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This is a lexicon of Hkətl’ohnim. Stem types are explained in the morphology section of the grammar; irregular forms (at least those which are necessary to decline/conjugate the word correctly) are given in the morphology column. ‹› in verb stems means that the part before the brackets is a preverb and the part after the brackets is the main verb stem; a thematic object may be incorporated between these two parts. A vowel in between the brackets (i.e. ‹ə› or ‹a›) will be present in a form with no incorporated theme.

588 words.

Entry Morphology Stem (capital) Stem (caudal) POS Definition
əłtērək adv else, otherwise
hahtaq adv unfortunately
hōnsu adv every day
huhku adv long ago
latsu adv so, therefore
mu adv then, next
səresu adv someday
šīq adv truly, really, indeed
tərēn adv now; today
ān cj but, however
nīn cj when, while
so cj because
ši cj and
ahp instr āhu H n tail, buttocks, end, rear side
ahuň prox ahweni-, dist ahwemu- M n side, edge, boundary, shore
ałma H n horn, antler
ansəm HN n visitor, guest
ap’mə H n obstacle, barrier, fence
čak Q n fruit, berry, nut
čat HT n fort, stronghold
čiču H n constellation
čirkə H n field, arable land
čīlə pl nīlə Q n scorpion
čīm HN n person; human being
čīsqa H n word
čō erg čoł, instr čū, gen čō H n nail, pin, spike, thorn, splinter
č’uła instr č’ōlu Q n meal
č’ūn acc č’ōmən M n grain, seed
eħo H n torch, flame
elp instr īhu, dist īlqʷ- Q n valley
etl’ət Q n firewood (piece of)
ēyə H n shoe
əhułmə H n shaman, priest
ənlēmu H n tradition; culture; way of life
ənōru H n animal skin/hide; leather
ənsohtə H n pumpkin
əráq Q n knife
ərīrəm HN n herdsman
haht pl hmaht, instr hēsu, prox hēt’i-, dist hēqʷ- Q n small path, trail
hān hnyāyən M n fur
hčik H n jaw, cheek, chin
hiwə pl hniwə, acc hēn, prox hēt-, dist hēħ- H n snake
hkēya prox hkēnti- HN n charisma, personality
hmāt instr hmīsu, prox hmōti-, dist hmōqʷ- Q n goat
hmətō H n plain, lowlands
hmuh Q n egg
hmuta HT n mouth, lips
hnī erg hnił, instr hnū, gen hnī H n back (body part)
hnoh Q n mountain
hnyān Q n mosquito
hołi H n name
hołta pl hmołta, instr hūsu HT n rowboat, canoe
hot’nit hmot’nisən Q n dirt, dust, sand (pl: dusty/sandy area)
hōnə pl hmōnə HN n songbird
hōni pl hmōni Q n pine tree
hōrə H n nation, ethnic group, tribe
hpita HT n hole
htet Q n sap, syrup
htoš instr htūru Q n hat, cap
hunči pl hmunči H n needle (of a coniferous tree)
hūm pl hmūm Q n tooth, edge, peak
ħēm pl nyēm, 2sg əlqēm HN n hawk, eagle
ħqoh Q n liver
ič’i H n tip (of a spear or arrow)
ipū H n wall
īnət acc īntən, instr īnsu Q n bone
īni H n salt
īya prox īnti- HN n forehead; promontory; roof
īyəp acc īmpən, instr īyu, dist īniqʷ- Q n scar; mark; piece of evidence
kahu H n rock, boulder
kanša H n iron
katu pl nitu HT n arm
kāmi H n axe
kāspət nyāspəsən Q n net
kesa pl nisa Q n statement, speech, proverb
kēri H n girl, unmarried woman
kəhnōm HN n grapes
kəyēn HN n sail
kopōči H n squirrel
kōku H n sheep
kōnim pl mōnim HN n chieftain, king
