiokǫ | pl niokǫ, obl hioho | pron i | (medial demonstrative: soft object) | |
heffę | pl neffę, obl hefu | pron i | (distal demonstrative: soft object) | |
gronį | pl neronį, obl grǫzu | pron i | (proximal demonstrative: hollow container) | |
grǫkǫ | pl nerǫkǫ, obl grǫxo | pron i | (medial demonstrative: hollow container) | |
grǫvę | pl nerǫvę, obl grǫvu | pron i | (distal demonstrative: hollow container) | |
wittį | obl wiču | pron i coll | (proximal demonstrative: liquid) | |
wekkǫ | obl weko | pron i coll | (medial demonstrative: liquid) | |
wikkǫę | obl wigu | pron i coll | (distal demonstrative: liquid) | |
hadį | obl hasu | pron i coll | (proximal demonstrative: granular mass) | |
hakǫ | obl hako | pron i coll | (medial demonstrative: granular mass) | |
hofę | obl huo | pron i coll | (distal demonstrative: granular mass) | |
brųge= | brųgˤ- | pp | before (locative with dir, temporal with obl) | |
dioge= | diogˤ- | pp +obl | with regard to, for the purpose of | |
dį= | dų- | pp | on, at (locative with dir, temporal with obl) | |
koge= | kogˤ- | pp +obl | within view distance of | |
ke= | kˤ- | pp +obl | of, belonging to | |
ouge= | ougˤ- | pp +obl | inside of | |
še= | š- | pp | as, under the name of (with dir); behind, beyond (with obl) | |
spo= | sp°- | pp +obl | throughout, among, all around | |
suske= | suskˤ- | pp +obl | relevant to, associated with | |
tsǫge= | tsǫgˤ- | pp +obl | touching; outside of | |
tu= | tu- | pp +dir | towards, in the direction of, on the way to | |
wę= | weni- | pp | near, close to (locative with dir, temporal with obl) | |
ye= | y- | pp +dir | above, on top of | |
yekke= | yekkˤ- | pp +obl | after (temporal) | |
ąčo | -ąčo- | n i | case, box, chest | |
m·ahanǫ | -ahanǫ‘- | m·ahanų | n a coll | market day |
h·ami | -ami- | n i | axe | |
h·apąxe | -apąxe- | h·apąxo | n i | shore, coastline |
w·osomu | -asomu- | n a | otter | |
h·ąta | -ąta- | n i | junction, crossroads | |
bęįko | -°bęįko- | bęįju | n i poss | fist |
biuna | ~°biuna- | n i | yerba mate tree | |
psei | -°brir- | psiru | n i | cliff |
pšoho | -°broho- | n i | door, gate | |
o·brųǫ | -°brųǫ- | o·brųǫ | n a poss | face, front side |
bxoum | -°bxǫųb°- | bxoumu | n i | board, piece of wood |
čatsén | -čatsę́d- | čatsenu | n a | law, rule, decision |
čedo | -čedo- | n i | river bend | |
čege | -čege- | n a | alliance | |
čęgrem | -čęgręb- | čę́gremu | n i | cup, mug |
ček | -.ček- | češu | n i | fruit, berry, nut |
českio | -českio- | českiu | n i | word, statement, opinion |
o·čet | -.čet.- | o·česu | n a | bird |
dįęvo | -dįęvo- | n i | rock, stone (individual) | |
dųba | ~dųba- | dumu | n i | burden, load |
o·dųǫt | -dųǫt- | o·dųǫzu | n a | spring, well |
o·dxą | -dxą- | o·dxǫ | n a | raccoon |
h·eggro | -eggro- | n i | tip (of a spear or arrow) | |
