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Verbs are given in the imperfective indicative and perfective indicative. Nouns and other words are given in only one form.

The parts of speech are as follows:

T: Transitive verb

I: Intransitive verb

N: Noun

A: Adverb

Q: Number or quantifier

P: Particle or other

Root POS Gloss
Mam N Spring
Mimi N Early summer
Rondon N Hurricane, late summer
Rap N Autumn
Taa N Father
Mona N Mother
Penga N Older brother
Nundi N Older sister
Imee N Younger siblling
Run N Man
Mot N Boy
Ronza N Woman
Nunna T Eat
Afe T Drink
Usa T Enjoy
Vii N Water
Mafa N Alcohol
Ee I Sing
Pahon I Dance
Kome N Tunic
Kasa N Belt
Kara N Trousers
Kas N Leg
Mon N Shoe
Vet N Eye
Kasa T Admire
Nengi T Love
Poo N Hand
To N Nose
Mata N Ear
Vata N Arm
Kuno N Shun, avoid
Nata N Hate
Kil N Girl
Mariro N Village
Maniira N Farmer
Atiira N Craftsman
Sirafonda A Furthermore
Ama N Animal
Sovu N Stream
Karo N Rock, stone
Mira N Sun
Konzi, konzeva T Kill
Kuta, Kutava I Die
Nofa, nofava T Cook
Paa N Sky
Kifon N Land, country, ground (not dirt)
Pat N Pig
Masa N Wheat, grain
Maha N Porridge
Sosina N Cow
Kafo N Sheep
Toto N Dog
Pik N Steamed bun or dumpling
Omma N Deer
Kahee N Rabbit
Moho N Fruit
Kofa N Tree
Paro N Grass
Raa, raafa T Help
Some N Flower
Tenga N Insect, bug
Saho N Rat
Kopsaho N Squirrel
Kavi N Dirt, soil
Sofifa N Heaven, spirit world
Son N Commoner household
Teva N Bed
Pono N Table
Tafafa N Dry field
Kan N Axe
Vombo N House
Tuna N Noble household
Sunga N Magical authority
Kiravu N Witch, shaman, demon
Katon N Head of a noble household
Koraa N People, tribe
Pok N Cloth from ramie or wool
Sol N Time
Tamo, tamova I Be before
Nendi, nendeva I Be now
Is, iseva I Be later
Il N Disease
Nate N Festival, ritual
Ol N Ritual square
Sut N Prayer
Aha, ahava I Dirty
Tip N Mythical or divine being
Tovira N Bird
Aldovira N Crow
Pimaro N Turtle
Rembu N Lion
In N Salt
Anaso N Bronze
Neea N Gold
Tife N Mouse
Tova N Egg
Tpaa N Horse
Senga N Winter
Tendo N Eetafira-speaking ethnic group
Minil N Harvest
Sita N Top
Ovi N Cloak
Kira A More
Poo N North
Kii N Upper class
Nunga N Lower class
Sirel, sirerufa T Argue
Kal, kalba T Destroy
Tonza, tonzava T Wear, wrap
Nava, navava I Travel
Vaha, vahava T Remove
Ruta, rutava T Turn
Onap, onafeva I Tight
Nun, nuneva I Warm