kūm pl nyūm Q n current of water, rapids, waterfall
kūya pl mūya, prox kūnti- HN n hammock
kʷayə H n world
lahni instr lahmu H n anomaly, something that stands out
lapu H n leaf (of a deciduous tree)
lātə H n wind, air
līku H n beast, predatory animal
līnyu H n scoop, spoon
lōn acc lūnən M n lake
łāyə H n shoulder
łənčūm HN n warrior
łohu Q n day, daytime, daylight
łut acc łusən, prox łōti-, dist łōqʷ- Q n heart
łū erg łuł, instr/gen łū H n nose
maltu H n boy, unmarried man
matsə H n wheat
māhi pl nəhmāhi Q n flint (piece of)
mek Q n path, way
mestu H n hill
mēna HN n yerba mate tree
miham HN n village square, meadow, glade
mīni HN n deer, stag
mīyu prox mīnti- HN n mother
mōšin M n body, spine, skeleton, supporting frame, joist
mukʷ Q n bowl, dish, plate
mumpəkʷ Q n chipmunk
mupət acc mut’ən, instr mutsu Q n rope
mūyə H n center, middle; belly
nakʷ H n case, box, any solid and closable container
nal Q n land, country, region
nalmaqʷ H n horizon
nałtə instr nāsu HT n language
nām HN n food, provisions, supplies
nānəm HN n harbor, landing-place for boats
nāntaħ instr nāntsu Q n belt, leash, restraint
nika H n cave
niskōmu HN n butterfly
nita pl nəyuta H n family, clan, lineage
nīr pl nəsnīr, prox nīti-, dist nīqʷ- Q n crowd (of people); herd (of animals); group (of things)
nīšə Q n shrine, temple
nosu Q n thumb
nōwə H n stone, piece of gravel
erg nuł, instr/gen H n mind, soul, spirit, face
nyači Q n woodpecker
nyap H n sinew, tendon, string, cord
nyastə instr nyāsu HT n shirt, any light garment for the upper body
nyā pl nəsnyā H n raccoon
nyāqa pl nəhnyāqa H n duck
ohkʷ instr ūšu H n moon
ohni pl mohni H n mineral, ore (pl: piece of mineral)
onēni HN n bee
onqa H n turtle
ōmu HN n flower
ōtlən M n worm
pakū H n fist
palə H n hand
pōhu H n highland
p’ohmu H n melon
qat pl nyat HT n man, husband
qoħqu pl moħqu H n mole
rapa H n mushroom
rāna (-ōna-) pl nōna, 2sg lōna HN n woman, wife
riwī H n shrub, bush
rīwə H n wax
ros Q n river mouth
sahta pl nərahta H n beak
saka pl naka H n bottom of a cliff, canyon, ravine
sast pl nərast, instr sāsu, prox sašit-, dist sašiqʷ- Q n corner, joint
sēru pl nərēru H n infant, baby
set pl net, 2sg əltet HT n god, benevolent spirit
skaħo instr skahu Q n leg, foot
skəłō H n owl
skohtət instr skohtsu Q n honey
skuhōmu Q n prisoner, slave
smēn HN n sling (weapon)
smihnu H n hearth, fireplace; home
sōp pl nərōp, instr sāhu, prox sūti-, dist sūqʷ- Q n beans (portion of)
sqēmi pl naħēmi HN n river
stūya prox stūnti- HN n drum
suči H n strength, power
suł pl nuł, instr sōlu Q n fish
sułt instr sōsu Q n coat, poncho
sus pl nus, instr sōru Q n table, altar
susu H n sea, ocean
sūmu HN n otter
sūtə H n domesticated animal, livestock
šahmu H n blood
šastla pl nyastla H n column, pole, mast, beam
šāna pl nərāna HN n stick, branch, rod
šihmulu pl nihmūlu, 2sg əltihmūlu Q n game animal
šīmi pl nərīmi HN n soup, stew
šīspa pl nərīspa H n tattoo; magical symbol
šohə pl mohə Q n milk
šohtən pl nərohtən HN n bag, sack
šohūn pl mohūn HN n cow