y·egiu | -egiu- | y·egiu | n i coll | gold |
h·éhuną | -éhuną‘- | h·éhunų | n i | bracelet |
h·eine | -eine- | n i poss | forehead, upper side | |
n·ekksiet | -ekksiet- | n·ekkseizu | n i | firewood (piece of) |
w·ekou | -ekou- | w·ekou | n a | torch, flame |
w·emeni | -emeni- | n a | deer | |
h·enuru | -enuru- | n i | fur | |
h·ergoe | -ergoe- | h·ergou | n i | plain, lowlands |
esųę́ | -esųę́‘- | esuenu | n i descr | morning |
ęšpa | -ęšpa- | n i | thread, string, cord | |
w·eyora | -eyora- | n a | cockroach | |
i·feke | -°feke- | n i coll | flour | |
i·fǫą | -°fǫą- | i·fǫhu | n i coll | mountain range |
i·fodįęt | -°fodįęt.- | i·fodįęzu | n i coll | sand |
fųįdi | -°fųįdih- | fuinu | n a | songbird |
gara | -gara- | n a | squirrel | |
ǫ·gie | ~gie- | ǫ·giu | n a poss | chest (body part) |
gieba | ~gieba- | gievu | n i | sinew, tendon |
o·gįęgga | -gįęgga- | o·gęąho | n a | duck, goose |
ǫ·giepši | ~giepši- | n a | woodpecker | |
i·ginįę | -ginįę‘- | i·ginįų | n i coll | bark (of a tree) |
o·gįǫt | -gįǫt- | o·gįǫzu | n a | frog |
o·grem | -gręb°- | o·gremu | n a | stream, current (of water) |
grénebę | -grénebę‘- | grénebų | n a | mosquito |
grum | -ˤgrųb°- | grumu | n i | oak |
e·gueni | -ˤgueni- | n i coll | gravel | |
o·hęąt | -ˤhęąt- | o·hęązu | n a | sheep |
h·enat | -(h)enat- | henasu | n i | bone |
hom | -ˤhǫb°- | homu | n a poss | tooth |
o·hǫę | -°hǫęhˤ- | o·hǫęhu | n a | egg |
h·ǫrruo | -(h)ǫrruo- | h·ǫrrou | n i | needle (of a coniferous tree) |
h·ubųǫ | -(h)ubųǫ- | h·ubųǫ | n i | fence, wall |
w·ibo | -ibo- | w·ifu | n a poss | finger |
h·idiu | -idiu- | h·idiu | n i poss | chaff, husk |
m·įędi | -įędi- | n a coll | snow | |
m·ienas | -ienas- | n a coll poss | shoulders | |
yenǫę | -ienom°- | yénomu | n a | star |
w·irget | -irget- | w·irgesu | n a | kobold, dwarf |
h·išie | -išie- | h·išiu | n i | purpose, goal |
ǫ·juip | -juip°- | ǫ·juivu | n a poss | ear |
kak | -ˤkak- | kašu | n a | raven |
kárrina | -kárrina- | n a | couple | |
keme | -.ˤkeme- | n a | eagle | |
kidu | -kidu- | n a poss | joint, wrist, ankle | |
kiehesput | -kiehesput.- | kiehespusu | n i | net |
kes | -ˤkiekˤ- | kieko | n i | house |
kiere | -kiere- | n a | crayfish | |
kieta | -kieta- | kiesu | n a poss | language, speech, voice |
o·kige | -.kige- | o·kišu | n a poss | mouth |
kione | -kione- | n i | hammock | |
i·kiu | -.kiu- | i·kiu | n i coll | milk |
komǫ | -komǫ‘- | komų | n a | hawk |
kora | -ˤkora- | n a | enemy, adversary, rival | |
o·ksik | -ˤksik- | o·ksišu | n a | sun |
ksoum | -ˤksǫųb°- | ksoumu | n i poss | seed |
e·kšų | -ˤkšǫxˤ- | e·kšǫxo | n i coll | grain, cereal |
kšusa | -kšusa- | n i | food, meal | |
kuoki | -ˤkuokî- | kuošu | n a | mole |
kųǫxe | -.kųǫxe- | kųǫxo | n i | melon |
o·meini | -°meinî- | n a poss | mother | |
mieču | -°mieču- | mieču | n i | hill |
miek | -°miek- | miešu | n i | path, way, road |
miok | -°miokˤ- | mioho | n i poss | side, edge, boundary |
muha | -°muha- | n i | bush | |
nárdana | -nárdana- | n i | brick | |
o·našta | -našta- | n a | status, prestige, nobility, power | |
neari | -nearih- | nearihu | n i poss | shrine, temple |
nęįja | -nęija- | n i | cheese | |
neškiumu | -neškiumu- | n a | butterfly | |
nįdomo | -nįdomo- | n i | harbor | |
nie | -nieh- | niehu | n a | rabbit, hare |
nieti | -nieti- | niezu | n i | shirt |
niga | -niga- | n i | cave | |
nioššį | -nioššį- | nioššų | n a poss | back (body part), rear side |
nirmiok | -nirmiokˤ- | nirmioho | n i | horizon |
notu | -notu- | nosu | n a poss | thumb |
noubit | -noubit- | noubisu | n i | rope |
o·nųǫbruk | -nųǫbruk- | o·nųǫbrušu | n a | chipmunk |
nuok | -nuok- | nuoju | n i | bowl |
i·nųǫgu | -nųǫgu- | n i coll | news, knowledge, facts | |
y·ǫ́daha | -ǫ́daha- | n i coll | metal; bronze | |
ogoe | -ogoe- | ogou | n a | field, arable land |
w·ǫgre | -ǫgre- | n a | turtle | |
ómari | -ómari- | n a | (ethnonym: the speakers of Omari) | |
h·omǫ | -omǫ‘- | h·omų | n i | chair |
m·ǫręxo | -ǫręxo- | m·ǫręxo | n a coll poss | tradition; culture |
óteme | -óteme- | n a | (ethnonym: the speakers of Wokatasuto) | |
h·oto | -oto- | n i | town | |
w·otsį | -otsęxˤ- | w·otsęxo | n a | snake |
w·ǫųdo | -ǫųdo- | w·ǫųzu | n a | cow |
paha | -.°paha- | n a | lion | |
pąręą | -.°pąręą‘- | pąrįų | n a | air, weather |
piča | -.°piča- | n i | sword | |
piek | -°piekˤ- | pieho | n i | pattern, decoration |
piezo | -°piezo- | pieru | n a | year |
mo·fįǫ | -°piom°- | mo·fiomu | n a coll | smoke |
o·pǫąt | -.°pǫąt.- | n a | insect | |
o·pses | -°pses- | o·pseru | n a poss | arm, hand |
psi | -.°psi- | psu | n i | forest |
o·psut | -°psut- | o·psusu | n a | tree |
psutįębo | -°psutįębo- | psutiemu | n i | bridge |
o·pšemu | -°pšemu- | n a | person | |
pugro | -.°pugro- | n i | small path, trail | |
rąboka | -‘rąboka- | n a | grasshopper | |
sąxa | -‘rąxâ- | sąxo | n i | characteristic feature |
i·reovu | -‘reovu- | n i coll | wax | |
o·rep | -‘rep°.- | o·refu | n a | chicken |
šos | -‘ros- | šoru | n i | river mouth |
o·rreha | -rreha- | n a poss | head | |
subu | -‘rubu- | n i | plant | |
gruni | ~runî- | n i | shaft, twig | |
rųǫ | -‘ruon- | n i | lake | |
sešet | -sešet.- | sešesu | n i poss | knee, elbow; corner |
sete | -sete- | sesu | n a | lizard |
o·skemi | -skemi- | n a | river | |
o·skįǫri | -skįǫri- | n a | creek, brook | |
sošto | -sošto- | n i | coat | |
i·soup | -soup°.- | i·souvu | n i coll | beans |
o·stenę | -stenę‘- | o·stenįų | n a | drum |
i·suene | -suene- | n i coll | clothing | |
o·suenu | -suenu- | n a | family, clan, lineage | |