tarpə H n horse
telkʷ pl nelkʷ, instr tīšu H n flute
tēwə H n bed
tēyu pl nēyu, prox tēnti- HN n father
tisu H n seagull
tīkə H n insect
toha pl noha Q n head
tuči H n dog
tuhmə pl nuhmə H n hunter
tūmu pl nūmu HN n village, settlement
t’ēň acc t’īnin M n hair (on the head); beard
t’ī erg t’ił, instr t’ū, gen t’ī H n forest, woods
tlak Q n sun
tlasmun acc tlásmuyən M n law, rule, custom
tlāt’mət Q n spring, well
tlēwə H n water
tlir acc tlērən, prox tlēti-, dist tlēqʷ- Q n cliff, promontory, slope
tliškə instr tlēšu H n tool, instrument
tlit Q n medicine, herbs, remedy
tlūn acc tlōyən M n skin (of a person)
tset acc tsesən, prox čīti-, dist čīqʷ- Q n bird
tsotu HT n robin
tsutēmu HN n bridge, catwalk
ulkət pl mulkət Q n evil spirit
usku pl musku, instr wōšu H n door, gate
uskʷāsəm pl muskʷāsəm, 2sg əlpuskʷāsəm HN n guard, watchman
uškʷ pl muškʷ H n storm, rough seas
utl’a H n dew
utsu prox usti-, dist ōsqʷ- Q n spear
uyūn pl muyūn HN n sailboat
ūrəp acc ūrun, instr ūru, gen ūpa, prox ūrt’i-, dist ūraqʷ- Q n chicken
ūyə H n ant
wahə pl mahə, 2sg əlpahə Q n lion
warin pl marin, 2sg əlparin HN n sailor, seaman, traveller
wāpu pl māpu H n house, building
wēm pl mēm M n smoke
wihmə pl mihmə, 2sg əlpihmə H n artist, creative person
wiq pl miq Q n pattern, decoration
wis pl mis, instr wēru Q n year
wīti pl mīti H n pair of eyes
wohmə pl mohmə H n footprint, track
yāmə H n gazelle, roe deer
nya particle (topic marker)
ōni particle (focus marker; signals a new section of a narrative)
qa= pp of, belonging to, associated with
č’o-ʷ C V+ v dt compare
əl‹›čokʷ- V C v dt share y with x
əlm‹ə›šoh-ʷ V C v dt bring, send, supply x with y
əłt‹ə›roh-ʷ V C v dt take out of (a container)
h‹ə›rēň~ C N+ v dt carry across, take beyond
hastə-ʷ hny v dt promise, vow
hkašapə- C v dt remove, take away
hnīt- C C v dt give (temporarily); lend
htēm-ʷ C C v dt ask, inquire
im‹ə›k’mēni- C v dt wrap y around x
k’mēni- C v dt cover x with y
lahtlə- C v dt teach
mihan-ˀ C ʔ+ v dt exchange, trade
ːmītəň~ ːN/p N+ v dt change y into x
ːnōmi- ːN/t v dt exceed, surpass
nšihni- C V v dt grant (as a privilege), bestow upon (as a reward)
ošił- V C v dt persuade, convince x of y
qan‹›šoh-ʷ ~_ -ːnin‹›šoh-ʷ ny C v dt take out of (a bounded area)
qełpa- ny v dt dedicate, devote, sacrifice
runān-ʷ r/u C v dt connect with, attach to
s‹›mihan-ˀ C ʔ+ v dt replace x with y, substitute
s‹›pohnin~ʸ C N v dt request y from x; give y as a task to y
s‹ə›rēň~ C N+ v dt give (permanently)
səy‹›ōň~ n (t) N+ v dt put into (a bounded area)
st‹›ōň~ C N+ v dt put into (a container)
ših‹›kuhə- C v dt introduce, mention, remind x of y
tārə- C v dt put
ʰahmu-ʷ V V v it be white
ahnī- V V v it live, be alive
aħq- V C v it be full
alt-ˀ V ʔ v it stand, be upright, be in vertical position
ānə- V v it be warm, be hot
čītuqʷ-ˀ C ʔ v it hunt for birds
ehp- V C v it be dry, be barren
ełəň- V C v it breathe
epu- V V v it dare, be courageous, be proud
ēnku- V V v it roll, turn
ēntə- V V v it be ten
ērət-ˀ _V -ērt- V ʔ v it be painful, be sore, hurt