suono | -suono- | n i | sling (weapon) | |
suot | -suot- | suozu | n i | sky |
i·šane | -šane- | n i coll | rice | |
šąxo | -šąxo- | šąxo | n i coll poss | blood, life, vitality |
šemi | -šemi- | n i | soup, stew | |
šęį | -šeni- | šeniu | n a poss | body |
o·šespa | -šespa- | n a | tattoo | |
šįda | -šįda- | šinu | n i | stick, branch, rod |
šiha | -šiha- | n i poss | roof, lid, cover | |
širu | -širu- | n a | child | |
o·škeako | -škeako- | o·škeaho | n a poss | leg, foot |
o·škiezo | -škiezo- | o·škieru | n a | owl |
šǫąka | -šǫąkah- | šǫąkahu | n i | scoop, spoon |
o·šónomǫ | -šónomǫ‘- | o·šónomų | n a | nobleman |
šoro | -šoro- | n i poss | top, summit, peak | |
špąxa | -špąxa- | špąxo | n i | ball, sphere, chunk, lump |
špida | -špida- | špisu | n i poss | hole |
štošo | -štošo- | štoru | n i | helmet |
tede | -.tede- | tesu | n a | hero, idol, legendary character |
tega | -.tega- | tešu | n i | valley |
i·tei | -.tei- | i·teiju | n i coll | meat |
o·teni | -tenî- | n a poss | father | |
tergu | -tergu- | n a | flute | |
téritęą | -.téritęą‘- | teritęąru | n a | (ethnonym: the speakers of Tari) |
o·tiehonu | -.tiehonu- | n a | livestock | |
tiska | -tiska- | n i poss | waist, middle, center | |
tomeč | -.tomeč- | n a | (ethnonym: the speakers of Tumetıęk) | |
tomu | -tomu- | n i | village | |
tono | -.tono- | n i | bag, sack | |
tosta | -.tosta- | n i poss | fitness, physical strength | |
tǫųra | -.tǫųra- | n a | carp | |
tsę | -tsęxˤ- | tsęxo | n i poss | hair |
tsiskǫę | -tsiskoni- | tsiskoniu | n i poss | custom, tradition |
o·tsorro | -tsorro- | n a | robin (bird) | |
tsųį | -tsuni- | tsuniu | n i poss | skin |
tuo | -.tuo- | tou | n i | region, territory |
tou | -.tus- | turu | n a | fish |
tusįę | -.tusįę- | tusįų | n i | fish scale |
v·ųdeni | -ųdeni- | n a | bee | |
ufueni | -ufueni- | n a poss | belly, stomach, inside | |
v·ųjeme | -ųjeme- | n a | visitor, guest | |
h·umu | -umu- | n i | flower | |
h·upsu | -upsu- | n i | spear | |
v·usųǫ | -usųǫ- | v·usųǫ | n a poss | horn |
o·vǫąta | -°vǫątah- | o·vǫątahu | n a | swallow (bird) |
mǫ·vouda | ~°vouda- | mǫ·vouzu | n a coll poss | lips; rim, opening |
i·wąxa | -°wąxâ- | i·wąxo | n i coll | rock, stone (as a material) |
ǫ·zeyo | ~zeyo- | n a | rogue, troublemaker | |
zoato | ~zoato- | zoazo | n i | pumpkin |
ga | cj | (topic particle) | ||
ni | cj | (focus particle) | ||
hą | cj | but, however | ||
hannoa | cj | but then, but next, on the contrary | ||
ši | cj | and, also | ||
šęxoa | cj | and then, next, afterwards | ||
še | cj | (question particle) | ||
dik | adv | not at all (negative emphasis marker) | ||
eki | adv | indeed, in fact, really | ||
eteruts | adv | always | ||
katte | adv | as usual, in the traditional way | ||
šuozu | adv | today |