ēyu-ʷ V V v it come, arrive, return, finish, complete
əhē-ʷ V V v it be honest, be trustworthy
əhīsqʷ- V C v it stumble, fall
əhtlīlə- V v it be seriously injured
əlt‹›āya- _TV -əlt‹›ān- V v it flee, escape
əltōn- V C v it grow
əša- _ː -əšā- V V+ v it be male
əšuqʷ-ˀ V ʔ v it be bad, be problematic, have disadvantages
əwōnu-ʷ V V v it travel a lot; be a vagabond; be able to deal with obstacles easily
hān- hm C v it be important, be notable, be famous
hāri- hny v it hide oneself, be hidden, disappear, vanish
hāyə- hm v it agree
he- hm V+ v it be eight
hehtlu-ʷ hny V v it swim, float
hēmət-ˀʷ _V -hēnt- hny ʔ v it be wide, be broad, be vast, be spacious
hēta- C v it be big, be large
hke-ʷ _ː -hčī-ʷ C V+ v it be youthful, be young
hməltuqʷ-ˀ C ʔ v it hunt for large game
hnek-ˀ C ʔ v it be annoyed, be angry, be enraged
hoha- m (p) v it interrupt; disturb; pose a challenge; cause a delay
htut-ˀʷ C ʔ v it wake up, arise
hut-ʷ hm C+ v it go, walk
hwał- m (p) C v it be thick
ħoših- ~_ -ːmuših- m (q) C v it be a landslide
inokʷ- V C v it dive, sink
īku- V V v it jump; move swiftly
īltə-ʷ V v it dance
īň~ V N+ v it be each, be every
īta- V V v it be green
kasu-ʷ ny v it be many, be a large number
kān~ C N+ v it be that many, be a certain number or amount
kentsə- n v it be round, be curved
kēniň- C C v it recover (from a disease or injury)
kətl’oh-ʷ ny C v it speak a language, know a language
kohka- C V v it be naked, be bare
kosku- m v it be obvious, be evident, be well-known
kūha- C V v it be blue
łahon~ʷ _V -łahn- C N v it do, perform (of physical activities)
łału-ʷ C v it be autumn
łān~ʸ C N+ v it run
łēn-ʷ C C v it be sacred, be holy
łīnčih-ʷ C C v it fight (in a war)
ːma- ːN/p V+ v it be all
mahton~ʷ C N v it be initiated into adulthood
m‹›asni- C V v it be sick, be ill
ːmat-ˀ ːN/p ʔ v it be siblings
ːmat’nik-ˀ ːN/p ʔ v it be exactly alike each other; be twins
mayu- C V v it take a break, rest
mālt-ˀ C ʔ v it be interesting, be fascinating
m‹ə›lkēn- C C v it sail, travel by sea
mpohə- C v it be loud, be aggressive
mul-ʷ C C v it be seven
nikahə- C v it hunt for small game
ːnīnu-ʷ F_ -kēnu-ʷ ːN/k v it insist
nīrə- C v it be old (of people and animals)
no-ʷ C V+ v it be one
nokʷ- C C v it move, be in motion
ntluhon~ʷ _V -ntluhn- C N v it happen, occur
nuku- C v it be silent, be calm
nuł-ʷ C C v it sit, kneel, be in a crouched position
ːnyaqā- ːN/q V v it fly
ːnyāmu-ʷ ːN/k V v it show attention to detail
ʰohmu-ʷ V V v it be easy, be simple
ołtə- V v it be forgotten, pass into oblivion
ontēn~ V N+ v it paddle, row
osun~ V N v it sleep
ot’mən~ V N v it follow up, do at a later time, continue
ōra- V v it shout, yell
pałaq-ˀ m ʔ v it thunder (of weather), rumble, growl
pasq-ˀ m ʔ v it extend, be long, be tall
petlaq-ˀ m ʔ v it lightning (of weather); strike suddenly and violently
pēħa- m v it be slim, be thin, be skinny
pīməts- _T/N -pīməs-, _V -pīnts- m C v it burn, be on fire
pīnu-ʷ m v it be friends
poł-ʷ m C v it vomit
pu-ʷ C V+ v it be closed (of doors etc.)
qałč’ūn-ˀʷ ny ʔ+ v it settle down
qep-ˀ ny ʔ v it be four
qēh- ny C v it move downward
re- r/o V+ v it be five
risu- C V v it sneak; move stealthily
rōm- r/o C v it celebrate, rejoice
rusku- C v it be strong, be powerful, be healthy
sa- C V+ v it be three
saht- C C v it be hard, be solid
sal- n (t) C v it be red
seč- _T/N -šīš- C C v it be weak, be fragile
sēlu-ʷ n (t) v it be summer
sēmu-ʷ C v it be amusing, be funny
səhnīk-ˀ C ʔ v it be dangerous
səłkʷahə- C v it fish
skəhpoha- C v it leave traces
skilt-ˀ C ʔ v it be nighttime
skorawə- C v it be skilled
smēn~ m N+ v it be morning, be early in the day
snyaq’ni- ny V v it appear, emerge, come out into view
soq’u- C v it be clear, be sunny (of weather)
sqo-ʷ C V+ v it be fast, be quick, be agile
sūməts- _T/N -sūməs-, _V -sūnts- n (t) C v it be new
šahi- C v it spit
šat- C C v it bleed
šatl’ə- C v it die (of an injury), bleed to death
šima- C V v it be empty
šīlin~ʷ ny (k) N v it be weird, behave in an unpredictable way
šīrə- C v it laugh, smile
tahə- n v it be surprised, be intrigued
tahnim~ n N v it kiss (each other)
tašp- C C v it be valuable, be precious
tayāt- C C v it be black, be dark
teqʷ- n C v it be spring (season)
tēš- n C v it be shocked, be horrified, be disgusted
tīm-ˀ n ʔ+ v it be female
tomēra- C v it survive, remain, stay
toqʷ- n C+ v it be six
tosqʷ-ˀ n ʔ v it be old (of objects)
tukʷ- n C v it be forbidden, be prohibited; be self-disciplined
t’iłk-ˀ C ʔ v it win, be victorious
t’mu-ʷ C V+ v it be straight (not bent, unbowed)
tlāts- _T/N -tlās- C C v it be flooded
tletu-ʷ C v it be sleepy, be tired
tlēšinim~ C N v it hug, embrace (each other)
tlīmu-ʷ C V v it be still, be without motion, play dead
tloh-ʷ C C v it talk, chatter
tlōmək-ˀ _V -tlōnk- C ʔ v it be soft, be comfortable, be appropriate; (of people) be content, be at ease
tlōmun~ʸ C N v it rain
tsaspi- C V v it be sharp
tsaši- C v it be flat, be smooth
tsawə- C v it be yellow
tseh- C C v it be cold
tsēħan-ʷ C C v it be able
tsułtu-ʷ C v it die (of old age or of an illness), be dead
tsumō-ʷ C V v it be experienced
ūhə- V v it be ashamed, be embarrassed
ūla- V v it be nine
ūmaħ-ʷ V v it be laborious, be difficult
ūni- V v it be heavy
ūyəsqʷ- V C v it be rivals
wiši- C v it be stained, be spoiled, be damaged; (of people) have committed an act of wrongdoing
wōnsok-ˀ C ʔ v it be rich, be wealthy
yači- C v it sing
yak-ˀ ny ʔ v it be two
yān-ʷ C C v it do, perform, carry out (of mental or social activities)
yeht-ʷ ny C v it be born
yeqał- ny C v it be two-sided, have conflicting properties; (of surfaces) be uneven, be rough
yes- C C v it be winter
yēpu-ʷ ny v it be good-looking, be attractive
yēwə-ʷ ny v it be sour, be bitter
yōləh-ʷ ny C v it stretch one's muscles
yutən~ m N v it hasten, hurry
yūra- m v it be clean, be intact; (of people) be just, be innocent
yūt-ˀʷ m ʔ v it lie, recline, be in horizontal position
ahmē-ʷ V V v tr flirt with so.; date so.
aħoł- V C v tr pacify, soothe, calm down so.
ak-ˀ V ʔ v tr be (an)other, be equivalent to; take the place of, be instead of
ałam- V C v tr damage, shatter, break into pieces
antu-ʷ V V v tr dilute, mix with water
aqułtuh- V C v tr rescue
aq’mə-ʷ V V v tr be a parent of, have as a child
atl- _T/N -āł- V C v tr be similar to
āyəh- V C v tr meet (by chance), encounter
āyu- V V v tr deny, refuse
čīkuň- C N v tr be superior to; command
eqō-ʷ V V v tr dwell, live (somewhere)
espi- V v tr fail to understand; be bad at remembering the details of
ēmaq-ˀ _V -ēnq- V ʔ v tr like, be fond of, care for, look after
ēq‹a›rés- V C v tr keep (animals), herd
ēraq’a- V v tr hurt, injure
əl‹›kotlu-ʷ V v tr torture; tantalise
əlt‹›aq’mūm- V C v tr invent, come up with; instigate
əlt‹›oł-ʷ V C v tr kill
əłučiň~ V N v tr be in love with, be spouse of
əmp’āň~ V N+ v tr kick (with the knee)
ərān-ˀ V ʔ+ v tr weave, plait
əšuk’un~ʸ V N v tr be dispreferrable for, be unwanted by
hāraq-ˀ hny ʔ v tr hide, conceal, withhold
hēlə- hm v tr metamorphose, change into, imitate
hēnqa- hny v tr consume, use up, exhaust
hit’əň~ hm N v tr chew
hīłaq-ˀ hny ʔ v tr push, shove
hīwə- hny V v tr carve, etch
hkotawə- C v tr notice, recognise
hmēnči-ʷ C V v tr welcome; provide a suitable place for
hmōli- C v tr expel, waste; (refl.) vomit
hmūmiň~ C N v tr avoid, shun, sidestep, bypass
hnām~ C N v tr hear
hnīnkən~ʸ C N v tr work on sth.
hōmusu-ʷ hm v tr drop, discard, throw away
hūra- m (p) v tr allow, permit
hwīn~ m (p) N+ v tr roast, fry
ħehk- ny (q) C v tr stir
ħēlən~ hny N v tr pinch, squeeze
ħērə- ny (q) v tr adapt to, cope with
ħet-ˀ ny (q) ʔ v tr be an aunt or uncle of; have as a niece or nephew
iltūh-ʷ V C v tr compose poetry
imīlə- V v tr feel, perceive
inq’a- V v tr meddle, interfere with
in‹›sōk-ˀ V ʔ v tr carry around, be equipped with, be characterised by
int’e- V V+ v tr be worried about sth.
intloh-ʷ V C v tr talk about, discuss sth.
ipū- V V v tr show, point at
īhmun~ʸ V N v tr shine on sth., illuminate
īmanin~ʸ V N v tr fit in with sth.
īstəň~ V N v tr put into danger; (refl.) take a risk
kahku-ʷ ny v tr seek, look for
kalpə- ny v tr regret, be sorry about
kanə- C v tr be sad about sth.; grieve
kēmun~ʸ C N v tr flip over, turn around, spin
kēsaň- C C v tr lack, miss
kuhə- m v tr own, possess
kupawə- C v tr judge, estimate
k’nyusēň~ C N v tr be none of
let- C C+ v tr belong to
lənop- C C+ v tr curse, wish bad luck upon
luhu-ʷ C v tr pull, drag
l‹›ūyəsqʷ- C C v tr argue with, compete with, be a rival of, fight against so. (on an individual basis)
łaha- C v tr touch
łap’ə- C v tr expect, wait for
łēm-ˀ C ʔ+ v tr get, obtain, receive, accumulate
łək’naši- C v tr smell sth.
łisk-ˀ C ʔ v tr narrate, tell, explain
łutlə-ʷ _T/N -łōł-ʷ C v tr tear, rip
łūših-ʷ C C v tr carry on one's shoulders
ːmaqi- ːN/p v tr have sex with
ːmenqʷa- ːN/p v tr destroy, defeat
m‹›ešu-ʷ C v tr worship, praise
m‹ə›čī- C V v tr reach out for
m‹ə›č’īn-ʷ C C v tr strike a new path, lead the way to
m‹ə›hnek-ˀ C ʔ v tr be angry at, hold a grudge against
m‹ə›mpohə- C v tr attack, threaten
m‹ə›tloh-ʷ C C v tr talk to
mīnčilə-ʷ C v tr be a grandparent of, have as a grandchild
mokonin~ʸ C N v tr be distracted by
ːmōmun~ʸ ːN/q N v tr irrigate (land); water (plants); do gardening at/with
musū- C V v tr pursue, follow
muši- C v tr add; contribute; collect; store
mut’nān-ʷ C C v tr tie up
nalkə- C v tr prepare food (without heat)
ːnásanin~ʸ ːN/t N v tr argue, quarrel
ːnaši- ːN/t v tr press, crush, grind
nān-ʷ C C v tr put x into a fixed position, fasten
nāwə- C v tr learn, understand
nsūm-ˀ C ʔ+ v tr match, be equal to
ntahni- C V v tr blow (towards)
ntla- _ː -ntlā- C V+ v tr dye, paint
ntlū-ʷ C V v tr renounce, give up, abandon
nuskʷa- C v tr bless, wish good luck upon
ːnyots-ʷ _T/N -ːnyūs-ʷ ːN/k C v tr scratch
oħqʷ- V C v tr be son-in-law/daughter-in-law/cross cousin of
olna- V V v tr be a type of
ōma- V v tr accidentally prevent sth.
pāyu-ʷ m C v tr think, suppose, be of the opinion that
pəšan- C C v tr cook
pīkə- C v tr be a brother of
pīnkun~ʸ m N v tr be allied with
počīn-ʷ C C v tr open
pōmun~ʸ C N v tr lock in, imprison
pūnə- C v tr admit, confess
pūwi- C V v tr navigate to, orient oneself towards
p’ahki- C C v tr select, choose, prefer
p’āň~ C N+ v tr punch, hit (with a forward motion)
p’īn- C C v tr lure, bait
p’nał- C C v tr remind oneself of; pay attention to
p’našon~ʷ C N v tr remember, know (from memory)
qałč’ūmun~ʸ ny N v tr build, construct (said of buildings and other non-movable things)
qām-ˀ ny ʔ+ v tr chop, cut off (with a sudden motion)
q’ma- C V+ v tr be covered with, be obscured by
q’mēl- C C v tr be related to, be linked with
ramōn~ʷ r/o N+ v tr marry (said of men)
rēnin~ʸ r/u N v tr be rich in, have a surplus of
rəp’aka- C v tr pierce, stab
rihə- r/u v tr be a sister of
rika- C v tr be subordinate to; obey; comply with
rispi- C V v tr eat (soup, stew, porridge etc.)
rūłaq- r/o C+ v tr split, divide, separate
sant’ə- C v tr know, be made aware of
sap- C C v tr exclaim, announce
sāk’ən~ʸ C N v tr block, oppose, resist
sāri- C V v tr say, speak
s‹›āyəsqʷ- C C v tr strive for, aim, attempt
se‹›nyał- n (t) C v tr go into (a bounded area)
s‹›ēhni- C v tr show, prove, demonstrate (to sb.)
sēlt-ˀ C ʔ v tr protect, guard; be the shadow of
sēnkun~ʸ C N v tr be satisfied by/with sth.
skakōł- C C v tr have a secret before x
s‹›kalpə- C v tr apologize to so.
skəhpaka- C v tr kick (with the foot)
s‹›kok- C C+ v tr be ready for sth., be prepared for so.
skʷahku-ʷ C v tr find, discover
smīq’mə- m v tr wear (clothes)
sōk-ˀ C ʔ v tr hold
sōn~ n (t) N+ v tr help
sōtlu-ʷ C V v tr take, accept
sqēš- C C v tr leave, go away from
st‹ə›šał- C C v tr go into (a container)
st‹ə›sōk-ˀ C ʔ v tr keep (things), have in store, provide shelter for, house so.
šisqa- C v tr spend time with, meet (intentionally)
šokʷ- C C v tr spread out, distribute, strew
šusk’un~ʸ C N v tr fear sth.
tāmu-ʷ n v tr eat (solid food)
tehni- n V v tr cut, slit open
tēmu-ʷ n v tr be an enemy of
tērinin~ʸ n N v tr result in sth.
tołku-ʷ n v tr shake
tōni- C v tr taste, experience
tōwi- C V v tr initiate, suggest, be a pioneer in
t’əčūn-ˀʷ C ʔ+ v tr build, construct (said of movable devices, e.g. tools or furniture)
t’əmōn~ʷ C N+ v tr marry (said of women)
t’ōn~ʷ _V -t’ūm~ʷ C N+ v tr believe, take stock in
tlak-ˀ C ʔ v tr see, watch, look at
tlarā-ʷ C V v tr drink
tlasči- C V v tr mold, knead
tlastōň~ C N+ v tr wash, bathe
tlənčūn-ˀʷ C ʔ+ v tr build, construct (said of vehicles)
tləspaka- C v tr slap, beat (with a sideward or downward motion)
tliši- C v tr form, bring into shape
tsak- C C+ v tr lay out a trap for so.
tsank’ə- C v tr throw
tsəskāqʷ-ˀ C ʔ v tr improve sth.
tsōł- C C v tr be a descendant of, have as an ancestor, derive from, be caused by
tsūt-ˀ C ʔ v tr know (from experience)
unk’ən~ʸ V N v tr overcome, resolve, make it through, pass by
ūmut- V C+ v tr answer, respond
ūri- V v tr arrange, sort, mix
wāta- C v tr organise, manage, govern
yāniň~ C N v tr dislike, hate
yeq-ˀ ny ʔ v tr be different from
yūlə-ʷ C v tr be adjacent to, be attached to
yūqʷ’a- m v tr create, establish, plan